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Posts posted by SteelEagle

  1. Definitely series DVDs. Aside from maybe quality series accurate toys, there's nothing I want more.

    Hasbro wouldn't make an official game just for us; it would only make sense for them to make a kids game, and while, isn't much fun I can get out of kids' games.

    A soundtrack would be nice though.. I love the music in the series and would be happy to support it.

    I'm not so sure about that. There are high quality kids games out there, such as any of the main Mario series, and they make green. If they make a high quality game, then not only would Bronies and the target audience of little girls play it, but as reviews come in and people realize it isn't a cash grab...it wouldn't make Mario money, but it could still result in a win-win for everyone involved.:D

  2. Weesh, the page you want is here.

    I think the main point is that this is not really an attack against Hasbro for the Derpy thing, it's that the people who complained that Derpy's voice/behavior was making fun of the mentally disabled, and they were reinforcing a bad stereotype while they thought what they were doing was justified -- and Hasbro may have reacted. This sets up a paradigm that if a vocal minority complains loud enough, it can change future things about the series that I thought were pretty awesome (like Derpy's bigger role).

    Tales, I completely agree that calm, cool, and collected is the way to go. I did sign the petition, but I haven't felt the need to email Hasbro about this situation...yet When I commented about not being passive, I meant that even though we have limited information about what is happening, we should still explore the possibilities and support our own thoughts about this situation, and it should be done intelligently and with class. But you are right -- until something official is said, we really have nothing to go on.

    Derpy is back on WLF and The Last Roundup is up, unedited, on the official site, so I think this situation will blow over very soon.

    This I understand and even agree with. I am just not a fan of those who look at it in a DOOMSDAY ZOMG SOUND THE ALARM MAN THE BATTLE STATIONS way, like Derpy Hooves is SOPA or ACTA.

    • Like 1
  3. Your missing the symbolism here. Derpy symbolizes the brony fandom because WE essentially created her. If they turn their back on her then they are turning their back on the fandom, if they change her, they are telling us they dont care what we think anymore that the beautiful symbiotic relationship is over.

    Now, I personally think that symbolism is a little overboard, but from what I've read, that seems to be the overall view, and I do agree with it on a lesser level.

    And wow... 14K signatures... just... wow... O_O

    Yeah, that symbolism is wildly overboard. I would reply more to it, but adherence to that belief is entirely personal and lacks factual, substantive basis and is therefore just a personal belief. Can't argue against personal belief, ya know?

  4. I wrote the polite email and sent them a link to the over 14,000 signed petition.

    and derpy's name was re-instated later that day - I'm convinced if I and others had 'done nothing' as saberspark is suggesting then a character I for one sincerely love would have been erased forever.

    I love her. I can't bear the thought of going backward. Why give us something then take it away? It would have been better to have never received it.

    I'm sure the 14K petition (which I signed) played a role. I'm sure there is far more behind the scenes stuff than we know that did more to save her.

    I understand the love. I get it. I love what Derpy represents as well. I'm just somewhat put off by this belief that we are entitled to what we want, when we want it, and how we want it in every facet.

    She was an animation error and nothing more, turned into a true character by DHX to show their love for us. No matter what they do with Derpy, I'm thankful for what they have done. In many ways, look at this like Suited for Success: They don't have to put Derpy in, and if they do, we should appreciate what they do. Demanding things from them when what they are giving us is a completely non-essential gift out of their own goodwill comes across poorly.

    Now, this isn't directed at people who write nice e-mails and sign petitions. It is directed more at those who seemingly like to board the DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM train about everything even remotely un-fanny.

  5. No. It's not.

    The strength of the Brony Community is in the fact it does react. Why am I the only one who see's this? If we had not reacted with an email campaign today and a petition w/ over 14k signatures we would have forever lost Derpy Hooves as canon.

    You wouldn't have lost Derpy as canon because she wouldn't have been canon. Her inclusion in any role whatsoever is a gift to the fans. Making noise over a decision to change a character on their show, when said character initially didn't even exist and who's inclusion is intended as a nod to the fanbase, can come off as the fanbase seeming spoiled.

    You want Derpy to remain Derpy? I can understand that. Write a polite e-mail and say your piece. My message is that whether they keep her the same or change her, I'm excited that she is involved at all and am overjoyed that they recognize us enough to do so. I'm not going to demand they adhere to my vision of their character- it is their vision, their work, not mine. I'm happy to have Derpy at all.

  6. I can see two general lessons:

    1- Sometimes, people will be slow to warm up to you. That doesn't mean they're mean- everyone grows at a different rate, and with patience and care, love will always come through.


    2- Pinkie has to learn that not everyone will want to be your friend, and you have to accept that. You can still be friendly and nice to them, even if they aren't your friends.

  7. Assuming the worst, I still don't see the issue. Derpy started off as a freakin' animation error. Any characterization we get at all officially is already better than what we would have had initially.

    I understand being upset with a possible decision to change her character, but really, some people are taking this waaaaaaay too hard. It is a background pony whose sole purpose is a nod to the fanbase, meant as nothing more than that. Some act as if a change in her character somehow is a fatal blow to the series. Check yourself: It's freakin' Derpy, not Rainbow Dash or Twilight Sparkle.

    • Like 1
  8. I doubt Tabitha was being forced to take down the name. She seems rather acutely aware of events and likely censored the name as a joke. iTunes may be due the release of a five-episode DVD which includes that episode- they probably want to give the DVD a decent shot at seeming special, and will likely release said episode a month or so after the release of the DVD. The older episodes aren't taken down because they've been out there for so long.

    Such is my theory, anyway.

  9. You'll find that a solid 90% of people just won't care. And most of the other 10% will be positive, if not bronies themselves. Only a small subsection will be negative- we as humans just tend to over-exaggerate the negative when it is thrown at us.

    • Like 1
  10. The network is much better off than it was just a few short years ago. I used to pass it over in favor of the Weather channel. At least it has a small handful of good shows, and heck, we could easily make it better- if it could show FiM and some other Hub shows and got the rights to some great old Nick cartoons like Angry Beavers, then it would have a lineup that all week long would be entertaining. Plus, I wish it would close down that stupid Boomerang thing and put their work on CN instead. Imagine a lineup all day long of Powerpuff Girls, Teen Titans, FiM, Courage, Dexter's Lab, Foster's, Adventure Time, Regular Show, the new G.I. Joe, Angry Beavers, Rocko's, Ducktales, etc.

    Make it a real CARTOON Network. You could cut down on re-runs, too, and increase ratings tremendously. Cheaper than producing new animated television.

  11. Type of RP: World of Equestria RP

    Name: Valen Orange (Like Valencia Oranges)

    Sex: Male

    Age: Foal, borderline colt. (Around 12, almost 13)

    Species: Earth Pony

    Eye Color: Blue, just like his mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Orange.

    Coat Color: A light orange, bordering on yellow.

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Teal mane and tail that are expertly taken care of to a fine shine, care made to ensure they conform in a way that is most pleasing. They are both rather long and well-kept, time obviously spent ensuring the aforementioned .

    Physique: Slender and relatively weak-muscled, with a stringiness and toughness to it that speaks to his bloodline. Healthy and fit, if not experienced. Care taken to preserve much of its natural beauty.

    Cutie Mark: None, currently.

    Origin/Residence: Manehattan.

    Occupation: Student at Manehattan Academy for Foals, Colts, and Fillies.

    Motivation: Life is short and precious, and Valen sees little cause to spend that doing displeasing things. Loving life, laughing, and making others enjoy life is always a paramount concern. Motivated internally by a strong streak of feminity, and by a sense of displacement and nervousness about his place in the world. These things manifest themselves in an inability to distrust others as often as needed, increasing his gullibility in the name of friendliness, trusting others, and finding his place.

    Likes: Nice clothes, sunny days, plays, parties, music, fruits of all types, a good joke here or there. Also has an affinity for curled tails.

    Dislikes: Heavy labor, cut-throat personalities, deceit, the cold, intolerance.

    Character Summary:

    Born into the home of Navel Orange and Cara Cara, thought to be a filly while in gestation and was to be named Valencia. A short change of the name solved all issues, and since then, he has grown up in a home whose primary focus has been on business, the business of oranges! Valencia Oranges, Navel, Blood, Moro, Cara Cara, the list goes on and on. Of course, being the heads of the family business, his parents never had to deal with the heavy labor. Unlike their silly brothers and sisters, the Apples, who all dedicated themselves to work and less on running tha actual business outside of their farms, the Orange family has their 'headquarters' in Manehattan. There, Navel and Cara Cara Orange rub elbows with the Equestrian elite as they travel through one of the country's greatest cities, finishing deals and pursuing a better bottom line.

    This has naturally created a disconnect not only between the Apples and Oranges, but within the Oranges themselves. A small subsect of the family enjoys the good life in big cities, cutting deals and eating the finest food in the land. The rest toil relentlessly to produce and back up the absurd claims of the top echelons of the family. The increasing mechanization found in some spots has helped ease the tension, as the investment means that the laborers are less overwhelmed. Still though, the bottom line and health of the family business can often appear to be the sole driving force behind the actions of his parents, meaning Valen is often thought to be the weak foal of a well-to do, disconnected branch of a large and rough tree.

    And truth be told, little has been shown to disprove that. He has enjoyed all the trappings of a high-society upbringing; few things have been denied him. Whether it was the usual requirements of a top-notch education and nearly unfettered to Manehattan's unending stream of entertainment to more unusual and at times unnerving requests like dresses, he has always gotten what he wanted and when he wanted it. This would create a sense of entitlement and spoiled behavior in many, but he lacks the self-confidence and sense of direction of others that helps build the foundation for such behavior. Hard to feel entitled when you sometimes feel like you don't even belong in your own fur!

    His life has been spent in high society, sheltered from both labor and fear. His education has gone on unabated, and he finds himself a well-spoken and polite young Colt with manners- well, when required. He spends as much time talking to other ponies and fretting about things of truly little concern. He has met and dealt with powerful figures in Equestrian business, and found them boring. This attitude has rubbed off on how he views business, both familial and otherwise. Despite the at times intense attempts by his parents, he has shown no interest or aptitude in the family business.

    In the Academy, which is renown far and wide for producing high-caliber Mares and Stallions, Valen finds himself excelling in some areas while falling laughably short in others. Language, Drama, and History tickle him in certain ways, likely due to their non-linerarity and ability for interpretation and development. Classes such as Math and Science bore him to tears, their complete linerarity and focus on formula and repetition seemingly shutting his brain off and engendering little other than disdain. His peculiar tastes and mannerisms have caused him no end of trouble with some other students and the academy itself, but his persistence in his choices and small group of friends have eventually combined to give him an effective oasis of support inside the school.

    He remains one of the few in his class without a cutie mark. This worries his parents, as his lack of skill or interest AND cutie mark relating to their work leads them to believe that, perhaps, his future lies elsewhere. They worry about how to help him, and are considering sending him for a season to do some labor on one of the Orange farms. Perhaps that will help spark some sort of love for the family business? His mother Cara cara more than readily admits she knows this won't work, but it sure can't hurt to try. After all, who else can take over? Cousin Sunkist?! That thought nearly breaks her in half.

    Nearly a colt now, Valen spends the majority of his days outside of school attempting to evade the high-society business gatherings his parents attend on a nightly basis. He wanders Manehattan with his close-knit group of friends, staying where ponies of his kind are most welcome, though often he finds himself being dragged around town in the name of fun and/or learning something new. His demeanor is soft, his personality trusting and forgiving. He lacks confidence in who he is and what he is supposed to be, the competing demands of the business, his blood which always screams for more physical work, and his heart which utters words and feelings that contradict his body. Lacking in many ways a sense of self, he is gullible and easy to lead, hoping to find happiness and a sense of place in someone else's domain.

    In summation, if one wanted to know him in a nutshell, he is a sheltered pony, one quite similar to perhaps a crossdresser, intelligent, kind, and always helpful, but easy to fool due to his quickness to trust other ponies. He doesn't know who he wants to be in life, and this lack of focus benefits him through his willingness to try new things, and hurts him by clouding his decision process.

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