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Posts posted by Solaria

  1. good luck

    You. Of the fiery mane. I sense similarity.

    I live by the quote that Soulscapes has as her signature:

    (to praphrase)

    "True immortality means sharing your heart with everypony you can."

    The best hearts are the jagged, torn, patchwork ones. There are pieces that are missing completely, where you gave a bit of your heart and received nothing in return. Then there are other, not quite conformed pieces, where you shared your heart and got something back.

  2. When I was very young I was taking a bath and my mom yelled through the house to look out the window at the hail. I saw it, ran outside in glee to dance in it, and was promptly knocked out by a piece hitting me in the head.

    Also, I'm used as a safety hazard warning on an old couple's property since I fell from their giant tree and sprained both ankles. I should have died, considering I fell backwards with my back aimed at the ground. Surprised? Probably not. Kristofferson.

  3. Princess Cadence trotted happily along one of her favorite Canterlot boulevards, her multi-colored mane tied up and away from her neck in the warm weather. A soft breeze ruffled through the feathers of her wings, drawing a small smile to the mare's face as she moved along. What a wonderful day to be out and about in the bustling city! Shoppers everywhere, other ponies having daffodil sandwiches and the like outside charming cafes, some passerby nodding in friendly acknowledgement.

    It was so pleasant and relaxing that Cadence nearly missed a particular sweet shop, one that had been mentioned to her at the Canterlot Royal Public Relations open house by none other than Sweet Surprise. Was this really the right one? The fudge that Sweet had brought to the event had been extremely delicious, and according to the signs the shop was selling even more of the treat! Her suspicions were confirmed when the alicorn saw the pony in question dashing about and keeping things in order, mostly around a giant pile of fudge.

    "Sweet Surprise!" Cadence called amiably, waving a hoof in the air. "You're having a fudge sale? What's the occasion?"

  4. Beware, for the night is dark and full of terrors. We will offer names up to the red god, one by one. :mad:

    Done. *shipped* SoulWind? RoseScapes? RoseSoul?

    Tell Nasty I say hello, too! I don't think I really had a chance to get to know him before he was sent to the moon.

    They all sound pretty great, though RoseScapes evokes the most imagery to me.

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