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Posts posted by tacobob

  1. Yeah, I thought it was silly that they'd wait so long to do so, but like I said. You don't protect your copyright. You loose it. And Hobbit was in DH for abit considering what they did to Peter Jackson, which happens ALOT in Hollywood. A movie will make a TON OF money, but when the people who actually made the movie hold out their hands for their $$$, the studio usually comes up with paperwork saying the movie actually lost money... :-|

  2. Princess Celestia is a princess but there are no king and queen

    Apple Jack has not parents, she only has Granny Smith as her guardian

    I heard she was originally called Queen Celestia, but Hasbro changed it. Cause all little girls wanna be pretty princess! (Deja-Vu!)

    Considering AJ is an adult, I'm sure she and her brother are in charge of looking after Granny Smith. Don't want her to wander off and get eaten by the Timberwolves. As for her parents, they're either dead or in another town.. :sniff: ACk! Sorry. I mean not at all dead, but in another town. Yes. One with a big yard so they can run around in...Whew! :smug:

  3. Copyright laws are weird. When LOTR came out, there were two sets of rights. For video games for example, there was EA who could only use the rights for the movie versions of LOTR. If it didn't happen in the movies (But happen in the books) they couldn't use it. While another video game company had the rights from the books. If It didn't happen in the books, they couldn't use it. yeek. :-|

  4. I'm sorry, but as awesome as the trailer looks, I cannot support this movie.


    That is simply unacceptable. I hope others will join me in the boycott of these movies. Attacking businesses because they chose to name their business after a fantastic novel is disgusting.

    I think it's perfectly acceptable. The pub is making money off of something they do not own. They do not own the rights to the Hobbit. And it's not like they just have a clever name, the whole pub is Hobbit themed. From the names of the drinks to the photos on their 'loyality cards'. You either protect your copyright, or you lose it. What I believe is unacceptable is that this tavern has been up for 20 years and they just now are doing something about it. :-|

  5. It's minor but...

    Snips and Snails! Obviously they must be in a different class, since we didn't see them for the rest of the episode. I wonder if they're a year older than the others.

    The school-house is kind of big, so they probably have room for more than one classroom, but Ponyville probably isn't large enough for a full sized 1-8th grade type school. Probably patterned after old timey schools where teachers didn't teach single grades, but a group of grades...

  6. Speaking of dates and episodes...

    A Canterlot Wedding? Seriously, who's gettin' married? Princess Celestia? O_O that would make her a queen then.

    By the way, who is Princess Celestia's mother? Or the current Queen, specifically. I've always wondered about that.

    If I recall, she was supposed to be Queen Celestia from the start, but Hasbro insisted that she be a princess cause "Little Girls love princess'!" Forget the fact that Celestia is the resident sun goddess. :-|

  7. I'm going to go against the grain here and say that I don't like Trixie that much. I didnt lik her when I first watched the episode she appears in and I didn't even like the episode as a whole all that much. I felt like the whole time twilight should have just showed her up sooner and it wouldn't have contradicted the moral at least I don't think. To me she just as a character she was a little too annoying. (oh dear , trixie fans have mercy on me ) , I think Luna deserves another episode but maybe this time with princess celestria in it. and I also agree with the point DashieInThe Dark made

    I -like- Trixie, but I'm not sure what her goal was. So far, pony-peeps like Flim & Flam, Iron Will, etc were in it to make money and Gilda was there to visit an old friend and make trouble. Trixie was there to entertain, but she seemed to spend most of her time insulting or making fools out of the citizens of Ponyville, which probably wasn't the smartest idea, considering she was by herself, and there was probably more than a few ponies with access to buckets of tar and feathers...

  8. Although I' "like" to see more "One-shot" characters reappear, I feel that we should "leave" Hasbro and Studio B to do what they do best. The whole "Derpy" outcry in the fandom is still annoying me to this day.

    If we were to have Trixie return, it would be the SAME EXACT situation. Except for not "mental retardation", it would be something ELSE that is completely ridiculous. Just the Derpy appearances in the background is enough. Maybe they've got episodes PLANNED that have the characters you'd like to see?

    Now don't get me wrong here, I'd like to see some characters make more appearances. But just, remember this from now on guys..

    Be careful what you wish for.

    You just might get it.

    We can always wish or wonder out-loud who should pop up in the show, but not get too upset if it doesn't happen...Honestly I would like so and so to appear, but I've also been happy how they've been playing with our expectations so far..

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