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Posts posted by tacobob

  1. 34 minutes ago, Kirby Krackle said:

    So. That thread I'm making. I think I can squeeze in two more heroes. I know Pretzel is in and Bramble has no choice in the matter. Plus me is 3. 


    So I can do 5, for those of you who don't mind the storyteller (me) jerking you around for the sake of drama and adventure. 


    Bonus points if you can guess which JLA comic this will be based on. 


    Since Bevel helped create  'Z.E..L.D.A', I wouldn't mind at least one RP with her. So add me in if you can....

  2. 1 minute ago, DreamySunday said:

    I hope everything goes well :( Be safe everyone....


    Thanks. Considering it wasn't that long ago when we got hit by like five hurricanes in a row. One I'm pretty sure ran us over and then backed up and then did it again. :shock: it's not that bad, but it can still be deadly. Thankfully my power set up is awesome here..My power was only out for one day, while people I know had power out for MONTHS. Imagine that.

    Fire Walker awoke from a deep sleep, but found it rather hard to get out of the rather massive and obnoxiously ornate canopy bed. It had been created to maintain the ultimate night’s rest. Crafted by griffon crafts-folk from long ago, the bed was made up of several types of wood, including one known she believed to be called the ‘Truffula’ that was long extinct.  The red mare couldn’t help but notice her beloved stallion never made it to bed. She glanced over a the other side of the bed with an annoyed grunt. He was at his desk when she arrived and was probably still there! She wanted to be upset, but found it hard to. He was working on something that was very special to him and in turn very important to his beloved city of Fillydelphia. This at least was better time spent than say, yelling at silly ponies like Punk Walker or Dawnguard.
    After a few moments, the Pegasus pony managed remove herself from the 'bed of ultimate restfulness'. It almost felt like there was some sort of low level enchantment on the bed that called out to her. Rest a little longer! She would, but she had things to do! She wanted to spend some time with Swift Squall...Maybe separate him from his work just long enough for a bit of breakfast. The she needed to head off to the local garrison to have a chat with the head of the guard. The R.E.A officer had been a rather busy pony during the last week or so. After attending the 'Grand Galloping Gala' with Swift, she spent the next few days in Cloudsdale with her father. The current guard needed some extra training, especially after a recent incident where some crazy pony managed to nearly destroy all of the equipment in the weather factory, causing the weather to go kablooey. Not only did they help retrain the current guard, there were a few newbies that also needed to be worked with as well. The officer also managed to squeeze in some sister-time with Wind Walker. The pair caught some Wonderbolts action at the Cloudeseum and later a tour at the recently refurbished Weather Factory.
    After a quick shower, the mare fixed up her mane and slid into her uniform. One could not just walk around Squallcoast Manor naked, like some sort of animal! A few more moments later, the Pegasus pony was ready. She slowly made her way down the stairs and.....maybe she could get a map of this place? Where was her stallion? It took a few rooms, but she was eventually found the place her beloved had been spending the last day or so in. There appeared to be an rather roguish looking stallion in armor there with Swift and what appeared to be a raccoon? Did her Swift get a pet? What an odd pick. She assumed he would have ended up with something more suitable for his personality. A rare Germane Wolf-Dog. Or a lion? But a raccoon? Well, whatever floats his boat. Or...wait a second? What was going on here? Why was the little critter on a unicorn's head?
    "It appears you have made some friends my dear.", the armored mare entered the room with as much grace as one could in plate.
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  4. 2 hours ago, starswirlthebearded said:

    And I can imagine Razor saying something of the lines of "What does that even mean???" With a tone of sarcastic indignation. 


    And Pocket would be like... "Means I'm AWESOME." :20:


    2 hours ago, starswirlthebearded said:

    While Trekker would attempt to drag him off to see what can be procured.


    Hey now! Pocket is a one-mare pony!

  5. On 8/12/2016 at 3:59 PM, Bellosh said:


    Since he's been with the group as long as Moony has, I say Pocket has the position of Assistant Guild Master for Procurement. He, along with Moony and Duchess Belle, will pretty much comprise the Guild's upper leadership.


    That sounds extra-fancy! I could see Pocket rushing off to get business cards printed with that on it. "Assistant Guild Master for Procurement"

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  6. Geez. What would Pocket be? He's one of the original founders.


    For the current Guild Hall..He did pull strings and work on transforming the old warehouse into something more guildy. Donating his old books and furniture..And getting others to add to their collection. 


    Master Collector?

    Master Moony-Smoocher?


    He's an archaeologist and adventurer and thanks to Moony and some of the others has become a more well rounded spell-caster. He has not mastered teleportation, but soon he will!




  7. xzjAR1n.png
    Powers: Zelda has all of the skills that her living counterpart had. Flight. Great Strength. Agility. And her creative mind that helped the black bird creative wonderful works of beauty either through her statues, or her well designed battle armor. These skills and strengths were amplified when she was given control of an android body. She also has the ability to heal injuries that would have killed a living griffon. And under her faux feathers, fur, skin, and muscles is an battle ready android body that can resist powerful blows of magic and physical nature. She also wields her old blacksmithing hammer. This can be thrown at foes, and it is enchanted to return to her. Along with being able to return to its owner, the hammer had been enchanted not to kill its target. It can hurt and even stun a foe, but will never draw blood. Heroes never kill!
    Alias: None. She refers to herself as Zelda. She looks like a regular griffon who sometimes dons tights to defeat evil. Perfectly normal. However, if she suffers serious injury, her less than griffin-y parts can be exposed. Hopefully this will not happen.
    Backstory: Zelda (Full name: Griselda) was born in Rockwington where she studied her family trade of blacksmithing. She later moved to Canterlot to study at the university where she befriended both ponies of justice (The R.E.A.) and very clever ponies of science (Inventors, chemists, etc). After school, she joined the small group of brainy horses. While she was not as clever as the inventors, she showed great promise and was quite good at building armored super suits thanks to her blacksmithing background. While working on one of the group's special projects, the griffon was severely injured when the suit she was working on exploded!
    While she survived, her body was placed into a special healing tank located in one of the inventor's lab. This inventor was a pony named Sprocket. While as clever as a pony could be, he suffered from a very severe case of Agoraphobia and thus never left the lab. To combat this, he created an special android body powered with magic with the others in his group that he could control from the lab. While he would be nice and safe inside, he could experience the wonders and beauty of the outside world. This experience was just a little too real for the unicorn, so the body was shelved, until Zelda's accident.
    Sprocket, along with his twin siblings Pocket Change and Docket, who were masters of magic and master inventor Bevel Gear worked day and night to turn the simple looking android body into a near replica of the black griffon. Not wanting her to look like a second rate animatronic from 'Whinny World', they toiled day and night to create the perfect faux body that could pass as a living griffon. And while the poor blacksmith slowly healed in her tank, she could interact with the outside world. This, of course lead to some superheroing!
    Weaknesses: While her body resembles an living griffon in everyway, the poor bird cannot do the things she enjoyed in the past. While her real body feeds off of nutrient paste, the android body she controls cannot eat, or even drink. Nor can she feel pain or pleasure. While in her tank, she is notified if her body is injured and thus she can react. Being a very social animal, losing all sense of feeling has made things a bit more depressing in her already less than happy life.
    Notable Allies: At the start of the RP, Zelda is new to the superhero world. She is well liked in the community due to her past as a builder of super-suits. Her best allies so far are the group of ponies that built her android body.
    Notable Enemies: She has yet to gain any personal enemies, but she can simply say that those who wish to harm the good people of Equestria are right on her smacking list!
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  8. 25qu5is.jpg


    "Wow. They're actually kissing each other on the lips.", the colt whispered until his view was quickly covered when the older mare covered his eyes with a hoof, "Hey!", he squeaked back, "Nothing wrong with two mares kissing!", he quickly shook off the offending hoof, but it was too late. "Nuts.", he grumbled.




    Fire Walker shook her head, "There's nothing wrong with mares kissing, but it's rude to stare. Weren't you in the middle of being distracted by a certain law-breaking filly?"


    "Right!", the colt whispered back and tried his best to gain Apple Bloom's attention by waggling his eyebrows at the little apple pony, "Maybe they'll let me kiss her instead of the adult.", he mused..

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  9. 25qu5is.jpg


    "Ooh!", the colt's ears perked up as he heard three of his favorite words.  These were, 'Ice,Cream and 'Cake'. All rather nice words on their own, but when one pony put them together, it made for a magical treat! And one could not just have an simple iced-creamed cake, they had to be characters! From an cetacean made of fudge to inform the little pony that he had been an 'Whale Of A Kid' this year or an odd looking one that resembled an alien with an ice-cream cone for a nose that would point out that he was 'Out Of This World'. Fast Track turned to ask the mulberry coated mare about her cakes when he noticed that she had already fled the scene. "Zarking Fardwarks!", he grumbled to himself as he turned his attention back to the line ahead of him.


    He couldn't help but chuckle as the stallion who stood behind Fire Walker started to turn a slight shade of red. "Ah come on!", he glanced over at Sky Sailing with a snarky grin, "You never kissed a girl before? Really?"





    The mare took a break from her pony-watching for just a moment. "Don't mind him.", she gave the colt a playful 'boop' on his snout, "He doesn't understand that there's a difference between a kiss from his granny and mum to a kiss from a proper mare."


    This did not stand well for the brown pony who muttered under his breath while he rubbed his nose, "Kissed your sister a bunch of times."


    Thankfully the mare did not hear this, as DRAMA was unfolding right in front of them! From what the colt could hear, the cute little filly with the oversized bow STOLE resources from her school!  


    Consternation! Uproar!


    This was probably about as serious of a crime that could happen in Ponyville. Beyond maybe an overdue library book or the unlawful removal of an tag on a mattress! He wanted to see how this ended! Was the filly part of an international gang of supply-stealing thieves? Maybe she was using the bits she gained from her crimes to help smuggle goods from the Badlands! This was a job for Prancy Drew! Or maybe Bat-Mare!


    "Hey Fire!", he poked the mare, "Shouldn't you be involved? Considering there's a crime going on before out very muzzles? And you're in the R.E.A?", the colt failed at whispering. "Got to do the habeas corpus? Twenty years dungeon for 'Filly-Villain-eenie' over there? Anything?", he pleaded at the officer who could only shake her head.


    "I believe it's more an 'none-oyas business-us?", Fire Walker whispered back, "Just shoosh and let them be. I'm sure they will settle things.."

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  10. Two ponies slowly made their way towards the line. One was a fuzzy brown colt with a little train as a cutie mark, and the other was an red coated mare who was marked with either a meteorite or a meat hayball on her flank. The pair were already involved in a conversation.




    "Why in the world do we need more apples?", the mare asked, "Wasn't Wind just here? Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy Honeycrisp from time to time, but I don't see why we need more. I don't know why my parents asked you-to ask me to get another bag. None of us can actually cook.", the Pegasus pony's ears waggled as she overheard a filly as she shouted out the rules. Some bits for some apples and a kiss from her sister. "Lady Applejack?", she glanced up and noticed at the end of the line was an mare wearing a light brown Stetson hat. She recognized as one of Equestria's heroes.


    "Get apples and a kiss?", the mare asked.




    "Yep!", the colt replied back, "Don't worry Fire Walker, it's just a little kiss on the cheek! They're doing this for something special! And if they don't let Applejack kiss me, I could always get one from her sister as she's kind of cute.", the colt managed to blush hard enough that it could be seen through his dark coat.


    "Uh-Hu.", Fire Walker groaned, "You're a very odd little colt, Fast Track. Guess that's why Wind likes to hang around with you. Oh.", as she scanned the line in front of them, the mare noticed a familiar yellow Pegasus mare just a few spaces ahead. "That's Lady Fluttershy.", she whispered, "Another one of Equestria's heroes.  And no, I don't think she wants to kiss you."
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