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Posts posted by SirShadowdeath

  1. Just something I thought of.


    Today's the day of my true fears

    For months I've hid beneath my tears

    I've silently sat in wait

    Allowing the worst of our fate

    For both you and me

    I was blind and couldn't see

    I was there to help, to guide

    And I know that you tried

    I cry at night beside my dreams

    Because nothing anymore is as it seems

    I lay awake at night crying

    I can tell that time is slowly dying

    And yet I let you go and leave

    I lost the blanket tried so hard to weave

    All my efforts were wasted, all my hope was dead

    Sanity slowly escaped from my head

    I screamed at night, yelling at the air

    I knew that it just wasn't fair

    But I still did nothing, I let it all go to waste

    I let you go with haste

    My nights are dreadful, full of sorrow

    Hoping I'll have a life tommorow.

    And so I'll wait and wait and wait again

    And in my dreams I'll pretend

    That I'm with you and you're with me

    And we could be a family

    I'm a monster, I'm a souless beast

    Now the devil prepares his feast

    And while I'm dying, dreaming the day through

    I'll only be thinking of one person...you.


    Hope you enjoyed it....

  2. It's getting tiring seeing things start with "Am I the only one..." all the time.

    No, you're not the only one, please stop making these baseless assumptions as it's agrivating and makes you look like an ass.

    Anyway, it might be best to link to an article about what it is, in case someone doesn't know much about it.


    But what SirShadowdeath states is pretty much true, like SOPA and PIPA, it's another thing that simply shouldn't pass.

    It wasn't a statement that I was alone. I know I'm not, because there are potentially thousands, may e even millions, of protestors. It's just a rhetorical way to start a conversation. Sorry for writing that then, I didn't mean to piss anyone off.

  3. Roleplay Type: Mane RP

    Name: InkBlot

    Sex: Stallion

    Age: Around the same as the Mane 6

    Species: Pegasus

    Eye Color: Light Bluish Green

    Coat Color: Black

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color: Multi-Colored Mane and Tail. Main Color is white, lined with grey. Slick, somewhat spiked mane, and a shaggy unkempt tail. White goatee.

    Physique: Fairly Tall, and a teensy bit buff.

    Cutie Mark:


    Bottle of ink with a quill. Discovered while talking with his brother one fateful day.

    Origin/Residence: Inkblot was born to an upper middle class family in Cloudsdale. When the family started to recieve more income, they moved to Canterlot. Ink was just a colt at the time. When Ink finally became a stallion, he moved away from his family into a small adobe on the outskirts of Canterlot near the Everfree forest.

    Occupation: Inkquill is an author, and owns a small book store called the "Raven's Quill".

    Motivation: Ink dreams about becoming a best selling author. He spends a lot of his time alone, writing and reading. He is social, but is somewhat timid and would rather be alone. He finds a very good friend in literature, which he is almost obsessed with.

    Likes: Books, Poetry, Stories, Art, History, Nature, Reading, Writing, Rain, Forests

    Dislikes: Loud sounds, Big Gatherings of people, false historical information or quotes

    Character Sunmary:

    Ink was born in Cloudsdale, where he would happily trot around town and play with the others colts. However, ink always found more peace in being alone and writing or reading then he would by playing with others. When the family started to make more money, they moved to Canterlot so Ink's father could open a more productive art shop. While in Canterlot, Ink took many classes about Equestrian History, Literature, and Mythology. He loved these classes, and would cherish the days he got to go to them. On his days off, Ink would write or read. He would very rarely leave his house to play with the other ponies. Ink's brother, however, always supported Ink's writing. He would always read over Ink's stories an poetry, and comment on them. One fateful day when ink was still a colt, his brother walked in to Ink's room while he was finishing the last chapter of his first book. His brother asked to read it, and Ink gave him it to read. After his brother was done with chapter one, he gave it back to Ink and told him it was good. He also said there were a few grammar mistake though. Ink put the book back on the desk, and continued to look over his writing to find mistakes. While he was doing this, his cutie-mark appeared. As time progressed, Ink became more in contact with the arts. When he finally became a stallion, he had developed a deep respect for the arts. He finally bit his parents goodbye, and moved to a small adobe on the outskirts of Canterlot. He immediately settled in, and continued to create and sell his writing. Even though he makes profit off of it, he really believes that writing is an art that benefits his soul more than his wallet. Ink still lives there, and is now a writer striving to be the best in Equestria. He does leave house a couple of times a week, but isn't very social with the other ponies. He is very timid, and likes to be in smaller groups rather than large parties.He is also very quick to defend his friends and close ones, and can make quick judgements. He quotes literature a lot, and likes to sneak psychology ot quotes into conversations whenever he can.

    Ink also has a pet Raven named Corvus, who he met while on a stroll through nature. The bird fell out of it's nest, and Ink noticed he had a broken wing. He brought him home and cared for him, and named him Corvus. Corvus lost a couple of feathers from his broken wing, and Ink uses them as quills for writing.

    [ignore the cutie mark in this picture]


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