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Everything posted by Winter

  1. From the album: My Pony Art!

    I made this picture for a very special someone's birthday. Today, the day of June twenty-second, it was his special day. Many years ago, he was born on this day. Soooooooooooo... Dunder, happy birthday, buddy! Everyone, this guy is kind, honest, and trustworthy. He is always there for me, even when no one else is. He knows how to share a laugh and how to give a laugh. He is always loyal and definitely magic. So, for you, happy birthday! I am proud to call you my friend! Thank you, and have a good one!

    © Theodore Machiavelli Haverford

  2. Aye, that it was. Welcome back, Canterlot!
  3. How to Rain Your Dragon Rave Bedtime Stores
  4. We are dealing, now? And you want me to be dealer? How sweet Thank you so much! So, we are playing poker, then? 5,7, or Texas Hold'em? I guess we could be playing Uno, instead, though... Oh, a nice game of Go Fish?
  5. Don't you judge 9 year old me, Appi! He was just a kid! It was in one of those plastic capsule things that were really hard to open, by the way. Not the easy tear paper stuff.
  6. I once sliced my hand open 4 inches across and needed stitches because I tried to open M&Ms with a steak knife. .... I was not a very smart 9 year old.
  7. The alpha and omega of an epic series, SilverSwirl.
  8. I see... My lunch was French bread, Danish havarti (no, I cannot get enough of it), roast beef, and mayo, all wrapped into an amazing, 3/4 lb. sandwich. Mmmm, lunch.
  9. Good afternoon, Peggly. For breakfast I was going to have another awesome sandwich but there wasn't much bread left, so I left it for someone else to enjoy.
  10. The Mane Six found LPW? HI RAINBOW DASH!!! HIYA! I don't know you, but you know... no, that isn't right... I know you, but you don't know me. Just know that you are *SO* awesome <---Look, it is you!
  11. The ship is called Windeer Sauster, Rosy! So it was ordained by the great one!
  12. Ah, okay! That makes a lot more sense, now. I should have been able to figure that out myself, sorry
  13. Rosy, I got shipped with your reindeer sausage. I hope you are proud of yourself.
  14. I like Dutch crust bread because it is crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside. Mmmmmmmm, too bad there is only enough for one more sandwich. I guess I know what lunch is tomorrow.
  15. I had a huge sandwich! It had Dutch crust bread, Danish havarti (my favorite, mmmm), mayo, smoked ham on one half, smoked turkey on the other, and milk. I like milk.
  16. Winter stared at the ground contemplating their situation. The nearby guard dog seemed to be taking interest in his comments. He even decided to respond to Winter. Maybe he could convince the dog of something after all... "Oh, you know... Just the griffons, doing what they do best..." He responded to the dog, trying to keep him guessing. If he could get the dog to start thinking, he could possibly get him to start thinking for himself. He really did feel sorry for the dogs. They were getting manipulated so much and so easily by the griffons. "They are calling the shots here, of course. I don't think they are being very fair here at all... Making you all do the work while they kick back and enjoy themselves. I bet they don't even let you take breaks, you poor things. I am sorry for you, sir, I really am." He said to the diamond dog in a soft voice.
  17. *frowns* appi won't give me a hug, either. I shall not allow myself to melt this day.
  18. Winter


    Aye, sure is. It is like trying to find a needle in a few thousand hay stacks, at times.
  19. Winter


    Well hey there! Welcome to Canterlot! Well, it seems you know plenty about the internet, then. What a bountiful sea of knowledge it can be! Have fun here
  20. O_O Uh... no? Oh dear Celestia please save me.
  21. *throws reindeer sausage at Appi* Sausage protect me!
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