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Everything posted by Solaria

  1. No, I'm just assuming Tales saw on one of her random visits in here. That or somepony told them, but I don't want to go down that path.
  2. Hm, I just realized that my chances are Rarity are probably zero now since Skye gives final approval on apps.
  3. I like Artax's note. It's almost to say "Well, look how nice we are despite this being the only thing this user has ever done." Admittedly it was nice not to have everything banned, but the whole outlining special treatment thing seems odd. Take a picture of what?
  4. I have a warn status now. I'm a dangerous character.
  5. My power to type in blue diminishes due to mobile mode and my impatience with full-site mode on my phone. Thus, you know when I'm mobile.
  6. Funnily enough, that's almost exactly how I envisioned Dav's response. He lives up to expectations
  7. *rests head over Fawkes's back* I may just donator name change to a mix of the two names. I'm still hyper and fun, just a little disappointed today. I'm going to have to resubmit my Colgate and Winter Iris apps unless they just change the names on them.
  8. *folds self onto divan and watches silently before turning to my fire*
  9. Odd, Pinkie isn't at the moon yet. I wouldn't think Artax would wait for Manestream to do anything, so I don't know what he's doing.
  10. RarityUnderground isn't so underground when Artax just goes in and traces IP and hostmasking.
  11. Aria won't forget. And I will make a point of everypony knowing I'm Pinkie too anyway.
  12. Multiple accounts are forbidden, don't you know. I'm proud of myself though, as I wasn't impolite or vindictive despite some of my feelings.
  13. Mmm no, it appears I won't be banned. But EoLPinkie dies this day.
  14. Whelp, in case I get banned it was a wild ride ponies
  15. You noticed that, did you? That happened because the editor was being stubborn and I tried using the tags on just one word. I wish I'd known what Angie suggested, rather than going back and painstakingly removing all of those editor tags. If you all happen to read it again and catch something I missed, please let me know.
  16. It's 5:30 AM. My eyes burn. My night wanes, and the dreaded sunrise approaches. Weary. I am so weary.
  17. I suppose my saying that I could make it does not matter I guess I'll sleep in then and watch with everypony later.
  18. Come to think of it all that really goes on is everypony either talks about drawing, their day, some inside joke, or madness.
  19. I thought with it being a Friday night this would be more... lively.
  20. There are also more featured in Sweet and Elite.
  21. Noe I don't ignore you, I just choose to stay silent.
  22. Why yes, yes it is. So I have decided that if Dusky Wings somehow wins Rarity, I am going to apply for Rainbow Dash. And I'm definitely trying for Princess Cadence when she's available.
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