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Everything posted by Winter

  1. Winter cringed at the thought of no more wilderness. "Rok, I need this place out here. Celestia, I am so happy someone else out here loves it..." The thought was interrupted by a familiar voice calling out to him. "DUNDER, STORM!" Winter cried out. "I found that cliff, like you wanted! Oh, I am so happy to see you both!" He looked at Storm. "Oh, you don't look so good... You should take a rest. I'll help out for you." He said to her, concern in his eyes. ---- Storm looked at the two pegasi trying to help here. Ugh... I am... too weak... She thought sadly. She looked at the canteen Dunder offered her, smiled up at him, and took it in her claw. "Thanks..." She managed to say between gasps before drinking it.
  2. Winter looked down at Rok, puzzled. "How'd you learn to talk like THAT? I just said whatever sounded funny, but you look like you really know what you are doing!" He paused a second, "And I am not your lover! My love is reserved for my very special somepony, which happens to be..." He paused, then a sad look crossed his face as it drooped towards the ground. "Nopony..." He quickly snapped his head back up and remembered the task at hand. "Oh, right, so, I, uh, flew off trying to find that incline I was talking about before... Y'know, this cliff... I guess I got a little too excited and went a bit too fast... Sorry." He looked back towards the waterfall, then to Rok. "Come on over here, it isn't really that bad. It is kind of beautiful, if you look at it..." ---- Every step was agonizing for Storm. She was strong, but this tree was a whole new level of heavy. She groaned with each step. In response to Dunder's question, she looked up at him, "Yeah... Just... Fine... Holdin'... In... Here..." She squeezed her eyes shut with the effort of one more step before trying to speak to Dunder again. "How... Far... Away... Are they?"
  3. Storm struggled with the weight at first, trying to stay in rhythm with Dunder's steps. "Don't... Worry... Dunder... I... Am stronger... Than... I look..." She panted as she carried the tree with him. "We... Will be... Fine..." She groaned in exertion. Gosh, I hope that cliff isn't too far... ---- Winter heard a voice in the distance. His humor got the best of him, and he decided to make light of the situation. "Oh sweet Celestia, what angel is this, that dost call to my ever weak heart? Shall you gift me this day, bless mine eyes with the site of another pony? Alas, happier days may not be found." He looked down and saw Rok standing there, in all his glory. "Happy days, oh happy days, Rok, hark, I can hear your voice from above! 'Tis a beautiful site up here, the muddy water sloshing against the rocky shore. Honestly, this place is a dump. At least we have the incline, though. Are Dunder and Storm with you?"
  4. Storm got up and grabbed the log, and flashed a smile at Dunder. "It's okay, Dunder, I got it." She looked towards Rok. "You go ahead and help us find Winter. He flew off a bit too fast for us to carry this heavy log after him and still keep up... that silly pegasus... I hope he didn't go too far..." ---- Winter had been flying at top speeds for less than a minute when he shot into a clearing. There it was, in all its magnificence. A pool of muddy water with a small waterfall coming down from a short pile of rocks that rose a total of five ponies high. What an incline... Oh well, still be enough for that log, probably. He turned back to tell everypony about how he found it when he realized nopony was there. "Hey! Hey, this isn't funny! Where'd you go!" It began to dawn on him that he had flown too fast, leaving everypony else behind with the log. "Oh... oh no..." He began to worry before calling out again. "Hey! Over here! I am over here! Rok, Dunder, Storm, somepony!"
  5. "We'd still be watching your weakling self trying to kick down this tree if I hadn't helped you." Storm couldn't help but laugh at that. It was true, teamwork was the best work, and she knew it. She wasn't always good at it, but still, she knew its worth. She looked at Rok and smiled, "It was a good try, Rok, I'm glad you helped." She thought a moment about Dunder's idea before turning to him and saying with a smile, "Alright, Dunder, sounds like a plan..." She turned and stepped back so she could see everypony at once, "Now has anyone actually seen something like that?" ---- Winter thought for a moment trying to understand what Dunder was planning. Oh well, best not to question. It should be fun to do anyways! "Uh... hills, hills, hills... Sounds fun... uh... hills... hills... Aha! I saw a small cliff on my way over, follow me!" he exclaimed, starting to head north. He turned back to make sure everypony was following. "It is just over here, come on!"
  6. Winter was ecstatic he was forgiven. He smiled to Dunder before looking back towards Storm. "Storm, I am truly, honestly sorry. Can you ever forgive me?" ---- Storm looked up to the pegasi, glad the fighting was over. As Winter apologized, her feeling of happiness grew. Well, it is about time... "It is okay... Winter..." She turned to Dunder, "Thank you." Moments later she noticed the crashing behind her and turned to see Rok trying to kick down the tree, but to no avail. Well, at least he is trying... She saw Dunder go up behind him and help him get the last bit of force needed to kick down the tree. As the tree fell, Rok gave a devious smile, apparently not noticing Dunder had helped. Storm laughed out and trotted up to Rok, "Thanks, Rok. Good job." She turned to everypone else. "Now, how are we going to break this up into smaller pieces?"
  7. Well then, welcome to Canterlot! Have a great time here, and might I say, sir, you have a lovely amount of awesomeness on you! Have fun ^_^
  8. Winter looked at Rok, wondering what he was feeling... This pony, so strange... "I'm Winter, Rok... Sorry for not introducing myself to you yet... I'd be more than happy to help with that tree..." His thought was cut with Dunder's response. Winter groaned loudly. This guy... he just isn't getting it! He got ready to put his hoof on the pegasus' shoulder to stop him when he realized exactly what Dunder had said. Wait... fix my own... problems first... my own... that... He looked down at the ground, growing teary eyed for a moment, thinking about it. He closed his eyes tightly before building up his resolve and reaching towards the pegasus again and lightly holding his shoulder. "Hey, I am not done talking to you. Now, we are going to resolve this, and we are going to resolve this now." His voice was tough, but his face was sad and pleading. "If we leave this, it is just a poison that will spread and rear its ugly head ten times stronger than before later. I don't blame you all at, I know I made all those mistakes myself. I didn't mean to hurt anypony... I know I have... issues... a lot of them... but get me now when I say this, I was and am sorry." He gazed into Dunder's eyes, willing him to understand. ---- Storm watched Winter give his speech in vain. As she saw him gaze at the ground near crying out loud, she knew she had to do something. She knew how it felt to hurt like that, and didn't want anypony to feel that. She was just about to get up and say something about it when she saw Winter reach out for Dunder one last time. Gosh, I hope this works... Please, no more fighting... All this over a tree?
  9. Storm watched as the stallions tore apart Winter with mixed feelings. He wasn't that bad... was he? Still, nopony deserves that... It is my fault... No, it is his fault... Maybe he deserves it... no, maybe I deserve it... I should be the one being yelled at... no... that isn't right either... She let out a sigh of frustration. She watched as they walked away from him, and asked if she was ready to pull the log. "Sure, Dunder... but first..." She was interrupted by Winter bolting forward up to the two other stallions. Oh please, not more fighting... ---- Winter was completely indignant. Here were two full grown stallions ganging up on him. Dear Celestia, why are they all upset over some random mare... wait... unless... He reared up his head and charged right at the other two stallions. "Alright, I tried being nice and saying to forget the whole thing, but apparently, you are all stuck up and can't take a joke!" He glared angrily at Rok, "You, my friend, need to cool down. I have nothing against Storm, so obviously it is you that needs to work on YOUR intelligence." He turned to Dunder, "And you... same thing... What is your problem? If someone makes a mistake and admits to it, you should suck up your anger and learn it from yourself to be nice to others. I bet you only want me to be nice to her because she is your very special somepony or something." He took a step back so he could look at both of them and make sure they understood what he was saying. "Now I didn't mean to hurt anypony, but if you want to get bitter over this misunderstanding and start hating me, that only says something about you. Now, I am sorry if anything I did or said hurt anypony, that wasn't my intention. However, it is no excuse for you to get angry with me and try butting heads like some juvenile little Colts fighting over a toy!" He glared at both of them angrily for a moment, before softening his gaze. "Now please, understand." He walked away from them towards the hippogriff sulking in the corner. Gosh, I caused this? He reached out a hoof, "I'm sorry, ma'am, for any offense I caused you. Seems these two are more worked up about it then you, though..." He winked at her, then turned so he could see the other two stallions as well. "Now, can y'all find it in your hearts to put things in perspective and forgive me?"
  10. Rok... why would he care? Hmmmmf... Storm walked back a little bit and tried to hide in the darkness while watching the argument unfold. I caused this... Why do I have to be so sensitive... maybe it would be better if I just left... ---- Winter does not react kindly to having somepony up in his face. This pony, however, especially enraged him, for the simple fact that his breath stank. He pulled back his head trying to avoid the smell, before realizing that would be weakness. He dashed his head forward, ramming it with Rok's and snorted back at him. "Do you have a problem, Rok? I haven't been singling anyone out, you can hush your mouth right now. If I had forgotten tools, I am sure you would have felt the same about me." As Dunder put his hoof on Rok's chest, Winter felt a bit safer and calmed down, deciding then would be a good time to explain his side to everypony. "Right, then, now that that is over... I didn't mean to insult her, I'm just frustrated that I have to do this alone because everyone is impressed at how special she is AND NOW I have to do it without tools, too! Now can we please stop the bickering and bring down this tree? Since the genius over there forgot tools, we will have to work together to get this done."
  11. Storm felt the weight of something on her shoulder, and turned to see it was Dunder. She felt the empathy he was letting flow from him, and felt a little better. She turned to Rok, trying to be brave, and finally managed to say, "A hippogriff is... its... from... a... er... pegasus and.... well.... I am half pegasus, and half griffon." She sat there a moment, looking down at the ground, trying to find some answer in the dirt. "Where's the ax I'm guessing you brought?" "I didn't bring one... I'm sorry, I am... just... just a stupid hippogriff..." she stated, staring at the ground again, tears welling in her eyes. She longed to see Inkblot again. He had been so nice and supportive. So understanding. ---- Winter watched as Dunder approached the hippogriff and seemingly tried to comfort the hippogriff. Well, good for you... he thought to himself. "Yes, I'll help you. First we need to get some tools." "Ah, yes, tools. I completely forget... Good idea." Winter stared in astonishment moments later as the hippogriff admitted to not bringing tools. Of all the things not to bring when getting wood... He facehoofed silently.
  12. Storm laughed as Winter tried to take down the tree alone. What a goof... She thought, before hearing Rok's question. She shrunk back from him and curled up by instincts that had been developed over a childhood of torment. "I... uh... am... er... was..." She looked down fearfully, unable to speak right. After a few seconds, she looked back up and managed to mumble quietly, "I am a... a... hippogriff..." ---- Winter shook his head as he regained his senses. Well that was a bad idea... He was surprised as he watched the exchange between the brown mare... er, stallion... and the hippogriff. Well, I knew he would ask sooner or later. I guess he isn't from around here... He looked back to the tree that hadn't budged at all. I guess I should focus on this thing... But there is no use pushing that 'till I get some help... He thought of asking Rok or Storm, but decided to let them finish up first. Instead he looked over to Dunder, "Hey, buddy, can you help me out here? This tree is in pretty good, I can't get it out alone."
  13. Hey, welcome to Canterlot! Roleplay, you say? Drawing too? Sounds like you are a ton of fun! Have a great time here ^_^
  14. It looks like your application, still needs one more stamp. It needs to be Luna Assessed and Celestia Approved before it gets sorted and you get added to the RP group. Just hang in there, it shouldn't take too long
  15. Welcome to Canterlot Have a great time ^_^ Having a great time isn't optional I am afraid. You will enjoy yourself, like it or not
  16. Hey, Welcome to Canterlot Mind sharing what link? Be kinda cool to know where that little link is hiding Have a great time here ^_^
  17. Heeeeeey, hit'n you up! Welcome to Canterlot Have a great time here ^_^
  18. Storm looked back to see Dunder pull away his sword from Winter's nose and sheath it away. Well that's odd... "C'mon, the tree is right here." She pointed with a claw to a medium sized tree, maybe 4 ponies tall. "This one seems like it would work nice. I really should have thought this through a bit better..." She turned back to her three companions. "So, anyone have any plans?" ---- Winter was shocked Dunder would do such a thing! Pointing that sword at HIM? I'll get him back sooner or later ​he thought smugly. For now, he walked up with the rest of them and watched the... hippogriff point out a tree. "What, that little thing is it? Should be easy!" He said confidently. "Just give it a good shove!" He darted up into the air and shot as fast as he could into the tree. He wound up swinging around and around the trunk down to the ground, his eyes spinning when he finally landed on the ground. "Not... blegh... such a good... idea..." He managed to say through his confusion.
  19. Storm was about to explain why she had called for help when the gaze from Winter froze her words in her mouth. Well that is... cold... She sat on the verge of tears for a moment as she watched as Dunder pulled out his rapier to show off to the earth pony. Ugh, boys and their toys... she thought to herself, watching them and feeling just a little neglected. She tried to speak a little louder than normal to get their attention, "So, I, uh... I called out for someone to help me take this tree down... you see, I needed some fire wood." ---- Winter was a bit confused when Dunder's voice grew cold when speaking to him. What did I do wrong... he thought, a puzzled expression crossing his face. Ah well, he seems happy now... What on earth is he doing?! He thought as Rok jumped up into Dunder's face and exclaimed over some item Dunder had. "Ho ho, nice sword you got there!" He exclaimed as Dunder unsheathed it. He then thought about the cold voice and looked back to the sword in momentary fear, "What do you... er... use it for... then?"
  20. Storm barely kept from laughing when she realized the stallions around her had thought the dark brown pony was a mare. Aw man, poor guy... She thought before turning and smiling at Dunder. She then turned to the dark brown stallion and the tan pegasus. "I am Storm Feather... you can call me Storm. Who are you two? Here to help me?" ---- Winter jumped as the earth pony turned and revealed he was a stallion. Gosh, I am REALLY confused now... "Uh, sorry, sir... I, uh... er, didn't mean any.. offense," he giggled nervously as he apologized to the earth pony. He couldn't help but feel this pony was different than the average pony... somehow... Alright, this guy kind of creeps me out... At least he isn't as weird as this... griffon-pony? He glared apprehensively at the hippogriff for a moment before extending his right hoof in greetings to the ponies present. "I am Winter Bolt, pleased to meet you all." He turned to Dunder, "Dunder... I believe we have met before... The Everfree Border Station, I believe?"
  21. Storm watched as Dunder landed near a brown stallion that had been coming towards her. Great, he could probably pull out this tree on his own! She laughed aloud at the thought before seeing a tan pegasus land next to Dunder and the brown earth pony. Maybe I have a bit too much help... She approached them, looked to Dunder, and said, "Hey, its you again!" As she gave him a quick hug. She pulled back and looked to the others, "So you came here for my call for help, right?" ---- "Hey! Is anyone.... out... there!" Winter had just enough time to notice a flash of brown and black as he darted towards the cry for help. Hearing this, though, made him turn around to the mare that seemed to be asking the question. "Hey, are you the girl that cried for help?" Winter asked her, staring at her crazy, spiky black mane. He then turned a little bit and saw Dunder Blust there as well. "Hey, its been a while! Nice to see you... now, to the matter at hand," he turned back to the brown earth pony. "Why did you call for help?" He turned yet again to see yet another being in the clearing, the dark hippogriff. "Or did you call for help... Oh gosh, I am so confused." "Hey, its you again!" He watched in slight disgust as the hippogriff hugged the huge pegasus next to him before turning back to them. "So you came here for my call for help, right?" "Uh, yeah, sure... but I thought it was her..." He stated, pointing his right hoof at the brown earth pony.
  22. Storm Feather, a dark colored hippogriff, had just finished having a great time on her date, but it was time to go back to work. Upon returning to her shop, she found that she was running low on wood for the fireplace. Well, no matter.... I will just go into the Everfree Forest... maybe... She thought of how scary the stories she had heard of it were, especially for going out at night. Well... maybe tomorrow.... The next day she went off from "The Iron WIng" in Cloudsdale into the forest. She didn't need to travel far before finding some nice kindling. Well, this is great and all, but now I need some bigger pieces of wood... Not wanting to damage the forest in any way, she began to search for a tree that was already sick to use for wood. She eventually found a huge tree she could use. She give it a hard push, but it wouldn't budge. Well that is great... She decided to call out, "HELP! Can anypony help me out here! Somepony, help!" ------ Winter was going fast, really fast. Come on, just a little faster! He was pushing to beat his record wing power, an impressive eleven. Impressive in his own mind, at least. His lips began to pull back as he shot faster and faster through the sky. He looked down at the wing power meter ahead of him.He was going to finally beat it! He could feel it in his bones! He had just gotten a 10.6, after all. He had to make it this time! He finally passed the meter with all his might, and skidded to a halt before trotting back to see his speed. "10.7..." He read aloud, disappointed. "Ah well, I guess I should just go do agility training then... I will work on speed later." He flew off into the forest, a great place to practice dodging obstacles, the trees. After a little bit of time training, he heard a call for help! He immediately took off in the direction of the call.
  23. Wait... there was an RP for Maximum Ride? How did I not know this before?! I loved that series! Oh, and it is too late now, it seems... *cries in a corner* Ah well, ponies are cooler anyways, Welcome to Canterlot Have a great time here ^_^
  24. Hey there, welcome to Canterlot Have a great time here! ^_^
  25. "Goodbye, amazing Inkblot. May we cross paths again soon... I love you!" Storm replied, teary-eyed.
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