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Posts posted by tacobob

  1. My internet is either really really slow or dead. Waiting for new equipment to be dropped off an installed. This will lead to a better, faster Tacobob. But for now.....It's SlowCity USA for me. Bleh. Or NoCity. Will try to reply to my posts when my connection is up. Please don't throw sticks at me.

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  2. “Huh? The little squirt? She’s just a family friend. We’re going to meet her older sister in town square later on this afternoon.”, the griffon couldn’t help but be slightly annoyed that the good Princess and her guard left so quickly. She made a mental note to herself if she ever had to work on ‘Private Skinny’s’ armor, she would make sure it pinches him extra hard in the flank. While she was deep in thought, she felt the mare’s lips briefly touched her cheek which quickly brought her out. “Mmm? Oh yeah, I guess another bag of Honeycrisp should be fine.". once the apples were hoofed over, the blacksmith thanked the mare, "Good luck with your sale Miss Applejack. Let's hope the rest of your day goes off without anymore excitement!"

    She glanced over at the filly, "Come on Wind. There's a few more places in Ponyville I want to visit before we see your sister!", the griffon turned and started to leave the farm. Before following the older girl, the blue Pegasus pony turned and waved at the assorted members of the Apple family, "Good-bye Miss Applejack! Please tell your little sister that Wind Walker said hello!"

    (Exit Zelda & Wind Walker)

  3. "Trouble? This guy is always in some sort of mischief, aren't you?", Fire Walker glanced over at the stallion who had long passed through the gate of Slumberland. "And he's now asleep. Wonderful.". Once the tea was hoofed over, the mare quickly paid for her drink and took a long sip, "Thanks Miss. Hits the spot." She kept quiet and watched as the others came and went. Once she was finished, she tapped the stallion's horn. "Come on Pocket. Time to get up. There's no way in Tartarus that I'll be carrying you back home.", with a few more rounds of nudging, the stallion slowly emerged from his sleep and tried his very best to get out of his chair.

    "Come on. Need all four to stand.", the Pegasus coached Pocket Change as he managed to free himself from the same seat he had been using for the better part of the night and early morning. "Come on Pocket, I have to drop you off and then it's back to work for me.", once the white pony appeared to be able to walk on his own, the mare placed a few more bits on her table for a tip and made sure to collect the notebooks that the stallion had left on the table. "Thanks for taking good care of Mister Change here.", she smiled at the mare before she lead the stumbly wumbly unicorn out of the bar.

    (Exit Pocket Change and Fire Walker)

  4. “But those are just different types of apples..”, the blue filly responded, “Just very sweet.”, she glanced over at the griffon who just shook her head, “Don't mind the kid. She probably just made those up. Honeycrisp sound just right.",Zelda pulled out the expected amount of bits and paid the pony. "I do apologize for being rather useless during the whole incident with Trixie. I'm stronger than a ox, but when it comes to magic, I might as well been a newborn kitten. And it also looked like those two gals had a bit of a history together, so there wouldn't have wise for me to have stepped in between the two."

    The Pegasus pony pretended to cough and uttered, "Choke!", as she did. This did not please the older girl.

    "I didn't see you helping! You were just oogling Princess Twilight's skinny guard friend! Wait..", the griffon paused for moment, "Are you even old enough to oogle? If not, don't!", she returned her attention back to the mare, "Oh. Right. Guess this is the part where you give some country-kissing.", she lowered herself down just enough so that Applejack could plant a friendly little smooch on the cheek.

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