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Posts posted by korok132

  1. I feel like a complete advertisement saying this, but this is the sort of thing Pandora could be useful for.

    For those that don't know, Pandora takes an artist, finds artists like the one you said, and plays that kind music. For example: Put in Rush, and get back Dream Theater, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, and other things like Rush.

    I've never heard of Electroclash, but if you know an artist in that genre, you could probably plug that into Pandora, hit skip a few times until you get to one that you do like. I think you might be able to just simply put in a genre, but I'm not sure.

    Same thing goes with Rap: put in, say, Notorious B.I.G, and it'll pop out other artists like him and around the same time as him.

    ... now that I'm done with my advertisement for Pandora:

    flutterscotch: I've never heard of Electroclash. Sorry mate, can't help you.

    Browneh: Have you ever tried listening to the Red Hot Chilli Peppers? I think they classify as "funk," but a lot of their songs have a rap-style lyric, and I personally enjoy them. Right now,

    is the only one that comes to mind that could come close to being considered "rap."
  2. It also amuses me that Snowshoe is more concerned with the fact that she can't figure out how the last raider died than the fact that a griffon just mauled a pony to death and took a shotgun to the side and is still kicking.

    Also, I didn't pick up on her coming on to Brute. That also amuses me some.

    Also also, I like saying the word "also" a lot. Just so you also know, also is quickly becoming my favorite word.

  3. I'm assuming this doesn't take place in the north just yet? As in it's the adventure TO the North, then in the North?

    Yeah. Like, if USA was the Equestrian Wasteland, then Canada would be the North in this RP. We're starting in USA, presumably somewhere close to the border, and the RP is going to be the adventure into the North/Canada and what we find there.

    No offense meant to any Canadians, but that was the first comparison that popped into my head.

    And now that I'm thinking about it, post a link to your character, if they have a page.

    If not then just copypasta it here.

    Character in use: Brute


    Seriously, if this was the theme to a Saturday morning cartoon, I would watch the heck out of it.

    On to the actual game:

    1: Who has it yet?

    2: Who is your favorite 'Naut?

    3: What are your thoughts on the game as a whole.

    For me,

    1: Got it today, and plan on sinking even more time into it.

    2: So far, Froggy G is my favorite, but I've only played as him and Lonestar so far.

    3: It's a pretty good game, and although Mobas aren't really my thing, I'm willing to give this one a shot, if only because it's like TF2 + moba in space.

  5. I never claimed to be good at writing ship-fics.

    But here's what I could come up with after about an hour.

    Time end: 10:51 PM


    A gentle breeze blew across lake as the sun began to set on the horizon, cooling Spitfire after a long day of practice. She let out a sigh of pleasure as the cool breeze drifted across her face. It was nice to end the day like this; on a small boat, in a small lake, with a small breeze. It was a nice contrast from the large crowds, the large maneuvers, and the large sky she dealt with daily.

    As the sun glimmered it’s last over the western horizon, the moon began to rise in the east. Spitfire always held a certain respect for Princess Luna. Even if most ponies were asleep during her nights, it didn’t make them any less beautiful, especially on such a clear night as tonight. And that was to say nothing of the Princess Herself, the beautiful mistress of the night. The graceful way she carried herself, the hypnotic way her mane and tail moved, her nice, round-

    “We were not aware that other ponies enjoyed this spot besides Us.” The regal voice snapped Spitfire’s train of thought away. She looked up and saw the Princess of the night herself, Princess Luna, hovering slightly above her small boat. Spitfire began to blush as she remembered what she was just thinking about and how inappropriate it seemed now that Luna herself was hovering in front of her.

    “Oh. Er, yeah. It’s, it’s a nice spot.” Spitfire, normally cool under pressure, stammered her words out to the Princess. “You, uh, want to take a seat?” It was a large enough boat to hold two comfortably, as Princess Luna lowered herself into the seat. Spitfire suddenly felt very uncomfortable, and wanted nothing more than to fly off, but stood her ground. Besides, it was rude to run off, especially to one of the Princesses.

    “Tell Us, child, how are you liking Our night?” The Princess normally came to this small lake alone, as it was rather far out of the way for normal ponies, and especially at night, no pony was ever out here. It was a nice change to have somepony to talk to.

    “Oh, it’s, uh, nice. Yeah, a good night for, uh, sitting. Here. On this boat.” This wasn’t the first time Spitfire had spoken to royalty; she and Princess Celestia have spoken before, both in formal and informal occasions. Why was she so flustered to be around Princess Luna?

    “Yes, it is indeed. We do not believe We have met you before. Tell Us, what is thy name?” Spitfire couldn’t help but be struck by the way Luna sat. Even the way she sits is graceful.

    “Uh, Spitfire, Princess. Of the Wonderbolts.”

    “Charmed.” They stared at each other for a few moments. And those few moments dragged on into an awkward silence between the two. Princess Luna had no idea how to make small talk, and Spitfire had no idea how to start a conversation with royalty without possibly offending them. Usually it was Celestia who started the conversation between them.

    Wanting to break the awkward silence, Spitfire took the initiative, “So, Luna. You… come here often?” She immediately felt like that was the wrong question to answer, and was fully prepared to take flight.

    “Yes, We often come here during the nights when We don’t have royal duties to attend to. It is a most relaxing of locations during Our nights.” She sighed as she reached back over the sides of the boat and put her hooves in the water. “We are glad to be able to share this with another pony.”

    “Yeah, I can see why. This spot is really relaxing, and it gives a nice view of the sky.” She leaned back like Luna did and put her hooves in the water as well. She was beginning to feel a little less nervous around Princess Luna, especially since she seemed like a normal mare, excluding the whole “royalty” part.

    The boat shifted as Princess Luna moved closer to Spitfire. “Come closer, child. There is something We would like to show you.” Spitfire scooted around to sit next to Luna. What the heck, if the Princess wanted her closer, she was going to get closer. “Now, take a look to the sky.” The Princess pointed one hoof to the sky, as she put another around Spitfire, which made her uncomfortable. She was thinking naughty things about the Princess only a minute ago, but now she wasn’t sure what to think. Was Luna just being friendly, or was there more to that? Or maybe she was just thinking too much about it.

    “Do you know the constellation ‘The Sisters,’ child?” She outlined a small set of stars, vaguely resembling two ponies nuzzling each other. “There is something We have never told anypony of, not even our sister.” A smile grew across the Princess’s face.

    “Oh, really? Tell me.”

    Luna turned back to the sky. “Do you see those stars there, on the left?” Spitfire nodded. “That pony is supposed to represent Celestia. So those stars on the left would be her flank, right?” Once again, Spitfire nodded. Luna suppressed a laugh as she continued. “Well, see, those stars have been move apart from each other for the past thousand years, because Celestia’s butt has been getting bigger, and she hasn’t caught on yet.” Luna burst into open laughter at such a childish thing. Spitfire laughed too, seeing the Princess of the night has a sense of humor, even if it was a childish one.

    After regaining her composure, Luna rested her head on top of Spitfire’s. “Thank you, Spitfire, for letting Us be so informal. It’s so stressful, being a Princess.” Spitfire blushed. Luna was being more than friendly, she was sure of it now.

    Hesitantly, she put her hoof around Luna’s back as well, in a sort of side hug. “Any time, Luna.” After resting her head on the Princess’s chest, she felt Luna’s other hoof around her back, pulling her into a hug. Spitfire returned the hug, and they stayed in each others embrace for the moment, enjoying each others company.

    It was Luna who released her hug first, with an apologetic look on her face. “We’re sorry, but we must return to the palace now. No doubt somepony is going to have work for Us upon Our arrival, if there isn’t a mountain of problems now.” Princess Luna took off, leaving Spitfire alone on her boat.

    “I’ll wait here for you tomorrow. It’s a promise.”


    Shortness of the story non-withstanding, as well as my inability to focus on this for periods longer than two minutes, I'd say this turned out rather decent.

    • Like 1
  6. 1. Sonic and Tails

    2. That hospital in the first Silent Hill game.

    3. Memorizing a script for a play based on Speed Racer.

    Unfortunately, I am not familiar with the Silent Hill hospital of which you speak (I've never played Silent Hill), so this would require a tiny bit of research on my end. I'll get to that one later.

    1. Luna and Spitfire

    2. A boat

    3. Shipping

    Shipping. On a boat... *snrk*

    Give me one hour, and I'll show you what I've got. Romance is a bit of a foreign topic to me, so please excuse any and all cheese.

    Time begin: 9:46 PM

  7. Everywhere one goes, there seems to be only one thing on everyone’s mind: The North. No one knows exactly what it is, but something magic is happening there. Powerful magic, even more powerful than the megaspells that were dropped, and it’s only growing more powerful with time.

    Many fortune seekers have gone North, but very few of them came back, and those that have refused to reveal what they saw. Rumors have flown since: Perhaps it’s a portal from the past, giving us a chance at redemption or maybe it’s the old legend of the Crystal Ponies returned, come to set the world right. Or maybe it’s a legend far more sinister reborn: Discord regaining strength, King Sombra being revived, or something even far worse than those two.

    Only one thing is for sure: The magic is out there, and it’s powerful.

    And everyone wants it.


    Besides other RP rules, written or otherwise (godmodding specifically), the only rule I have is "Don't be a swear word." If a swear word is a proper word to use to describe you, there's going to be an issue. This is Canterlot, so I don't think should be an issue, but I feel it necessary to point it out.

    I will be a semi-DM for this game. Any important NPCs I will play. If you want your NPC to become an important one, let me know, either in the OOC or over a PM, and we'll see what we can work out. The same goes for if I think your NPC could be an important one, I'll let you know somewhere.

    That, however, is as far as I'm playing the DM. When combat rolls around, I'll trust you guys to play fair, as I won't be controlling the enemies. For example, if Person A were to kick in the door to a raider hideout, I'll hop in and tell you guys how many raiders there are, what they're equipped with, where they're standing, what they do in reaction, etc. After that, I trust you guys to give a proper response of what your character does.

    Link to the RP: http://www.canterlot...northern-winds/

  8. *arm flailing* Woo hoo! Moar people interested!

    Alright, Imagination, I assume you already have a character, and I know Total already has one, and I have one too. Once the OOC is up, would you both kindly link me to the characters you're going to be using?

    Normally, right now would be when I make the OOC and start the RP thread, but there's two problems with that.

    1: I don't have a cool name for it right now.

    2: It's midnight, and I have stuff I need to do tomorrow/later today that I kinda need to be awake for.

    So, sorry guys, but we're gonna start tomorrow. I Pinkie Pie swear that, tomorrow, as soon as I can remember, I'll start this bad boy up.

  9. Coltuga. The largest pirate haven and the only truly "neutral" territory on the seas. So long as you didn't mind the whole "hive of scum and villainy" part of it.

    It was also one of Roaring Flame's favorite ports to sail to. Willing recruits, cheap booze, and interesting company, Coltuga had it all.

    [colour=#006400]"Sir, you can't be serious. Coltuga?"[/colour] His first mate, Wild Winds, a dependable green pegasus who's judgement Flame trusted wholeheartedly. Usually [colour=#006400]"You know, the place that almost tried to kill you and sink the ship when you-"[/colour]

    [colour=#800000]"Thank you, Wild Winds, for the reminder,"[/colour] Flame interrupted him. [colour=#800000]"But unless you know of a closer port that won't open fire on us as soon as we're seen, I'm all ears."[/colour] Food was beginning to run short on the Eternal Flame, and most of the crew was starting to get antsy from being on the ship for so long. They needed to stop somewhere, and Coltuga was the best option available, and both Wild Winds and Flame knew it, even if Wild didn't like it.

    [colour=#006400]"Very well then. I'll[/colour][colour=#006400] [/colour][colour=#006400]tell the rest of the crew.[/colour][colour=#006400]" [/colour]Wild flew straight up from Flame and the wheel he was at, calling the crew's attention. [colour=#006400]"We'll be docking at Coltuga in the next two hours. Everypony is free to go ashore once we hit port. Enjoy yourselves tonight, mates!"[/colour] There was some cheering as the ponies returned to their duties. Wild lowered himself back down next to Flame, who smiled at Wild.

    [colour=#800000]"Apparently the first mate doesn't need the approval of the captain to give free leave to the crew," [/colour]Flame put a hoof to his head and gave an over-exaggerated sigh. [colour=#800000]"Oh, woe is me! The captain that can't even trust his own first mate! Alas, it appears that I am now little more than a figure-head! What ever shall I do?!" [/colour]Flame put his hoof back on the wheel to steady it. Wild began to chuckle at his captain's antics. Flame laughed back at him [colour=#800000]"It's fine that you gave them all shore leave. I would have done the same."[/colour] He patted Wild on the back. [colour=#800000]"You'll make a fine captain one day." [/colour]

    The Eternal Flame continued on it's journey towards Coltuga, winds in their favour, hoping to get there soon.

  10. Original thread title: "I need an idea"

    The concept is simple: I want to write something, but I don't want it to turn into a big long fic, and I'm having a mild case of writers block, so I'm turning to you guys to give me something to work with that doesn't turn into a giant story.

    I want you to list a few things for me, then give me an hour to write it, and I'll post the result.

    1: Two characters (both don't necessarily have to be from MLP)

    2: Location (once again, doesn't have to be MLP)

    3: Interaction (Friendly/Shipping/Hostile/Hilarity Ensues/etc)

  11. So... what exactly is our plan for the RP? We just kinda started, and right now it's between chardude and StringHeart, which is cool, but what's the idea we're going for exactly?

    I'm pretty sure we're set on "treasure hunt," but how exactly are we getting everyone started on that? Are we doing my idea with "rumor," or are we going with Talex's idea of "follow the leader?"

    If there's nothing by the time I'm not asleep or at work tomorrow, I'm just going to go ahead and assume we're going with "rumor," since my guy has no prior relation to anyone else.

  12. I know I kinda disappeared for a while after apping Roaring Flame, but that was at the time where the Main RP was getting tl;dr, and the OoC was getting awkward, but I think I got a few ideas.

    Roaring Flame's drive was to leave his legacy with something big. While it's not going to be centered around him, he's going to be the "hook" to get something big started. (See: He wants to burn down the equivalent of Port Royale (I'll think of a better pony-ish name later) because he wants to.)

    Alternatively, there's a legend of some sort of mystic relic, I have a few ideas in mind. What you want with the relic(s) is for you to decide, but it's a good set-up for a good old fashioned treasure race.

    I've been holding on to these ideas for a while, since I came up with it at an incredibly awkward time, but I feel like now's a good time before I completely forget about them.

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