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Posts posted by Jane

  1. xumds2Y.png

    It was a shame, really – Equestria was such a wide, wide country with a variety of exciting cities to visit and landscapes to gaze upon. Celestia truly reigned over a beautiful world and it pained her to think that so many regions went unexplored. There were the shore cities in the south, bordering the coast and harboring ships and beaches, and the wild and rugged forests to the east and west of the capital city, and the exotic and unique lands of Itaily and Germaney which lay beyond the Eponnine Mountains. There were deserts and plains and hills and mountains and though Celestia had visited all of them before, she always felt that some regions were always sorely neglected.

    Perhaps, for her royal vacation, this could be to her advantage. She loved the ponies of Equestria – this was an undeniable fact. But sometimes their enthusiasm stifled the Princess – she wanted someplace quiet, isolated, and beautiful. After peering over the maps of Equestria and consulting her most trusted advisor, Philomena the Phoenix, she settled on a quiet and undisturbed resort town in the north – the sleepy village of Marelia. With the Eponnine Mountains to its south, and Zherbenok Bay to its north, the village was scenic, idyllic and quiet. It was the perfect place to escape her duties for a few days, relax, spend some time with Philomena and enjoy the peace and quiet of the beautiful resort town.

    Of course, in order to avoid any unwanted attention, she keeps her plans secret, and selects only a few of her most trusted guardsponies and courtiers to accompany her. She won’t keep her presence entirely unknown in the town - it is rather difficult for a Princess of her stature to travel incognito. But she does so like surprising her subjects, and would rather not be greeted with the parade and pomp she usually gets for official business. No, this was a vacation and Celestia hoped to be treated as much like any other pony as she possibly could.

    After unpacking her belongings and leaving her royal regalia in a small room in the bed & breakfast where she would be staying for her the duration of her visit (much to the utter shock and awe of its proprietors – that had been good fun!), Celestia decides to go for a hike through the mountainous forests to the south of the village. With only Philomena to accompany her, she spreads her wide, white wings, takes to the sky and heads south. The view from the air is breathtaking, as she gazes at the forests and mountain peaks below.

    [colour=#B774C5]“Isn’t it just beautiful, Philomena? So different from the spires and marble towers in Canterlot – I have always thought the north of Equestria was blessed with a rich, rugged beauty so often overlooked by ponies in the cities further south.”[/colour]

    The phoenix chirps her agreement as the two begin descending towards a rugged hiking trail cut through the trees. As she lands gracefully on the forest floor, Celestia catches sight of a small troupe of three or four hikers approaching them on the trail. She smiles at the rather startled ponies, her amethyst eyes sparkling with mischief. [colour=#B774C5]“Well, good afternoon,”[/colour] she says to them, extending a hoof in greeting. [colour=#B774C5]“It’s so good to see I’m not the only one who enjoys an occasional walk in these beautiful woods. My name is Celestia – and you are?”[/colour]

    [colour=#b4b4b4]((OOC: Posting my prompt response as an open thread totally isn't cheating.))[/colour]

  2. r6VjOZ7.png

    Windygust had never visited Fillydelphia before. She hailed from the center of Equestria - born and raised in Trottingham, flight school in Cloudsdale before moving there the moment she became a mare old enough to venture out on her own. She didn't venture far, mind, as she'd never really had reason to.

    But she and her daughter Whirligig had booked a week off from the factory were in Fillydelphia for a few days because of a wedding. A dear family friend was to be married in two days time, and Whirligig would be in the bridal party. There was nothing like a wedding for your daughter's best friend, who you'd had over for slumber parties and occasionally foalsat, to make you feel old and to make you feel single.

    Speed dating had really been a silly idea, as far as Windygust was concerned, but Whirligig had found a flyer advertising the event among some of Skybright's junk mail, and suggested, in her usual manner, that Windygust attend the event.

    [colour=#498995]"It'll be totally fun, Mummy-bird - you can go and pass the time while the girls and I go out drinking. You wouldn't really want to come out with us anyways, 'cause we're going to go hear a great new band play and you've told me before that you don't like their music. And spending the evening alone at the hotel would be totally boring - we should be out and about exploring while we're in this fun little town! Besides, it's speed dating - I don't expect anything could ever come of it 'cause most ponies don't really take it terribly seriously I don't think. You might meet a stallion you like and if you don't then you've only wasted a few minutes of his and your time. No biggie, right Mummy-bird?"[/colour]

    Windygust had always hated to say no, so here she was, in a quaint little tavern in Fillydelphia that Skybright had directed her to (though despite listening carefully to the young mare's instructions, the cyan pony had still managed to get lost trying to find the place), as ready as she would ever be for an evening of speed dating. Not her first one, and she had a feeling it wouldn't be her last, either.

    She acknowledged the bartender with a smile and a nod as she took a quill in her mouth and set about filling out the form. She didn't put too much thought into her answers, as she could tell she was late and the event would be starting very shortly. In a matter of minutes she gave the scroll (and the quill) back to the bartender, ordered a mug of cider because why not, and was right ready to get started! She took note of her number and waited patiently for it to be called.

    Date #2 -

    Razor and Windygust

    Luckily, her getting slightly lost in the unfamiliar streets of Fillydelphia meant she didn't have to wait long before her number was called - she barely even had time to say hello to any of the other ponies, griffons and zebras who had gathered.

    She instead found herself face to face with a rather young and anxious-looking griffon, who gave her a rather nervous wave with his talon.

    "Uh.....hi..." he said.

    Sweet Celestia this was awkward. Had the form she'd filled out meant nothing? Had the dates just been randomized? Because it appeared to Windygust that the griffon before her would be more suitably matched to her daughter. Oh well, five minutes was five minutes and then the two of them could move on. If nothing else, she could at least have a pleasant conversation with the lad. Yes, that would be the polite thing to do - the mare certainly did not want to complain. She hadn't exactly come into this expecting to meet the stallion of her dreams - she'd been down that road before and it hadn't exactly worked out.

    [colour=#23752F]"Well hello,"[/colour] she said with a friendly smile in an attempt to put his nerves at ease, [colour=#23752F]"my name is Windygust. What's yours?"[/colour]

  3. Yep as Jane said. Find a way to get in and you can join :).

    I think the time while Twilight looks for the counter spell is good. I'm debating if or not to let the rain stop at that time. Be hilarious that say somepony comes and sees two babies and Twilight*who no doubt is busy trying to find that counter spell* and in the very helpful sense takes them out to play so Twilight can what the pony would think is studying in peace. But that's if everyones good with that or if you want to keep it confined to the library :) either works for me. Me and Derpy got the easiest roles in this rp XD

    Actually, just in response to that - if people are still looking to join as infants, Twilight could accidentally botch what she thinks is the counter spell and wind up turning others into babies too. That would make things even more hectic than they already are...

  4. The other thing is that I've yet to meet a girl who's been all "I'm a pegasister!" - pretty much every girl I've met in this fandom has been happy to be called a brony. It's the guys who seem to think that we can't be bronies because we're girls and thus call us pegasisters.

    Excuse me, we'll decide on what we want to be referred to thanks.

    And I agree with you, Armony - Tara Strong is definitely in favour of calling everyone in the fandom a 'brony' - girls included.

  5. Would this still be open for joining with an OC? ^^ Or am I way too late? =P

    Well as mentioned previously, you're definitely too late to join with an OC to be turned into an infant, but if you read through the thread as it is now and have any ideas as to how you want to involve your OC, do let us know here and we'll see if you can join. :)

    That pretty much goes for everyone who's expressed interest thus far. :)

  6. b9oYuah.png

    Banner Credit: http://fav.me/d5c7kxo

    At first, the story seemed to be working. The griffon and the foal were both captivated by the bright colours and snappy rythm of the rhymes in the book as they watched the entire alphabet climb the coconut tree. Twilight got to around [colour=#002b54]"Look who's coming! L M N O P!"[/colour] when the griffon's attention span reached its limits and the fledgeling pounced. [colour=#002b54]"Ouch!"[/colour] Twilight yelped as his talons dug into her shoulders, and the griffon settled himself on Twilight's head. She winced, but he wasn't hurting anything now, so the purple alicorn kept reading.

    [colour=#002b54]"And Q R S! And T U V! Still more - W, and X Y Z.

    The whole alphabet up the - oh no!

    Chicka Chicka...BOOM! BOOM!"[/colour]

    At that moment there was a scramble and a clatter as the young griffon tumbled off the Princess's head - leaving a half-eaten teddy bear to fall from his beak and balance precariously on Twilight's nose before landing on the ground before her, causing her to drop the book from her telekinetic grasp and lose her place. Razor, meanwhile, bolted across the room. Twilight's attention was torn away from the book as she watched his crazy antics - he appeared to be chasing a fly. It was a rather adorable sight, but then the fly landed next to the foal, who had up until now been sitting quietly and listening to the story while chewing on the blanky.

    [colour=#002b54]"Razor, STOP!"[/colour] Twilight called out, but it was in vain. The griffon, with outstretched talons and sharpened claws pounced on the fly, missed rather dramatically, and grazed the teal pony's flank instead. The sharp, piercing cry of an infant in pain filled the library as Care Package realized he was under attack.

    Okay, Twilight Sparkle was really starting to think that this was a bad idea. Either way, it was time for her to take charge of the situation. She picked up the griffon using her magic and held him in the air so that he couldn't get into any more trouble while she examined Care's flank. There were three rather small nicks caused by the griffon's claws - nothing more than scrape that was to be expected from foalhood, but the pony was no doubt in a bit of pain.

    [colour=#002b54]"Did that mean old griffon hurt you, Care Package?"[/colour] she asked, pulling her first aid kit over from the kitchen and applying some cream and band-aids to the poor little foal's battle wounds. [colour=#002b54]"There there, now, Princess Twilight Sparkle is here to make it all better - I'll fix you right up!"[/colour] she tried to comfort the little one as best she could.

    Now that she thought about it, she was rather fortunate that this was all the foal had suffered. Griffons and ponies weren't much alike, Twilight was learning - she knew all about caring for young ponies, but if the past few minutes were anything to go on, she knew nothing of griffons. They were more aggressive and more energetic - and more dangerous. Claws and talons were sharp, and were a testament to the birds' predatory nature, while there wasn't much damage that could be done with hooves. There wasn't much that Care Package could do to retaliate.

    In a huff, she plopped Razor and Care back on the ground, thrusting the toys she'd conjured earlier in their direction. Blocks and blankets and a rattle or two while she approached the book in which she'd found the initial age spell. She would only turn her back for a moment while she looked for the counter-spell, then in a few moments she would turn them back to adults and all would be forgotten and back to normal.

  7. Well, posting an introduction thread was definitely the best place to start! xD The site rules are also worth a read through. ;) But really, the best way to get started is just to jump right in! Welcome to Canterlot my friend, and I hope to see you around the site very soon! :D

  8. 5yFUluE.jpgmTzvFuY.png

    [colour=#8C9AAB]A Diamond Dog was tough! A Diamond Dog was strong! A Diamond Dog knows her duty is to work the mines!

    So where was everyone? Rook didn't much like straying too far from the group, but it appeared that most of the dogs weren't in the usual tunnels today. She was actually rather worried about it - had they discovered that these tunnels were unsafe? Maybe they were exhausted?

    No, that couldn't be it. Rook had nearly filled her cart with Emeralds, Sapphires and Rubies in the past couple of hours. She did always think she worked better alone. She huffed and grunted as she tore away at the rock walls with her giant paws, freeing two more rubies and a topaz. She smiled to herself - this was turning out to be a successful expedition. It was too bad the others weren't around.

    Okay, it had been a couple of hours now. Maybe she should be concerned. Positioning herself behind the overflowing cart, she began pushing at it with her claws as she made her way back towards camp.

    The spider caught her attention first. A big, ugly thing that might have made a lesser dog scream. She moved away from the cart for a brief second and swatted at the thing with her tail. But when the creaking of the cart stopped, she picked up a sound. Someone was approaching her, and she couldn't tell if it was another Diamond Dog, or something else.

    She stiffened, feeling the hair on the back of her neck stand on end. [colour=#FEE995]"Who go there?"[/colour] she demanded, turning towards the sound of approaching footfalls, her yellow eyes peering into the darkness beyond.[/colour]

    [colour=#b4b4b4]((OOC: Trying to get some DDog RP going. This thread is open to all for now, including some adventurous ponies, but once I get one or two Equines in here, I'll close it to just be open to Diamond Dog characters.))[/colour]

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