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Posts posted by Lux

  1. "While alicorn is not canon what is canon is that the princesses are all three races, not a winged unicorn. On whether or not Celestia or Luna leans to unicorn or pegasus can't really be said much as they are not shown often enough. I would say this, one should consider that Celestia has more experiance and after what happened to Luna she is not a 1000 years ahead of her sister in experiance which would count magic."

    True. Celestia does have more experience both on Equestria and interacting with ponies. Maybe the reason why we don't see many spells being cast by her compared to Luna is that Celestia in her 1,000 years found was to settle things without magic.

    As for the winged unicorn part, that's just what a creature like Celestia is called mythologically. Canon wise they're just princesses and accepted as having all three traits.

    This brings up a question: Is one born an Alicorn, or is one chosen and goes through a transformation to become an Alicorn?

    I'm saying this because before coming here, I was on two MLP RP sites. One had in its lore that Alicorns were actually born normal ponies and chosen to become one, while the other mentioned that Alicorns were born, just like any other type.

  2. Books. Lore thought that was an interesting name. Then again, so was his other name Latte.

    "Well hello Books. I assume by your name you like books, right? If so, I'm opening a bookstore in Ponyville soon. If you're interested, please stop by."

    Yes, getting word out of his upcoming store didn't hurt.

    Then Lore thought about something.

    "Rarity, you said you were into fashion right? Do you mainly design clothing or decorate places?"

  3. Most of my friends are either bronies/ pegasisters themselves or at least tolerate the fact that I'm a brony.

    If you have a friend who's teasing you about being a pony, just say the following...

    "You know, for someone who doesn't like My Little Pony, you sure do talk alot about it!"

    This is guaranteed to stop all teasing.

  4. "Oh hi there Pixie," Sky said as the mail mare appeared. It was a reunion of sorts, but unfortunately it wasn't under the besy of circumstances as Silver was hurt and Cloudius was in the hospital.

    "Wow, that's bad Silver," Sky said as he heard him talk about how his injuries could have crippled him, "I'm glad you're taking it easy so you can get healed.

    He then heard Pixie say how her father got his teeth chipped. "Ouch! I'm glad he's ok."

    Finally Sky's face went from happy to see his friends again to sad as he droped his head. "I feel awful that you're all hurt and I barely came out of that with a scratch. I'm thinking maybe if I was doing more you all wouldn't be hurt. Sorry all."

  5. Lore Weaver sat at the table with Ms. Mayor and Ice Storm. It was a typical cafe, filled with a collection of ponies eating and talking. The view however was great, showing both a little of Ponyville and the mountains on which Canterlot was built. Lore wasn't much into the formal restaurants in Canterlot, but there were a few cafes scattered about the city that he did enjoy.

    Now to the menu, which Lore had hovering in the air in front of him. Lore heard the Mayor mention that it was her treat, but he definitely didn't want to overstep the Mayor's generosity. He didn't know what she was ordering other that 'the usual.' Ice ordered a Cesar Salad, so if he got something around the same price as her, it should be ok. Lore then used his ability to quickly gather all the information of the menu and saw five other items around the same price. Finally he chose one of the five.

    "I'll have the daisy and avacado sandwich please," Lore said as he closed the menu and floated it over to the waitress so she could collect it.

    Ice storm then mentioned how nice Ms. Mayor was to them, and lore knew he had to say something.

    "I agree with Ice Storm. When I decided to come to Ponyville, I knew where I was going to stay and where my bookstore would be. What I was unsure about was how the ponies were here in Ponyville. But if ponies are just as nice as you are Ms. Mayor, then I am sure that I will have no trouble fitting into this town."

  6. Lore smiled at the fact that Rarity was interested in his shop. Everytime that a pony said that they were interested in his bookstore, it pushed the doubts of moving to Ponyville and starting a business futher back in his mind.

    He then saw a new pony, a pegasus, appear. He seemed quiet, either shy or not wanting to talk to other ponies. It couldn't hurt meeting a new pony though.

    "Hello. I'm Lore Weaver. What's your name?"

  7. Sky felt a little bad that his two friends were in pain but he was barely injured from the battle with the cloud monster. He wondered if he truly stepped in to help or if he just held back. Still he was glad that they only had minor injuries and nothing worse.

    "I'm glad to see you're all right, Cloudius. Oh, I did get you something too!"

    With that he pulled out of his saddle bag a picture in a frame. The picture was of a Wonderbolt. On the picture was a message in black ink which read, "Keep going and never give up!"

    "My father gave this to me when I was sick one time," Sky said as he looked at the picture before giving it to Cloudius, "But I think now that you should have it. Hopefully it'll help you to get better like it did for me."

  8. The mine cart I think had stones in front of it which Twilight removed to get the cart rolling.

    And yes, it does seem that Luna is leaning more towards the unicorn/ magic side that Celestia. In fact the only big spell Celestia ever did (aside from raising/lowering the sun) was in Lesson Zero when she stopped the ponies from fighting over the Smarty Pants doll.

  9. Sky saw another familiar face approaching. It was Sunrise, Silver's mother. Apparantly she was calling to her son. "Hello Sunrise," Sky said, "Silver and I are going to see Cloudius." Sunrise then gave Silver his meication and flew off, leaving the two again.

    "Ok then. Let's go see Cloudius. He must be getting bored at that hospital."

  10. (OOC: Sad to hear Pip's needing a possibly redo. It would be a shame for Light to lose his buddy.)

    Lisght took as deep breath as Pip drew his sword and charged deeper into the forest. Pip seemed excited to go on this adventure. Light was not as sure. The white unicorn lived in Ponyville all his life. He knew about the creatures that lurked there, or at least he heard the stories from other ponies. While some sounded like blatant stories, he was unsure about a few. Nevertheless he was there to support his friend and he didn't want to frighten the other ponies with what he knew.

    "Alright then. Let's go to the caves."

  11. Yes alicorns being all three types at once is how I see it as well so winged unicorn doesn't fit in my eyes. On Cadence the way I see it she wasn't supposed to be an alicorn anyway, and apart from 'marketing' purposes there was no reason for her to be one.

    On the use of the term Alicorn: "Alicorn has also been used as early as 1993 by Piers Anthony in his novel "Demons Don't Dream" to mean winged unicorn (a concept that had already been existence for decades without being called alicorn), which he defined as the cross between a unicorn and a griffin." Also I wish people would stop bring up the horn thing as while that may be true there is nothing wrong with calling them alicorns and the fandom isn't the first to use the term to mean winged unicorns. It isn't an incorrect use of the word.

    Interesting how that was used in that story.

    And granted that there is nothing worng calling them that. The only thing I was noting was that they were never called that in the show. It wasn't like Twilight ever said, "Princess Celestia, what's it like being an Alicorn?"

    I personally use the term Alicorn in my fanfics, because it's how the fandom defines them.

  12. Hello.

    First, nowhere in ine show were the princesses called Alicorns. The trem Alicorn refers to the substance that makes up a unicorn's horn in myth (not pony myth, general myth). Alicorns are really the name the fandom gave to the princesses.

    Actually they aren't given a type name like they do with pegasus or unicorn or earth pony. They're only called Princess.

    Probably the most accurate name would be a winged unicorn.

    I have heard in fandom lore that a winged unicon or alicorn is created by the infusion of all three pony types, making them have the benefits of those types (flying, magic, connection to nautre).

  13. (OOC: Um, looks like just you and me Silver until Stainless returns)

    Sky walked with Silverbolt down the road through Ponyville. He wondered how earth ponies and unicorns did it, having to weave through crowds of ponies.

    Suddenly he heard Silverbolt wince in pain as most likely a pony bumped into his sore wing. He thought he had some pain medication in his bag but to his dismay he didn't.

    "Don't worry, Silver. I'm sure you'll get some medicine soon."

    Before Silver could answer, Sky heard a pony yelling, but Sky had no idea who was yelling, to whom the pony was yelling to, or where this pony was.

  14. "Ok. Bye then Ms. Mayor," Lore Weaver said with a wave. She was always on the go it seemed!

    Lore then turned her attention to Rarity when she spoke. Apparantly this pony also knew the mare who owned the library, Twilight Sparkle. Lore began to wonder and a little bit worry about how well his chances of having a bookstore would be with a library next door. He wasn't upset about a library, in fact he wanted to be a librarian himself. But if many ponies knew this Twilight and the library, it might be hard to sway them to go to the bookstore.

    "Fashion and romance. Well I'm not really knowledgable about either," Lore said to Rarity, blusing a bit as he basically admitted that when it came to romance, he, although like many ponies was looking for a special somepony, wasn't having much success in that department. The stacks of self help books on how to find a special somepony attested to that fact! "But I do have some books on fashion and a pretty big collection of romance novels."

    Lore also noticed that another pony, a pegasus, showed up. "Hello there! I'm Lore Weaver. What's your name?"

  15. I agree that the jewelry is not the Elements, or it could be a catalyst (like the rings from Captain Planet).

    The Elements are within the ponies. It seemes Celestia was able to use it to defeat Discord and Nightmare Moon the first time. Perhaps she was able to only banish Luna/NMM because the two shared the elements. This could be why Celestia said that she was able to earlier wield the Elements, but could not now, making Twilight and co. have to use them to defeat NMM and Discord a second time. Celestia uring the 1,000 years must have been looking for new candidates for the Elements.

    The Elements are MacGuffins or the fantasy element of the Magical Artifact. The effects vary, but mostly they are used to restore harmony. This means turning Discord into stone, banishing NMM, etc. I bearer of the Element can't decide on the effcets, but the overall result of restoring harmony is the same. Note that being a kid's show, the Elements don't kill a vilian unlike adult fantasy.

    As for Chrysalis, the Elements would probably stop the Changelings from syphoning love, possibly doing the same thing as Cadence/ Shining Armor's love spell by blasting them away from Equestria.

    As for requirements... its like the title says: Friendship is Magic.

    The bearers need to represent their respective element and need to be friends or at least harmonious with each other. The Element of magic is probably the most powerful, but like in Return of Harmony, without the others, it fails.

    I hope that there are more ways to defeat evil, but at the same time I don't think the Elements are being overused (after all they were in 4 of 52 episodes.)

  16. (OOC: Eyup, still here!)

    Light was shocked when he heard Timid somehow teleported from Canterlot all the way to the Everfree Forest. Unfortunately he knew nothing about teleporting, so if he was going to help Timid, he would have to somehow get him back on hoof.

    Then Light turned to the task at hoof. Pip was mentioning some kind of cave in the Everfree Forest that he wanted to go to.

    "Um... caves? I heard of them but never went to them. Actually I haven't been in the Everfree Forest long. I actually got lost here when it was dark, but had I not been lost, I wouldn't have found my mark."

  17. The Mayor mentioned lunch. Lore didn't realize that it was that time already. But working and talking did eat away time.

    "Thank you for offering lunch. I'd be happy to go to the cafe."

    He was happy to be offered lunch and especially that the Mayor was so kind to him and Ice Storm. Lore felt that if many of the ponies in Ponyville were as nice as the Mayor was, then he would be doing fine living here. Of course he did wonder if the ponies liked books as well. That would definitely be a plus to his bookstore.

    Lore then noticed that Ice Storm had finished sorting all the books into various piles according to their subject. He didn't expect her to do all the books, but sure enough she did.

    "Hey thanks, Ice! Now I can start shelving these books into the right areas. That will take some time, but I'll be in good shape with the store when that's done."

    Ice then announced that she was ready, and the Mayor seemed eager to go as well. "I'm at a good spot to break for lunch. Lead the way, Ms. Mayor. I'm still getting used to town, so I'm not sure where everything is, including this Cafe."

  18. Fire Heart sputtered as the wall of water splashed over her. This obviously wasn't going to be easy as she planned. But, as Bonfire said, until she learned to control her emotions, she couldn't guide her magic. And she knew the drenching would continue until her control improved.

    (OOC: Slight Timeskip)

    Several minutes later, several rounds of firecrackers, and a few more showers, Fire Heart looked less like a pony and more like a drowned rat. It was exhausting, trying to control her emotions! She realized that in the past her teachers, her friends, even her parents told her to control her emotions, but no pony showed her how or was that hooves on about it.

    Fire Heart, after the last bucket barrage, stopped and closed her eves. She decided to close her eyes and focus on the flame. As she did, the blackness changed. In her mind, she pictured her perfect happy place. It was a clearing in a forest. Birds were chipring, squirrels chittering, and the sun shown in a cloudless sky. She felt calm, at peace there. Nothing could upset her or make her sad.

    Finally she opened her eyes.

    "I'm ready," she said, her tone now more confident.

  19. Sweet Surprise let go of Pinkie from her boa constrictor like hug. She didn't want to cause the pink pony to pass out.

    "Ok then. I'll get the details and see what Apple Bloom is looking for..."

    Before she could get a confirmation, Pinkie was whirling around the store like a tornado giving things to some ponies while comforting others. Sweet wondered why a bakery shop of all places was cause to make ponies cry. Maybe it was the cakes that reminded ponies of happier times. One thing was certain, her candy shop was nowhere near as chaotic.

    "Hi there Apple Bloom. I'm Sweet Surprise, Pinkie's party planner in training. I like your accent, and your bow. Oooo! Maybe I can when I get back to Canterlot I can make something chocolatey in the shape of a bow..."

    Sweet paused, realizing she was wavering from the task.

    "Anyway, you said that you're planning a party for your grandmother, right? That's really nice. So, what are looking to do? Does your grandmother like certain food? How about colors: Purple, pink, chartruse, plaid?"

  20. Sky then saw another familiar face in the form of Silbverbolt. The pony had a wing in a sling and asked if the two were going to see Cloudius. As much as Sky preferred flying to walking, he didn't want to have a friend feel alone.

    "Sure I can walk with you Silverbolt to meet Cloudius at the hospital."

    Then Pixie mentioned how due to her job she couldn't come too. "Ah don't worry Pixie. Cloudius knows you'll see him when you can. He's not going to be upset."

  21. For me the most evolved pony was either Twilight or Fluttershy.

    Twilight for discovering friendship and with trying to work with all her friends and assisting in defeating numerous enemies.

    For Fluttershy, she went from being scared of just about everything to confronting her enemies and overcoming her fears.

    Worst - I'd go with Applejack. Besides learning that her friends are there for her, she didn't learn much about herself.

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