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Rock Farmer

Rock Farmer (1/9)



  1. I can understand that. My inner Fluttershy urges me to love them all as a whole, rather than putting values on each separately. It's kind of hard to think which I have most in common with, since they all have certian traits I can find in myself. I'm sure it's that way for a lot of others too.
  2. I'll have to admit, I don't quite connect to Twilight as much as some of the other ponies. She's got magic and can save the day and all, but it's the personalities of the others and how they interact that makes the show for me. Doesn't mean I don't love her any less!
  3. Oh, it seems so. It's also a bit out of my usual genre, so I'm looking forward to seeing how it'll go. That and imagining myself as a pony. One can only dream. Now I wish I knew what my cutie mark would be if I were really a pony.
  4. Thanks, I'm sure I will! I've been RPing on Roleplayer Guild for a year, so I'm no stranger to the hobby. I'm pretty eager to start doing so here!
  5. Hello there! I finished watching the first season today and I've been hooked since episode one. I've known about the MLP craze for quite a while, but it was only this week that I decided to delve into it and watch the actual show. All I can say is I'm a brony! I look forward to hanging around the forums and meeting other bronies here.
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