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Posts posted by SirShadowdeath

  1. Been thinkin' a lot lately.

    Here's a main peeve of mine.

    When they pick out small details from the show, and then exclaim "Yeah, A show for little girls" sarcastically. Like when they point out the "fight" scene in the royal wedding episode and say it's too dark and definately must hint at it being a show for older audiences. No. It. Is. Not. It is a show for little girls. It always will be. Get over yourself.


  2. I did a couple of times.

    The most recent was at a gamestop.

    I caught a glimpse of one of those "This Shirt just got 20% cooler" shirts under his jacket.

    Why he was wearing a jacket, I don't know. It was over 80 degrees!

    I didn't say anything, but I saw him walk over and talk to a guy in a fluttershy shirt. I heard sonething about the show being mentioned. Then they walked away.

  3. That's a very good analysis.

    Religion is a very touchy subject, but it is hard to completely avoid. Most things can be traced back to religious action, belief, or origin. I guess it's nearly impossible to avoid the subject altogethor.

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