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Posts posted by weesh

  1. Well, I never would have bought all the episodes on iTunes if I had not had an easy way to try it.

    I wonder if Hasbro's ineffectiveness is on purpose.

    Obviously they need to put up the appearance of a hard line, but cutting off the only access some people have, and being completely legalistic about it may not be in their best interest.

    The result is that they have legal proof of fighting for their IP while still giving fringe people like me a chance to try it out.

    On a related note:

    I think they should make the first AND the second episode free on iTunes as well. It seems useless to provide only half of the pilot to get people into it.

  2. It's a true story, no joke, it got me on my local news channel

    The interview didnt go to well considering the news-casters didnt have the slightist idea of what a brony was

    You really didn't start there? Everyone I've asked so far has had no idea and I have had to explain it to them. They are still confused after "it is a portmanteau of bro and pony" and I need to explain further.

  3. I disliked the CMC the first time I watched the series. It was mostly just severe annoyance at having to watch Stare Master and Show Stoppers back to back, but after that my opinion of them was severely soured for a long time.

    I remember being annoyed by that.

    And also by Applebloom having no idea two of her classmates were blankflanks (and that they didn't know she was one)

    And by the fact that "Show Stoppers" set them back.

    And because scootaloo was so disrespectful of five of the cutie mark stories in CMC.

    And because "Cutie Pox" made zero sense from start to finish.

    I find myself feeling better about those episodes just by typing this post.

    Edit: oops, I mistyped that last line. It was supposed to say "bitter".

  4. I want an episode completely about the background ponies from beginning to end - and the Mane 6 are all in the background for this entire episode - The central character should be Derpy and the entire plot could be a day in the life of Derpy as she encounters everyone from Dr. Whooves to Octavia. A day of nothing but background ponies.

    I'd amend that by saying it is still about the mane 6, but from the background ponies perspective. "Scrubs" did an episode about the background characters, but they still interacted with the main characters. It was one of the funnier episodes, and it could be quite illuminating. We have a general idea of what TS thinks about FS, but what does the mayor think about FS?

  5. Technological advancement occurs at the speed of plot.

    I love the idea of a society that has things that they need to do things, like bowling alleys, ovens, and lights, but NOT the things that keep you sedentary like radio and TV.

  6. Don't forget that Rainbow Dash referred to a "Ditzy Doo" during Winter Wrap Up, though it's nice to see them settle on the official fanon name. I might also suggest that the creative powers-that-be between Facebook and the actual writers for the show may not be connected or in any sort of creative contact whatsoever, so we could still see more from either a Derpy or Ditzy in time to come.

    I remember that, but I had never assumed it was referring to Derpy. It fits the character we have created for her, but it still could have been anyone.

  7. Just got back from my Uncle's snowplow company, which I work part time for in the winter. Today I found that each of the snowplows that my uncle owns has a radio and CD player. After discovering this I had a brilliant idea, I would burn the song "Winter Wrap-Up" onto a CD and would ride around town plowing snow and singing along to "Winter Wrap-Up" as it played, with my sister.

    This exemplifies why I want to be part of an MLP community.

  8. "Waste not fresh tears over old griefs." - Euripides

    Unless you need to grieve and had never done it yet for some reason.

    "Gentlemen, Please, no fighting in the war room!"

    -Some guy whose name slips my mind

    I believe "Dr. Strangelove" gets the credit for that one.

    “Harry Potter is about confronting fears, finding inner strength and doing what is right in the face of adversity. Twilight is about how important it is to have a boyfriend.”

    -Stephen King

    For the record, the 4 harry potter books that I read are among the 4 worst books that I have ever finished.

  9. so, of a grand total of 37 episodes, we see the cmc with significant roles in six episodes, or 16% of the episodes. of those episodes, half of them help develop one or more of the mane six (Sisterhooves Social- Rarity, Cutie Mark Chronicles - mane six, Stare Master - Fluttershy). that leaves us with 3 episodes devoted to the cmc, or 8% of the episodes

    Those three remaining episodes were abysmal though. Among the worst. Sisterhooves social would have still been 99% as good without Sweetie Bell Character Developments, as would Stare Master.

    I dunno... I'm torn about the CMC... I hate them because they are oblivious to what their cutie marks are, even though it's blatantly obvious to everyone, including the other two CMC's. i feel like they're never learning their true talent and the entire episode ends up being filler since they dont leave with a real lesson in their heads...

    At least the other characters pretend to have character development. Show stoppers set them back!

  10. Of the mane 6, Pinkie Pie is my least favorite, but I would rather have a Pinkie Pie episode than a Crusader episode any day. This has very little to do with my feelings about the crusaders. It is about the desire to learn more about the 6 ponies that I care the most about.

    Episodes like Sisterhooves Social are great, because it is more about Rarity than Sweetie Bell, as it was Rarity that grew the most.

    An episode Cutie Mark Chronicles was cool, but it was only pretending to be about the Crusaders.

    My vote is for much less of them.

  11. Imagine an episode in which the side story is that Fluttershy stops talking and no one notices. I can think of some cool lessons and options for how that would end.

    No wait, I've got a better idea:

    I'd be amused by a Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie episode in which they successfully fool the others into thinking some crazy piece of magic has switched their minds. They both like practical jokes, and we would see some ridiculous scenarios.

    I imagining Pinkie in a state of panic over loosing her wings, and Dash having a blast and thinking it was a cool adventure.

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  12. Draw something, every day. And to actually finish what I start! I hate it when I start something but give up early.

    Wow, I am the exact opposite. When I was training in martial arts, the instructor would ask us: "what is the hardest part of improving in Kuk Sool?" and the answer was "Showing up."

    Once I have broken the inertia of hanging out at my computer, everything becomes easier.

    For me, the resolution of "practice guitar everyday" would not be half as effective as "Take the guitar out of its case several times per week". Once it is in my hands, I might go several hours with it. Unfortunately, I need to keep in in my case whenever I am not using it to protect it from low humidity. So it is not as simple as just grabbing it.

  13. I've been thinking about this topic for the past week, and there is no obvious choice for me.

    The two songs following are excellent, but are not quite right to be a theme song for me:

    World on Fire captures a lot of my empathy and hope for the world, and as a bonus, this is my favorite music video of all time.

    If You're Out There is SOOOOO close to being perfect, but there is a single line that isn't in line with my philosophy.

  14. The curling club I play at has a bulletin board for comics, pictures, newspaper articles, etc.

    Could someone update the following picture for me since I am unable to do it myself?

    1) change the red stone to the same shade of blue as the blue stone

    2) optional: give the yellow stone a more obviously yellow hue.

    3) optional: some sort of amusing caption of your choice ("Curling just got 20% cooler"?)



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