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Posts posted by Lux

  1. (OOC: Sorry for how basic this post is, but with Sweetie and Rarity occupied, he is trying to fill the time.)

    Guiding Light waited around the main area of the Boutique. So this was forlam fashion! Light knew nothing about fashion. It wasn't like he was born in a fashion spot like Canterlot, nor did he have any reasonto dress formally. Now Light was by no means a backwoods pony who knew nothing about culture. He knew that this was a special occasion coming up, and formal attire was required. He learned from Pipsqueak what exactly this meant with formal attire. As Light thought about Pip, he wished he was there as he would be able to help him.

    It appeared that the royal pony named Prince Blueblood was next, and then Light. With Blueblood taken care of, he could meet Sweetie Belle and enact the second part of his reason here.

  2. I once saw an RP site where the theme was Celestia, after bannishing her sister, became so distraught in what she had done that over the centuries she became corrupted into the thing she hated: a creature where order was maintained by tyrrany and violence.

    Unfortunately I don't remember the site name.

  3. I used to LARP (Live Action Role Play). I'd dress in real armor and fight hordes of undead with foam swords (trust me it's a very physically demanding game).

    While doing this I was in a Star Fox RP with my character Kato, a cousin of Krystal (if you know Star Fox lore).

    However the RP died and I then switched to ponies. I was previously on two sites, but one closed and the other I left due to some drama going on. On one site I had five chatacters and the other I had five. Some overlapped but it still was interesting balancing between the two.

    Now I'm here and having fun!

  4. (OOC: This one is basically my ponysona)

    Roleplay Type: World of Equestria

    Name: Lore Weaver

    Sex: Male

    Age: Stallion

    Species: Unicorn

    Eye Color: Light Blue

    Coat Color: Purple (A violet purple compared to Twilight's light purple)

    Mane/Tail/MarkingsColor&Style: Blue

    Physique: tall height but an average build. He's not overly athletic although he trie to participate in some activities.

    Cutie Mark: An open book, quill, and inkpot.

    Origin/Residence:Born in Canterlot and currently lives in Ponyville.

    Occupation: Writer, Bookstore Owner, storyteller

    Motivation: To provide knowledge to all ponies and inspire them and to meet ponies who share in his love for books.

    History: Born in Canterlot, Lore Weaver had a fairly normal childhood.HIm mother was a teacher and his father a business pony. School was awkward for him because he was not very athletic and preferred learning. As a result he didn't have many friends and was quite lonely. He would often turn towards his books, especially fantasy novels. They were his escape and his inspiration.

    One day Lore Weaver was in the library of Canterlot, a place he frequented often. Suddenly his horn glowed and several books suddenly flew off the shelf and swirled around him like a tornado. He found himself absorbing the knowledge like a sponge without even having to read the entire book! Even more amazing was that he was able to retain all that knowledge. This produced his mark and made him realize that he could become a librarian and a novelist.

    He found however that a library job was hard to come by, so he chose the next best thing: being a book seller. Canterlot had too many bookstores as is, so with his parents' blessing and funding he bought a small store and house combination in Ponyville where he hopes to open up soon as a bookstore.

    Character Summary: Normally calm and logical, Lore Weaver does not do any rash decisions. He is very levelheaded, and always seems like the voice of authority. Althogh he has a great photographic memory, he is modest, not wanting to brag about it.

    He likes order, and when things spin out of control he can panic and try to resolve the problem as fast as possible which can lead to recklessness. He is seen as an egghead, always having a nose in a book. He does, however get out often despite liking books. He is also seen as nerdy and socially awkward, preferring to talk about something he read. When not understanding something her will often go right to a book for help.

    Although he is not as adept as some unicorns with magic, he is able to learn new spellsfairly quickly due to his research skills and always is eager to learn them. He is partcularily interested in spells that deal with the gathering and dissemination of knowledge.Lore Weaver has a photographic memory able to process and store tons of information giving him the title of a "walking library". He also has excellent communication skills, good fantasy writer, good business pony, organized to the point of being obsessive.

    Though he doesn't think so, he does have a good signing voice. In addition to learning new things, Lore Weaver likes meeting new ponies, peace and calm, being organized, listening to music, learning new magic, and dark chocolate. He doesn't like ignorant or rude ponies or those who don't wish to learn. 

  5. that advice. Actually I hand draw the sketch, scan it, and then trace it on GIMP. Although I haven't drawn an art from scratch on GIMP, I can try that. Usually for layers I have the sketch which I delete when I'm done doing the line art, a line art layer, a color layer, and a shadowing layer. Sometimes below the line art layer I have a background layer.

  6. (OOC: Thanks Bonfire. You'll be seeing a new thread from me soon for the training session.)

    "Thanks Bonfire," Fire Heart said still trying to calm her flames, "I'll be there Wednesday then."

    Now that she had found a possible teacher with Bonfire, she could now devote her full attention to Firework. "Sorry about not talking too much to you. I wasn't ignoring you, but I guess I got wrapped up in the conversation. You wanted to go to the store to get supplies to build your fireworks, right? Do you still want to go?"

  7. "Alright, don't blink. You might miss the awesomeness," Sky Flare said before taking off into the air. He then turned and flew a little distance away from where the other ponies were. He then made a U turn and accelerated as fast as he could back towards the ponies, creating his fiery contrail. Just whe he was above them Sky Flare pulled up and acring himself in the air created an elongated loop with the contrail that matched his cutie mark perfectly. It was tricky building enough speed to complete the full loop, but Sky had been practicing this move. He knew every stunt pony needed a signature move, and for now this was his.

    "So what do you think," Sky said as he landed.

  8. What an interesting episode.

    • Scared Fluttershy is scared to meet dragons.
    • Rainbow doing nutty things? Balderdash!
    • Spike, I'm sorry but when i think of a dragon I don't picture an apron.
    • Bully dragons. I saw that coming.
    • The badly made dragon costume.
    • Now Spike has a pet phoenix? Hope the phoenix parents don't find out...

  9. "Hmm... best trick," Sky thought trying to reply to Lightning's question. No pony had ever asked him that. Most were just amazed at his stunts without asking if there was a favorite or his best. Finally though he did one trick in mind. "Well all my tricks are awesome, but my favorite has to be my Mark Trick. I need to come up with a cooler name I know. But basically I can create in the sky my cutie mark." While saying this Sky turned slightly so Lightning could see his loop mark. "So... do you want to see it?"

  10. (OOC: Sorry about that. This thread must have got buried.)

    "Well it seems mah music is attractin' all sorts of ponies today," Apple Cinnamon said with a little laugh. She never expected to have anypony drop by let alone two. But music was like a magnet to metal, always attracting. Apple Cinnamon didn't mind at all. In fact if she was to be a country music star, she would have to get used to the fans.

    "So Dunder, do ya want ta here me play? In showed LaughN'Stuff here a little of what ah can do."

  11. Light was pacing about in anticipation as Rarity was busy in the back and Sweetie Belle was busy with the royal pony. Then Hookline came out and announced the status of the dressmaker. "Oh hello Hookline. I'm Guiding light, but you can call me Light. I'm from... well... here."

    He didn't really know much else to say. It was tricky for him to start conversations, especially with ponies he didn't know.

  12. My confeion is that my friends say I act like Twilight Sparkle most of the time (Constantly reading, talking about nerdy things, sometimes freaking out). This is how I normally act, but when I saw my first episode, I was like "I'm like her!" (Except I'm a guy)They also say I act like Pinkie Pie because I can get hyper excited (and I like sweet things and parties).

  13. I use GIMP http://www.gimp.org/

    It's a free art program that contains some nice tools like layers, gradients, brush sizes, text adding, etc.

    I just started drawing a few months ago. i was looking for an easy tool to clean up and color my sketches.

    I love GIMP, and it's very easy to use.

    By the way, my avatar icon was made using GIMP, so that will give you an idea of what it can do. :smirk:

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