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Posts posted by SirShadowdeath

  1. It doesn't sound like your brother is being very fair to you with that gay comment. What if you were gay, would you need to be checked out? Stand up for yourself. If your brother carries that attitude about homosexuals into adulthood, he's going to be in for a very big surprise.

    You could tell your family that you enjoy watching it, and it's so good it has a huge male following that call themselves "bronies." You don't really need to elaborate or try to explain the series to them. They sound a bit conservative so "less is more" is probably how you want to approach it.

    Regardless of how you decide to share your like of FIM with them, don't let others dictate to you what you can or can't enjoy. It won't make you less of a person, strange, or different if someone in your life doesn't approve.

    Agreed to the tenth power.

  2. Death, If I knew someone like Fluttershy, it's extremely possible that I'd end my current relationship and bust my hump trying to win her heart. :kissy:

    Just kidding, ladies, I'm actually fiercely loyal.


    In all honesty, I've never tried to make a move on her. Ever. She is one of my best friends though, which is ironic considering Fluttershy is one of my least favorite characters. Go figure.

  3. I have recently read a fanfic called My Little Dashie.

    I'm sure many others have read this, and I know there's a large fanbase about it online.

    Here's my personal opinion about it:

    -While I can see how it was supposed to be sad, I did not find it sad or depressing. I did not have any form of "sadistic or depressing" reactions. I, in all honesty, did not like the fanfic. I'd give it a fair 3/5 stars. It was well written though, and I appreciate his writing style.

    What are your opinions on the fic?

  4. *Reads Post*

    *Looks out Window*

    The storm is coming.....

    On topic, I can simply say this.

    Every fandom, every religion (yes, I'm comparing them) has fans, followers, and extremists. For every following, there are haters and "non-believers".

    Fact is, NSFW content will always exist, as long as life on the internet exists. It might be disturving to some, but it's human nature to twist simple ideas.

    Just live your life, don't feed the trolls, and like/do whatever you want.

  5. "I did not plan to fight you, pegasus," said Nightshade. "In fact, I shall not even attempt to."

    He stepped out of water.

    "I am surprised you had courage to even reply to me. Most would not even talk to me on a regular day."

    He started walking away from the pegasus, but suddenly looked back.

    "You'll see me around. I can promise you that."

    He then continued by walking away.

  6. Nightshade circled the pegasus. He squinted a bit, and then stepped back.

    "Do not tell me to CALM DOWN! Honor is not of the matter, right now."

    He continued to step back, until his hooves were covered by the shallow water of the ocean shore.

    "You...have courage I see..."

    Nightshade continued to step back into the ocean.

    "That's very nice, pegasus."

    He smiled a grim smile, almost as if he was awaiting a specific response.

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