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Posts posted by SteelEagle

  1. ValenOrange1withtext.png

    "It's a delight to see you're prepared for the occasion Valen, and your scarf is just darling. As for my day, so far it's certainly looking up. Especially given how delicious this food your cousin has prepared is."

    "But we'll need more than just a cleaning towel and picnic supplies for this...to start with, I trust you have a quality shovel you'd be willing to let me borrow, Applejack, dear?"

    Valen's little heart still beat excitedly and with great earnestness, as he had expected some manner of tool would be required for this job. He had initially thought of using one of the larger spoons but considered it silly for a whole host of reasons, most vividly that it was too small and difficult to penetrate the earth with. He had then taken in hoof the largest and sharpest of the forks, but stopped and gave the image thought. He decided to cover his momentary idiocy by collecting other utensils and plates, and soon, a wonderful picnic set was collected as if it had been the intent all along. Nopony would know of his lapse in all sense. Nopony.

    "Oh, of course! We got several shovels and other yard tools outside restin' on the barn side. In fact, I'd even let Valen borrow mah little sis' crusadin' wagon if y'alls wanted it. It'll help you haul them heapin' piles of shiny gems back home. Apple Bloom wont even miss it," Applejack expressed towards Valen and winked, "as long as you bring it back in one piece."

    That sounded just fine by Valen. He figured that if anypony in town would have a strong shovel, it'd be his cousin Applejack and as far as the wagon was concerned he would take better care of it than Apple Bloom. Valen swore that the filly woke up every day under the misguided belief that each and every inch of Equestria existed for her own personal brand of innocent destruction. While there was a certain amount of charm to that and he could detect within her a strain of active, brimming, a corny colt may say blooming, intelligence, both of those things were wasted when her wide and joy-filled eyes seemed to reflect all manner of broken objects.

    Further thoughts on the subject were curtailed by the heavy, apple-laden saddlebag that almost broke his back due to the sheer unpreparedness of his form. His eyes bulged out as it was tied on and it took a second to correct himself. If it had been the first week he was here, it'd take a full minute. Whether or not getting used to his body being beaten in minor matters was a good or bad thing was open for debate. Valen smirked awkwardly, as he had already packed essential items and other foodstuffs. Better to be over-prepared than under-prepared, he guessed.

    "And here's a rope in case y'all need to tie up some misbehavin' critters. You just tie that lasso knot like I taught you and you can show Rarity all the rodeo skills you've learned since you've been here."

    Valen gave a weak chuckle. Yes, skills. He had them, but not in anything to do with a rope. He was more liable to tie himself up or somehow start a forest fire with it than tie up the intended target, even with Applejack's patient and consistent efforts to teach him. Still, he guessed some manner of protection was superior to none.

    But he really hoped it wouldn't come to that. He would be useless and though he was sure they'd both try their hardest, he didn't exactly peg rarity as being the most effective against the creatures of the wild either. In short, if they ran into something rather than somepony, it was likely their best option was to run really, really fast. In Valen's case, run really fast, slow down, panic, run fast some more, and then cry. Sounded about right, which made him only slightly nervous. Not too nervous, since any negativity was being overridden by thoughts of finding pretty gems with a pretty mare.

    "Maybe..." Valen began as he loosened the saddlebag, wheezing his way through the next sentence, "Miss Rarity can take this one?" The saddlebag finally came off, allowing him to take a few deep, quick breaths.

    "I've already packed for the trip, Applejack. Still, we can always use more...apples...and a rope, of course. Thank you very much, and tell Apple Bloom that I'll take very good care of her wagon while it is in my possession," The colt said politely as his chest slowly puffed back out as if before it had been crushed quite literally by the saddlebag.

  2. As someone who had their interest in ponies piqued for the very first time listing to this live on the radio, let me tell you that I wasn't able to guess all the questions right. Sure they sound obvious to me now after obsessing over the series for 5 months, but back then they ALL sounded fake.

    Maybe. but take the Rarity one: Loving "My Even Tinier Ponies", Makeovers, and eating paste. XD

    The second question was better, as the first two answers were reasonable.

    Ponies most powerful enemy: Gluemaker(too dark for a kids show), evil Pony Nightmare Moon, Cynical grownup...Chester.

    Come on.:P

  3. Pathfinder.png

    "Hmm... so how do these scenes go for Daring Do... you don't struggle against it or it pulls you in deeper. Instead you have somepony pull you up by force, right? But what should I use to pull you out? I don't think I have any rope or anything..."

    Pathfinder nodded as if a proud momma, as her date was quite right on both counts. These things were commonly used earlier on in the Daring Do novels, each with a variation. It eventually became difficult to come up with a scenario where she couldn't use a rope or wings to power her way out and it ended, but it was a re-occurring fan device, especially one powered with unicorn magic that could cause some sort of distortion field. Pathfinder had a re-occurring villain, Neighdowell, use just that in several instances to fix Daring Do in place. Then it usually detoured swiftly into more carnal territory she'd blush at and then have to keep to her private journal. Pathfinder shook herself to re-purify her thoughts, which worked well enough mentally but had a rather foolish physical setback.

    She sank a little faster. Okay, it was really artificial- she wasn't struggling anymore and it still pulled her down! For all the money they sunk into this place, couldn't they have invested more into their fake traps? Pathfinder sighed.

    "I'm not even moving and its still sinking. This is very lame Snowy! You'd think they'd at least try to make it realistic!" She pouted as if a petulant child, desparately wishing she could paw her way out of the quicksand so she could forget such a rapid disappointment.

    Pathfinder racked her brain trying to find a solution without wingpower and without the contents in the saddlebag, as she needed them for real adventures. She continued to sink until she was buried up to her stomach on all fours. The fact she was still stinking caused her to lower her head in shame-

    -Directly into the artificial quicksand. The realization she had basically dunked her head into the mixture had come too late to the disappointed pony, and her efforts to free herself fell short of successful. The pressure was intense and ear-splitting as the artificial mix poured into every available crevice. A moment's panic set in before Pathfinder's more steeled backbone kicked in, unwilling or unable to admit the danger. She could feel it rising; she had maybe ten seconds before her wings would be inoperable. If Snowy couldn't figure a way out by then, she'd have to wingpower her way out. It may have been dishonorable but she'd take that after fainting in this stuff.

    Well, that assumed she had enough oxygen! Ooooh, this was becoming fun! Hear heart started skipping and if she could have smiled, Pathfinder's grin would have been broad.

  4. AppleBloomATTEMPT3final.png

    "Apple Bloom! What in tarnation are you doin' here!? I thought I told ya ta..."

    Her big sis's anger subsided for some reason Apple Bloom couldn't quite grasp- what had been talked about before Apple Bloom had arrived? It didn't quite matter as Apple Bloom was sure that any anger Applejack would have felt was bound to have been fleeting in any case. AJ just wasn't a pony with a reserve of anger for use against her family, as the most she could summon in the worst instance was a shallow, pety silence. That stung Apple Bloom more than angry words ever could have, and as Applejack spoke, the filly's heart was at worst content with whatever verbal lashing she was bound to receive later as a rebuke for her coming to the farm. It was worth it.

    "Heh. Heh. She's so spontaneous."

    It was true! She was and wore it as a badge of honor, even if Apple Bloom could see through AJ's weak smile. Her sister was never no good at hiding herself, which made her wonder why she was feeling the need to hide any of it. Apple Bloom's timing had to have been highly unfortunate for Applejack's awkward smile to appear on her face like that, which did nothing but increase the filly's curiosity. That came to a short end when her big sis leaned in and whispered in a somewhat forceful manner, as was her most favored tone in use against the filly.

    "Y'all better be on your best behavior, ya hear?"

    Applejack sure was a silly pony. Okay, So Apple Bloom had nearly destroyed the barn earlier- why, that wasn't no indication that she was destined to cause trouble! It had been nothing more than a mishap, and one she had more than made up for as far as she was concerned.

    "Ah know, ah know. Ah'll be on mah best behavior, Applejack and act like a good pony, 'cause I am one and ya know it. 'Sides, I ain't nearly so unlucky as to destroy more than building in a day!" She enthusiastically and confidently replied, her smile wide and broad as she imagined this building remaining completely upright for as long as she was in it, at least. That already sounded better than any other alternative.

    "Ah think..." Big Mac's low rumble of a voice grew stronger after he cleared it, allowing him to gain a sense of dominance in the room- a sif that wouldn't be apparent by comparing one of his backs legs to the entirety of Apple Bloom.

    "We should move things along - an' seein' as our hosts have somethin' prepared for us t'take a sample of, ah reckon it'd be mighty rude of us t'let anythin' these folks have done go cold."

    Yes, it would be very, very rude of them to not partake in whatever deliciousness the hosts had devised for them. As usual, Big Mac was the voice of reason, which was more or less his role whenever he did manage to open that big 'ol mouth of his. Often, she would lean on him for support on those rare occassions that she and Applejack were found at odds. He was mighty strong, mighty quiet, and rigtly the best big brother in the whole world and then some.

    "Hiya, Apple Bloom!"

    "Hiya, Purple Haze!" Apple Bloom exclaimed with her hoof waving wildly towards the other farm filly. Purple was a mighty nice pony, and as a fellow farmer-type, Apple Bloom had plans for the two to get together some time and hang out in a more personal setting. Who knows, maybe one day Purple Haze would be as cool as her CMC compatriots? Tall order for any filly, but she just might be able to complete it.

    "Oi swear, big brae, if'n Oi was nae here tae take care of ye, who knows where ye'd be? if'n ye were ginnae give away yer favorite poster, why nae tae th' pretty pegasus yer seein' who's a big fan? Ye dinnae have tae do everythin' th' filly next door says jes cause ye think she's a looker! Oi-"

    "N-now Purple, generosity is a bonnie thing, an' so many helped us hie up tae this town, so it's good tae give a neighbor a gift an' all!"

    Apple Bloom was a little confused as to what was going on with a pegasus and whatever was being given away, but she wasn't quite so dense as to not know what had just happened. She giggled almost uncontrollably for a moment before trying and failing to regain herself entirely. That awfully cute stallion had the vapors rising for her big sis, wasn't that just the cutest thing! She shot Applejack a quick look, coupled with a wink, and giggled again. If they became each other's special someponies, then they wouldn't even need to walk very far to pick each other up for a date.

    "Err ... Now, Purple ye're. um, keeping our guests from samplin' yer delicious food! We invited 'em fer lunch, after all! Ye know how foals kin be, ah-heh, ah-heh, saying' all sorts of silly things. She's just enthusiastic 'bout finally having th' neighbors over, a bit excitable. Oi think she's had a few too many sugarcubes!"

    Apple Bloom rolled her eyes. Why did the older ponies always think that the foals and such were so easy to fool? Of course, maybe Purple was a little excitable, them sugarcubes could throw anypony for a loop! That'd explain why he was so defensive too, cause it'd be a shame to get AJ all worked up over nothin' and being a kind stallion he wouldn't want that. Made sense to Bloom, even if the flustered stallion only seemed to throw more hay on the fire telling Apple Bloom that the vapors 'round his cheeks weren't the reason for their color. He turned and left and after a few moments, the trailing of his voice fading until all that remained was long-gone whispers.

    That left Apple Bloom alone with her older siblings. She didn't want to give her sister the time she needed, and she wouldn't need much at all, to leap down her throat about sneaking off the farm. There was only one solution: Talk fast and talk a lot.

    "Applejack, I know you're mighteh sore 'bout me showing up here and all on account of me almost destroyin' the barn earlier and such, but ah really did do whatcha asked me ta do and got all them weeds outta th' orchard! Why, it's cleaner than a braeburn in mid-summer! Ah got all the weeds in all Equestria, ah bet! ah worked real hard and did sucha good job, and it aint like ah'm doing any sort of tomfillery, ah'm here with y'all to meet th' neighbors. Ah even brought an apple pie, 'cause y'all forgot to bring one and if we don't give'm a good pie they might not think much of Sweet Apple Acres, and that'd be just the worst, worse than a million caterpillars tryin' to take down a single tree! Pleeeeeeaaaaaasssseeeeee can ah stay?" Apple Bloom asked as she fell on her haunches, eyes wide and adorable and lips quavering- the puppy dog look if it ever existed. She'd learned it from Winona when she was a puppy, but by golly if Apple Bloom hadn't perfected it.

  5. AppleBloomATTEMPT3final.png

    Pinkie sure had faith in this pony in terms of party planning and if there was anything you could trust in this big world, it was Pinkie's faith in partying and all related materials. Why, Apple Bloom found the concept of a party in Equestria not being planned or otherwise touched by Pinkie to be quite ridiculous. Silly, even, but not as silly as Pinkie, which made the entire thing somewhat of a headache to think about. Sweet Surprise released Pinkie from what Apple Bloom could equate to a death grip, approaching the little Earth filly with enthusiasm to match the famous party planner.

    "Hi there Apple Bloom. I'm Sweet Surprise, Pinkie's party planner in training. I like your accent, and your bow. Oooo! Maybe I can when I get back to Canterlot I can make something chocolatey in the shape of a bow..."

    Apple Bloom smiled, eyes closing as she did so for extra effect. She did love her bow, always wore one every single day, she did. She'd been told she was rather adorable with one and felt it was the right phrasing, and the thought of a chocolate bow was a pretty tasty one. Could she wear one? Nah, it'd melt. But maybe during winter.

    "Anyway, you said that you're planning a party for your grandmother, right? That's really nice. So, what are looking to do? Does your grandmother like certain food? How about colors: Purple, pink, chartruse, plaid?"

    "What the hay's chartruse? Ah ain't never heard of a color called chartruse before, and ah've heard of plenty o' colors, like red and green and yellow and such but never before have ah heard chartruse before," Apple Bloom said with a giggle, thinkin' that this pony was probably from out of town or something similar. She was sure nopony around here would say chartruse.

    "As for food, well, we run an apple orchard so we all love all 'em apples. Granny Smith's favorite apples are Granny Smiths, who woulda thunk it? I mean, it ain't like Big Mac like's em Big Macintosh apples th' best, and Applejack doesn't drink any Applejack!" Apple Bloom said in a stream of consciousness fashion, lightly tapping her chin.

  6. 150px-Caramel_Apple.png

    Name : Caramel Apple

    Gender : Mare

    Gender preference (Optional) : Stallion

    Location : Tiny Apple Valley outside Fillydelphia

    Age : Mare

    Species : Earth pony

    Cutie-Mark (Optional) : Caramel Apples

    How would you describe yourself, physically?

    As an Apple, I am fit due to my labor. However, I am not one of those legendary Apple mares who can buck everything all the time. I am tone, fit, if smaller than perhaps others in my family.

    How would you describe your personality?

    I think of myself as a kind-hearted and trusting mare, but I also work hard and do not tolerate laziness.

    What things in life are important to you?

    My family, my farm, and a nice back rub once in a while.

    What's your idea of the ideal first date?

    A nice dinner and a play, want to see how much of a gentlecolt you can be.

    What are you looking for?

    A stallion who knows how to treat a mare and has the heart to support the

    Anything else you think we should know?

    I operate Tiny Apple Valley and my thoughts will always be with it, so anypony I am paired with must make his peace with that fact.

  7. Pathfinder.png

    "Indeed, we should probably finish the remaining stretch of course before we discuss what's next for us,"

    There was a great amount of sense in those words, Pathfinder couldn't deny. On more than a few occassions she had been guilty of doing just that, charging forward without taking care of previous challenges left unconquered. In an adventure that could either be a minor footnote during the escape, or it could be an incredibly dangerous mistake that imperiled both her and the success of her mission. While there was no danger of death in this situation, the terrible possibility of being dishonest and dishonorable on a date was terrible. She nodded to her Snowy and continued to trot, deciding against opening her wings and flying away against the rules so as to get past the easy stuff.

    "So what is next for this thing anyway?"

    Pathfinder thought long and hard about this as she continued trotting in the dark, her hooves making the distinctive clop-clop as they echoed. What could they have in store that would be nullified by wings? What-

    -Her hooves were stuck in the ground, and with every movement to try and move them, she sunk deeper.

    "Ahh, cool. Artificial quicksand!"

  8. What are your ratings for the episodes and, overall, the season? I present my ratings both head to head as well as overall for the season.

    Friendship Is Magic - Part 1 (Mare in the Moon) vs The Return of Harmony - Part 1

    Friendship Is Magic - Part 2 (Elements of Harmony) vs The Return of Harmony - Part 2

    Funnier jokes, better villain, better characters.

    The Ticket Master vs Lesson Zero

    I didn't like The Ticket Master all that much. Lesson Zero was funny and crazy.

    Applebuck Season vs Luna Eclipsed

    The first really good episode of the show faces off, and is defeated by, Luna Eclipsed. It was close, but Luna as a character was so cool that it edged out.

    Griffon the Brush-Off vs Sisterhooves Social

    Good Pinkie and Dash as well as cool antagonist, but over time, Sisterhooves has grown on me. The dynamic is wonderful and carries it.

    Boast Busters vs The Cutie Pox


    Dragonshy vs May the Best Pet Win!

    Great song helps it barely overcome Dragonshy, which I think is better constructed.

    Look Before You Sleep vs The Mysterious Mare Do Well

    Loved RarJack here. Also, Mare-Do Well is weakest episode in S2.

    Bridle Gossip vs Sweet and Elite

    The first episode where MLP really came into its own. Sweet and Elite was close.

    Swarm of the Century vs Secret of My Excess

    I didn't really like Secret of My Excess, but Swarm of the Century is a solidly fun episode.

    Winter Wrap Up vs Hearth’s Warming Eve

    Hearth's Warming Eve was okay, but WWU had a great song and I think better plot.

    Call of the Cutie vs Family Appreciation Day

    Neither is a strong episode, but FAD has some good world building and general fun times.

    Fall Weather Friends vs Baby Cakes

    Loved FWF! Baby Cakes was okay but nothing more to me. FWF had great Dash, great Jack.

    Suited for Success vs The Last Roundup

    Oi. This is a real toughie. The song and overall message and tone of SFS was superior, and it stands as one of my favorite episodes. However, I liked the plot and characterizations as well as the jokes more in The Last Roundup. I'll go with Roundup, but it is a battle of titans.

    Feeling Pinkie Keen vs The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000

    Close. I loved the song and AJ's letter was a true hoot, but Cider was too small a story and generally lacked great, funny moments aside from Dash. Good episodes, same as with Feeling Pinkie Keen- same quality, but Pinkie Kleen had adventure and more comedy. better development, wins out.

    Sonic Rainboom vs Read It and Weep

    One of the best, if not the best, episodes in the series has little problem here. Read It and Weep was good, but it stands no chance in this fight.

    Stare Master vs Hearts and Hooves Day

    Both are about equal in my eyes, advantage Hooves due to the song.

    The Show Stoppers vs A Friend In Deed

    Show Stoppers is very weak. A Friend In Deed is solid, not great, but still wins.

    A Dog & Pony Show vs. Putting Your Hoof Down

    Rarity wins this one. And except for Flutter*****, there just wasn't any meat to PYHD.

    Green Isn't Your Color vs. It's About Time

    Pretty close, both are good. However, Photo Finish manages to eek out a win for Green.

    Over a Barrel vs Dragon Quest

    Over a Barrel was in many ways weaker, but the train ride moments and Pinkie's song help it rise above.

    A Bird in the Hoof Vs. Hurricane Fluttershy

    All around great episode.

    The Cutie Mark Chronicles VS Ponyville Confidential.

    Hard. Cutie Mark Chronicles had some great moments and learning the backstories was cool, but it was all smoke and mirrors and base. PC wasn't as strong, but it at least had a plot. In the end, Chronicles wins due to moments.

    Owl's Well That Ends Well vs MMMstery on the Friendship Express

    Owl's Well started off well but lost steam, MMM was an overall fun episode.

    Party of One vs A Canterlot Wedding Part 1

    Canterlot Wedding was good, but Party of one was epic.

    Best Night Ever vs A Canterlot Wedding Part 2

    ACWII was really, really awesome all around. Best Night Ever was not.

    Now, for full season reviews:

    1- Friendship is Magic Part 1- Mare in the Moon 7/10

    2- Friendship is Magic Part 2- Elements of Harmony 7/10

    3- Ticket Master- 6/10

    4- Applebuck Season- 8/10

    5- Griffon the Brush-Off- 8/10

    6- Boast Busters- 8/10

    7- Dragonshy- 8/10

    8- Look Before You Sleep- 8/10

    9- Bridle Gossip- 9/10

    10- Swarm of the Century- 8/10

    11- Winter Wrap-Up- 9/10

    12- Call of the Cutie- 7/10

    13- Fall Weather Friends- 9/10

    14- Suited for Success- 10/10

    15- Feeling Pinkie Keen- 7/10

    16- Sonic Rainboom- 10/10

    17- Stare Master- 8/10

    18- The Show Stoppers- 6/10

    19- A Dog and Pony Show- 10/10

    20- Green Isn't Your Color- 9/10

    21- Over a Barrel- 9/10

    22- A Bird in the Hoof- 7/10

    23- The Cutie Mark Chronicles- 8/10

    24- Owl's Well That Ends Well- 7/10

    25- Party of One- 10/10

    26- Best Night Ever- 7/10


    1- Return of Harmony Part 1- 9/10

    2- Return of Harmony Part 2- 9/10

    3- Lesson Zero- 9/10

    4- Luna Eclipsed- 10/10

    5- Sisterhooves Social- 9/10

    6- Cutie Pox- 7/10

    7- May the Best Pet Win!- 8/10

    8- The Mysterios Mare Do Well- 5/10

    9- Sweet and Elite- 9/10

    10- Secret of My Excess- 7/10

    11- Hearths Warming Eve- 7/10

    12- Family Appreciation Day- 7/10

    13- Baby Cakes- 7/10

    14- The Last Roundup- 10/10

    15- Super Cider Squeezy 6000- 7/10

    16- Read it and Weep- 8/10

    17- Hearts and Hooves Day- 8/10

    18- A Friend Indeed- 7/10

    19- Putting Your Hoof Down- 7/10

    20- It's About Time- 8/10

    21- Dragon Quest- 7/10

    22- Hurricane Fluttershy- 9/10

    23- Ponyville Confidential- 8/10

    24- MMMystery on the Friendship Express- 8/10

    25- A Canterlot Wedding Part 1- 10/10

    26- A Canterlot Wedding Part 2- 10/10


    They are literally tied 13-13 in terms of head to head, and 210/260 overall.

  9. Pathfinder.png

    Snowy returned Pathfinder's kiss and the young mare could do little more than fall on her flank and throw her front hooves up to her snout, her legs kicking out and wiggling of their own accord as she let out an entirely immature giggle. Her cheeks went out into a deep red and her giggle continued for some time, her eyes closed. It felt good. Pretty good. very good. Kisses were the best. That's why she gave them to ponies she cared about and her mind was drawing a blank. The first time she had been kissed, she had been but a little filly. Then that stallion not long ago and now- well, this felt different. Plus, Snowy had something, probably gloss, on her lips.

    "There's only so much a pony like me can take in one day. Maybe this wasn't much for you, but I'm pretty sure I'll collapse from exhaustion if I go exploring mines and caves after all of this. However, for the second date, I think I'm open to just about anything," Snowy said, her playful smile and laugh adding the emotion that Pathfinder had a hard time hearing because she was too busy being overwhelmed by sheer bliss at being kissed.

    Pathfinder got back up to her feet and tried to suppress her smile. She failed. She tried again. She failed. She tried again and then failed. Trying to keep composure when your heart was completely playing tiddly winks with your mind was near impossible. She raised her hoof to her mouth and brought it across, taking a deep breath as she replaced her wide smile with a very slight, contained grin.

    "Well, I guuuuueeeesssssss we can do something for our second date. But to get there, we have to get past this. Huzzah!" She yelled, leaping away gailly from Snowy as she skipped into the black.

  10. "My Lullaby" is an excellent villain song from the second Lion King. So is "In the Dark of the Night" from Anastasia.

    Villain songs are great because they allow characterization and patterns to develop that you can't get any other way. You can spend one good villain song that does the development of 30 minutes of dialogue.

  11. Pathfinder.png

    The first sign that Pathfinder had done well enough to keep her date invested in herself and thus in the adventure was her sugary sweet smile. Mentally, Pathfinder sighed when she saw that.

    "You really are incredible, Pathfinder. You inspire. I'm almost envious of how effortless you make it all look," Snowy's voice was barely above a whisper and yet packed hot with emotion. "And I'm not talking about the physical stuff here, even if that is every bit as incredible."

    Pathfinder could only blush as the praise was hoisted on her. She wasn't deserving of any of it- she had more or less learned her lessons from Daring Do, after all. All rights and credit were deservedly the author's. She had just more or less paraphrased who Daring Do was though, admittedly, it was all an apt description of Pathfinder as well. Success was hers.

    "I suppose I will have to accompany you some day then! Sure, after what happened to my father, it will set of red flags with every single member of the board at my company; it might even damage my reputation as a whole. But so what? It sounds amazing." Snowy said with a giggle.

    Pathfinder immediately brightened up and bounded toward her date. Without thought, she gave her date a quick peck on the cheek and then turned towards the dark.

    "OH YAY! That'd be so much more fun than just bopping around this non-adventure stuff! Why, there are several abandoned mines and caves in the area that I haven't checked out yet, plus the one with the mutants! I am pretty sure they're all clear, but you never know of some sort ancient lost gem! Ooh! Ohh! We can always check out a mountain nearby, 'cause they tend to have really interesting creatures and stuff inside. WHATCHA SAY, HUH?!" Pathfinder said as she stuck her face more or less into Snowy's face, no more than a few inches away with the widest grin possible.

  12. Pathfinder.png

    Pathfinder gave some though to Cobalt and Insight's request. Indeed, it had been some time since she had eaten...more than twenty-four hours ago, in fact. Just the thought of it made her stomach return from its uneasy slumber and bellow as if the drums of war resided within. Yes, Pathfinder was hungry. Yes, she was hurt. No, she had no plans on stopping. Adventures didn't come to those that wait.

    "Well, how about this: You two take a break and eat or whatever you need to do and I go scout ahead? That way, you two can rest up and I can work on us finding Dunesy, stopping this cult, and seeing what sort of super special item is at the end. Besides, I don't have anything to eat and just the thought makes my stomach churn," Pathfinder offered up for consideration to the others as she took her hat off, scratched her mane viciously, and put the hat back on before sitting and taking a deep breath.

    "Okay, so you two hang out, I'll head forward. I'll be back in about twenty or so. If I'm not back, that means I'm in some sort of trap and I'll be back in about thirty. If I'm not back then, that means I've been captured! If that's the case, in an hour. Got it? Got it! Haha, FORWARD!" She said dramatically before turning around starting a strong trot into the looming darkness.

  13. ValenOrange1withtext.png

    The offer from Sunrise was plenty generous indeed, for the young colt was entirely loppy still. Not nearly loopy enough for the pain to become anything more than a memory, but still he could feel the edges of his consciousness being little more than a fuzzy idea. That, and caramel apples were always a delicious treat, though as he eyed it a somewhat unsettling thought anchored in his mind and turned it against itself. Were they Apple Family Apples, or wer ethey from another source? Were they stricken by dirt and grim, was hay going to be found halfway through?

    And were his teeth even ready for such a treat? he'd hate to tempt his taste buds and tease his quaking stomach. Valen shook his head politely and pointed to his mouth.

    "Not sure-" He said, moving his mouth around so he could get the feeling back. It didn't work, and a sigh preceeded the following. "No, no thank you. A kind offer, but I'm completely pooped and out of it. I need to get back to the farm before I collapse, lest I force you to carry me back by yourself," Valen said, slowly easing his way out of the chair and hobbling around as his body tried to operate his hooves effectively to minimal effect.

  14. Pathfinder.png

    There was a momentary delay to Pathfinder's previous question, which for the briefest of moments panicked the mare. Snowy may have been so offended, scared, or creeped out that no words could escape. She may have started going back from whence they came in an effort to flee the crazed, immature adventure. The better part of her psyche scoffed at such notions, but the sheer fact they crossed her mind was enough to justify a look behind. Quickly, she snapped back to take a glance.

    What she found was a far better alternative to Pathfinder's fear. Snowy had just had a minor problem with the last hurdle and was just now pulling herself up. It was to be expected, especially of a Pegasus who normally wasn't doing anything entirely too physical. Pathfinder's mental state let out a sigh, then berated itself for being silly enough to entertain decidedly un-adventureesque thoughts.

    "I'm here... sorry... I...that section was a lot harder. Kind of glad it's done..." She said as she got her bearings, taking a deep breath and sighing. That section had been quite the doozy for a tourist trap, which led Pathfinder to think that the next phase was likely mental more than physical. Suddenly, Pathfinder wasn't feeling so confident!

    Snowy gave another of her light laughs that made Pathfinder slightly more smitten every time she did it. "Though for a seasoned adventurer, that was probably the same as a light stroll," Snowy shook her head, which Pathfinder found herself doing as well almost in-sync. "If I ever went on an adventure with you, I don't think I'd make it..."

    Pathfinder considered it. Maybe she had a point as she wasn't exactly the most stunning example of physical preparedness. For an rich executive she was marvellous but, well, lacking would be a kind descriptor for her as an adventurer. Then again, Pathfinder thought to herself as she stopped the robotic shaking of her her head with a hoof, some had called her a poor physical specimen as well.

    "Nah, you'd be fine! There aren't any rules against flying in an adventure, except maybe traps designed to take out pegasi specifically. But really, it's all about just dustin' yourself off or pulling arrows outta your wings and just pushing on. Some say that when your hoof has been cracked open or your wing has an arrow in it that you need to get out. Well, yeah, if you aren't an adventurer. You know how many times I've failed a jump or set off a trap or generally just screwed something up? More than I can count and I keep on doing it. Every time I've been hurt or put into danger has been my own fault. But guess what? I power through it, and that's all it really takes is that willpower! And you have awesome, incredible, cute willpower so you'd be a very good adventurer, I think!" Pathfinder said before striking a dramatic pose, her own version of a pep talk being almost entirely animated with her hooves.

  15. Pathfinder.png

    Pathfinder didn't need to be the smartest pony in all of Equestria to know what had just happened and that it was mostly her fault. As Snowy fell into the pit again, Pathfinder facehoofed. She was stupid. Very stupid. Unbelievably, almost inconceivably stupid. Not only to believe what she said but to say it so quickly. She racked her brain for superior options; were there any?

    Of course!

    She let out a great sigh just before Snowy pulled herself up. Of course, it was so simple! And here she was, calling herself an adventurer. Admissions of love were only supposed to come when you were in mortal peril, duh! That was the only way it worked. The fact she had forgotten it made her ashamed, as Daring's sister Derring had done it that exact way to Bravado in The Platinum Crown. She had written the stage version of that piece of art and she couldn't even remember one of its most important moments?! The shame!

    "I-I'm okay..." Snowy said, blushing wildly, "I just... I just need to regain my footing and I'll be fine."

    Pathfinder smiled and looked away, her own butterflies taking their cue. It was mostly about how embarrassed she was regarding the scene with Derring and Bravado in the underwater cave, but in the end it didn't matter as she noticed both of their cheeks had the same hue. Cute.

    "Feel free to take the lead, I'll follow right behind!" Snowy said, her voice having regained its confidence.

    Pathfinder nodded as she herself regained her composure. There was a time and place for more stilted and awkward flirting and eye-catching, and that time and place was called 'soon' and 'out of touristy-safe danger'. She saluted Snowy.

    "Ay-ay, cap'n!" She said before leaping across the hole and, taking her time to insure that Snowy could follow closely. The following hurdles and gaps were of no great difficulty and after a few more minutes of what Pathfinder would term warm-ups, they were back on solid ground. Pathfinder trotted ahead...and the silence was deafening.


  16. AppleBloomATTEMPT3final.png

    The cookie Pinkie Pie gave to Apple Bloom was sugary and sweet with just the faintest hint of salt. She knew just how to keep your taste buds guessing; most of the time, a baker would have used too much salt and it would have overwhelmed everything else. But Pinkie used just a pinch, never more and never less. If anything, she was at least consistent in her baking methods! Apple Bloom smiled as she rapidly ate the cookie. Good eatin'! It distracted her from the overuse of P-words, of which she could only get the general gist. Sometimes with Pinkie that was all you could hope for and anything above it was gravy.

    "Well, ah *GULP* say that sounds mighty dandy there, Pinkie. Ah could sure use any sorta help ya can give me, ah'm sure she'll be great! Hay thar, mah name's Apple Bloom. Ah need to throw a party for ma' granny, and if ya could help me, ah'd be greatly grateful!" Apple Bloom said, extending her hoof just as the pony in question nearly popped Pinkie's head off with a hug. She certainly was an excitable one; now Apple Bloom could see why she was chosen. She hoped that the pony was up to the task, seeing as how Apple Bloom hoped to make quite the splash! With Pinkie's help, she was sure that it would all turn out as well as possible. Well, the party at least.

  17. ValenOrange1withtext.png

    As Rarity was lead into the room, perhaps unwillingly as it was hard to tell with how physical the farm pony was with her, Valen jumped up in his seat and smiled, clapping his hooves together in an immature and all together excitable display. It was time! Or nearly time. Close to the time, in any way f looking at it. When was the last time he was this excited? Probably when the Royal Arts Exhibit had come to his academy. She would have fit well in there too, though whether as an admirer of the arts or as a piece herself was open to debate; she was exquisite.

    Before he could speak, Applejack launched another one of her sorties against Valen's mane in her desperate, nearly insane bid to curtail his desire to be stunning. She did it a lot and the glint in her spoke to it being another one of her playful little games that she set out to win, even if others were unaware they were playing, her wide grin making the whole thing infectiously innocent and fun. Valen tried to shake himself loose in time, but she was too strong and fast and all he could in defense was giggle and squirm as she finished her job. Breaking free, he turned back and saw her smile once more. She was a pretty happy pony whenever she wasn't sore from work and even then, she was less mean as she was curt and he if he tried to count how many times she had said sorry to him since he'd arrived he would have had to stop at some point and consult somepony.

    He rubbed his cheek with a smile, Applejack motioning to the bounty in front of him. She could make one heck of a breakfast, a fact that he was not aware of before he came to Sweet Apple Acres. She was a famous workhorse amongst the family; after what he had seen, he knew she should also have been a famous cook. Each serving was delicious and perfect, filling and packing the foal with energy. In deliciousness, they reminded Valen of the meals his friends would eat. They preferred large, decadent meals to Valen's smaller, perfectly proportioned meals, yet while his diet had changed so had his workload- unlike his plump friends, he worked his meals off thanks to the Apple Family. It made the trade-off worth it.

    It spoke to how much she cared, as her entire life seemed to revolve around her family and friends in one manner or another. It was stunning to see such a big heart relfected not only through a visage given to warm eyes and wide smiles, but near constant action. It seemed symptomatic of the entire family. Despite all of his complaints, their care and love was infectious and it was to be the biggest lesson he would take away from them,

    But this day was not about lessons; it was about quality time with the famous Miss Rarity. It was about clear, honest fun. But first he had to get away from the table, which considering his rounded belly may have been a job all its own.

    "I've eaten plenty enough for the rest of the day- maybe even two, Applejack," Valen said as he tried to readjust his mane to no avail. Drats, she had won. He turned to Rarity, smiling.

    "Miss Rarity! How is your morning so far? I'm all ready to go whenever you are. I brought stuff for a picnic for when we have the time, and lots of little odds and ends. See this magicfiber towel we can use to clean the gems?! Wonderful! And I'm even bringing the scarf my mother got me for Hearths Warming Eve. It should counteract any chilly mountain air, I think. Plus, look at me!" He said as he wrapped the scarf around, looking equal measures adorable and young.

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