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Everything posted by PonyHooves

  1. Its ten past midnight and I'm wide awake... I have no idea why... Its just who I am.
  2. PonyHooves

    Forever Greatful

    We often forget how lucky to have the things we do... We take what we have for granted without noticing over half of the time. I know I've done it so many, many times. Haven't you ever taken what you have for granted? But a few moments of thought... Sure I can say that there are those better off from me because both mother and father care about them, unlike me. My mother is out of the picture and she doesn't want to know my existance. I live in a broken family. But there is another side that I often look to when I feel depressed or lonely. - I have a father who loves me with all of his heart. - I have an older brother who helps to show me the way when I've gone off course in my journey through college life. - I have grandparents who both love and cherish me. My grandma even calls me, the little girl she never had. - I have a roof to sleep under. It has clean water, electricity and warmth. - I have all of my loving pets who help to fulfill my life by just being there. - I have the clothes that I wear. - I have television, a wii, Nintendo 3DS, access to my dad's computer and a notebook. The list is endless if I go into more details... But you can see that I'll always be forever greatful for everything that I have.
  3. *Stares at shiny harmonica* Ooh... So pretty and shiny!
  4. I'm bored... Sorry.. My brain has gone to bed, but the rest of me is wide awake!
  5. "What, dioxins? They're any of the several carcinogenic or teratogenic heterocyclic hydrocarbons that incurs impurities and petroleum-derived herbicides, like meat and dairy products." Blooregard Q. Kazoo
  6. Something just tapped me on the back of my neck and there's no one behind me... Oh, wait... Its just my hair! Hehe... Easy mistake to make...
  7. Your first live stream was brilliant. I loved it!
  8. Oh.. Oh... I just watched the mlp fim season finale on youtube... It... Was... Brilliant!
  9. Pixie Parcel smiled brightly. "It has been a long time father... Too long..." She spoke as she looked into his eyes. "Too many days off means that ponies will rely on me less. Who would be there for them?" Golden replied. Pixie Parcel nodded in understanding. She had accepted that her father's job was very demanding. Even more demanding than that of a postal worker such as her self.
  10. *Whimpers loudly* I didn't get to see it... Live stream wouldn't work!
  11. Gahhh! Live stream isn't working! Now I want to cry!
  12. Its okay... You can always watch it on youtube another day instead of live stream.
  13. Mm... Cheese and leek sausages. They may be designed for vegetarians and I'm no vegetarian... But they taste good.
  14. *Dog runs into the window of the patio door trying to get the fly which flew away seconds earlier* Ooh, that's got to hurt even her!
  15. Your asking the wrong pony... I'm terrible with technology and usually crash computers. Then again, I nearly set the house on fire when I made toast. I also broke the mother board on my old laptop...
  16. Its online streaming to watch the finale for me... Then I'll go onto youtube and watch my favourite episodes so far.
  17. And good afternoon to you MicroChip. Its not morning where I'm from.
  18. I still love the way you draw wings!
  19. Ohh, I can't wait! You said GMT... That means you live in the UK, like I do. Still, your art is epic so I can't wait.
  20. Yeah right... Anyway... I'm super dooper excited for the finale! But I'm sad at the same time...
  21. Paw Print stepped inside the cafe. She looked around as she walked up to the bar. The mare was quite hungry as she had travelled quite the distance to get here. The last time she had entered this cafe, she was with her dog. This time, the mare walked alone. It felt strange. She felt a sense that something was missing. Paw Print hadn't had that feeling since, Tricks passed away. She wanted to cry again, but held back her tears. He was at rest now and Tricks never liked to see his owner looking sad. Paw Print had remembered that. Yet she couldn't help frowning. She was determined to meet up with her old friends, but it felt as though one would always be missing.
  22. Pixie Parcel was back at work. She had full saddle bags today. Her load may have seemed heavy. But the mare managed it perfectly fine. She kept thinking about Cloudius. She knew he was going to be okay, but the mare couldn't stop worrying about him. She passed a letter through a letter box. She was at the local prankster's house. This time, when she touched the letter box, she recieved a small electric shock that made her mane stand on end. The mare didn't care. It was just a prank. She moved onto the next house and let out a gentle sigh. 'I wish Cloudius was up here... We could be laughing and joking right now.' Pixie thought as she continued on in her line of work.
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