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Posts posted by tacobob

  1. Reminds me of 'Batman The Animated Series'. It was supposed to be set in the present, but the tech was all weird. They didn't have color movies/TV, and their computers were of the LARGE FONT variety. The bloop bloop types, but they also had VR. They also had Police zeppelins. I think they just went with whatever looked cool or worked with the script. Note we still haven't seen any TVs or movie theaters in MLP and considering the lines they get for APPLE Cider, there probably isn't a lot of entertainment options around Ponyville.

    As for the episode, I was HAPPY not to see the generic Indiana Jones rolling boulder cause EVERYONE does that in Indy parodies. While watching this episode, I was sitting there, WAITING for the boulder to come,and was thankful when it didn’t. :)

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