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Posts posted by SteelEagle

  1. tumblr_static_tumblr_static_banner1.png


    Rainbow Dash didn't know what to say. How could you even try to put into words what just happened? She figured it couldn't be that hard, ponies had lived long enough for all manner of descriptions to be invented for it. A lot of terms floated in and out of her mind, but they all failed to capture the true magnitude of being the object of an Alicorn's love and passion. She doubted that contained within the language of Equestria was a single word developed to ever describe that singular phenomenon. And if it did exist she certainly did not know it, and as time passed she found words failing, thoughts overwhelmed, and her body broken in the manner that only an Alicorn could accomplish.


    When they were done Twilight decided to pay some attention to their comfort and used her magic to set the scene post-facto, turning the cave they were housed into a delightfully comfortable environment. As Rainbow's wiggling brain matter started to come together opnce more she couldn't help but think that this would have been good to have done beforehoof! Then again, neither one of them had done a lot of thinking before or during the activity, and even now she didn't have a lot of thoughts hammering around herself. "Yeah, that was...a-amazing," she said weakly, her voice still crackling in its shock as she found herself tightly clinging to the wings around her. "I've...I've....never like this," she ended, her legs still twitching as she tried to think what this all meant for her, for Twilight, for them.

  2. 8XeOsHy.png


    Rarity looked at Applejack as she ran off, her mind waffling between deep concern and a slight sense of excitement. The effect of the collar and the spell was wholly unintended for anything more than their play, and in that manner Rarity found herself concerned. However, she enjoyed their play for a reason and found within her a growing sense of...curiosity, about where all this would lead. How Applejack felt or what was going through her mind as she was doing all this was the most intriguing question that could be answered. And one that she was mildly interested in having answered, even if she wasn't sure what she wanted the answer to be- or even if it would change how she thought of the whole affair.


    She followed Fluttershy into the cottage, making sure the door was shut firmly. This was indeed a rather private conversation and while a part of her would have found it somewhat entertaining to make sure Applejack was here for it, it was likely not the wisest course of action. Like many of her actions recently, come to think of it. "Oh, well, I suppose it depends on how one defines if she is being much different. I think under most definitions...yes," she laughed nervously before taking a seat. "Oh darling, I could really do with a spa day. After beating that awful villain my coat feels like it needs some extra attention. I trust you're doing well after today's events?" she said, shifting as she tried to reconcile all the happenings and events that had transpired with the somewhat more...comical cause for her visit.

  3. Sunny Starscout loved a good storm. She supposed she had to, for the stormy days had taken much from her and given her so much more. The heart and the soul grew through pain and sorrow and they grew thicker and firmer through hopes and dreams. She was happy enough to have found for herself the idealized world she dreamt of as a filly was not something so intangible as she had feared it to be when the storm clouds threatened angrily her peace with claps of thunder. Rather, the ideal was laid out before her in sparkling images drawn with brushes made from the efforts made on behalf of Equestria by not only herself, but her staunch friends. A world written about in fables was far more real than any could have believed, and all it took was a little rain and thunder to help remind her that it took the continued efforts of those in Equestria to make Equestria a real place.


    She sat staring out, watching the waves as they battered themselves fruitlessly against the cliff face below. Back in the day, Equestrians controlled their weather. Pegasi made weather patterns and if her reading was accurate they had schedules and everything! How much better was that? You would know when and where what storms and to what intensity, and where they would be to boot. Could pegasi still do that? Was it hidden inside of them still, waiting to be unlocked? Or had the passage of time changed them? Pegasi wings were certainly different than they used to be, Was that tied into it somehow? She would have to ask for blood samples from her friends to make sure. Well, maybe not. She didn't really know what she was looking for after all.


    As she pondered how and why she would need to run tests on her best friends in order to further the science of Friendship, her eyes caught a figure on the approach. Through the storm and distance she could not really make it out, but she knew it was heading for her home. She bounded from the top to the bottom of the lighthouse, alone in the Brighthouse as her friends were out and about at a metal concert. The figure knocked moments after before she got to the door and threw it open.


    "Allegro!" She said happily, beckoning him in. "Come on in!" She said with a smile before pulling him in and closing the door. "I've been storm watching. The winds have reached us but I think the rain should be here in a few minutes. And then the thunder and lightning! Very very frightening things," she said with a giggle. "What brings you out here?"

    • Hearthoof 1
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    Applejack was happy to see that her daughter got along so well with a creature as intimidating naturally as a sphinx. It was a good sign that she was primed and ready to be better than Applejack, the true wish of every mother. When she was a filly she was scared, sure, but she was among first Equestrians to encounter other races regularly enough to know that her inborn biases were just straight up wrong. And now her daughter got to grow up in a world cornered by friendship and submitted to the joys of harmony, a world she was happy to have fought for and see change before her very eyes. For all that and much more though, the filly still had work to do. "Good job, Amby. Could you go get momma's little receipt book?" She said as she took her attention back to the Mayor.


    Yeah, she was having a hard time. Watching from afar you could see it writ large in the way Diamond acted. of course, little fillies became little mares and there was a good chance that Spoiled was just taking her daughter's newfound freedom and self-expression in a manner unkind to the wonderful young mare that Diamond was becoming. Applejack was confident that when the tale was told of Spoiled and Diamond, a story that would take many chapters to tell she was sure, that both mares would be happy in its telling. "Well, she's her own mare now. Sometimes when tha little ponies get a big of themselves they need ta rebel a bit. Don't you worry none, sugarcube. She loves ya, and she'll let you know it 'fore long," Applejack ended with a smile. She was certain of it. Family always came around in the end.


    "Ah'm happy to have given ya such a good meal here, an' right as rain Ah'll have them bushels set for you an' yers and such at tha estate. Should be able ta make tha delivery tomorrow afternoon, Ah reckon. Jus' maker sure yer greeter ain't a greeder," she laughed impishly with the sphinx. "Get it?...'cause it sounds like greedy, right?" She said, happy beyond anything with her brilliant joke. "Alright you two, have a good'n. Don't be causin' too much havoc!"

    • Hearthoof 1
  5. y25gq2n.png


    She was happy enough with her partner. Dunnie could sometimes be a bit too self-serious. This was fun! Adventure was fun, super fun. And dangerous, but nothing worth doing wasn't! Maybe she needed to just relax in a cell for a while and read. That's what Pathfinder did last time she was imprisoned by the Yaks for this or that crime, and they were the BEST at prisoner treatment! She needed to get arrested by Yaks more often. They were super fun! Not as fun as Dunder. She was smooth and sexy. No wonder ponies far and wide wanted to do the Dunderina. Pathfinder had a CEO back home to impress so she wouldn't do it, but she totallyt saw the appeal.


    She also saw the appeal of tangoing with a trio of terrible terrorizing terracotta armored pegasi, but Dunder had a bad experience and Pathfinder was a good times gal and wasn't gonna push it. Not that sort of good times though that was not entirely too uncommon in her youth, no! She just liked a good fight. All good stories had good fights. Nonetheless, she wanted to go ahead and get the party started. The secret party, not the fight party. That would come later she was sure. 


    "I guess we can avoid a city full of Dunnie waifus for now," Pathfinder said as she slowed down, starting to paw into the ground. "Here. We need to go here," she said as she dig, pawed, and stomped. As she did so, she let her mind wander. "Well, I mean, they have the best soldiers. I think Cloudsdale has much better fliers. What makes you think Acroneighos is any good?" She said passively, almost under her breath. Cloudsdale for life, yo. "I wouldn't be worried. I mean, what could they possibly want with lil' old us?" She said with a cheeky laugh as she found her target.


    "Found the roo-" she started before the ancient roof finally collapsed along with the snow, sending the pair tumbling into an ancient home preserved in the ice. Pathfinder rolled up on her hooves instantly. "Great! Now we're in it. If the map I found is accurate, then the actual city is mostly undisturbed until we reach the dig site. Everypony else just thinks this whole area is one big snowfield. They have no idea all this city is here! So cuddle up buttercup, we're in it now!"

    • Hearthoof 1
  6. gYBj2nJ.png


    "A lot. Too much, even," Twilight said as she released Ice Storm from her magic, laying the smaller mare down on a chair.  "Relax. You're safe now. You know, you have led a truly remarkable life, Ice Storm. Misguided not in your aims but in actions at times? Certainly, but I always respected your motivations and your strength. Others saw a warmongerer where I saw a protector, even if you were sometimes a little...too committed," she said as she summoned a bowl of ice cream and a cup of juice. Twilight herself sat down, and much of the outside world faded from view as their shared vision became stars.

    "Still, you are a special mare, and I am in need of a special mare," she said, and with that her eyes started to glow. Not white, but purple. With it she would share the worlds she saw, or however much Ice Storm's consciousness could keep up with.

    "I perceive an infinity multiplied by an infinity. I see an endless array of suffering in the vast extremity of universes where events have gone wrong. And I am horrified by the realization that I am not just capable of responding to it and ending it, but that something about being the Alicorn ruler wants me to," she said, her vboice trailing off. It was understood that she poke in the absolute truth, and the dawning realization of her power could strike cold the heart of even the most heated mare.

    "I have broken in this way for many reasons. No, I cannot fully understand what is happening because my body cannot fully understand it. I am growing and maturing. When I have fully matured in this manner, all of this infinity will collapse back into the one true timeline. My dominion will be total, just as Celestia's was. And just as she was weakened long before I was born in preparation for my arrival, so will I be weakened to make way for the next true Alicorn ruler. And when I am, the infinite timelines will return, and I will split in response, as she has. I am content with this, for I know this cycle will continue, and Equestria and her reality will know love and friendship forever more," she said, her voice calm before ending with a pregnant pause promising portents of doom.


    "But...that does not mean she will always know peace. And I have also seen what Celestia saw: That my boundless power to put an end to suffering is a trap," she said, starting to show the varying timelines crashing back down to one- one where Twilight, unfettered by humility and consumed by a desire to keep ponies safe, policed every thought and action. The horror was not written on the face of its inhabitants, for even their emotions had become policed in the name of their safety. And Twilight sat ever vigilant, all powerful, sitting atop a throne of history long forgotten- the ahistorical records of enemies erased from histories save hers.
    "Absolute power corrupts absolutely, and just as Celestia, I possess an infinite amount of it. The curse of an Alicorn is not immortality- that gift has many avenues of expression- but the temptation to be corrupted for noble causes. I do not know when or how it would happen, but I know that all it would take is a few small incidents for me to become something infinitely greater than any villainess. I cannot use my full powers in her defense, as much as I would wish to do so," she said as the room became normalized again, this time Twilight smiling wearily but hopefully.

    "And so, since I cannot always be the protector Equestria needs, I need somepony who can do so."

  7. y25gq2n.png


    Pathfinder's excited pronking was brought to an abrupt halt, at least momentarily, by Dunnietastical. Pathfinder wouldn't say no to the hoodie but if she had to tear it off in a fit of excitement as they were being attacked by snow ninjas- not likely but not impossible! At least, she hoped not impossible -and she hoped that it would be understood. "Thanks! If you need it back, just ask. You didn't coat it in a poison that you have grown immunity to in an effort to take me out aaaand take the credit for all this history shattering glory, right?" She asked, just as the very subject was brought and dismissed. What timing! "Ohh, gotcha! Well, even if you did take the credit and I was a goner, I'd haunt you. And I think I'd make an awesome spooky adventure ghost!" She said, trying to determine whether or not she would be a transparent ghost or not. After deciding she would certainly not be and would be a cool gnarly ghost who looked like a zombie, she answered the question.


    "We are," she said as she whipped out the compass, "pachow," with the appropriate sound effect, at first. As expected, it was leading them well and true as they started going up a hill. "We should be there any minute. Most of the site is buried under snow. According to all official records, the dig site is a minor historical site about an old, out of the way port. According to secret official records, it has a lot of old aetherstone still in good shape that Kastrot values. In even more secreter, less official, more conspiratorial records, it isn't a harbor at all, but simply the north half of an ancient city, across a river that no longer exists. So, ya know, pretty cool beans! Or javelins. Hey, do you see those javelins in the sky?" She asked matter of factly. Far above, flashes of silver and red from cloud to cloud, the glinting of weapons- well, maybe. The weather was so poor it would be hard to tell. "Maybe one of your Acroneighos gal pals will try to kill us!"

    • Apple 1
  8. "Woo-hoo! Great job, Brandon!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine excitement. "You've got the slicing skills down pat! Now, get ready to experience a burst of berrylicious delight!"


    With a twinkle in her eyes, Pinkie Pie gestured for Brandon to take a seat at a nearby table. She joined him, anticipation dancing in her heart as they prepared to taste the delectable creation they had worked so hard to make. The sweet aroma of the Triple-Berry Pie wafted up, teasing their senses. Pinkie Pie's mouth watered in anticipation as she glanced at him with an eager smile.


    "Dig in, Brandon! Let the flavors dance on your taste buds and fill you with pure delight!" Pinkie Pie encouraged, her voice brimming with excitement. Pinkie took her fork her first bite, savoring the combination of the flaky crust and the burst of juicy berries. The flavors melded together in a delightful harmony, a testament to their hard work and culinary creativity.

  9. Aluna Stars offered a friendly smile, though a hint of confusion flickered across her face. "Nice to meet you, Brandon," she replied, her voice filled with kindness. "Brother, huh? Geez mom, do you roam the streets looking for them? She said as Lightning rolled her eyes playfully.

    Fuschia Splash, her eyes widening with curiosity, chimed in with a gentle tone. "Oh, does that mean you'll need some of my old clothes or accessories? I have some things that might suit you."

    Lightning Star chuckled warmly, understanding the well-intentioned but slightly misplaced assumption. "Fuschia, let's give Brandon some time to settle in before we start rummaging through our closets," she said, her voice filled with amusement. "Brandon will be staying with us for a while, and I'm sure we'll have plenty of opportunities to get to know each other better."

    Turning to Brandon, Lightning Star's eyes sparkled with affection. "Brandon, do you need something to wear? A shower? Something to eat?"

  10. 5HbB79Q.png


    Applejack found herself watching the interaction between her daughter and the sphinx, enraptured by so many things. Nilla was very well heeled for a creature that was no doubt used to being the one who heeled others. But here he was being an absolute sweetie with Ambrosia. He even did one of those magical little illusions with a cut out of Ambrosia, something that even got Applejack's attention. He better not be getting himself any fancy ideas of adding a new kitten to his pride, though. Applejack wasn't above kicking a sphinx back to Saddle Arabia or somesuch. Not that she reckoned that it was much in the cards. He was just a friendly cat! Maybe a bit strange, but he was that good kind of strange that was interesting as opposed to the weird, bad strange that she thought about whenever she saw that strange, weird jelly pony.


    "Great job Amby! You've got more smarts than a chicken's got feathers! Ain't no stumpin' you when it comes to usin' that noggin' of yours," she said as she got down and gave her daughter a hug. She was raising Amby to be the smartest and most helpful of all the Apples, and hopefully that meant a lot of counting from one to twelve. When the world faced destruction and they needed somepony to count to twelve and save them, Ambrosia would step up. And she'd step up all sorts of cute, to boot, and everypony would love her for all of her wonderful traits...wait, what was she thinking about again? Oh, Apple sales. Yes. 


    "That'll pay for these apples for sure," she said as she finished up the sale to Nilla and the mayor, happy to see the business doing well to start off. And then Mr. Sphinx went ahead and decided to make one hay of an order! Two bushels, no big deal, she handled bushels all the time. The real difference was that he was paying with...a lot of bits. Apple math wouldn't help her much just as she looked at the bag of bits. Bags of bits were renown historically for being randomly assorted, unlike her fine-tuned bushels. Speaking of, two bushels for all that? The easy thing to do would be to get two bushels of normal apples and use the rest of the bits as he said it- as a donation. But that didn't sit right with her. She didn't overcharge and she didn't take bits she hadn't earned if she could help it. She would fill two bushels with her top of the line apples, see just how many of those bits she'd earn. 


    "Well, Ah'll be- that there is mighty generous of you, Nilayveen! Ah'll make sure yer servants get right well supplied with some fine apples right quick!" She said as she quickly got the bag- she hid the effort it took- and put it under the stall, in a specialized drawer that she opened with her hoof print and closed with her hoof print. Hey, she paid for security. "Ah'll make sure by tha time Ah'm done, House Platinum ain't gonna wanna eat anything else!" She said with a chuckle as she resettled on the Mayor. "Shoot, between supplyin' all tha town functions an' Applerich Stadium, Ah think yer mah biggest customer now. An' Ah know ya can vouch for tha work Ah put into this," she said with an easy smile, hoping that the mayor's passion for business would draw out her better moods.


    She wasn't the brightest mare in the world but she knew when she had stepped on the wrong hoof, even if by accident and without malice. Applejack heard plenty of scuttleflank about Spoiled and Filthy and how their marriage, while solid foundationally, was as far apart from warm as possible. She didn't much buy that and she also didn't involve herself in the gossip that went about town. Still, she heard enough of it and while she wasn't a buyer or seller in that market she knew that those stocks didn't rise without some cause. And her relationship with Diamond? Well, Apple Bloom had said enough for Applejack to surmise that Diamond's rosier disposition as a filly and now mare was something that stuck in Spoiled's craw. She was a mare all about advancement and getting your legs up in the world, even if it meant stepping on others. Applejack didn't have any illusions about how that may have met friction with Diamond. Still, it wasn't her right to pry or bring up poor feelings.


    "Ah see. Well, when they get back they're gonna see tha proud and powerful Mayor of Ponyville kicking flank and earnin' everypony's respect. Shoot, Ah ain't read tha paper lately but Ah reckon yer getting mighty well liked, what with all that outside money comin' in. Ah ain't seen tha town treasury this full...well, ever!"

    • Hearthoof 1
  11. Glitterbanner.png


    Moonlight was not much of an outdoorsy pony by trade. She'd do it, how could she not? Applejack would drag her into the muck somehow, and she doubted her cousin would show mercy out there. For all that though she was sure as shine better bred for an indoor spa than lakeside, muddy dalliances. But you know what? Ducks were super cute and somecreature had to feed them right? Might as well be her. Unlike some ponies she knew, Moonlight cared about all creatures and how they felt and would never leave them starved for attention, love, or food as it was in the case of ducks. She doubted that they were in desperate need of the others, unlike more familiar critters. "Oooh, that sounds like sooo much fun! I love little ducks. Their little legs are sooo cute, like oh my Twilight," she said with a bright smile. "When does it start? Like, I have a strict morning routine," she added.


    After all, you couldn't rush perfection.
    Or however close she came to it, or wanted to appear to it. It turned out there was a lot a filly could do to mask herself and what she was feeling. The right clothes, the right pose, the right smile, the right accessories and a filly could be on fleek. It didn't matter if in the dark of the night if some thoughts started to creep in- not one bit. There was always a way to correct it, fight it, move it away. Attention sure helped. "Oh, I'm jammin' really sweet today. I mean, I always look really good- filly, like, you should see how long I spend in front of the mirror making sure my uniform is exactly right, totally embaaaaarasing- but last night as I was all, like, walking by the gym-" okay, less walking by and more made a stop in to make sure that she could get up close and personal with some adjustments for next season's uniforms, "-and the colts there were on fiiiiirrrreeee when they were looking at me. Like oh my Twilight, I have like four different proposals for the dance!" She giggled as she leaned back, more than a little proud. "Call me a venus flytrap 'cause I'm sweet, elite, and oh-so deadly!"

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    Gallus shrugged. "Suit yourself," he said, tossing it in the air and taking a big bite of it. He was not going to lie and say he loved apples and was totally on board with maintaining this diet when he was amongst his own kind, but the sweetness and the crunch of an apple had come to symbolize a good day. The fruits of his labor had rarely taken so literal a meaning to him and as time passed he found himself contented with doing well and getting those rewards rather than assuming there was some catch to be on the lookout for. "But in all seriousness, you okay?" Gallus asked, concerned for Remington. He was sure it was just the colt's sleep issues but as a griffon whose engines were themselves not fully on- indicated by no less than a yawn- he didn't want to make assumptions. After all, assumptions made an a-


    -"Well, Ah'll let it slide this time," Applejack said with faux sternness, trying to lighten up Remington's mood, "but anymore apple slander in this classroom and Ah'll banish ya to tha Everfree mahself," she said to the snickers and chortles of the students awake enough to humor her. She made sure to let the moment breathe. "In any case, welcome ta class, everycreature. Ah'm happy yer all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed an' excited ta learn, 'cause today's subject is gonna be mighty interestin'. Tell me, who here remembers our lesson 'bout friendship problems 'mong friends you've known for a while?"

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    Ice Storm's hooves would find purchase. The void certainly felt like ground or some variant of it, and she would find herself making progress. Towards what, hard to say. But as she grew more and more conscious of the void around her she would in time notice that the purple hue grew and grew and then solidified. The edges of light made it clear that there was a door, one that Ice Storm could push open.


    Inside- a single room with a table, some chairs, and a mare with a tired expression. Twilight Sparkle looked regal and awe inspiring as she looked out of a telescope through the void, though she turned around to face the door ith a wearied expression. "Aww, finally. And how is wittle Ice Storm feeling?" She said as she approached Ice Storm, bending down to rub her face against Ice. Only then would Ice Storm realize how out of scale it all was, as if she were smaller, much smaller than before. So much smaller that Twilight didn't feel all that weird about picking her up in her magic. "Well, this wasn't unexpected but it is still a delight!"

  14. "Well, Brandon, since you're the newest member of our baking team, how about you take the honor of slicing the first piece? It's a big moment, after all!" Pinkie Pie suggested, her voice brimming with encouragement.

    She grabbed a shiny pie server and handed it to him, stepping aside to give him space. Her eyes sparkled with anticipation, waiting to see his first slice of the scrumptious Triple-Berry Pie.


    "Remember to make it just the right size, and watch out for those juicy berries. We want every bite to be berry-tastic!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement.

    With Pinkie Pie's guidance and a supportive atmosphere surrounding them, Brandon prepared himself for the momentous occasion. The knife in hand, he approached the pie with care and precision, ready to cut a slice that would reveal the delectable combination of berries and flaky crust.

  15. Lightning Star smiled warmly at Brandon's gratitude and watched as he entered the house, taking in its beauty. As he admired the surroundings, two figures emerged from the adjacent room, their presence adding to the warm atmosphere.

    "Brandon, I'd like you to meet Aluna Stars and Fuschia Splash," Lightning Star introduced, gesturing towards the two girls. "They're part of our extended family and will be sharing this wonderful home with us."


    Aluna Stars, with her striking gothic attire and artistic flair, exuded a sense of mystery. Her dark hair framed her face, and her eyes sparkled with a mischievous glimmer. She greeted Brandon with a nod and a small smile, her unique style adding an intriguing dynamic to the household. "Hey, uhh...who are you? Wait, what do you mean sharing this home?"

    Beside Aluna stood Fuschia Splash, a sweet-looking girl with a gentle aura. Her vibrant hair cascaded down her shoulders, and her bright eyes radiated warmth and kindness. Fuschia's presence brought a touch of serenity to the space, her demeanor inviting a sense of tranquility.

  16. Like poetry the symmetry of the worlds rhymed endlessly, STARS and EPICs ahold and many-hooved in their splendor and failure. Celestia for her part no longer quite cared. She had seen a parade of villainy and heroism in doses equaled if not in volume by their passions indeed, and this Ice Storm was another mare standing on standing on a gilded precipice. "Yes, that is ironic. Or was it destined? It is hard to say for me, if not for Twilight. I will say that regardless of how this ends, take heart that you are here because despite any faults you may have had or foibles you may have paragoned, you were on the whole good and great. Your life always had value, even if there is the chance your world did not," Celestia said before the countdown was finished. Nary a moment more passed before she looked to Ice Storm and said-


    -She mouthed the words but they were devoured in their entirety by an immensity of sound and fury as the star burst from its containment. Before a single quectosecond had passed the star had consumed the entirety of the room, kept in bound only by a series of magical runes that glowed with Celestia's own magic. The former Princess herself seemed to watch on with interest, looking for any sign of the damaged Ice Mare. The temperature had exceeded the capacity for understanding and it grew angrily and exponentially into the infinite, a magically self-sustaining runaway star that within yoctosecond burned hotter than any known star and continued. Within a full zeptosecond the heat had magnified to the extent that not even magic could contain it, and Celestia's secondary spell effect took effect. A femtosecond after it started, the star and Ice Storm were floating above the collection of floating lands that made up equestria, becoming a horrifying second sun that bathed the land in waves of heat. A picosecond after it started and the sun dulled into a strange orange-purple, hahnging with a cruel brightness. A shake into the event and the star settled. A millisecond later and the star reached an unreal 2,000,000 K, ten times hotter than any star, and a centisecond into the event and it become the brightest object in existence.


    And a full second after the event started, it ended.



    Ice Storm was normally annihilated in the planck time, quick enough that the only notice of her failure was Celestia and Twilight. The stronger ones sometimes survived into the quectoseconds, but this Ice Storm was unique in two ways. The first was shared by a few others- as the event started, she found time slowed for her. She didn't perceive the world as Twilight did or the way Celestia could involving the star, but it was somewhat of an approximation. She would find that she could sense the world in yoctoseconds. This was a blessing and a curse, as she could understand what was happening to her...and feel it. The second was that her magic protected her for far longer than almost anyIce else. So much so that it was only in the femtosecond after the ritual began that her Ice powers would start to fail her and the tremendous power of the star would overwhelm her entirely- just long enough for her to perhaps glimpse at this shattered Equestria.

    Enough to see her own Equestria, and many others, as her reality collapsed in pain...and hope.


    It would feel like hours, months, years, seconds, and something in between and not at all relatable before she would find herself capable of waking up, this time in a darkened void lit with only the faintest purple fringe around one's vision...

  17. tumblr_static_tumblr_static_banner1.png


    Rainbow's heart beat faster and faster. She was used to the rhythm of the hammering of her heart as the moments that made a mare feel the way an athlete like her felt came to her in stark contrast to all others. The feeling of a race, the sweat between her pinions, the glacial pace of time as she shot past others, the feeling of the wind cut around her. The hammering that came right before a sharp turn during a performance, the feeling of pins and needles as others watched. All of this and more, much more, she felt, yet none of it prepared her for the desire that overwhelmed her.


    It was turning her into an animal, an unthinking herd animal as she felt herself overwhelmed by Twilight. By her magic, by her strength, by her size, by her eyes, her passion. By her. And Rainbow felt increasingly like a puppet. She felt herself being moved against her will, but not by any direct force- but through her own reactions to Twilight. Her wings extended and then folded deep and truly, appearing smaller and smaller against Twilight, her lithe frame seeming to shrink in Twilight's grip. As Twilight nipped at Rainbow's ears, all the pegasus could do was nicker and then let out a low, animalistic whinny, as if her vocalization had been taken from her.


    She gave in t Twilight and took what was offered. She was sloppy, but her body's natural athleticism and flexibility still shone through as she moved and positioned without question for Twilight. A great clap of thunder stole from her the fog that was temporarily driving her intellect into the abyss. Freed, all the pegasus could muster before being driven back to her animalistic nature was a needy, "Twilight...", nickering at the end as she pulled right back into her lover's total embrace.

  18. Lightning Star chuckled warmly at Brandon's question, her eyes sparkling with affection. She placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, a nurturing gesture that came naturally to her. "Not at all, Brandon," Lightning Star replied with a tender smile. "In fact, I was going to let you know that at our household, I'm like a mom to everyone. So, calling me 'Mom' is absolutely fine if that makes you feel comfortable. In fact, I was going to make you do it anyway!"

    She emphasized her role as a caregiver, someone who looked after and cared for those under her roof. The desire to create a nurturing environment and provide support to those in need was ingrained in her very being. "In my house, we support and care for each other," she continued, her voice filled with warmth. "And if calling me 'Mom' helps foster that sense of family and belonging for you, then I welcome it wholeheartedly."


    Lightning Star's words conveyed her genuine affection and willingness to be there for Brandon, creating a space where he could feel safe and loved. As they stood at the entrance of their new home, she opened the door, inviting him inside to embrace the warmth and comfort that awaited them within.

  19. Pinkie Pie tilted her head, her eyes widening with curiosity as Brandon mentioned video games. She scratched her chin, contemplating his question for a moment. "Video games? Well, Brandon, in Equestria, we don't really have video games like you're describing," Pinkie Pie explained with a cheerful smile. "We have a few oddities here and there that are powered by magical devices, but they're quite rare, and most of them are about 50 years old!"


    She giggled, her excitement undeterred. "As for Mario, Sonic, Pokémon, and Persona 5, I've never heard of them before! They must be some super-duper fun games from your world. But don't you worry, we have our own kind of fun and excitement right here in Equestria!"

    Pinkie Pie's enthusiasm reached its peak as she clapped her hooves together, her eyes sparkling. "But enough talk about games for now! It's time to taste our masterpiece, the Triple-Berry Pie!"


    She gestured towards the pie with a flourish, her excitement contagious. "Get ready, Brandon! It's time to dig in and savor the sweet reward of our hard work. Are you ready for a slice of pie that will make your taste buds dance with joy?"


    Pinkie Pie's announcement signaled the moment they had been eagerly waiting for. The Triple-Berry Pie, with its tantalizing aroma and beautifully baked crust, was now ready to be enjoyed. With a playful gleam in her eyes, Pinkie Pie couldn't wait to witness the delight on Brandon's face as he took his first bite of the delectable creation they had crafted together.

  20. "Wow, Brandon, that sounds like quite the immersive and exciting game," Lightning Star replied, trying to keep up with the intricate concepts he described. While Lightning Star may not have fully grasped the intricacies of Brandon's explanation, her genuine happiness for him was apparent. She wanted to show her support and encourage his enthusiasm for his favorite games. Brandon's enthusiasm was evident as he passionately explained the premise of Persona 5, delving into intricate details about the game. Lightning Star nodded along, doing her best to follow his explanation, even though it seemed a bit complex for her.
    As the car continued along the road, the urban landscape gradually transformed into a more serene and rural scenery. Tall buildings gave way to open fields and winding paths, hinting at the proximity of Lightning Star's house outside the bustling city.


    With a bright smile, Lightning Star pointed ahead. "We're almost there, Brandon. My house is just a little further. It's a bit outside the city, surrounded by nature. I hope you'll find it peaceful and welcoming."
    As they approached, the car turned onto a tree-lined avenue. Lush greenery and colorful blooms framed the path, creating a picturesque setting. The car passed through a welcome sign to the named neighborhood- the Applewood Planned Community- revealing a charming house tucked away in a spacious garden not too far into it.

    "I'm really excited for you to see where we'll be staying," Lightning Star said, her voice filled with anticipation. "It's not overly extravagant, but it's cozy and filled with warmth. I hope it'll feel like a home away from home for you."

  21. Pinkie Pie's eyes sparkled with excitement as she watched Brandon plead for a taste of the delicious pie. She couldn't help but giggle, her playful nature shining through. "Patience, Brandi!" Pinkie Pie replied with a mischievous grin. "Good things come to those who wait, and our Triple-Berry Pie is worth every moment of anticipation."


    She playfully tapped her hoof against her chin, considering Brandon's request. "But, how about this? We'll let the pie cool down for just a few more minutes, and then we'll dig in together! It'll be worth the wait, I promise!" Pinkie Pie's suggestion struck a balance between indulging Brandon's eagerness and ensuring that the pie was just right. She wanted the first bite to be a moment of pure delight, shared between friends.


    She clapped her hooves together, her excitement building. "In the meantime, let's enjoy the aroma and talk about all the sweet adventures we'll have here at Sugarcube Corner! We'll make memories that will last a lifetime!" With Pinkie Pie's infectious enthusiasm and the tantalizing scent of the pie filling the air, Brandon would need just a little more patience to fully savor the culinary masterpiece they had created. The wait would only make the first bite that much sweeter, creating a shared moment of joy and satisfaction.

  22. Lightning Star listened attentively as Brandon mentioned his age, only to realize he was uncertain about it himself. She offered a sympathetic smile, understanding that there might be some confusion surrounding his circumstances.

    "It's alright, Brandon," Lightning Star replied kindly, her tone reassuring. "Sometimes we encounter unexpected situations that make it difficult to keep track of certain details. We'll figure out your age together as we navigate this new journey. I can set you up with a doctor."

    As Brandon continued, sharing his favorite games like Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart, and Persona 5 Royal, Lightning Star nodded along, taking mental notes. However, unbeknownst to her, those specific games were actually parodies in this realm.

    "That's a great selection of games, Brandon," she replied cheerfully. "I'm not familiar with all of them, but they sound like a lot of fun. Your sister Fuschia likes...what are they called...roleplaying games? Do you like roleplayinmg games?"

  23. "Your sniffing skills are top-notch, Brandon!" Pinkie Pie remarked playfully, her tone filled with mirth. "But that's not all. I can see you've been doing an excellent job helping with the dough and mixing in the berries. It's a team effort, and we're nailing it!"

    However, Pinkie Pie's keen eye for detail also noticed a small mishap in the dough. She pointed it out with a playful tap on Brandon's shoulder.


    "Oh, uh-oh! Looks like we have a little crack in the dough over here," Pinkie Pie noted, her expression lighthearted. "But no worries! It happens to the best of us. We'll fix it up in a jiffy, and it'll be our little secret. Shh!"

    She giggled, her cheerful nature undeterred by the minor imperfection. Pinkie Pie's positivity and encouragement were contagious, ensuring that the baking experience remained fun and filled with laughter.

  24. "That's amazing, Brandon! How old are you, again?" Lightning Star replied with genuine interest, her eyes sparkling. "Being an audio engineer sounds like a unique and exciting profession. It must be rewarding to work with sound effects and bring experiences to life through audio."

    She nodded, acknowledging his passion and skill set. "And video games? That's fantastic! You'll share that with your bro- err, sister. It's always great to have a hobby that brings joy and allows for immersive storytelling. Are there any particular genres or games that you enjoy playing?"

  25. As they began their drive, Lightning Star glanced at Brandon and smiled. "So, Brandon, tell me a little more about yourself. I'd love to get to know you better. What are your interests or hobbies? Any favorite books, movies, or music?"

    Her friendly tone invited him to share and engage in conversation, hoping to make the ride more enjoyable and establish a connection based on shared interests. As they embarked on this new chapter together, Lightning Star's genuine curiosity about Brandon's life was evident.


    Brandon's anticipation and readiness to embrace his new forever home mirrored Lightning Star's enthusiasm. The road ahead held countless possibilities, and she was determined to make him feel welcomed and at ease during this transition. She had a soft spot for the weird and the downtrodden, after all, and while he was not weird yet he was downtrodden.

    With the engine humming and the open road stretching out before them, Lightning Star and Brandon embarked on their journey, ready to embrace the adventures that awaited them in his new home.

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