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Posts posted by korok132

  1. Easily the majority of things in the show are pony-related puns on already existing things.

    Some are really obvious: Fillydelphia, Manehattan, etc.

    But what about those that you didn't notice for a while, that passed you a few times, until it finally hit you in one big "Oh duh!" moment?

    For me, the name Canterlot. A play on Camelot, of the King Arthur myths. Easily the biggest "Duh!" moment I've had in a while.

    What about you folks?

  2. Manehatten. Once a great city, now full of raiders waiting to pounce on the unsuspecting passerby, to gobble them up or something even worse!

    … Or so Brute remembered hearing somewhere. Maybe. The “great city” part she definitely remembered hearing, and the raiders part too. Was it raiders that gobbled up unsuspecting passerbys, or was that something else? But hey, at least the road she was on was still mostly intact and rubble free, maybe she’ll be able to walk in a straight line for more than a few feet. And there were some buildings, just in case the weather decided it was going to rain that day.


    A chunk of the road was suddenly the impact site of a bullet shot at her. Or maybe the weather decided it was going to rain bullets today. Not taking the time to contemplate the possibility of raining bullets, the large griffon charged into the nearest building, a once two-story shop with the top half of the second floor missing.

    Luckily the store counter was still intact, and rather thick at that. Diving behind the counter, Brute was beginning to regret not grabbing a gun from those slavers.

    Something metal was suddenly being pressed against the side of her head. Slowly, Brute turned her head to see a small pistol glowing green pointed at her. Apparently, she wasn’t alone behind the counter. Behind the glowing gun was a small green unicorn mare with a yellow mane and tail. Her eyes were wide with fear.

    “D-d-don’t move!” The unicorn stammered, clearly shaken at being shot at. Or the sudden appearance of a giant griffon. Either way, she was clearly afraid for her life. “O-or I’ll bl-bl-blow your head off!”


    A shot ricocheted off the counter the two were hiding behind, causing the unicorn to flinch, weakening her hold on the gun. Not missing a beat, Brute quickly slammed the small pistol to the ground away from her head, accidentally crushing it in the process.

    “… Oops.” Was all Brute could say.


    Another shot rang out and planted itself in the counter. The two crouched behind the counter, shots periodically ringing out. Nothing ever hit them, save a small amount of dust from the wall behind them.

    Eventually, the shots stopped. Risking her head, Brute slowly began to peak her head above the counter. Whoever the shooter was is really good at hiding. Not seeing anyone in any of the windows, Brute slowly began to crawl along the ground to the door, leaving the frightened unicorn shaking behind the counter. Peeking out, no sign of life was visible across the road. Either they were really good at hiding and were currently lining up a shot, or had run out of ammo and run away. Confident that the danger had passed, the large griffon went back to behind the counter, where the green unicorn was still cowering.

    “Stand. Shooter gone.” Brute spoke simply. The unicorn was still shaking, but now was looking up at Brute.

    “H-h-how do you know?” Her voice was barely above a whisper.

    “Not get shot yet. Must be out of ammo. Get up, we get out.” Brute had gone back to the door to take one last look around. Still no sign of the gunpony, she went back to behind the counter to retrieve the green mare.

    Except she wasn’t there.

    She placed a claw where she had been. Nothing. She wasn’t just invisible, she had actually left without Brute noticing.

    “Be safe.” Brute left the store and resumed her walk down the road, confident in the mare’s ability to remain hidden.

  3. I know this fandom is crazy about shipping (or at least a vocal part of it is), so what are some ships you've thought about that never made sense to you?

    For me, Vinyl Scratch/DJ Pon-3 and Octavia never made sense to me. I could maybe see them as roommates, but never as anything more. Vinyl's a party animal while Octavia is more of a refined, sort of high-class pony. I doubt they would even meet, much less have anything more than mutual respect for each others' music style. A friendship might form between the two, for some other reason, but not anything more.

    Another one that never made sense would be any involving the villains. Not "villains" like Trixie or Gilda, but villains as in Discord or Queen Chrysalis. The ones that pose an genuine threat. That goes double for any involving Villain/Mane Six. I could see the villain undergoing redemption, and a friendship forming from that, but again, nothing more than that.

    What about you guys? What are some ships that are just plain weird to you?

  4. 52. Had trouble with the darker colors, specifically purple. Apparently I'm near-perfect in the red area, which is pretty cool.

    My first impression was just "What? Half of these colors look the same!" And then I scored pretty well, so it all worked out in the end.

  5. 64005522.jpg

    I've been working on ponifying the lyrics to this song, and I'm considering recording my (terrible) singing of it. I just need a proper picture to get me motivated. And because it's going on YouTube, it needs to have a video of some sort, and this just simply won't do.

    I don't actually care what any of them look like ponified, they just need to be... ponified.

    Also, feel free to get rid of the big ol' "Disturbed" logo at the top.

  6. Is there a flash/noise? Or is it literally just "suddenly, pony"?

    Also, like SteelEagle said, the pony in question would probably be very surprised at suddenly being not in Equestria. Except maybe Doctor Whooves. And then there would be bigger problems than him suddenly being in my house.

    After calming them... it would depend on the pony.

  7. Roleplay Type: Crossover RP (Fallout: Equestria)

    Name: Brute

    Sex: Female

    Age: Adult

    Species: Griffon

    Eye Color: Sky-blue

    Coat Color: Deep blue, almost black

    Feathers Color & Style: Her feathers are a sandy tan and kept short.

    Physique: A large, hulking mass of pure muscle, towering over most other griffons. A large mass of scar tissue is where her left wing should connect to her body. Other smaller scars mar her back.

    Origin/Residence: Brute doesn’t remember where her home town was. She is currently drifting towards Manehatten.

    Occupation: Escaped slave

    Motivation: She currently has no goal except “help other slaves”

    Likes: Proving her strength, helping slaves, beating up slavers

    Dislikes: Being weak, slavers, being thought less of because she’s dumb


    Strength: 10

    Perception: 4

    Endurance: 10

    Charisma: 3

    Intelligence: 1

    Agility: 5

    Luck: 8(7+1)


    Firearms - 16%

    Stealth -16%

    Explosives - 14%

    Lockpicking - 14%

    Repair - 8%

    Speech - 12%

    Barter - 12%

    Science - 8%

    Medicine - 20%

    Unarmed - 100%

    Melee - 100%

    Perks (Individual):

    Dumb Luck: You’re almost too dumb to live. +1 Luck, you’re going to need it…

    Thick Skinned: No armor? No problem! The skin on your back is good enough. You gain +3 Damage Threshold while wearing no armor (clothes do not count as armor).

    This Is Heavy?: Lifting and moving big things around is nothing to you. Items over 10lbs weigh half as much to you.

    Mighty Swing: Quite a swing you have there! +10 to Melee Weapons and attacks with melee weapons have a (5%) chance of knocking an opponent off the ground. However, your graceless swings reduces your chance to critically hit by 10%

    One-Winged Griffon: You only have one-wing, but that doesn’t make you any less griffon. While critically injured, all damage dealt is increased by 10%.

    Freedom!: You were a slave once, and have no intention of going back to that. +10% damage to slavers

    Perks (Party):

    Slaves' Boon: You were a slave once. Other slaves can see that, and knowing you escaped gives them hope. Slaves are inherently friendly to you and your party, and will sometimes refuse to attack.



    Character Summary:

    Ever since her childhood, Brute always thought of herself as the strongest griffon in the world. Every chance she got, she would prove her strength, lifting the heaviest thing she could find, swinging it around, then throwing it as hard as she could. Not only would she push the limits of her strength, but also her endurance, usually in conventional ways like a breath holding contest or how long she could run before getting exhausted, but also in other creative ways, like seeing how long she could go being exposed to radiation before passing out. Most of her antics went from "bravery" to "stupidity", but that didn't stop her.

    Brute’s childhood was short-lived, however, as her home was attacked by slavers. They fought back, but ultimately the majority of residents were taken as slaves, Brute amongst them. Growing up in slavery, Brute never had a chance to learn anything beyond how to read and write, and even then only barely. Rather, most of her days were spent carrying the slavers’ supplies, and her nights spent fighting other slaves for the slavers’ amusement.

    One day, something in one of the packs she was carrying exploded, taking her wing with it. Rather than let someone help her, the lead slaver said to let Brute suffer, to learn to be more careful with stuff that isn’t hers nor ever will be. It was that day that she decided that she wasn’t going to let slavers do any more harm to anyone.

    After her side had healed, Brute decided she was going to leave. In the middle of the night, she did exactly that. But not before slamming the pony on watch into the ground, waking up the rest of the slavers. Although bigger than the average griffon, Brute could still run fast, and far, outrunning and eluding recapture from the slavers.

    Today, she wanders the wastes, helping any slaves she happens across in any way she can.

  8. With that aside, sure go crazy with your app. We're not putting any restrictions here whatsoever. :D

    You have no idea on what you have just unleashed. :mad:


    But no, seriously, that's cool that we're free to make our own perks and stuff. Now that I think about it, it is a little silly that each character in the Fallout Universe should have to take similar perks when their experiences might be drastically different. Thankfully, that's where RPing comes in.

    • Like 1
  9. Hmm... most of them just seem like re-named and re-described versions of the normal Fallout perks.

    Just a quick question about the perks: Should we use the level the characters got the perk or use the normal Fallout for it? Because according to the lists, Blackjack didn't get Thick Hide until level 10, and it's equivalent to Toughness from normal Fallout, which can be taken at 6. Should I use the normal Fallout equivalent of those perks or stick to those on the list?

    Also, some of the perks people have in their apps were made by them, like Gridpoint's Mark Target. Is that okay, or should I stick to the FoE/Fallout perks? By and large, all of the perks level 6 and under are mostly useless for my character, or just don't fit him. And for party perks, those are perks given to the entire party and should be passive. Once again, should that be based of the normal Fallout's companion perks or can we have a little leeway with those?

    Sorry I'm asking a butt-ton of questions, but I would rather get these out of the way rather than go through the trouble of making my character and have someone say "No, you can't do that."

    If you need a specifics from my character concept, I'll gladly post what you need.

  10. So, I'm currently in the middle of reading FO:E, and am also in the middle of a playthrough of FO:NV, AND have an interest in joining this.

    These threads seem active, and I'm feeling like trying to get back into some RPing, so let's make a character and see what happens.

    It doesn't seem like we have a melee character, and it's always really funny playing as an Unarmed/Melee fighter even when there are better/safer options available. Guess what kind of character I'm making?

    Also, it seems like we're starting at level 6, considering most everyone has about 6 perks, not including their "party perk" that affects everyone. I'm also assuming that we're simply using "ponified" perks from the normal Fallout universe. If not, and we're allowed to make our own perks... I have one that's mostly for teh lulz, but still fair (Dumb Luck (Req: 1 Int): You're almost too dumb to live. +1 Luck, you're going to need it...)

  11. Alright, so it seems like all of us would be on at night (or at least night for me). So, let's shoot for about these times?

    6 PM EST

    7 PM CST

    11 PM GMT

    On Saturday. Because I'm just getting home from work during the week as Diego is going to sleep (assuming Diego goes to sleep at a normal time like normal people).

    Also, for the sake of convenience, I've added most of you to my friends list already, but could you switch your steam names to that of your Canterlot names? So I/we don't accidentally add some random person thinking it was you? Even better, also have the same avatar/icon. Even betterer, have some sort of tag signifying you as a Canterlotian. For example, I will be Korok132 of Canterlot

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