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Posts posted by Lux

  1. The earth pony was a little sad that the massage had ended. It was so relaxing and despite knowing she couldn't just lay about in the spa she wished it was longer. As she lay there for a moment, Carrot Top watched as the two ponies made their recommendation. The earth pony knew that the day was passing and soon the spa would be closing. She certainly didn't want to over stay her welcome, especially with all the gratitude that they gave her.

    Lotus then spoke of the sauna, something that Aloe mentioned prior when first entering the spa. Yet there was something wrong about it. Aloe mentioned that the sauna really should have been prior to the mud bath or else the minerals might sweat out of her coat.

    [colour=#ff8c00]"Well I said I'd like to try out as much as I could, so let's try the sauna and see what happens."[/colour]

    She tried getting up suddenly from the bed when she felt her legs shake as if they were made of jelly. She then found herself flopped on the floor of the spa.

    [colour=#ff8c00]"Um maybe I should wait a few seconds before I get to the sauna." [/colour]

  2. Just as she suspected Telki lost concentration as the book dropped. It was however not a complete loss as the unicorn was able to keep the balld from hitting the ground. The pony however felt dejected that she failed to keep the orbs orbiting.

    [colour=#800080]"You performed wonderfully Telki. I apologize for the last part as that was meant to test whether you were able to maintain control, and I must say you did. Most ponies end up dropping the balls when they hear a distracting noise, some even letting them spin out of control causing them to fly about the room. You on the other hoof were able to keep them aloft, so should not feel saddened by the fact that you did not keep them in orbit when you heard the book fall. From what I can see you exhibit a great amount of control with such a complex magic and [/colour][colour=#800080]aside from your one time that you used your magic on others you have not done so after that. [/colour][colour=#800080]Therefore it is my opinion that I don't think you will harm a pony intentionally. Now accidents do happen, but for those times you must simply see them for what they are: accidents. Do you feel better now that you know that you are no longer harming other ponies?" [/colour]

  3. [colour=#cc0033]“Glad you asked Lore! Icy and I were both magic students as Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. Sadly, she didn’t like it much in Canterlot, so she moved here while I stayed behind. However, we met each other again at a Canterlot coffee shop a few months ago, and now we’re once again the coolest PFFs around... mostly because Icy is all icy, tehehe.”[/colour]

    Lore Weaver couldn't help but chuckle at Moondancer's response. The fact that Ice Storm was easy to make friends with was no surprise to him.

    [colour=#800080]"Well, I'm glad to hear that you two got back together[/colour] [colour=#800080]and became friends. And I know that she had a little of a hard time in canterlot, but i'm glad that there were ponies like you that showed her that it not a bad place." [/colour]

    [colour=#cc0033]“Anyway Lore, I just wanted to say thanks for helping my friend get started in Ponyville. It was very risky of her coming here to turn a fresh leaf in this town, but you helped Icy pull it off!”[/colour] To show her appreciation for his kindness towards Ice Storm, the grinning Moondancer cheerfully ruffled Mr. Weaver’s blue mane for a few seconds before making direct eye contact with the stalliion; [colour=#cc0033]“I’m going to have to come up with a better way of thanking you, though.....”[/colour]

    [colour=#800080]"Oh you're welcome. I'm glad I could help."[/colour]

    Lore was a little surprised when Moondancer ruffed his mane as a sign of how happy she was. The mare sure was a playful pony and one that seemed to have an infinite amount of energy at her disposal. He wondered what she meant by her coming up with a better way to thank him.

    [colour=#800080]"No need to thank me. It's nice enough to have been able to meet Ice in the first place and have her help me get used to Ponyville."[/colour]

    Rarity offered a familiar nod to him. [colour=#663399]"No need to worry, Lore, dear. That's only for the husband."[/colour]

    Being that the stallion hadn't gone to many weddings in his lifetime much less weddings of close friends, he didn't know the little customs involved. The whole procedure was as if he was a tourist in another town, finding how things worked.

    She gave a laugh and continued, [colour=#663399]"Thanks a lot though. I really went all out with this dress to make sure it was just perfect for Ice!"[/colour]

    [colour=#800080]"Ah I understand that saying now about seeing the bride. And hearing from Ice Storm about her meeting you previously for a dress and how much she loved it, I definitely think that it will be perfect."[/colour]

    At last Lore got to see his friend. He was awestruck by the way she looked in her wedding dress. Now Lore knew she was pretty just by meeting her, but the dress magnified her beauty.

    [colour=#0000ff]"Thank you Lore. I sincerely can't thank you enough for being so kind and understanding with me. I truly don't thing I would have made it as far as I have in Ponyville without your help, and I dare say that this very event wouldn't have been possible without the chance that you gave me,"[/colour][colour=#000080] she told him giving him a brief friendly hug and retracting. [/colour][colour=#0000ff]"If you ever need help with anything ever, don't be afraid to drop by my store. I'll be more than happy to help in any way that I can,"[/colour]

    [colour=#800080]"You're very welcome! I want to thank you too. If you weren't there to say hi to me the first day i came to town, I don't know how I would think of the place. And you helped me get my business going too[/colour]. [colour=#800080]But most importantly, you [/colour][colour=#800080]are my best friend here, and if you need anything as well, feel free to come to my store at anytime, even if it's just to get to talk. I do wish you the best of luck with Dunder in your new life with him."[/colour]

    Lore noticed that Ice mentioned that the ceremony would be starting soon.

    [colour=#800080]"I won't keep you waiting then Ice. I'll see you later. Um... Moondancer, if you're not with anyone here, do you want to sit with me during the ceremony?"[/colour]

  4. Carrot Top led the way to the farming supplies area along with Hayseed. Sure shopping was ok, but shopping with another was even better.

    [colour=#ff8c00]"Yes I noticed that you were with your sisters before. One asked my where to find things for making explosives? Not sure why she needed those. Sounds like the two can be a hoof full."[/colour]

    Before the mare could pull out her shopping list, a loud shout was heard from somewhere in the store. Whatever was happening, the pony shouting sounded pretty upset.

    [colour=#ff8c00]"Do you need to see what's going on with your sister, Hayseed[/colour][colour=#ff8c00]?"[/colour]

  5. Well for threads, you can certainly make new ones to your liking in other locations. Also, other locations will certainly have schools where your pony can attend and friends her age that she can meet. More importantly show canon has shown that the only Apple Family ponies that live in Ponyville are the four living at Sweet Apple Acres. As such no other Apple pony has lived in Ponyvile there and I think it should stay that way. So here's the thing: you can have your character stay in Ponyville and just not be a member of the Apple family or she can live somewhere else. I'd personally choose the second option so that your character still is an Apple member. But those are your options.

  6. Hello again. My question is why you want to choose Ponyville as where your character lives.

    Ponyville is just a piece of Equestria and there are other places where a pony can live. Furthermore, not all Apple family members live in Ponyville and are scattered throughout other cities. In fact there are only four Apple family members living in Ponyville: Applejack, Apple Bloom, Granny Smith, and Big Macintosh. Now there needs to be a legitimate reason why you want Apple Susie there in Ponyville. Keep in mind being close to the Apple family of Sweet Apple Acres is not a legitimate reason. So I would encourage you to find another place for Apple Susie to stay, and if she wants to visit Ponyville, by all means. This is not just you but all new applications we're encouraging to do so. We want others to explore the other places rather than just have the action centered in Ponyville.

  7. If he could rank all of his life moments by their strangeness, then for Guiding Light this would be at the top. Things had gone from a perfectly normal birthday party to a cacophony of bad cider, rolling barrels, cake ingredients, and awkward situations. The colt wondered if this was all a dream as he often had an active imagination that when left alone would gallop free. But this was more than even his imagination could concoct.

    [colour=#daa520]"I'm ok," [/colour]he said to Pinkie Pie and Applejack before looking at everything going on around him, [colour=#daa520]"[/colour][colour=#daa520]I think."[/colour]

    Suddenly the unicorn caught a bright light out of the corner of his eye and turned to see Rainbow Dash suddenly dressed in a gleaming white dress with now a long mane. she looked liked she was ready for a fancy ball.

    [colour=#daa520]"So shiny," [/colour]Guiding Light remarked staring at the glimmering pony like a moth attracted to a flame. But then the white was too bright, like staring at the sun, and the colt had to turn away.

  8. It's hard to summarize the whole Unicon situation, but it's basically this: the con staff had no idea how to run a convention, they planned for too many people with not enough funds, ran out of money, got booted out of the hotel early, and all the VIP guests (and, well, everyone else) got charged full pop for attending.

    ^This basically explains what happened SRG.

  9. Hello, your friendly neighborhood Helpstaffer here!

    You have a really cute character there.

    A couple of things to consider though with this character.

    1) I would consider placing your character in another town. We know that Ponyville is where the action happens in the show, but there are many other nice places that she can live in like Appleoosa, Manetattan, Fillydelphia, or Canterlot. Just some places to consider.

    2) You should leave out the reference to not being as good as Fluttershy with taking care of animals. First of all, we don't allow any references to cast characters in OC apps, and secondly you can just explain that she is just learning to take care of them rather than comparing herself to others.

    3) You should expand her history a little. I'd be interested in why her parents chose to home school her instead of allow her to go to public school as this can impact on how she meets her classmates. I also agree that your character doesn't have to fit the farm pony style. There are several Apple Family ponies that don't work on a farm. You might add the fact that she prefers working wit animals rather than kicking out with hind-legs apple trees. You should also memntion what she likes to do besides exploring and taking care of animals.

    4) You should add more to her personality. Like Riverhippo said, nothing is wrong with what you have, but you should make Apple Susie stand out among the herd. Things like what is she normally like personality wise, what gets her upset and how she reacts, and what her hopes and dreams are can add to this character.

    Hope this help you to make your character extra special!

  10. It seems that Tara wants to spend more time with her family. I can only imagine the toll of being a VA (even one like her that has a studio in her house) takes on family. Add to that any speaking engagements at cons.

    Unicon just soured things due to the epic failure.

    My hope is that VAs won't pull out of cons just because of Unicon. It would be a shame to have one bad moment ruin the experience for others to meet the VAs. Hopefully Tara and the others will be back going to cons after a little break.

    As for me, I'm still going of Big Apple Ponycon.

  11. Well, that's a shame. Hopefully this won't be a continual case of VA's not willing to go to cons due to one bad con.

    Edit: Wait a sec, looks like that the Big Apple Ponycon website hasn't updated to reflect this. either they still have to break the news or that this is a hoax.

    Edit 2: The news is on the Facebook page though so it looks like it's true.

  12. Hello there.

    Your friendly neighborhood Helpstaffer, Lux, here.

    I really like your character, but we already have a user who has a character with an identical name (Custard Pie)in their character app. You might want to try and alter this character's name slightly to avoid conflict. Also, be sure to change it through out the app. Thanks!

  13. Being a psychologist, Heart Healer knew how one event could haunt a pony for the rest of their life. Being that Telki after that incident with the robbers didn't harm any other pony meant that it wasn't an issue of control but that event.

    [colour=#800080]"So you only had that one event that made you afraid that you would hurt another pony and that you were actually using a restraining measure in the future. It appears that you are making a conscientious effort to not harm ponies again which is very admirable. When using your magic do you always think of that event or just periodically?" [/colour]

    Before Telki could respond, a sudden thud was heard as a book fell from the shelf behind Telki. Heart Healer Healer had when speaking to the unicorn been inching the book off the shelf so subtlety so that it was undetected until it fell. This was to test the element of surprise on the pony's concentration.

  14. Fire could see Moondancer was a little dejected when she told her not to wub like DJ Pon3.

    [colour=#ff0000]"Err... yeah, maybe practicing will do that."[/colour]

    Spirit asked while in the observation area about what a concert was. Even though she knew that the unicorn once lived in the forest surely Mr. Gre would have showed her some things like a concert, right?

    [colour=#ff0000]"Um... well a concert is where other ponies go to listen to other ponies singing or playing instruments. Usually it's outdoors, but sometimes it can be indoors too. [/colour][colour=#ff0000]Usually it also only has one group of ponies playing their songs at a time, although there could be a few. I guess it's kind of had to explain, so maybe taking you to one would be better." [/colour]

    Moondancer then began to point out the locations in town which gave Fire an idea.

    [colour=#ff0000]"Yeah you can really see everything in the city here. Like over there is the castle, and [/colour][colour=#ff0000]there's the park I like to dance in with my fire at night, and over there is my house!"[/colour]

  15. Lore Weaver gave a nod to Crescent Sparkle, noting that his face wore a look of surprise at the news that the library had an open door policy. The stallion thought back to his time living in Canterlot, It seemed so long ago and yet he knew it was only a year ago that he moved.

    [colour=#800080]"Well, I guess she is well acclimated. I could only imagine that she was like me when first coming her, unsure of where things were or how the ponies would be here. As for the open door policy, I'm not sure how other ponies do things, but when I'm away for lunch I lock up. That may be my old habits from being raised in Canterlot. [/colour]

    Lore couldn't help but be amazed at the sack of money that Twilight Velvet produced from her husband's possession. It was interesting to see how the couple interacted with each other, teasing and showing their affection in their own subtle way. The amount of bits in there was more than the purple unicorn would see on a good week of business at the bookstore. Granted that Canterlot had rich ponies, but the surprise of the amount of money nevertheless surprised the stallion.

    Twilight then asked Lore about his time in Ponyville, citing that there were rumors of it being dangerous. Granted these rumors were usually trumped up stories from ponies with a gift of gab, but Ponyville did have an uncanny ability of being the center of activity of strange happenings.

    [colour=#800080]"Well, Miss Velvet, I was actually born and raised in Canterlot, so I'm actually familiar where you're from. I guess it's no surprise owning a bookstore and going to the library that I love books. That's kind of how it's been for my entire life, loving to read and study. It's no wonder that I got this cutie mark here for being able to read and write and my magical ability. But anyway, I wanted to be a librarian in Canterlot, but there was no opening. So I decided to try the next best thing: opening a bookstore in Ponyville."[/colour]

    [colour=#800080]"Like you I heard about the stories of the things happening here, so it didn't help my worries moving to a new town. While some of it is just due to ponies who like to spin tales of this place, there are some strange things happening here. I guess it's due to in part being so close to the Everfree Forest. Strange place. Ponies talk of weird things living there and weather happening there[/colour] [colour=#800080]and plants growing without ponies' help. But I digress. The town actually is really nice and so are the ponies here. I felt really at home here thanks to several living here. So tell me about you two. How were things for you two living as fellow Canterlotians, err... I guess that's what I'd call it."[/colour]

    As Spike tried to awkwardly explain how gems tasted, something that he didn't get asked often it seemed nor was it a cut and dry answer, Lore's horn glowed slightly as he tried storing the information in his mind.

    [colour=#800080]"Oh, so I guess gems are kind of like jelly beans, right? Jelly beans have many different flavours too, some stranger than others. I'm sure you had some too Spike. Once I accidentally had a Brussels sprout flavoured one. That was kind of nasty tasting." [/colour]

    As Spike clutched his prized gems, his face contorting after eating what Lore could only guess was a bad gem, Lore thought back to Crescent's question about breakfast.

    [colour=#800080]"Well there is a cafe nearby that has all kinds of things: muffins, coffee cakes, sandwiches and other things. And it's pretty inexpensive. Actually where in Canterlot is half a sandwich sold for twenty five bits Mr. Sparkle?"[/colour]

  16. "[colour=#0000ff]That is fine to hear! I've never actually heard it described like that. Rather interesting.[/colour]"

    [colour=#ff0000]"Oh, well that's the best way I can describe it to other ponies so they don't get freaked out," [/colour]Fire said with a little smile.

    The older filly then saw that other familiar faces appeared.

    [colour=#ff0000]Oh hi Miss Marie. Nice to see you again. And Moon, I guess I didn't see you among the others. Sorry about that. How are you doing?"[/colour]

    Meanwhile Heart Healer nodded at Razor's response while the new pony tried to explain that she was the leader of the group.

    [colour=#800080]"Ah so you organized this meeting. Well it's nice that you did so since now we can meet. And I wouldn't worry about the pie though as there looks like other food is here." [/colour]

  17. Carrot top listened as Lotus tried to come up with a home remedy for the farmer's tension and aches that she received on a daily basis. Granted she didn't want to be a bother saying that she couldn't just go to the spa everyday as it would be a quick drain on her time and money. She hoped as business ponies the sisters would understand.

    Thankfully, Aloe offered a remedy to Carrot's aches in the form of a balm. True it was expensive, but if it meant that she'd get the relief she needed, she could afford it.

    [colour=#ff8c00]"I think that I'll try the [/colour][colour=#ff8c00]free sample. Who knows? I might be back for more. Anyway, what else is there to do in a spa?" [/colour]

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