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Posts posted by weesh

  1. Dwaaah X100 Mane Six as fillies. I like how Fluttershy is a little taller than the others..And her legs are not as chubby as the others as well. And scruffy Rainbow Dash kid for the win.

    Those are pretty neat, but the million dollar question is: "how do the manes look from the back?"

    I still haven't found any figures that look good from that angle.

  2. tbh, a 'learning how to fly' episode seems sort of lame.

    Agreed. I don't want a whole episode on that either. But there are tons of ways that flying could be incorporated into an episode well.

    Off the top of my head:

    1) using flying as an analogy for her new roles and responsibilities

    2) if flying is instinctual, it could be related to some other struggle that Twilight can't solve just by thinking it through.

    3) if there is something stressful happening, flying lessons could be her one chance to escape and process her new life (similar to "the princess bride" or "brave")

    4) what if flying lessons inspire a desire to investigate her new earth pony nature?

    I really hope that they don't miss such a neat opportunity.

  3. Yeah. Only I was able to shake Twilight out of it, apparently, with my purposefully vague line. I had almost hoped Fawkes would go the Chrysalis/changelings route with it (why I said royal rather than princess), but what he came up with was just as fun and different.

    Heh, I had missed that Fawkes also brought Twilight into it without hearing her name.

    And a closer look at his pic revealed Celestia hiding under all the money... : )

  4. Bahaha, maybe I'll do that from now on~

    Thoughts during the first song: "I have made a terrible mistake"

    Thoughts during the crescendo of "Stars": "Nailed it"

    Seeing it on Broadway was still best, but this was one of the best film adaptations I have seen IMHO.

    It is still the number one most important musical for me to see on broadway, and has been in the top three for years. I have had to put up with just the soundtrack for so long that I didn't realize how magical it would be to see it unfold.

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