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Everything posted by Frosty

  1. I really like the second picture, and the others are good too. I might ask something, you if you don't mind that is?
  2. Donkey kong was the first game I ever played as far as I can remember. I used to pour money into thoses machines, just trying to to get past level 1 lol.
  3. hello to Appy and Sulvuss too and How is everpony feeling?
  4. I'm still looking for a few good rps... *molds self into a pegasus* and Hi Aria
  5. Hey! no no no*gets thrown in the freezer and comes out a pony popsicle* ._.
  6. No Ice cream :l because I've melted...*sits in box in the corner of the room*
  7. *flops into thread as a pony made up water* Hello glub..everypony...
  8. Oh boy... I have alot of work to do if I plan on catching up....
  9. and worse thing is, I got to stay warm to get better.. It's a paradox on my part...
  10. I place 100 bits on... 1 hours... 43 minutes and 12 seconds... But seriously, I find it funny since.. a pony named Frosty has a cold...
  11. Hello everyone *has a hot water bottle on his head*
  12. Hi Angie *yawns softly* xP and Goodnight Angie
  13. *ear twitches and rises from his pillow* Gundam! *falls flat on his face and falls asleep*
  14. I've catched a cold *coughs* kinda funny for a pony named Frosty to catch a cold huh?

  15. That songs sounds very mellow, or atleast it does to me. I kinda like it.
  16. *hides head under pillow* Maybe I shouldn't of let it develop a personality... I need something to drink my mouth is so dry, it almost hurts.
  17. yes and Mine won't let me sleep..it's giving me Insomia...
  18. *walks into the thread, dragging a pillow in his mouth, placing it down on the ground and falling on it* Hello everypony
  19. I'm sorry to ask this as I don't want to trouble anyone but I must address this issue before I continue making my new Character. The character I'm currently working on, I have an idea in my head that her father was a Wonderbolt but now is retired and living out his years with his family. Would this idea be acceptable or would it cause problems? Once again, I'm sorry to pose any bother on any pony. Thank you in advance.
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