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Status Updates posted by Lux

  1. Wishing everypony in the USA a safe and happy Memorial Day!

  2. Rest In Peace Robin Williams.

  3. Anyone use Inkscape for drawing? If so let me know as I have a few questions about it.

  4. In a creative pssion slump lately. Hopefully things will improve soon.

  5. Looking at how many threads I'm in I think I need to wait before joining any more.

  6. Weather was bad in my area. Luckily I'm ok and so is my house. Will be posting soon.

  7. Scootalux has evolved to... Chicken?

  8. Do I dare once more enter the race and try for a cast character in Canterlot Chronicles? The first question would be who to try for.

  9. Want any of my OCs for a fun encounter with your ponies! If so, let me know!

  10. More Scootaloo and Zecora goodness on the way. Stay tuned!

  11. Ah the site is back! Now i can stop breathing in and out of this bag that smells like onions and sadness.

  12. Going to be doing some new threads for Sweet Surprise, Heart Healer, Watermelon Gush, Snow Dancer, Russet Apple, and Scootaloo. So stay tuned!

  13. Wishing everyone a happy holidays and a happy New Year!

  14. Want to visit the all new Library in the new castle in Ponyville? Go check out A New Chapter in World of Equestria!y

  15. Heh, looks like I jumped too soon making a thread that is related to the season finale events.

  16. Season Finale Epicness! (Passes out from the awesone)

  17. Updated my cover page with photos of the three cast ponies I play. Credit to Harwicks-Art for those photos.

  18. I'm the L to the U to the X it's true. And all my little ponies I bring fun to you! I'm Luxalicious!

  19. Cleared any threads from February that are done. Let the march threads continue!

  20. My computer is currently being serviced. Will catch up to threads this week.

  21. Evil beware, we have ponies.

  22. Lots of threads to catch up on!

  23. Wishing everypony a safe and happy New Year!

  24. Wishing everypony a happy Hearth's Warming holidays (Christmas)!

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