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Everything posted by mlpScotchWind

  1. (( Uploaded 3 Amnesia videos today, that game is terrifying... let me know if you want a link! ^.^ ))

  2. (( 4 followers off of 300! COME ON! FOLLOW ME, MINIONS! xD ))

  3. (( Downloading some Amnesia stuff and I'm gonna play them in a bit :3 ))

  4. (( Interesting saga, sibling. ))

  5. *falls asleep on the couch with Neko on his lap and Bongo on the lying next to him*

  6. *trots up next to @mlp_AngelDust and holds out a hoof to @mlp_Sam, still giving him a strange look* What are you doing here?

  7. (( I'm in the mood for some Killing Floor, does anyone want to add me on steam and play a game with me if I find a server? ^.^ ))

  8. (( @mlp_Haze No problem! ^.^ Err'body follow Haze plox! :D ))

  9. Hello, I was informed that I have to make a couple of posts here until I can actually take part in the forums, but this is a good start. I originally got this to request a drawing, but seeing it now, I think I might be on this much more often. Well, yeah, this is my introduction, it's a pleasure to be here! P.S. If you RP on twitter, you can tell me in the comments/reply thing down below
  10. *falls asleep hugging Angel with a smile on his face* (( Im going too, talk to you peeps tomorrow! :D ))

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