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Everything posted by Rosewind

  1. My sis has to use both sometimes. #TMITuesdays She got shark sheets last summer and we both had the realization at the same time that there's a lot of bloody irony behind that.
  2. Children who do not falter, step forward, and let us bring light to the very depths of the Abyss!

    1. SteelEagle


      The light is bright. The light is life. Long live the light!

    2. Rosewind


      Yes, very good. Just step into the elevator...

  3. I totally agree. Companies can start by stopping tampon marketing to women and leaving our Doritos crunchy and messy. I watched Cloverfield Paradox today...
  4. Kinda reminds me of the "Bic Pen for Her" thing. Also: razors. A blue and pink razor will still shave the exact same. (I just go between and buy purple ones, lolol). Excedrin and Midol are chemically the same too, just marketed differently.
  5. So us gals apparently don't like crunchy Doritos. They clearly haven't met me. I will destroy a bag crunching as loudly as possible, and licking fingers at the end is the best part. I totally avoid buying Doritos because they're unhealthy tho. Fix that.
  6. I still speak to Autumn and Manestream, almost every day. Both are doing well!
  7. Yeah, time really flies. I think since I joined here I've graduated college, been married, been divorced, and been through about 4 jobs. I've experienced quite a bit to get to here -- I've lived on the west coast before coming out here to the frozen wastes of the midwest, been expelled from preschool, been escorted off a military base by gunpoint, been a survivor of other dark and unspeakable things, spent six months in a mental hospital, and came through everything kicking, screaming, and alive. My latest life-trial will be in three weeks. I have no regrets, and can only face forward to what tomorrow brings...and whatever path I decide to seize as my own.
  8. I made curry, and it was amazing. I even ate it out of my purple dog bowl!
  9. Why wouldn't they be? I've seen plenty of reviews for something along the lines of "this is really pretty and worth experiencing...just don't expect much from the plot/gameplay/whatever." Case in point: a lot of Ghibli films. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of Ghibli-anything, I just think some movies shine above others for the sum of their parts (good story + good art, characters, animation etc.). Case in point: My Neighbor Totoro, Ponyo, and a few others. Totoro is very popular in anime culture and I'm at a loss for why. It's not a particularly deep movie, probably because it was made for younger children where the art and characters mean more than the story. I think Ponyo is a fish turd as far as the story is concerned, but the presentation is outstanding. Compare that to the likes of Princess Mononoke, well-known for its story, incredible locale and presentation.
  10. You're totally making a great point here, Pemby. I don't think this discussion is trying to change your mindset about stuff Patch, but I definitely think it's worth considering a different approach when it comes to content, its consumption, its discussion, and how and why it should be enjoyed.
  11. That's great, but that doesn't mean everyone else feels the same when it comes to enjoying something. When you go to a restaurant, you're paying for the ambiance. You're paying to not have to clean up anything, or to spend time cooking. It's a rightful sum of its parts. Do people go there just for the food? Yes. That may be the only draw for that establishment, and that's fine -- but that doesn't mean everything else has to exist at that same standard or to your personal expectations. I might be digressing a bit here...I have a degree in culinary arts and baking. A lot of friends and family know this. When I go to visit someone, I frequently get a "I hope this is okay, I know you could do better" when I'm a guest in someone's home. Of course it's okay. I don't hold people to whatever professional standard I've been trained to have. It's not fair, or even possible to expect a flawless culinary experience when you're just spending time with someone. I like to have friends and coworkers over for dinner often, and I don't often give my best there. I'm tired and just want to get food on the table. I will try to make it as yummy as possible, but I'm not holding a standard to anything. The real reason I have them over is to enjoy the company, and whatever else just adds to the experience as a whole. You may enjoy something for the plot, but I think you're missing the point if you're consuming content for just one reason.
  12. That's called hype. I like to temper my expectations going into anything. My best advice about handling internet stuff is this: just go with the flow. You don't need to police others or what they're saying or posting. You have to police yourself and move on if it's something you don't like. That's really the crux of this whole discussion. I'm honestly glad that I exist in a culture and place in my life where I can consume content like this as entertainment. It's not something that is granted for a lot of people, so I would take that into consideration next time something seems like a bigger deal than it actually is.
  13. Not drama, just a stark re-understanding of this thread and the discourse within.
  14. Thanks love! I appreciate the good vibes. This nightmare will be over soon enough -- it's going to put me out of work for two months. Lotsa time to catch up on stuff!
  15. Thanks for your understanding! If it's any consolation, DDLC was spoiled for me before I even knew what it was. Was I upset? No. I haven't even played it yet, in spite of people telling me it's a definite Rose game. I'll get there. Knowing what to expect doesn't define the experience. Sometimes spoilers enrich content -- I watched the Made in Abyss anime and went straight to the manga. It's an incredible story, and if anything I'm pretty hype for Season 2 because of this. I remember telling the denizens of this thread they should watch it, and I remember when I gave a synopsis of what it's about, you claimed it was spoiled and unwatchable, which couldn't be further from the truth. Sorry you're stressed, just remember we are all friends in this little group. Nobody here will willfully disrespect others -- if they do, I will have something to say about it.
  16. Hey there, if I may: We do things every day that affect other people, often unconsciously -- often with pretty heavy consequences. Sometimes the slight is small; someone takes your parking space, or doesn't see you and claims the last bathroom stall. Someone cuts in front of you in line. Someone says something you find offensive. Someone feels comfortable with you and slanders your best friend, not knowing it's your best friend. Your coworkers set you up for failure and throw you under the bus. Hell, I just walked into my bakery last night after being gone on my weekend and the previous Baker did not respect my work space. Things were dirty, or rearranged weird. The products I needed to bake tonight came out cruddy because of how they were treated the previous night. I doubt he hunched over a pan thinking of ways to screw me over...at least I hope not. People have a myriad of reasons for acting the way they do, and for making the choices they make. Nothing is more raw or apparent about the human condition of hamfisted communication than the internet. Yes, everything we do affects others. Yes, we should be polite and aware as we can. A lot of the places I personally frequent are pretty good at hiding potential spoilers for virtually anything. However, you are in charge of what content you consume. If you see the conversation turning toward something you haven't seen yet, you are in control of whether you read it or not by moving on from that conversation if it makes mention of something. You have to be your own spoiler alert sometimes, and this is especially true on the internet. A lot of media blogs I frequent tend to post spoilers in the titles of their clickbaity articles -- often from stuff that aired last night. My point is, you're in control of your own internet experience here. You'll find plenty of polite and aware folks, along with just as many that don't give AF what they're spurting out to the black abyss of the internet. I enjoy you Patch, but the people of this little group did not deserve that response. This is definitely in the "aware" sector of people you'll meet on the internet, and you should give the people here that trust and respect -- as well as grace if there is a slip now and then. This thread was originally locked for a year or two over some technological concerns by the previous Admin team. It was more robust than it is now, almost on par with an active chat on Discord. I chose to unlock this thread and revive its contents because it was a fun place for like-minded people to gather together to talk about anything, in a slower interim than a normal chat room. It's as much a part of Canterlot as the people who created it. Please respect the discussion, as well as everyone here, regardless of whatever pet peeve may occur in happenstance. If you'd like we can chat about this more in PMs...otherwise, please continue the discussion. I'm totally going to watch some anime today and veg out before I bake again tonight, then work all night, then drive 2 hours north first thing in the morning to get some painful medical treatment done. Spoiler alert on my life.
  17. While I agree that people should be respectful about sharing spoilers, also remember you're using one of the most active exchanges of readily accessible information that humankind has ever created. If you choose to use the internet, you'll eventually get spoiled. There's got to be some give between people wanting to discuss content and those that haven't experienced something yet. The more popular something is, the less time you'll have to view something before the floodgates open, so plan accordingly. As for the Maple thing: It's a little in joke between Dreamy and me. She's a maple because Canadian, lol.
  18. I think Symph is everyone's favorite. She's incredibly talented, and you won't find a better friend to have in the trenches. Yeah Rocky, all memes are stupid. Except for this one:
  19. Wrong Pemby. Nothing is more pure than my blood-drenched pedigree of love! Yuri, yaoi; it doesn't matter. Just embrace everything until you can't see straight. I know Gigi is relatively new to our little group here, but I think a new title is in order.
  20. Gigi has been hanging out with Patch too much. Maybe you got Dino Flu? Hope you feel better there! I'm baking today. On my day off. The not-baking job. I owe my Aunt in Texas some cookies, so may as well use my day off from baking to bake more! I woke up really early and polished off the rest of Kakegurui, Hnnng, so good! I'll probably work out today too. I'm having some major medical stuff done later this month and I want to be as physically fit for it as possible; so much so my Aunt bribed me to quit my second job a week early so I could rest, and she'd make up for the lost funds. I'm like...okay!
  21. What summons me? Probably mention of spicy or furry stuff. Haaaa. Edit: Nevermind, it's blood. Duh.
  22. Eye-patch girl is likely my favorite. Anyone who masturbates while playing solo Russian roulette is my hero. Sorta NSFW commentary:
  23. At least you didn't dress as a goat at a toga party. So you should watch this. Everyone should watch this. I was slightly curious and now I can't stop.
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