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Status Updates posted by Lux

  1. Credit of my new Icon goes to Chickenhawk!

  2. Just Watched episodes 24, 25, and 26. Uncommon Bonds was an amazing one about friends' differing interests. As for the Season finale, I'm not going to spoil it, but it really tied up lots of the lore we saw in the season. Great ending to the season! 

  3. Working on my Capper art. Will post soon! 

  4. One more thing! I drew Tempest Shadow! Next will probably be Capper. 

  5. Loved the MLP movie. Review to follow soon! 

  6. Going to the MLP movie with my best friends. I'll let you know how it was soon! 

  7. On a different note, I thought of an RP idea, but I need help with this. I'm looking for my psychologist Crystal Pony, Heart Healer, to have a surprise session with either Princess Cadence or Shining Armor or both! Maybe to go with the fact of them now having a kid? 

    Just brainstorming...

  8. Waring: staring at my latest art for extended periods of time may cause nightmares and fear of cartoon characters coming to life with evil intentions! 

  9. Interesting revelation I found. It seems that when I draw a character from MLP in an Anthro form it might be too niche. Some MLP fans don't like Anthro art and some Anthro fans don't like MLP. I think that art style is trying to do too much. Perhaps I'll just keep Anthro and MLP separate.

  10. Thinking about giving my Metal singer Aerion, Nocturnal Melody, a little upgrade in design, including a new mane, tail and eye color. Expect an updated picture soon! 

  11. So I watch many videos from brony analysts in a group from the Rift Cafe. But lately I've seen a rift in the Rift Cafe and another group called The Secret Rift? So, anyone know what's up? (Is confused)

  12. Unfollowed a few threads that have been inactive for over three months. If any threads are getting restarted that I was in, please PM me. 

  13. If you check my character log, you'll see some signs posted saying On Hiatus. While I'm not going on Hiatus, I will be for now pairing down my cast list to certain characters, meaning no new posts with them. If you do want to RP with them, let me know! 

  14. I'm working on possibly new RP ideas. Hopefully I'll post them today!

  15. So, I saw the season ending, and I have to say... interesting. Definitely some new Changeling information. Maybe not the best season ending, but still interesting. 

  16. Something goofed with my Gallery upload. Why it uploaded four of the same pics instead of one I have no idea! 

  17. Seeing that there is now an Equestria Girls area, maybe I should EQG one of my characters. But who? 

  18. One of the things I'm trying to do with my art (both MLP and Anthro) is to make them more life-like with their expressions and poses and less wooden. 

  19. Attempting to draw something difficult: King Sombra. 

  20. Only found one missing post from Friday, but it wasn't an RP one. Hope the others are locked in. 

  21. Mental note: when uploading images using Windows 10, make sure to have the image about 1.1 MB or less, otherwise the Gallery save function will jam and create multiple copies like what happened now! Err... can a moderator just delete all the copy images called Gary Stu? I'll try to upload it later with a smaller image. 

  22. A new FNAF game! (Squee!) 

  23. Good News Everypony! I upgraded my computer to Windows 10, and things seem to be working! 

  24. It's strange how I find it easy creating and drawing pony OCs, but in terms of other non-pony characters my inspiration falls flat!

  25. Drawing Queen Chrysalis for the first time? Nailed it! <3

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