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Posts posted by Lux

  1. Fire listened as the two friends and professors remarked about their spell accident. Sure it was funny now but Fire could only imagine how troubling that would have been back then.

    [colour=#ff0000]"You know, I was thinking about trying out teleporting, even though it's not my main spell. I heard from another pony that it's hard to do, but I want to at least try it. Maybe with an object first as i don't want to accidentally switch bodies with another pony. Speaking of spells, do you know and variations on fire spells? I've been trying to improve on what i know." [/colour]

  2. Fire couldn't help but giggle as Moondancer made an inpromptu impression of the music that DJ Pon3 made.

    [colour=#FF0000]"Um... yeah. I think you'd better let DJ Pon3 do the wubbing."[/colour]

    Spirit asked if all music was like that. Clearly she didn't hear much music from where she was.

    [colour=#FF0000]"Well, I'm no expert on music Spirit, but there are different types. Some have ponies signing, others are just the instruments. There's also different types too like classical, country, rock, dance, all kinds. You know I should take you to a concert if there's one playing next time you come to Canterlot."[/colour]

    Mis Marie at last announced that the group was at the observation area. It was an open space with a turreted appearance, just like the castle in Canterlot. From there the ponies could see a 360 degree view of the city and even beyond. The only place taller than this tower was of course the castle, making it the only obstruction.

    [colour=#FF0000]"Isn't this a great place," [/colour]Fire said, [colour=#FF0000]"I've been up here before fro an astronomy class, but this view never gets old. What do you think, Spirit?"[/colour]

  3. Nursery Rhyme looked too sick to respond, especially not to Guiding Light's question. The stallion looked around to see if his other classmates were ok when suddenly he saw it: a bareel that he could have swiorn was about the same size as him, maybe even bigger, rolling right towards him. He kept running as the rolling pile of wood threatened to turn him into a pony pancake. At the last moment he jumped out of the way as the barrel rolled by, barely missing the colt.

    [colour=#DAA520]"I hope I don't see another rolling barrel coming at me in my life," [/colour]he said as he collapsed to the floor in exhaustion.

  4. [colour=#FF8C00]"Well of course you are," [/colour]Carrot said kindly to the stallion as they readhed the sharpening area.

    Carrot then opened her saddlebags and emptied out its contents. A spade, weed pick, a tool that looked like a metal point used to dig a hole for seeds, and small metal rake was set of the floor.

    [colour=#FF8C00]"There we go. I still have to get my shovel sharpened, but I'll have to come back later for that since it's at home. Do you want to accompany me to the gardening area Hayseed? We can talk as we shop." [/colour]

  5. Carrot Top felt like her body was now made of jelly as Lotus continued her massage treatment. All the aches and pulls that she had from the day seemed to dissolve away as the pony began to work on her back. She heard the sisters mention about the stress on her back, an all too common feeling that Carrot knew about.

    [colour=#FF8C00]"Yeah, you're right. I do gave a lot of stress. It comes with the territory of being a farmer I guess. I try to take breaks during the day but after all the plowing, seeding, watering and harvesting those carrots I feel achy at the end of the day. Not to mention that I have the house to take care of too. A bath and relaxing at the end of the day is really the only thing that helps me. Do you know of something else that can help, aside from coming here for a massage of course!" [/colour]

  6. Heart Healer began to casually walk about the room making sure that she stayed in eye contact with Telki. Occasionally she would change directions to make things interesting but also as just her normal walk.

    [colour=#800080]"So Telki, from what I gather you ended up ising your ability on some robbers but now you are worried that you will hurt another pony, it that correct? Can you think of any other time that your magic has caused harm to others?"[/colour]

  7. Hello, Lux here.

    I'm checking to see who's going to Big Apple Ponycon this March.

    Also, would those going want to have an informal meetup there just to get to know each other outside of the forum?

    (It wouldn't be an official Canterlot meetup, just where those from here can say hi to each other).

  8. Fire Heart was so excited to make it to the observation tower that she almost forgot that there were other ponies behind hr. She quickly slowed up to wait for the three to catch up to her.

    Fire then heard Moondancer ask Spirit about whether she liked DJ Pon3.

    [colour=#FF0000]"Oh yeah, I remember now. You're totally a fan of her aren't you Moon? I remember that you were always humming a song of hers when in the practice room."[/colour]

    Fire then heard Spirit ask if DJ pon3 was a food.

    [colour=#FF0000]"You never heard of DJ Pon3? Well, she's not a food. She's a pony who plays music, mainly stuff that makes you want to dance. do you listen to music, Spirit?" [/colour]

  9. [colour=#000080]”While I admire your persistence, Ice Storm, I am not certain all of our schedules would line up properly for regular meetings. You have work, and Fire Heart and Moon Dancer both have their studies. I myself must watch over the night and the world of dreams in times of trouble. Not to mention, you personally don't even reside in Canterlot. It would be nice, I just don't know that it's feasible.”[/colour]

    [colour=#cc0033]“Whatever you girls come up with is fine by me; just as long as we can have fun there. If you want me to, I could offer up a suggestion as well.”[/colour]

    [colour=#0000FF]"Perhaps, perhaps regular meetings wouldn't be possible, but I would hope that this wouldn't be the last either. I've rather enjoyed just sitting here and talking with my friends. It's... something I haven't gotten the luxury of doing that often so when it does I cherish it,"[/colour]

    [colour=#FF0000]"Well I understand that everypony has things to do with jobs and studying and your royal duties Princess, but I hope like Ice said that we can meet again some time in the future. I really like meeting everypony."[/colour]

    [colour=#FF0000][colour=#cc0033]“Icy’s right; even if you get sick from it and all, I suppose teleportation’s worth at least one try in your life. Not many unicorns get the opportunity to even take a teleportation course in magic school, so make your time count.”[/colour][/colour]

    [colour=#FF0000]"You're right Moon. I can always try that. I mean, what's the hurt in trying it?"[/colour]

    [colour=#FF0000]. [colour=#000080]“Well, you don't get to be a few thousand years old without learning a thing or two about ponies.”[/colour] she smiled. [colour=#000080]”And I'm sure that there is somepony out there who loves you for who you are—in fact, I know there is. We're all here, right?”[/colour][/colour]

    Fire looked a little confused at Luna when she mentionedloved and then the other poiies present. She didn't think Fire was atttracted to Ice or Moon, right. But then the red unicorn realized that Luna was thinking about a different kind of love, the love of friends .

    [colour=#FF0000]"I understand. You say that because I can love friends that someday I'll find a spaecial somepony, right? That's a really nice thing to say. Hopefully finding a special somepony will be easy."[/colour]

    [colour=#FF0000][colour=#0000FF]"Haha, I can understand that. While it's fairly obvious that I love it as cold as possible it's also very obvious that such conditions would be a nightmare for you. On the bright side though, you have the ability to go inferno if you get too cold to heat yourself up in the winter just like I have the ability to make my house a blizzard in the summer. you and I are two very lucky ponies cause we never have to be uncomfortable, at least due to weather concerns anyway,"[/colour][colour=#000080] [/colour][/colour]

    [colour=#FF0000]"Yeah with my magic I can make sure that I won't get cold. So, weather isn't a big concern."[/colour]

    Moondancer then happened to mention about Nightmare Moon. It was an innocent mistake but one that clearly was felt by Princess Luna.

    [colour=#FF0000]"You're right Moon. No pony should be left alone, no matter what happened in the past. And if I go to Nightmare Night then I'd be happy to meet you and you too Princess Luna." [/colour]

  10. In most cases, Night Watcher was adept in how she should speak with other ponies. To superiors she was to be humble but not weak. To those below her in rank she needed to be firm but not antagonizing. To the civilians, she could relax a bit from her military persona and mingle with others. But a princess was an entirely different and new experience. Granted the princess was a regular pony, but Night still had to be careful to not be too casual with her.

    [colour=#000080]"And I'm afraid so. Assuredly, most of the guard are intent on protecting Equestria. But if somepony wanted to get close to a princess, either for information or ill intentions, what better way than to infiltrate those whose duty it is to protect Equestria and its rulers?”[/colour]

    [colour=#800080]"That makes perfect sense, your Highness. I remember the Changeling incident and how they were able to infiltrate so easily. The REA is still shaken by this event and there is a worry that there may be another incident like that. I hope that we are more prepared to stave off such a case. Anyway, do you have some place you wish to go, your Highness? I can guard you as you go." [/colour]

  11. Hello again.

    Just a few things need to be addressed before you're ready to have fun.

    You should describe your pony's mane and tail style.

    Also due to the influx of ponies in Ponyville there has been a hiousing crisis. I reccommend moving our pony to another of the many great places to live.

  12. Hello there.

    Your friendly neighborhood helpstaffer here.

    Before your app can be approved for Crossovers, you will need to remove the colour from the text.

    To do so, simply click the Edit button under you post. Then highlight the entire text and select Black in the colour area. Then just save it and you're good!

    Let me know when you're done!

  13. Night Watcher stood with her eyes focused as Radiant Steel inspected the cadet's armor. Naturally REA members didn't go inspecting each other before heading out on patrol, but in the case of a new cadet one had to be sure that he or she understood one of the most fundamental tasks. Thankfully the cadet passed this test according to the private.

    [colour=#800080]"Very well private Steel. Now with the preparation aspect taken care of, we will now embark on the patrol. Where I will be watching you two in action. Cadet Silver, you know the area of your patrol, correct?" [/colour]

  14. How about Carrot Top to start?

    Cutie Mark: Three Carrots

    What it means: Her gift of farming, especially carrots

    And also Lore Weaver

    Cutie Mark: An Open Book, Ink Pot, and Quill

    What it means: His talent for studying and writing books

  15. Carrot Top couldn't help but giggle as the stallion was literally tripping over himself to help her. Granted that she was no shrinking violet herself, but she was never opposed to help either. Nevertheless she was surprised that she had such an ability to make a stallion so attracted to him.

    [colour=#FF8C00]"Hello there Hayseed. I'm Carrot Top. I just came here for the sale and to get some supplies like you, but I realized that I hacve some gardening tools that need sharpening. Not as big as a plow, but still needed."[/colour]

    The earth pony's face went red with embarrassment when the stallion said she was pretty.

    [colour=#FF8C00]"Really? You think I'm pretty? That's the nicest thing a pony has even said to me. You're quite handsome too if I do say so myself."[/colour]

    Carrot never saw herself as being all that pretty as there were many other ponies who she considered to be prettier. Then again she didn't really have to time to think about getting all dolled up.

  16. The sound of Apple Blom's cry nearby suddenly awoke Guiding Light from his heroic dream causing him to sit bolt upright and look around.

    [colour=#DAA520]"Who what where? Is the town under attach by a dark cloud monster?"[/colour]

    He looked to see that he was back in the barn at Sweet Apple Acres. There was still the remnants of cake and other food around the barn and lingering in the air. There were still a couple of very concerned loooking adults and still some fellow clasmates there, some asleep and others wide awake. He saw the strangest thing: Sweetie Belle hanging onto Apple Bloom's leg for dear life, like if she let go something would happen.

    It was then that Guiding Light noiticed another classmate in distress, a filly named Nursery Rhyme.

    [colour=#DAA520]"Are you ok? You don't look so well? Then again, I don't feel so well either." [/colour]

  17. Oh my gosh! I love this episode.

    First the songs. Gotta love them I like the True Friend one and the (I think it's called) Find the Answer.

    I love the story, how they tied in the mix up with the cutie marks and Twilight's change. It didn't seemed patched together but a very seemless transition.

    Can't wait until the next season to see what will happen!

  18. Fire Heart looked around the living room turned office She marveked at the stacks of books and papers, all seeming out of place but yet had their purpose. She was amazed that both Professor Magic and Krashkop had laboratories used to study magic. Best of all, she was about to venture into one!

    Fire then thought about what professor Magic said about practicing her skills.

    [colour=#FF0000]"Well, I try to practice when I can. At Princess Celestia's School, the teachers encourage us to practice but with just what was learned in the class. I can do some things with my fire magic, but I'm always looking to learn more. How do you work on variations of spells Professor Magic? I'm just used to what I learn from spellbooks and not about any variations." [/colour]

  19. Sky Flare was resting on a cloud above the town proper, just pony watching. It was Hearts and Hooves time and the town was decked out in pinks and reds and hearts everywhere. All around town he watched as couples were spending their time together, some having a romantic meal while others just relaxing and enjoying each other's company.

    It was a bittersweet feeling for the fiery manned pegasus. He was havpy that other ponies were in love, but on this day he felt the absence of his special somepony from his life even more than any other holiday. Oh, he knew it would be someday that he'd find his better half, but he wished sometimes it would be sooner than later.

    [colour=#FF8C00]"One day Sky," [/colour]he said softly to reassure himself, [colour=#FF8C00]"One day."[/colour]

    The pegasus then noticed that there was a crowd gathering around a certain booth. His first though was that something bad happened. He flew from his cloud perch and landed outside the crowd.

    [colour=#FF8C00]"Um... hey everypony and griffon. What's up"[/colour]

    He then saw the sign that read "Free Kisses" andd noticed that a zebra was manning the booth.

    [colour=#FF8C00]"Huh... well, I can't pass up a free kiss." [/colour]

  20. Catrrot Top was stunned at the filly's fascination with explosives and firecrackers. Surely her family was none too thrilled about the fact that she was into such a dangerous hobby. It was clear that had not the two siblings been distracted by things that caught their attention, then the would have continued to dissuade the filly from puurchasing anything like that.

    [colour=#FF8C00]"Well, I'm not really skilled in making fireworks. I once as a filly about your age made a cork rocket. That's where you get a glass bottle, fill it with vinegar and baking soda and then put a cork in it. The pressure will cause the cork to fire into the air. If you try it, just don't have the cork pointed at anypony or at anything that could break, ok?"[/colour]

    Satisfied with the alternative to full blown fireworks, Carrot's ears perked up when she heard about the tool sharpening area.

    [colour=#FF8C00]"You know, I have some small digging tools on me that need sharpening as well. They get dull pretty fast."[/colour]

    She then turned towards the stallion who asked the question about the sharpening area. It was time to turn on the charm a little.

    [colour=#FF8C00]"Say, can a nice stallion like you show a mare like me where to get my gardening tools sharpened?"[/colour]

  21. Heart Healer was please to see that Telki was able to levitate the three balls independently and move them.

    [colour=#800080]"Ah very good. You are able to focus on them when they are moving around a stationary target. As for the cause of your breakdown, it is not that you used your magic but the guilt of using it on others. Now let's try you doing the same thing but this time I'll be moving around." [/colour]

  22. Fire Heart gave an awkward look at Razor's response. Often times Fire was concerned with how others would be affected by her magic, especially making sure they weren't afraid or hurt. But few have ever asked her if she got hurt.

    [colour=#FF0000]"Oh my fire magic doesn't hurt me. You see, it kind of naturally forms a wreath of flames around me. It feels kind of warm around me, like a warm blanket."[/colour]

    Meanwhile Heart Healer was listening to the other ponies about why they joined. Each had their own reasons from wanting to learn more about magic to getting their name out, to even staying for the snacks. She was surprised by an older pony named Grey Lexis's introduction which was very grandiose.

    [colour=#800080]"Well, Mr. Lexus, it seems that you have traveled around much and have much knowledge."[/colour]

    Then suddenly there was a controversy between Mr. Lexis regarding who should lead the meeting. To make things even more chaotic, a third pony entered in and announced that she was the leader.

    [colour=#800080]"Um... excuse me, but who is leading the meeting exactly?"[/colour]

  23. [colour=#FF8C00]"Oh I certainly will be sure to pick up that jam, Mr. Rich," [/colour]Carrot said with a smile.

    In reality this is why she was here in the first place. She could have gone anytime to prurchase what she needed and still would have received a bargain, but today was special. She had her eyes of the prize, that coveted jar of Zap Apple Jam.

    Carrot was about to walk away when she heard one of the younger ponies that entered, a rust coloured colt, ask about buying materials for explosives.

    [colour=#FF8C00]"Um... excuse me for asking? But why do you want to buy exoplosives?" [/colour]

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