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Posts posted by korok132

  1. It depends on your definition of "stranger." For people I don't know, I saw about 20 people in pony shirts at PAX East in April, with three Rainbow Dashes, a Fluttershy, and a Celestia cosplayers. For people I kinda know but not really, I think a grand total of three people in my grade last year had pony shirts. Two females and one male.

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  2. Isn't telekinesis a default Unicorn trait?

    See, I always thought that too. Like, if you're a unicorn, you know levitation and whatever spell your cutie mark happens to be. For the sake of simplicity and consistency, let's just assume that telekinesis is your one spell, since that would invalidate just about every post...

    I'd love to be able to pull a cluster of stars out of the sky and make them rain down from the heavens!

  3. Korok's avatar reminded me of something.

    I want to time travel, being able to (try to) fix my mistakes would be kind of fun. Or trauma inducing, whatever your cup of tea is.

    I would completely wreck the fun of Time Travel, but you know what? Why not, Time Travel away! Just... don't screw up anything too badly.

  4. If you can teleport, can you teleport back to our world, will you still be a pony, and/or can you use the power as a human?

    I think you can only teleport to places you can see. Since Twilight's the only one who can teleport, and only teleports relatively short distances, it's probably because she can see where she's going. Since the rules are unknown about teleporting, sure, you can teleport home, why not.

    And you would stay as a pony. Since the magic is in the pony, you can still teleport. But now you're a pony on Earth.

  5. Copy/Pasted from Equestria Daily

    The Greatest and Most Powerful pony in all of Equestria (in other words, Trixie trixied Twilight Sparkle into casting a spell) has summoned you and transformed you into a unicorn.

    Unfortunately, something went wrong during the conversion process, and your horn is only capable of casting a single spell. Twilight Sparkle will teach you any one you want, be it teleportation, Summon: gossamer & morning dew wings, telekinesis, or even "get me the hell out of this pastel colored crazy town" (complete reversal). It's up to you.

    What do you choose?

    Telekinesis. Hands Hooves-down. I can cope with being a pony if I had TK, because it's basically the same thing as having hands, except even better because you don't have to be able to reach something to grab it. Plus, you can carry something even if your hands hooves are already full. Win-Win!

  6. Hey, not sure if you're still trying to do this, but from what I understand, you want to do an RP that is in the style of a Choose Your Own Adventure book, correct? Bluntly, I don't think it's possible, since CYOAs are formatted for one person to go through at a time rather than multiple people (unless it's a group of friends doing it MST-style) Plus, making several points of reference would just be confusing. I could see this as a fan-fic, or multiple fan-fics from each of the other characters' perspectives, but having a RP in a CYOA format just seem like a mess waiting to happen.

    I guess the closest thing would be between you and one other person, where you give option to one another back and forth, but that also seems like it could become a mess quickly. I hate to be the bad guy here, but CYOA + RP = Not going to end well.

  7. Just out of curiosity, how many of you find yourselves thinking/saying pony-swears? Like "Horseapples" or "By Celestia/Luna" and the like.

    Personally, I think they're fun, mostly because the only other people who will understand why you say those are because of MLP, and thus, an instant brony detector. Also, just because it's cool like that.

  8. Okay, that makes me feel better. Again.

    Yeah, I just assumed $5 because everything is always $5 or higher unless it's from a vending machine or those candy things you see when you're leaving the store. I think those are also called vending machines.

    Whatever, the point is, if everyone's saying it's less than $5, specifically at about $2, then I'm pretty content with that. That way I can get more ponies for less! :blah:

  9. It makes such little sense that they would be in drug stores (CVS, Walgreens, etc) that it's funny that it works.

    Since I have less money now then when I first went looking today, how much do the bags cost at these places? I always just assumed they're about $5, no more than $10 since they're small as well as random, but I might as well ask people who've actually bought them.

  10. Funny story: All of my close friends (see: the ones who come to D&D every week with me) I either made bronies or were already bronies before I said anything to them. Everyone else that I consider "friends" but only talk to at school are kinda 50/50. Most don't care, although there's one who hates MLP but not me, so it's all good.

    There are a few other people who I've seen that I don't consider friends but had pony-related stuff, and I commented on it and stuff, but for the most part no one at my school really cares.

  11. @scotch: Okay, so they're in CVS. That seems... really not right. The few times I've been in CVS it didn't seem like the place that would have toys, much less MLP toys.

    @Ken: That makes me feel better, knowing I'm not the only one who can't find the darn things.

  12. So I looked in two separate Wall-Marts and a Toys-R-Us, and I still can't find the stupid blind-bags.

    Am I just not looking hard enough? Because I went into the girls toy aisles and found some MLP stuff, but no blind bags. Not even in Toys-R-Us (but I did find what looked like a big collection of BBag-style toys for $20 that had the mane 6 and some others I didn't recognize, and I would have gotten that if I had $20+). Are the in the toys aisle or are they somewhere else and I'm just stupid?

  13. One of these days I'll get around to writing it (no seriously, I came up with this like two months ago and have yet to even start it). Basically, it's making fun of every bad Alicorn fic where the OC is the long lost sister or whatever to Celestia/Luna, is more powerful, etc etc. She sends a letter to Tia/Luna saying she's coming back to Canterlot after being in space or whatever and can't wait to see them and take her place as the true ultimate princess. Except the part where Celestia and Luna don't want her back, because she thinks she's so perfect and powerful when really she's just irritating and in la-la land the entire time, and they're trying to get her to go away.

    Basically, Ensign Sue Must Die, except a generalization of bad Alicron OCs and MLP instead of the original Mary Sue and Star Trek.

    Your thoughts?

  14. While Humans in Equestria is kinda cool (sometimes) there's actually an entire group dedicated to the OPPOSITE, putting the Equestrians on Earth. It's called Ponyfall and some of them are quite good (namely, the Celestia and Luna ones).

    Back on topic, done right, some HiE fics are entertaining. Then again, the few that I've read are how I would write anyway (see: Completely taking everything in stride despite everything weird happening, specifically BEING IN EQUESTRIA) so I'm not really the best judge here.

  15. So, I want to start a competition that has nothing to do with ponies but I think would be fun to get everyone involved in. Can I just go ahead and post it the Contest thread or should I get Mod approval or what?

    It's not anything inappropriate, but I'd like to keep it a secret, at least until I start it.

  16. I am well aware that there is some stuff I have to start or that has started that I was supposed to be part of, but for the next few days, specifically until next Monday, I won't have internet because I'm going to be traveling. Anything I'm part of or supposed to be part of, if you want to go on without me, feel free to, I'll catch back up on Monday.

    Until then, cheers!

  17. What is your Steam name?

    Velvet Remedy

    What game do you play the most via Steam?

    Team Fortress 2, no question.

    What is your favorite game?

    ... for Steam or in general, because that's a pretty big question you're asking a gamer. For Steam, well, I only play Team Fortress 2, so...

    Do you have a group?

    Nope. Well, kinda. I'm part of a kick-start group for this one clan's 2fort server, but I'm not part of the clan.

    Do you play on Mac or Windows?


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