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Posts posted by Solaria

  1. Tonight's my last night on here. My parents have simply just gone over the edge, and I can't handle it anymore. I can't handle the fact that they don't love me for who I am. I'm just not the muscular, non-nerdy son they want, so they have taken away the internet for me. I have decided to finally stand up to them and stop being a coward. I don't expect to be back on for a while, so if anyone asks, please tell them that I'm gone due to parents. Thank you.

    Hold strong to your ideals, Nasty. And Angie has the interesting power to resummon Fawkes.

    *slides god button behind a cushion*

  2. As far as I understand it, in the loosest terms a soft parade is a transitional mix that moves through several softer pieces of either a singular or various artists to achieve an effect similar to the meditative state some New Age music produces in some listeners. The transitions form the "parade" as it were. It could also refer to the album Soft Parade or the song :P

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  3. I dunno xD

    I haven't been working on it lately because I've been home since Tuesday for a wake, so people have time if they want to message me with how they want to be depicted. Pic itself will be a bit late, though. Was hoping to have it done in time for Valentines day.

    Don't worry, I remember your situation. It was just an interesting thought I had since I'm nowhere near consistent, though I may usually appear as I do now after last night's decision.

  4. Anypony, or draconequus as the case may be, will earn my eternal disappointment and sadness should they try any subversion related to this button at my expense. Quite thankfully, I don't style myself a god.

    Hey guys. Can we have animations as our logos?

    Because if we can I might as well make one now that I am on a break.

    If we can't, my Pinkie has been breaking the rules at 58 circles per minute for a long time now. And hello Rock.

  5. This site is so odd. I had two avatars going for the past hour: Crowned Celestia after I posted and on my profile, sleepy Celestia on smaller images such as who posted last in a thread on the main page. I switch sizes, and they all convert to the singular avatar. I switched back because Trilobite said this was the cutest Celestia he'd ever seen :P

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