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Posts posted by SteelEagle

  1. Pinkie Pie's eyes twinkled mischievously as she finished her muffin, her mind buzzing with excitement. With a playful hop, she positioned herself in the center of the kitchen, ready to embark on the Triple-Berry Pie challenge. She cleared her throat and a melodic tune filled the air:

    ♪ Welcome to the kitchen, where magic's in the air,
    We're gonna bake a pie that's beyond compare.
    With berries so juicy and flavors so sweet,
    Together we'll make a treat that can't be beat! ♪
    Brandon, grab your apron, put on your chef's hat,
    It's time to create a pie, a work of art like that.
    Roll out the dough, make it thin and so nice,
    We'll fill it with berries, a burst of paradise!

    ♪ Blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries too,
    A symphony of flavors, a palette that's true.
    Mix them together with love and with care,
    Our Triple-Berry Pie will be beyond compare! ♪

    Pinkie Pie twirled around the kitchen, gathering ingredients with glee. She handed Brandon a rolling pin and a bowl filled with fresh berries, her smile infectious.

    ♪ So roll out the dough, let's make it just right,
    Press it in the pan, with all your might.
    The scent of baking fills the air so sweet,
    Our pie's almost ready, a culinary feat! ♪

    Brandon, follow my lead, we're in this together,
    As we bake and create, there's no storm we can't weather.
    Mix in the berries, let their flavors blend,
    In this kitchen of friendship, we'll make magic never end!

    ♪ Slide it in the oven, let it bake with care,
    The aroma fills the room, it's a scent so rare.
    When it's golden and bubbly, our pie is complete,
    A masterpiece of sweetness, a pie that can't be beat! ♪

  2. Sunset Shimmer's smile widened at Brandon's request for her number, understanding his desire to stay connected and foster their growing friendship. She reached into her pocket and retrieved a small notepad and pen.

    "Of course, Brandon," Sunset replied, her voice filled with warmth. "Let me write down my number for you." She jotted down her digits on a blank page of the notepad before tearing it off and handing it to him. "Here you go. Feel free to reach out whenever you'd like."

    Just as Sunset handed Brandon the paper with her number, Lightning Star, noticing the exchange, approached them with a warm smile. "Ready to go, Brandon?" she asked, holding her car keys in hand. "We can make sure you're all settled in and provide you with a comfortable ride."

    Sunset nodded in agreement, her gaze shifting between Brandon and Lightning Star. "Take care, Brandon, and I'll be looking forward to hearing from you soon. Have a safe journey with Lightning Star."

    With a friendly wave, Sunset watched as Lightning Star and Brandon made their way towards the car, hopeful that their connection would continue to grow and strengthen in the days to come.

  3. "Oh, Twilight? I'm sure she's got some princess duties to attend to," Pinkie Pie explained, her tone thoughtful. "Being the Princess of Friendship is a big responsibility, you know?"

    Pinkie Pie's gaze softened, displaying a touch of admiration for her dear friend. "But don't you worry, Brandon! Twilight will be back before you know it. She's always here for her friends, no matter how busy she might be. And in the meantime, I'll make sure you have plenty of Pinkie Pie fun to keep you company!"


    With a hop and a skip, Pinkie Pie pulled out a party blower from seemingly nowhere and playfully blew it, the cheerful noise filling the air. "Now, let's finish up our breakfast and get ready for that Triple-Berry Pie challenge! We'll make it so amazing that even Twilight will be impressed when she returns."

    Pinkie Pie's contagious energy and ability to find joy in any situation would help reassure Brandon that even in Twilight's absence, he would still have a wonderful time in Ponyville. They continued their breakfast feast, the sound of laughter and the scent of baked goods filling the air, as their friendship continued to blossom in the whimsical world of Sugarcube Corner.

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    Behind Dunnie, Dunder, Dunda Bringin' Da Thunda Down Unda, behind Dunsterino/rina, pronked a fellow adventurer. Most pronks in and out of the snow came with some minor backwards momentum as the pegasus' wing couldn't help but catch some of the wind- she couldn't fully close one of them due to an injury, which she was always super excited to show off. still she never stopped pronking forward excitedly, nor didn't she keep her eyes closed or down. Up and around, everywhere, and when they became packed with snow she tossed her head to and from to clear them. It was a wonderful system that would in no way lead to future medical problems because Pathfinder was very, very sure this was going to be too much fun for her to die anytime soon doing!


    She was just happy somepony finally listened to her. Everypony told her she was pretty darn stupid for believing that there was a secret Maretonia below the Maretonia that was also below Saddle Arabia. Seemed stupid! But she was sure of it, because if that wasn't true than that meant the map she found in the Kastroti library was wrong. And she didn't spend two months as a love slave of Heartstopper to not get that map! True, it was found in the filly story section that was open to the public but it wasn't her fault that Heartstopper was a dolt who didn't know what she had in her possession.

    Stupid Heartstopper!

    "Yep!" Pathfinder said cheerily as she continued pronking. "We should get to the Great Southern Harbor soon. That much is an acknowledged dig site. From there though we have a totally fun time! Well, as long as we don't get killed by the spirits, but a little possession never hurt anypony!"

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  5. tumblr_static_tumblr_static_banner1.png

    By now, any resistance Rainbow had was smothered. First off by her own desires, now fully unleashed and clear, unable to be prevented and unwilling to even try in the first place. Secondly by Twilight, who moment by moment gained in confidence as she made her moves on the pegasus. It was a twin-tailed harbinger of what it meant to fully express your love for the first time physically, as unexpected as it had been, as unbidden as it was, yet as freeing and dramatic as the first clap of thunder. She threw herself into Twilight, greedily taking what she could take from the Princess and giving generously in return. The rain outside, the storm, any skittering or scattering of life, it all failed to register as the passions of the moment grew unsaddled by the thoughts and concerns of others.


    Rainbow only noticed they were off the ground a few moments after it started, and found herself feeling less and less in control as time went on. Twilight was larger than her and as the full expression of their love unveiled itself, so did Twilight's full form. In comparison, Rainbow was found small, lithe, delicate even, words that she would never have thought to apply to her but in Twilight's embrace, held by her magic, Rainbow could scarcely find the energy to complain or protest, as her words died as equally on her lips or in her throat as they died ensorcelled by Twilight's love. It took but a few more moments for Dash to completely forego any efforts at proving to run this thing, her legs achingly hooking around Twilight, submitted and enchanted by all that Twilight was.

  6. As Ice Storm asked the question, Celestia was silent for a few seconds. "You're right. It is touchy," she said, her tone frosty. She sighed and responded. "I had just ceded the throne to her. All was well. Twilight kept on complaining about a problem, one I could not understand nor help her with. She sought to solve the problem by casting a spell, and instead she caused the physics of our world to go haywire. What you see at the center of our world now is a magical blackhole. It happened just slowly enough that she was able to cast some spells to save part of the land and transmute many citizens into new species. Still, well over half the population has gone. We don't believe they are dead- not in the traditional sense, at least. At least that is what my sister said as she vanished into her world of nightmares," Celestia said. Her tone had become embittered. As they walked, Ice Storm would see the murals. This Celestia had been a conqueror- not a tyrant over those she rules, but those who threatened her and her subjects routinely found themselves brought under heel. The nature of their threats had also changed- the mane six had defeated most of their normal villains in similar ways, but several villains had faced ultimate punishments. The murals ended with the disaster that struck the world.


    "Not that it matters. None of this will have ever existed, let alone happen, once you are done. I believe the problem she was referring to was the problem of her own infinite understanding slowly overwhelming her unprepared form. Similar events happened to myself during my apothesis a millenia ago, I am sure. Oh, here we are," Celestia said as she approached a giant blast door, one that even on this end had black marks. She put her horn in the door and after a series of flashing warning lights, the door lifted up. Then there was another blast door, and then another. Despite the doors being sealed, they could feel an intense brightness burning through the doors growing with every new door. Celestia cast a spell over both their heads as the final door opened.

    Inside was the heart of a star, so bright that it would have instantly blinded Ice Storm were it not for the spells. The room seemed to boil around them as they walked, the very oxygen nearly on fire as they approached. they were shielded by a series of alternating orange and green patterns of magic.

    "The First Fire, the heart of the first star in the sky. When I was a much stronger mare I reached into the heart of it and plucked it out. My greed has repaid me in sorrow manyfold, but today hopefully that will come to an end. Make no mistake, when I release the shielding this whole room shall be incinerated. You will very obviously be destroyed. Hopefully, however, you will be reborn," Celestia said as she approached a magically sealed chamber. She started casually moving options around as the magical shield on the star started to shimmer different colors.


    "Cast your most powerful protective ice spells. Imbue them into your very being. Use every ounce of power you have," Celestia yelled as solar winds started to coalesce around her. "It will not save your life, but if you're strong enough, it won't have to...ten seconds."

  7. As Apple Bloom and the crew worked tirelessly to launch the anti-tornado mines, their determination was met with a sudden obstacle. The deafening winds, rain, and chaos of the storm had taken their toll on the ship's equipment. Just as they loaded the second magazine of mines, a malfunction occurred. The rail jammed, preventing Apple Bloom from pulling it forward. Apple Bloom's heart raced as she realized the largest tornado of them all was barreling towards them. Panic surged through her, knowing that they needed every defense they could muster to combat such a formidable force. She frantically tried to free the jammed rail, but her efforts proved futile against the stubborn machinery.


    The first mate's voice crackled over the intercom, filled with urgency. "Team, we have a problem. The rail is jammed, and we can't launch the mines."

    Fear and frustration welled up within Apple Bloom as she surveyed the looming threat drawing closer. She knew they had to act quickly. Determination burned in her eyes as she turned to the Lead Engineer, desperation evident in her voice. "We can't give up now! We need those mines to stop that tornado!"
    The crew sprang into action, brainstorming potential solutions. With limited time and resources, they improvised, employing their expertise and ingenuity. The pegasus adjusted the weather currents in a desperate attempt to divert the approaching tornado's path. Meanwhile, the Lead Engineer and his team scrambled to repair the malfunctioning rail, their hooves a blur of activity.


    Apple Bloom, refusing to succumb to despair, joined the repair effort. She used her strength and determination to assist the older stallion, their combined efforts aimed at freeing the jammed rail. Rain drenched their fur, and the winds threatened to knock them off balance, but they persisted. Seconds felt like an eternity as they struggled against the unyielding machinery. Finally, with a surge of collective effort, the jammed rail gave way. Apple Bloom's heart soared with relief as the green light flashed, indicating their ability to launch the mines once more. Without hesitation, they swiftly loaded the remaining mines into the magazine. Apple Bloom, her muscles aching from the strain, mustered every ounce of strength for the final push. As the last mine was launched, the crew's eyes fixated on the monstrous tornado, now dangerously close to a number of critters on the ground, not the least of which was a Diamond Dog!


    In that tense moment, the mines glowed with a pulsating blue light, hurtling toward the spiraling chaos. The crew held their breath, praying for success. But as the mines approached, disaster struck. The largest tornado proved too powerful, causing the magical explosions to be engulfed within its mighty grasp. Apple Bloom's heart sank, a mix of frustration and disappointment washing over her. They had tried their best, but this time, it wasn't enough. She knew they had fought valiantly, but the immense force of nature had prevailed. With the failed attempt to disrupt the approaching tornado, Apple Bloom and the crew had to swiftly reassess their strategy. They would need to rely on their wits and resourcefulness to protect themselves and aid the ponies below. The stakes were higher than ever, and the resilience of Apple Bloom and her companions would be put to the ultimate test.

  8. Celestia heard the mare acknowledge and accept it, but still decided to sit and sip her tea for a while. A part of her was attached to this type of existence...even while knowing how fractured and hollow it truly was. She knew that every last pony in this world was a faint reflection of their real selves. Their histories, personalities, love and loss- as horrifying as it was to think, she knew that in the bigger picture they were parasites in the order of reality. Solving their problem would see them no longer existing. It was the right move, but she still took her time with her tea.

    "Good," she said long after she had finished. She stood up and used her wing to beckon Ice Storm. "Follow me, Ice Storm," she said as she trotted past Tea Time. "Dismissed," she said not once, but multiple times as they walked. To a guard, a servant, the cook. Rainbow Dash shot in and snapped a salute. "All pirates rescued! Requesting permission to put them in the dungeon, ma'am!"


    "Release them," Celestia said as she walked past Rainbow, brushing by the shocked Guard Captain. "And lock the Keep's door behind us. Nopony is to enter the lower levels again. Once it is locked, you are dismissed," Celestia said as she walked through a large double door. Once they were in it, the door was locked. Wall sconsces flashed, lighting the long corridor that had a slope down. Celestia walked at a brisk pace, though her eyes remained fixed on a far away goal. After a while, she spoke. "Sweet black with strawberry and chia? You don't strike me as a mare who does a bit of anything."

  9. Pinkie Pie chuckled, delighted by Brandon's evident enjoyment of the breakfast spread. She couldn't help but giggle at his excited response, watching him savor the pancakes with sheer delight.

    "I'm glad you're loving it, Brandon!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, her voice bubbling with mirth. "It's a taste explosion, isn't it? Those pancakes have a special secret ingredient called 'Pon-E-Doodle Magic'! It makes them extra fluffy and irresistible!"

    She continued to munch on her own treats, her eyes twinkling with delight as Brandon's enthusiasm remained unwavering. It was a joy to see someone appreciate the delectable delights she had worked so hard to create.


    With a mischievous grin, Pinkie Pie leaned closer to Brandon, her voice lowered playfully. "You know, the muffins have a magical ability too. They have the power to make your smile even wider and your taste buds jump for joy! Careful not to explode from all the deliciousness!"

    She burst into a fit of giggles, the sound filling the air and adding to the cheerful atmosphere. Pinkie Pie's infectious laughter mirrored the pure happiness that surrounded them, as they continued to indulge in the delectable breakfast offerings.

  10.  Sunset Shimmer nodded understandingly, recognizing the instinctual response that may have surfaced in the moment.

    "Of course, Brandon," Sunset replied kindly, her voice carrying a genuine warmth. "I'd be happy to see you again and spend more time together. Building friendships is a wonderful experience, but for now just focus on getting settled in with Lightning Star."


    Sunset took a step closer, her voice gentle and reassuring. "When you're ready, reach out to me or let Lightning Star know, and we can arrange a time to hang out. We can help you get used to this new world."

    Her understanding gaze conveyed a genuine desire to spend time with him, fostering a connection that could grow stronger over time. As Brandon prepared to leave with Lightning Star, Sunset wished him well, waving to him even as she started to work on why it was he was here. 


    "Take care, Brandon," she said warmly. "Enjoy your time with Lightning Star, we'll talk soon.."

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    Moonlight Glitter trotted into Professor Fluttershy's class, brimming with energy and looking fine as tartarus. Her school uniform was on point, pressed and cleaned and making her look like woah. She felt like a brand new pony every day and today, like those days, she flaunted it! A swagger in her canter was exaggerated, her tail flicked to and fro to a beat only she knew, and her bright smile echoed up and down the halls with a crackling energy that said this pony's hooves were buffed, her tail fluffed, and her mane puffed. She looked like ten thousand bits, and wanted to be acknowledged as such.


    "Hey there chickadee!" Moony said as she took her seat with energy, causing it to almost fall over. She looked worried for a second before it came crashing down back into position with a clank. "Woah, like, floor to Moony- stay on target," she giggled. "Whatcha been up to? Causin' any trouble or being your bitchin' best?"

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    Nopony, no student, could escape Applejack's gaze, nor can their disposition long go unnoticed. Students to and fro entered her class early morning in less than stellar moods. How could some of them not when they were busy being 'on fleek' and other associated terms that Applejack was having to learn against her will over time.  And maybe that had nothing to do with why Remington looked the way he did, and Applejack wasn't going to press. Not too hard, anyway. She knew he had his sleeping issue and she wasn't going to give him a hard time, but if there was anything else involved she needed to know. "Remington, do you need anything?" She asked gently, though she wouldn't press any further if she got a pushback. Soon after he entered everycreature else was in, and she got up from her seat.


    "Howdy everycreature!" She said, cantering about. She got her smattering of replies as she trotted back up to the front. "Ah hope yer hungry. Them apples are products of yer own hard work. Enjoy'm!" She said as she turned back around to face them. "Or share them, if you don't. Ah know some of ya had busy nights!"

    Gallus was comfortable in his chair. As Applejack went about her business, he paid Remington a look. "Hey dude, how ya doing over there?" He asked, taking his apple in his talon and offering it. "Need another?"

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  13. Sunset Shimmer listened attentively to Brandon's heartfelt confession, her expression a delicate balance of surprise and understanding. She appreciated his honesty and vulnerability, recognizing the sincerity behind his words. While his feelings were clear, she also understood the importance of maintaining a respectful distance in their interactions.

    A gentle smile graced Sunset's lips as she responded, choosing her words with care. "Brandon, I appreciate your openness and the trust you've placed in me. It's truly heartwarming to know that I've made a positive impact on you during your time here. Your...minute or so here, anyway," Sunset said as she rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly.

    She paused for a moment, her gaze soft yet firm. "However, I've known you for...a minute, I think, and I don't even know how you know me so I think you can understand if I try to maintain a respectful boundary. Friendship is a wonderful foundation, and I'm glad to have the opportunity to get to know you better in that regard," she said gently as she gestured towards Lightning Star.

    Sunset's tone remained gentle yet resolute, as she continued, "In terms of your current situation, I believe it would be beneficial for you to accept Lightning Star's invitation and find the support you need. It's important to remember that developing friendships and seeking guidance from others can coexist with the pursuit of your personal happiness and reconnecting with your loved ones."

    Lightning Star looked back to her car. "Ready to come with, Brandon."

  14. "Don't you worry, Brandon!" Pinkie Pie reassured him with a warm smile. "Here at Sugarcube Corner, we believe in the magic of friendship, and that means we're all about spreading joy and delicious treats to everypony, or in this case, everyhuman!"

    She winked playfully, her eyes brimming with generosity. "Consider this breakfast on the house! No need to pay a single bit. We're thrilled to have you as a new friend and member of our baking adventures, and sharing our tasty delights is the best way to celebrate."


    Pinkie Pie's words were genuine, reflecting the spirit of kindness and inclusivity that Ponyville was known for. She encouraged Brandon to enjoy the meal without any worry about payment, emphasizing the value of friendship and the joy that came from being together.

    "Once you settle into your new job at Sugarcube Corner- assuming you pass today's baking tests and the Cakes don't rescind my new priveleges- we can discuss arrangements for future meals and treats," Pinkie Pie added, her tone cheerful. "But for now, let's focus on savoring these delightful treats and getting ready to create the most amazing Triple-Berry Pie!"

  15. Sunset Shimmer listened attentively to Brandon's words, her eyes filled with empathy. She could sense the weight of his uncertainty and the deep longing to be reunited with his family. The realization that he might not be able to find them in his current circumstances hung heavily in the air.

    Her thoughts quickly turned to Lightning Star, who had been standing by, offering support and assistance. Sunset glanced at her friend, a silent exchange passing between them. Understanding the gravity of the situation, Lightning Star made a decision.


    "Brandon," Lightning Star spoke up, her voice gentle yet resolute. "You don't have to face this alone. We're here to help you. How about this? Why don't you come with me to my home? We can provide you with a safe and supportive environment while we explore different avenues to assist you in reconnecting with your family."

    Sunset Shimmer nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting sincerity and concern. "We'll do everything we can to support you in your search for your aunt and cousin. Even if they're not in a location you expect, we can explore various resources and use our connections to help you find them."


    Sunset Shimmer's gaze conveyed a genuine invitation, offering Brandon the opportunity to find solace and support in the company of Lightning Star. 

    "Please, consider accepting our offer," Lightning Star added, her voice filled with compassion. "We want to be there for you and help you in any way we can. Together, we'll strive to bring you closer to your loved ones, wherever they may be."

    As Sunset Shimmer and Lightning Star stood before him, their resolve unwavering, they hoped that Brandon would see their sincere intentions and take comfort in the fact that he was no longer alone on this journey.

  16. Pinkie Pie's eyes widened with delight as she heard Brandon's enthusiastic response. Her tail wagged in excitement, matching the speed of her thoughts.

    "Oh, you're in for a treat, Brandon!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, her voice bubbling with joy. "We'll satisfy your sweet tooth like you've never experienced before! But first, we can't have you baking on an empty stomach, can we?"

    With a quick spin, Pinkie Pie produced a tray filled with an assortment of freshly baked muffins, pastries, and pancakes. She placed it in front of Brandon, her smile warm and inviting.


    "Breakfast is served!" Pinkie Pie announced, her voice full of cheer. "Help yourself to some of our finest morning delights. Fuel up and get ready for the baking extravaganza that awaits!"

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    Applejack leaned back in her chair, back hooves on her desk as she looked out the window at the morning sun. Like most days in Ponyville it was beautiful and it brought her no small amount of joy to see the birds and pegasi arcing through the sky, and through the open window the hustle of bustle of ponies and animals alike told her that the joy was well-shared. She was a morning mare by all definitions and while she knew more than a few of her students sure as shine didn't share in her crisp morning bounty she could only hope her educational routine helped them cope.


    She arrived early and made sure her classroom was clean. The tree in the middle was used often for various object lessons but was mostly there because- well, because she liked, she thought it added to her room's aroma, and she could do something fun like grow apples with her spare time. Indeed, recently the class had helped buck the apples off, and today the fruits of their labor adorned their desk- a nice tasty apple for each and every student. It would hopefully help them with their early morning issues and help energize them for today's lesson, one she was excited to get into.


    As her students arrived, she would greet with them with a hearty howdy and ask them how they were doing. Maybe a bit much for the morning, but she couldn't help it. Two foals wasn't enough to stop her from being bright eyed and bushy tailed!


    One griffon was certainly not bright eyed and bushy tailed, and that was Gallus. He entered the classroom in flight, his wingbeats sluggish, and his eyes showing more than a few whisps of exhaustion in them, giving away his grogginess. It was evident that he had an early morning struggle to conquer.


    As he hovered into the room, his movements were languid, as if he was caught in a web of drowsiness. His disheveled feathers and wrinkled chest-fluff hinted at a rushed morning routine, possibly due to oversleeping or a late-night endeavor. The half-smile he couldn't hide entirely told at least half the story as to why this was.


    "Howdy!" Applejack said, her own smile evident as she looked him up and down. That was one tired but happy griffon.
    "Hey," Gallus replied as he found his seat and pulled himself in.
    "Looks like you didn't get enough sleep. Feeling alright, sugarcube?"
    Gallus smiled.
    "Oh, a lot better than alright..."

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  18. Celestia nodded as she sat down. She looked out towards a corridor. "Tea Time, time for tea," she said as a bubbly younger mare hovered in with a smile. "Rosin Ash for me. Storm, your preference?" Celestia asked as she got comfortable, the younger mare excited to take down Ice Storm's order.

    The former Princess smiled when it was all done, though her smile was wearied. "Twilight chose you to help her. I do not know what lies beyond the completion of the ritual for you, not wholly. I do know that when the ritual is completed, I will cease to exist. This reality- it will be gone," she said, waving dismissively at the world around her.


    "Twilight has broken. She is reaching her apotheosis but the part of her that is still more mare than Alicorn is unable to comprehend the nature of her existence. It is not fully understood by others what she now represents- what I used to represent. She is not simply the most powerful creature in her world or even reality. The ruling Alicorn is the focal point of all reality, all time and space. Unable to contain her true power, the real power of the ruling Alicorn. As a result, time and reality has become fractured," she said, illustrating what she was saying with her magic. One line suddenly broke off into an infinite number, growing until a pony could no longer even understand the visual.


    "There is only one reality. One timeline. Or there should be. It centers on the ruling Alicorn, and fractures only when she can no longer hold the binding of time and space together. It happens when she grows into her true role, and when she moves away from it. I once had that. When I grew less powerful, timelines and realities spiraled into their infinite forms. Now Twilight grows into that role, and when she is finished, all will cease to be but the one true reality and timeline," she said, with no small amount of resigned joy.

    "It isn't as if we will be dead, mind you. We never existed and never will. In any case- ahh, here it is. Thank you," she said as the younger mare came flying in with the tea, trying to comfort the protective mare as best she could.


    "She chose you to help her. I know what it will do to you, but I do not know what will come of you. We have seen you come here before. A hundred thousand times. Each time you are different in some way, but I think Twilight is having trouble finding the exact one. Where there should be one there is infinity, after all," she smiled. An Ice Storm was special, but was she THE Ice Storm- the real one? It was hard to say.


    "As for why you are here, exactly, in this reality, with this Celestia...? Well, I wish I could tell you in full. I think it has something to do with the Hearthfire that I plundered from the Finite Uvbaasch when I felt reality fracture under my control eons ago. I can only assume most of it was plundered by an infinite arrangement, but I was likely the first. After all, I was the first among the infinite. Or was I?" She pondered before smiling.
    "I suppose I cannot know. I remember reality breaking and my mind sundering into infinite pieces. Living with that knowledge is...difficult. How is your tea?" She asked off-hoofedly, clearly enjoying her own tea,


    "The ritual will be simple. You will walk into the Hearthfire that I keep at the center of the citadel. If you are strong enough and you are the right Ice Storm, you will find yourself where you need to be. If you are not, you will die, and this day shall repeat again for us. Do you consent, Ice Storm?"

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    She trusted Ambrosia's counting just fine, thank you. Even when she asked how many a dozen apples compared to a bushel, she knew that it was really just Ambrosia trying to the time-honored Apple Math that was the cornerstone of business. Normally, an Apple family apple bushel was about forty apples large, give or take a few, and the rough way of describing a dozen was a third of a bushel. Apple Math was among the first bits of math taught to an Apple pony. How many bushels fit into a cart? How many of any one type fit into a bushel? What about mixed bushels? When no one was looking, the Apple Baron took forty bushels. He took 40 bushels. That's as many as four small carts. And that's terrible. How many more carts do you need to fill now to fulfill the bi-weekly request from Shady Sands? You know, the easy stuff. Ambrosia had just started down that path, but Applejack was convinced she was going to do well. Assuming Niiv didn't accidentally eat her daughter. "Give'm one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve apples," she said as she pointed at each one, talking just slow enough for her daughter to join in." And be gentle with him. Isn't he such a handsome kitty?" Applejack said as she allowed her daughter to work. Confidence was high.


    Her confidence was less high when it came to understanding what exactly Nilaavin was saying. What in the wide wide world of Equestria was sissa-saa? LaudiPrrum? She couldn't' help it if she thought that sometimes it felt like a Sphinx was designed from the mind-up to confuse other creatures as it spoke. Still, he was pleasant enough to speak with. She didn't fully know if he was a bodyguard or a pet or a housemate? She didn't know, but she also couldn't say much except she liked him and all his fancy-speaking. "Well, Ah think gold looks goo on ya. Timeless is as timeless does and what not, but I think it does well ta showcase yer...splendor, Ah suppose?" She said with a laugh, before turning her focus to the harder questions. "Ahh, her. Well, Ah suppose if you've heard tha scuttle butt, then ya already know. She is just stayin' at tha farm toget herself reoriented. She's had a hard life an' Ah'm happy ta help her," Applejack said with no small sense of pride. She looked at herself as a good Equestrian and a good Equestrian helped those in need.


    Family, though, she could talk about. That and Apple Bloom hadn't been too quiet about it, even if...well, Applejack thought she should have been. "Yeah, heck of a thing. Can't say Ah expected Apple Bloom to be havin' pups, but she'll make a fine mama nonetheless," Applejack said as she picked out two beautiful Granny Smiths and put them in a tiny bag, hoofing them over to Spoiled Rich. She still maintained her haughtiness and air of superiority as before, but Applejack was nothing if not fair and honest and she would be the first to say she had benefitted greatly from Spoiled's time in office. Applerich Stadium was just one piece of evidence, but her coffers had rarely been as full...and never was it such when it was out of season. You didn't have to think somepony was a paragon of virtue to appreciate their good works and nopony could say that Spoiled had done anything yet to abuse her position. "How've you been, Mayor? I haven't seen yer daughter for a bit. Ah heard she was attendin' some sort of fancy school or somesuch now?" Applejack asked as she took the bits. "Thank ya kindly for tha business. How's tha town? Runnin' into anything weird lately?"

    • Hearthoof 1
  20. Sunny couldn't help but be excited about the possibilities as she saw the bowl and kernels and the toppings make their creatively expanded way to her. She didn't know exactly what the possibilities were necessarily, but she did full well know that they were exciting and probably delicious. She was hungry enough to have decided she would go with the works, damn whatever it was that her stomach said in response. What she couldn't understand, however, was the machine that Izzy brought out. What the hay in the bay was it? She let her creative hooves get creating with the ponycorn, though her eyes didn't leave the machine. "Wow, that looks very exciting! And this ponycorn is gonna be so good," She said happily before her ears dropped and she cocked her head. "What is it, exactly?" She paused a second. "If it is karaoke machine, you should probably take a breather first!"

  21. Sunny rolled her eyes happily at the pun, but didn't mind sharing a wink in reply as well. Zipp may try to hide it with her at times self-serious demeanor, especially when she was focused on something larger than herself, but she had a killer sense of humor. "Yeah, I guess we have quite the list. I didn't think we had had gone for as long as we have without going...I could swear Izzy went just last week for some of that. Huh. Anyway," she said as she trotted faster and faster. She kind of felt bad that she wasn't an alicorn full time who could allow Zipp to fly as fast as she knew Zipp wanted to, a limitation of her normal form that she was just happy Zipp wasn't pressing. "I don't know why we need a kit- OH! Zipp!" Sunny said as she pronked in place. "Do they sell spy goggles? Maybe I can be your...what do they call an assistant to the private detective in noir stories?"

    • Like 1
  22. Celestia looked over the wreck, her own horn glowing ever so slightly as she looked over the damage she had caused, and looked over Rarity's vessel as he tried saving as many as he could. Several of her pegasus guards had also shot out in an effort to save some. The former Princess herself looked somewhat...unconcerned. She also looked a bit different. Her mane was tied up conservatively and she wore a golden, sun emblazoned chest piece and a crown that became a helmet that covered half of her face.  Her eyes seemed sharper, a bit more angular. She looked a few more seconds and then turned her back, walking through the curtain. "They will be saved. And in the much larger picture, none of us exist, nor will we once you succeed," she said, her words in equal measure determined yet resigned. "Come, follow. The cycle needs to end."


    Her castle was by no means as opulent as the one she lived in, though it still had a royal flair. The two wings consisted of a few rooms each while the central keep had the grand room, kitchen, dining room, entrance corridor, and a few studies and other rooms for random purposes. castle staff and the guards lived in other buildings on the ground- so far, all of them were pegasi. Rainbow Dash herself snapped a salute to Celestia as she entered the main  corridor, though she returned to her position a moment later. 


    "I am sure she is familiar to you. I am sure she was once familiar to me, too. I have a feeling, at least," Celestia said as she continued her canter. "Going from one reality to infinite realities is tremendously hard when you are the one competing with infinite memories in a form that can no longer compute it. Everyday I feel myself slipping. Not that I mind it, in the long run. I know that I don't exist; at least, I shouldn't," she sighed. "Apologies. My mind wanders whenever I meet a new Ice Storm. Would you like some tea or something to eat before we begin? I am sure my castle cook would love to serve you."

  23. Sunset Shimmer's expression softened as Brandon revealed the absence of his parents and their considerable distance from his current location. Understanding his predicament, she nodded empathetically, her compassionate nature coming to the forefront.

    "I see," Sunset responded, her voice filled with understanding. "Sometimes life takes us far away from our loved ones, and it can be challenging. But we'll help you. Not sure how, but we will," she said as she offered him a hand and a smile. 

    Sunset Shimmer's voice carried a genuine desire to offer aid and comfort. She understood the importance of having a support network, especially in unfamiliar surroundings. Whether it was seeking assistance from relatives, friends, or even reaching out to local organizations, Sunset was determined to help Brandon find the support he needed.

    She contemplated the situation for a moment, considering the options available to assist Brandon in his current circumstance. Her gaze shifted to Lightning Star, who was standing nearby with her phone in hand, waiting for the contact information.

    "Do you have a place to stay, Brandon?" Lightning Star said, her maternal instincts kicking in. She continued, her words laced with warmth and encouragement, "if you don't have anyplace to go, I may be able to house you until we get you back to your parents, okay?"

  24. As Brandon expressed his enthusiasm and eagerness to embrace his new life in Ponyville, Pinkie Pie's eyes gleamed with excitement. She clapped her hooves together and bounced in place.

    "That's the spirit, Brandon!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "With your positive attitude, I know we're going to have a blast together. Now, for your first challenge as the newest prospective member of the Sugarcube Corner team, we need to bake our famous Triple-Berry Pie!"


    Pinkie Pie led Brandon to a well-stocked baking station, where an array of colorful ingredients awaited them. She handed him an apron and a chef's hat, grinning mischievously. As she did so, Twilight waved at them. "I'll be back later. Don't be too rough on him!"

    Twilight waved back to Twilight, but her focus was purely on Brandon.

    "Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to master the art of making the flakiest pie crust known to Equestria...okay, fifth most, but still!" Pinkie Pie declared dramatically. "We'll fill it with luscious strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries, creating a taste explosion that will make everypony's taste buds dance with joy!"


    With a wink and a supportive pat on the back, Pinkie Pie reassured Brandon, "don't worry, I'll be here to guide you every step of the way. Together, we'll conquer this berrylicious challenge and create a pie that will make your dreams come true!"

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