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Everything posted by Lucky

  1. Thanks Tales! I heard about this site through Banhammer, but he told me about like, agesss ago. I'm only just getting back into the swing of things rp wise I'll be sure to check out the rules and stuff for creating a character!
  2. Thanks! I haven't read the Redwall series, Tamora Pierce sucked me in with her fantastic writing before I got a chance to read anything else! I'll look into it though, I have heard fantastic things about it!
  3. Hello Everypony! I'm Lucky, and I'm relatively new around here. I used to roleplay here a little while ago, under the account name Annabelle, but something happened with the email account that it was registered with so I had to make a new account ^.^ I became a fan because one of my friends (who actually roleplays on here, Hi Banhammer ) introduced me to the show. He also introduced me to the world of roleplaying ponies! I was never too active because I was always incredibly busy, but now that my schedule's mellowed out a bit, I have more time on my hands! My new computer has something to do with that too, I'm no longer using a KindleFire to do all of my web browsing, haha! I love Pinkie Pie, she's definitely one of my favorites on the show! I like Rarity too, it's like a daily competition between those two ponies for the "Who's My Favorite Pony" position. I'm located somewhere along the eastern seaboard, closer to the south . I used to live in New York but I'm not entirely sure how that relates to anything really... I like writing and I used to roleplay cats (The Warriors series) before I stopped roleplaying! I also enjoy eating food and reading books. OH MY GOD I LOVE READING BOOKS!! My favorite author is Tamora Pierce and I absolutely adore fantasy novels. I also like attempting to play the piano! I can play like.. part of one song (The River Flows in You, By Yimura), and I don't even think I can play it right, but it's cool! I actually play the violin and the veena (it's an indian classical instrument) and... yeah... I'm not entirely sure what else to write here, I kind of feel like I'm rambling a bit? Yeah anyway, that's me! Lucky! ! I'm really friendly (I like to think), and I like making new friends..? <--(Not entirely sure why there's a question mark there). But yeah, so I'm here! Maybe I'll see you guys around? Possibly? Probably? Please? ~Lucky P.S I think I followed the outline, I apologize if I didn't answer something but I'm 95% sure I got it all ^.^
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