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Posts posted by GreenshotApple

  1. Making me hungry, I love KFC's fries and chicken strips and plan on going to McD today on my way home. Since Im at friend's house on a computer and not my wii trying to load pages and reply to threads on here XD Hoping for Dash but what's with Twilight 2 and Dash 2 & Dash 3???

  2. They told me when I went to McDonalds you can ask for it, but an employee there had already laid claim.

    Ya I had totally forgot about asking for the toys instead buying the meal lol. last time I did that was back when Burger King had the pokemon toys or think it was BK xD.

  3. I've got an Extra Twilight and got 4=Fluttershy. I shall try again today and ask them to let me see the toys to try and find the last four I need. I wanna take that MLp Stand they have displaying all the pnoies xD

  4. I just found out about these toys yesterday >.< So I got three meals yesterday and ended up getting Twilight, Pinkie and Lily Blossom. So I'm going to try another tomorrow. Does anyone know a date when they stop giving these in happy meals? the bags have numbers to so 1=Pinkie, 3=Twilight and 6=Lily Blossom. I really want AJ and Cheerilee.

  5. Yes they did say that but Rick killed them minutes later. They could've been lying about the Fort and it could possibly be doing better then the two had told Rick, Hershel and Glen. The prison and the zombie collector girl are going to be very interesting when S3 comes out in fall. Anyone think Laurie still preg? I mean, she was in car accident.

  6. I only added Apple cause I wanted to be apart of that whole family line and assumed someone has Green Apple so I just added shot to make it different. Would that mean I'd have to change the mothers name from Apple Blintze? I like Greenshot and just have that as my name has indeed crossed my mind. I'd been waiting for a comment on that eye marking. I'll remove that after this post. Thanks</p>I'm thinking Appleloosa probably good spot for me to take up residence. Suggestions is nice but if an episode gives the name of Illinois like I have Fillynois, I'd definately want to live there.

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