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Posts posted by AerieFlew

  1. Absolutely no problem the two of you!! I will start working on them tomorrow in my math class ;) best time in the world to focus on ponies if you ask me.

    I'd greatly appreciate if the two of you could message me the images or descriptions of your characters just so I have them a little more organized and then I'll get right on them :3

    Quite excited to be doing some pony drawings for others. I've really own done ones for family and rl friends.

  2. Well! I am gonna copy all of this into a word document and correct everything I see. I won't put it in quotes only because it would be a lot of extra work but this way you'll have all the corrections in the whole writing in front of you :) I'll do this tonight and get it back to you by tomorrow. Oh, and hello :)

  3. Wow wow wow thank you both so much :D ahhh I'm so excited!!

    @EoLPinkie >~< I'm really not that good with any instrument but I try... Usually I just make my boyfriend do the music for me but I didn't that time, for once. We are coming out with two kinda techno and rap like Ponies songs! One is about Pinkie and the other Luna but we are waiting on a mic so it sounds better. <3 thank you so much though!

    @PrivateSkittle4 first off your name is awesome, second, thank you so much!!!!

  4. I am a singer song writer and I usually write all different genres and such but right now I'm taking time out from anything mainstream to do a whole collection of pony music!

    My boyfriend is also an amazing pony music artist.

    His sound cloud is: PetFood56

    His YouTube is: OfficialFacade or PetFood56

    :) anyhow, I'd like to show my first original Pony song. This is about Twilight and Spike.

    I wrote all pieces and performed it.

    I'd love if all y'all could watch and comment!! Thanks so much <3

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