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Everything posted by AsthmaticPegasus

  1. I'm supportive and all, but if you want to keep your business yours then I have no problem with that
  2. okay, if you don't want to say anything then I won't be nosy
  3. -pokes Appy with a stick- Back... I'm warning you...
  4. No! yesterday she, Penby, and Fawkes were fighting over me!
  5. You guys can work it out amongst yourselves, I've got to go to sleep. -falls asleep in ponies arms-
  6. Screw it instead of fighting both of you, I'll favor someone -thrashes away from Appy, trying to escape her grip-
  7. OW! -thrashes around a little more- Penby... what... never mind....
  8. Agh, why won't anypony help me! -struggles around a bit-
  9. Oh Celestia! I am literally being torn apart by hatred!
  10. Oh, man, a fight is about to go down... -raises tea tray up in defense-
  11. Scoot should probably cool it with her Fangirliness, just a little bit...
  12. sorry I'm late, we had to have wrestling practice later than usual
  13. AW, stallion, it's been almost week and no mods have accepted my character D:
  14. I actually have only a few minutes until I must leave, so it might as well be a hi-bye
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