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Posts posted by GingerbreadSpy

  1. I like the character concept... but... I know there's a rule somewhere about not having ponies that are directly or indirectly related to the Mane cast.... Valen seems like a pretty distant relative, though, so I'm not sure if it applies... but it's possible that it does. //^_^\\'... I guess a mod/help staff would have to tell you, for sure.

  2. Mojo reminds me of Mojo Jojo... who is totally not about peace; regardless of what the Powerpuff Girls Special says. :P

    Also, I have no intention of making anyone angry. If someone gets angry just because someone points out they said something wrong, then that's on them, not me. I think since this IS an MLP board, the admins would probably be all about love and tolerance and acceptance and not being afraid to correct any mistakes they've made. I'm sure they would only be angry at me if I did something that broke the rules (and I have no intention of breaking the rules because the rules they have in place are very fair and sensible, and I agree with them whole-heartedly). And pointing out that they're wrong about something that is canon on the MLP show is not against the rules, as far as I can see.

  3. Well, uh... most ponies here aren't sticklers for grammar and spelling. So, I'm going to ignore all those errors except for one. Please, PLEASE, for the love of Celestia, spell unicorn correctly. Unicron makes me think of something from Transformers or something. Anyway, I'm not a help staff or anything, but I think there might be a couple of issues for your app.

    First, Shadowtred doesn't quite sound like a pony name (and, uh, it kind of sounds misspelled... Did you mean Shadowtread?) Maybe something more like Shadowtrot? Second... umm... I'm not sure about the magic he has (or his cutie mark being able to fade... I think cutie marks are supposed to stay pretty static and unchanging and everything)... It sounds like it has the potential to be overpowered (particularly the part about making ponies see things and making your pony blend into the shadows or become invisible or whatever... that sounds like really powerful magic... ).

  4. ... //>.>\\'.... I'm still thinking about what to add for it, but I'm not thinking too hard on it because I already have an application that has FINAL on it, and last I heard, we were only suppose to have ONE FINAL and ONE WIP. Sooooooo...... Once my FINAL app gets approved, I will be MORE than happy to finish up this app and slap a FINAL status to it. :)

    .... *Bats eyelashes* Pretty please approve my FINAL app or at least give me feedback and tell me what I need to do to make it approvable?

  5. What about a character that thinks they're doing really good but is actually doing.... not so good? (I was thinking about maybe having a character that's kind of like Captain Hammer from Dr. Horrible's Sing-A-Long blogs). And also, they're kind of a jerk simply by not realizing that they're being a jerk? *lol*

  6. Roleplay Type: World of Equestria RP

    Name: Lockheart

    Sex: Male

    Age: (Elderly) Stallion

    Species: Unicorn

    Eye Color: Grey

    Coat Color: A sort of peach color.

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: His mane and tail are grey with streaks of faded blue. His mane probably travels just below his ear and is shaggy while his tail is pretty short.

    Physique: He is very frail-looking and thin (think Granny Smith-like). He also has a tendency to wheeze while he works or even after a short walk. He still has terrific eyesight, though.

    Cutie Mark: His cutie mark is a silver heart locket. It represents a few things. It shows that he has an attraction to shiny things, but it also shows that he has a very sentimental side to him and is a loving, caring individual. A silver heart locket was also the first object he ever enchanted.

    Origin/Residence: Hoofington. It's very likely that he won't be doing much traveling.

    Occupation: He owns a tiny shop which also doubles as his house. He is an enchanter who specializes in enchanting items (he is limited in his abilities, and I will post rules for his enchantments and will tweak them if necessary).

    Motivation: Lockheart is pretty up in his years but has lived a pretty full life thus far. These days he doesn't spend a whole lot of time outside his house and busies himself with collecting random objects and minding his enchantment business. His main motivation seems to be making ponies happy with the objects he enchants for them.

    Likes: shiny objects, deformed objects, broken objects, just objects in general, doing business, telling stories about the good old days that he barely remembers, tapioca pudding

    Dislikes: large crowds, cities, crunchy food, cold weather, rainy weather, ponies who tell him to throw things away, ponies with malicious intent

    Character Summary: Lockheart was born in Hoofington but spent a lot of time traveling from place to place with his parents who were archaeologists. It was this background that allowed him to learn a great deal about magic from libraries and other unicorns the world over since he didn't have much interest in archaeology. Despite being well-versed in magic theory, he was terrible at application as a young colt and could only perform the most basic of unicorn tasks.

    One year, his parents settled down in a very small village in order to explore a nearby cavern. Lockheart took to studying under a couple of different unicorns, particularly an elderly mare who taught him about musical spells. She often seemed lonely and forlorn, so he made it a point to visit and study under her often in order to keep her company. She would frequently tell him stories about her youth and how she missed a lot of her friends and family. She would talk about how she used to have a music box that her father gave her when she was young, but it had eventually broke down and wouldn't play music anymore. She was always saying that she wished she could hear it play one more time. Lockheart tried to see if he could get it fixed for her and even tried to fix it himself at one point but to no avail.

    It was then he saw her heart locket which was often on the table right next to the music box and some other sentimental items. Remembering the tune that she would hum, he wondered if he might be able to get the locket to play the music instead. Somehow or another, the magic came from the very deepest part of his heart into his horn and the heart locket became enchanted. The effort seemed to exhaust the young colt, but he was happy that his efforts seemed to have paid off because the locket now played the music the elderly mare hummed. He presented the locket to her that very same day, and his heart swelled with pride and joy when the mare began to cry tears of happiness. His cutie mark appeared shortly afterward.

    Lockheart demonstrated remarkable talent at enchanting items and has since set up his own business and done fairly well for himself. Now, though, he is very old and many of the older members of his family, including his parents, and his friends have passed away. He still seems to have kept up a kind, friendly spirit. Because of his age, he has become eccentric, is prone to memory loss, and will tell stories of the good old days to just about anyone who will listen (though, he'll often lose track of the story, forget what happened mid-story, or fall asleep mid-story). He no longer does any traveling, preferring to remain in Hoofington where it isn't crowded and easy on an old stallion like him.

    Lockheart, according to the unicorn magic aptitude test, would be on the high end of Gamma class, almost a Beta, but not quite. He only specializes in one particular field of magic (enchanting items) and cannot teleport, but he does have a pretty large-sized list of enchantments that he can put on various objects. The following is a list of rules regarding his limitations:

    1. He can only enchant an object once, so no one object can have multiple enchantments.

    2. Magic is a very tricky business. Some enchantments will only work at a certain time of day. Some enchantments may even only work once, and then not work again (for instance, objects that summon things like snack food would only work once and never again... objects that offer some kind of protection will also only work once and never again... and because the object has been enchanted before, it cannot be enchanted again).

    3. He cannot enchant living things, so this means plants, animals, and other ponies. He can only enchant non-living objects.

    4. He is incapable of making enchantments that affect free will. So, he cannot, for instance, put an enchantment on an object that makes its wearer tell the truth or makes the wearer fall in love with another pony.

    5. He is incapable of making enchantments that can affect a living thing's appearance. So, he cannot make a necklace that turns you into a giant or makes you super beautiful or changes you into something else or makes you invisible. When he was younger, he did make an invisibility cloak (he has since forgotten where he put it... it's sort of a throw-away gag that I'll have him mention from time to time), but he had a lot more power when he was younger, and it had taken all he had to make that cloak. He can, however, put an enchantment on a mirror that essentially turns it into a funhouse mirror where it will make you look different in some way but won't be affecting your actual appearance.

    6. He cannot make objects that manipulate time. So, he cannot enchant an object to become a time-traveling device or enchant an object so that it can tell you the future. He can, however, enchant an object to tell you what time it is.

    7. He cannot make an enchantment that will give an object sentience/awareness. He can, however, make objects talk about certain subjects or give random bits of advice or make an object sing (like a singing harp, for instance). Objects that talk or sing, unfortunately, will not shut up.

    8. He cannot enchant an object so that it will give you a longer lifespan or make you indestructible or give you superpowers. He can, however, make the objects themselves indestructible. He will most often do this to things like teddy bears and dolls. He refuses to make weapons indestructible.

    9. He refuses to enchant objects that will set themselves on fire or explode. He is perfectly okay with enchanting objects to explode into confetti or candy, however. These objects will also only be able to do this once for obvious reasons.

    10. Objects that are enchanted to summon something cannot summon living things, and they can only be used to summon something once. So... Sorry, guys. No ever-lasting, auto-filling nacho bowls for ponies.

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