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Everything posted by kovukun

  1. I'm sorry everypony. I really wanted to make a good first impression on those site, but this is what I get from trying to post on a forum using an android phone. I didn't mean to post multiple times, and my other posts after the first keep on getting cut off. Anyways, I don't know how to delete the extra posts. If someone could help me out with that, I'd be much obliged. I don't want to come off as a spammer to anyone, cause I'm not I hope to enjoy my stay here, and to make some friends.
  2. Thanks for the warm welcome! ^^
  3. O.o Oh my... I don't know how or why my introduction was posted multiple times. >.
  4. Hey there everypony. I'm fairly new to the MLP crazy out there. Though when I was introduced to the series by a close friend of mine, I will admit to being instantly hooked, haha. When I first saw the show, I didn't know an entire fan based community even existed, and found that rather by accident. I was searching YouTube for some MLP related to watch, when I came across the word "Brony". After doing just a little more research, I found out I wasn't the only one enjoying these cute ponies. ^^ I remember seeing the first episode with my friend, and after it was dine, I demanded the second! Within a day, I pulled off a Marathon, and finished the first season in one sitting. Yeah, I was hooked. XP I was actually introduced to the show a week before season 2 started, so it was fun to get to start with something like this with such cool episodes. I find myself loving Fluttershy the most. Though it's hard not to love them all. I also stumbled upon equestriadaily.com, and the drawfriends there, and was first introduced to the... astounding plethora of pony art out there! I became hooked all over again. I do wish I could draw so I could add to the art community, but on the other hoof, I do love to write, very much, so I would love to do some roleplay and stories! I suppose that's it. I'm so happy that I found bronies, proud to be one myself, and hope to fit in among the heard!
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