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Posts posted by Solaria

  1. Nah, just the Sammich has a fetish for them and I refuse to be involved. If his dare was "come troll Club Penguin with me," I would say no.

    No dare, huh? Nothing like "Change your avatar to G1 AJ" (that would be truly evil), or speak in rhymes for a full day?

    Villy: Medications are a double-edged sword, and some edges are sometimes sharper than the other. My theory is that there's a lot about the human brain we don't understand, and adding chemicals to it (especially while the brain is developing) is a recipe for problems down the road.

    Are we doing dares?! I have one! I dare you to use this as your ava Rosie.


    I'll take a dare in return!

  2. when someone eats a half of a slice of pizza, how much spit should be on the rest of it?

    Depends on how much they're really enjoying the pizza. A lot? Then probably a lot. Pizza science dictates that the amount of salivation and therefore the residual spittle is directly proportional to the sum of anticipation and eagerness that a pizza nommer experiences, measured with time of nomming in mind.

  3. Which crystalline polyform of cocoa butter is ideal for properly tempering chocolate, and at what temperature does it break down? (I know the answer to this, I'm just testing you!)

    Are you talking about the Crystal V stuff and the breaking down near body temp thing, like 37 degrees C? I'll admit I don't know much about it, I can just tell the difference between quality chocolate and hasty stuff by feel and look. Then again a lot of people can >.<


    Given you the milk from the brand you wanted.

    How was the cookie?

    T'was tasty!

  4. Cadence inhaled slowly as the wine was uncorked and poured into the exquisite glass, savoring the aroma and admiring the impressive crystalware. If the drink already smelled this good, she could only imagine what it would taste like. She began slowly snacking on the grapes and biscuits when everything was set before her, wanting to save the wine and cheese for last as much as she could. After all, those were the best part!

    The warm breeze played with her gathered mane and caused the princess to close her eyes and just enjoy the moment, with delicious flavors dancing along her tongue and the gentlesunlight playing along her face. Overall, the party was quite relaxed and enjoyable so far! Though she expected nothing less from the lady actress who had begun describing her current status.

    Fleur was weaving a grand tapestry about how she would be casting and the vision she was trying to achieve. Cadence admittedly didn't understand every little detail, but it was easy enough to follow and rather interesting. It definitely sounded like she would be having another night out on Canterlot once the production came to the stage.

    "I'm sure such responsibility will be well worth it," the alicorn commented warmly, taking a sip of the fantastic wine and resisting a sigh of pleasure. "Nothing really compares to seeing your own vision come into play, and casting like that should help you along rather nicely!"

    As Cadence took a small bite of the wonderfully full and nutty Morbier, her attention was so focused on the medley of sensations playing across her taste buds that she nearly missed a new arrival trotting onto the vista. While he spoke quietly to Fleur, the mare swallowed her bite and turned to face the stallion completely. After inclining her head in return to the bow, she gave a curious grin.

    "The pleasure is all mine. Might I ask the name of such a fine gentlecolt?" she inquired.

  5. Cadence smiled brightly down at Pound as Pumpkin introduced them, her hoofguard tapping smartly on the floor in response to the baby's pounding. If a display of strength was what he wanted, it wasn't hard to give by foal standards. She leaned down to nuzzle them both before straightening again, a sympathetic look on her face when her little companion cried out her name.

    "It's ok," the princess whispered, ruffling Pumpkin's ducktail mane while listening to Carrot Cake. "It was no trouble at all, Mr. Cake," she replied, speaking more loudly. "Both Crescent and I did our parts, like I'm sure anypony would have. After all, Pumpkin helped me avoid a pretty boring day," she joked.

    Cadence knelt to the floor, bringing her face even with the little unicorn.

    "Well, I wouldn't want Pinkie to feel left out, but how about sometime soon you come and visit the castle? We can spend a day together!" she offered.

  6. Cadence's mouth nearly fell open as Pigpen unveiled one of the most valuable treasures of Equestrian history right before her eyes. That couldn't really be it, could it? Her mind flashed back to those boring days of studying in dusty old rooms at the castle, reading over how Equestria was made and the arguing tribes that eventually reconciled to form it. The leader of the unicorns had been Princess Platinum, and depictions of her crown had looked just like the object before her.

    "I- I don't know how you got ahold of something like this," she murmured, obviously in awe. "Of course I'll take it back to Canterlot with me to be put on display for everypony, and make sure you get a finder's fee for your troubles in taking care of it."

    The princess desperately wanted to try on the gorgeous ornament herself, but she managed to rein the desire in. After all, it belonged to every citizen of Equestria. It would be unbecoming to assume anything otherwise.

    "I and I'm sure the entire kingdom thank you for your dedication, Pigpen," she said with a nod and a smile, using magic to repackage the crown and deposit it in a saddlebag. "Is there anything else I can offer in return?"

  7. I only use the freshest chocolate milk from cotton candy clouds!

    Oh, I need to ask a question. Um.

    Do I seem more like Cheerilee to you or Pinkie?

    That... is a wonderful question. Hm. Well... You do have your insane moments, but you also are pretty teacherly around Canterlot, welcoming all those new ponies and stuff and teaching them lessons about things. But you also bake and are good at it, so... I'd lean toward Pinkie with a heavy dash of Cheerilee on the side :D

  8. i still dont understand...

    so im goint to rephrase the question:

    if they weren't good at it, why didn't they let someone who knew what they were doing make paint?

    that way i would be able to use it and accomplish something worth accomplishing!

    If you're already that skilled with it, you should make your own paint instead of using the obviously inferior artist paint.

    What flavor of ice cream is this?


    Looks like Flutterscotch Ripple with Rainbow Sprinkles. Also, I keep finding this inside:




    -- I mean, we're having my specialty cookie called, Choc de Boulangerie.

    Translated from French: Bakery Shock.

    They're not really electrifying, the bread is actually shortbread with a jelly flavored a bit tart and a little more sweeter with the ingredients of blueberry, lemon juice, and honey.

    It's actually a cookie with jelly in the middle.

    It is quite... quaint.

    Would you still like one or two?

    I'll give you a glass of milk or tea on the side.


    I'll just take one and a glass of milk, and only from Rosewind Brand Dairy Farms.

  9. what do you mean by "Hubris"?


       [hyoo-bris, hoo-] Show IPA


    excessive pride or self-confidence; arrogance.

    Also, hybris.

    Compare sophrosyne.


    1880–85; < Greek hýbris insolence

    Related forms

    hu·bris·tic, adjective

    non·hu·bris·tic, adjective

    un·hu·bris·tic, adjective

    Chocolate or chocolate, Aria?

    I'll take both, and make something double chocolate!

    why is 6:48 called 6:48 if it starts at 7:30?

    Because somepony is terrible at scheduling, or somepony else needs to get a new watch.

  10. so paint was made by artists? if they weren't good at it, why didn't they let someone who knew what they were doing make it?


    Why is setting your inner child free a bad thing?

    It isn't at all.

    Doop de doo, let's wee if I got any notifications over at Canterlot today.

    *Spits coffee*


    Sammich has an apparently endless supply of questions that I think he would ask anyone, not just me in particular. I think it brings him pleasure. Also, could you phrase it in the form of a question? :blah:<3

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