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Everything posted by Volt

  1. *Turns back to Angie* What you're doing? *Turns sight in direction Angie's pointing, meaning forward* *Gets hit with swarm of snowballs* *Stands still, sighs* Oh in the name of... Cel~ *Gets hit by another swarm* ~estia...
  2. *Grabs the straw and pulls violently* *Brings Conor back to the surface* Enjoy the sunlight! *Cheers with Evil Grin*
  3. Cake? Uhm... uhm... I think it's still somewhere under the umbrella. Unless ants stole it ... ... ... or Fawkes. So, I'll be naive today. That's why I'll ask... What's going on?
  4. Not a problem. But correct word is "Lazy", not "Idiot"
  5. Searching the forums beforehand is a great way to get started.
  6. Yes Angie, it's true. It happens that day known to the world as 10th March is actually my birthday, thank you. I'm enjoying the fact that I've received all 5 tomes of Christopher Paolini's "Eragon" saga. 2.500 pages to read will keep me busy for, let's say, a week or two maximum. And will look nice on shelf. But, don't forget. 10th March is also a B-Day of Chuck Norris. I'm nearly proud of him. As you can see, back in Cracov from home town.
  7. The font used in userbars is the "Visitor -BRK- Font". This way you can animate userbars without actually making them a bit chaotic when it comes to fonts. Just like I animated mine, with just a little change to the Artax one. \/ See that fonts fit.
  8. I must have... Missed that situation. Though in about 30 minutes I'll disappear again for like 4-5 hours. I need to make my way back to the fabulous city of Cracov again... Had to go back home for my b-day >.> Though that resulted in whole saga of Eragon by Christopher Paolini, so this might have not been such a bad idea.
  9. Was this thread ever static in the first place?
  10. Truth will remain truth. Still, when we're on this topic already. Adios, I guess you could follow the link to this topic: http://www.canterlot...t-updated-0306/ And check the very bottom of tier 2 cast list, with regards to your RP name ?
  11. Yes, yes it is. In a mysterious way, that is.
  12. Anyway. I've been gone for 2 days. That is why, for the sake of my sanity, I've read all the LATEST LPW posts again. But I'm too lazy to refer to any of them excluding the last one.
  13. The truth is this question is non-existent. Because if I'm telling the truth that you always lie, then you, by saying you'll ask me a question, are lying at the very start. Therefore, this question cannot take place in our universe at all.
  14. Worry not about me. Everypony should have at least a few aces up in their sleeves. Oh, we've been through this already. So many different meanings in such a simple sentence. I've decided to accept them all. Welcome back Aria. Least in my eyes, since for someponies here you probably never left. 'tis a lie. This statement has more truth in it than most I saw in my life.
  15. Oh I know you're hiding something. To be honest, I knew you're hiding a lot of things much earlier. Now you're just keeping one more unveiled mystery right in front of my eyes. Only you could allow yourself for such an insolence towards me, knowing that I won't do much about it anyway.
  16. You're joking, right? Sure you are. Why am I even asking .-. Hah, I even laughed, see? Yes, I'm in a bad mood >.>
  17. No no no and once more no! Twilight would never do as a good president. I wouldn't like to see president who, when not knowing what to do, would search through books and eventually ignore everything else until finding an answer in there. Moreover, she'd be TOO predictable. AJ is probably best option, since she seems to be using her common sense and logic the most out of all of them. Rainbow, well... yes. Rainbow. Let's move one. Pin~ Rarity. Only as a face of country. But even this would be hard, considering how fragile can politics be, and how easily you could offend her by an accident. And Fluttershy, like Rainbow, stay away. She couldn't finish anything she'd start if anybody even mentioned "Wondering" if they could refuse the idea. Although you can always count on Discord yet.
  18. You've hit the wrong side of the bronynet. As simply as this can be. Although be aware, nothing is perfect in this world. Yes, hopefully Aria? Is there something you'd like to tell us bothering your precious mind?
  19. *Is still shocked to the very depths of soul after last incident* *Is studying via night*
  20. I shall not put trust in this statement. Those... those... simple words nearly burn my eyes. I won't get fooled by my senses! I'll just wait. Even if I had to wait 17 years.
  21. Who are you and what did you do with* Aria >8/ ?
  22. In the name of Celestia!... It's about Celestia...! Celestia's gone! .-. Not used to this.
  23. I can't set "Spoiler" for my Avi unfortunately. Would really like too keep him as an Avi though .-. Ah what the hell, it's not like it's spoiling anything more than just a character which will appear .-. I'll be cruel towards those who don't keep up with show!
  24. I felt like changing into lean, mean, assertive machine .-. Edit: Okay enough of being it. (Realized wouldn't like to spoil people characters ^^')
  25. Ah, true, I recall Peter saying something like that in one of episodes. Too bad I never followed them that closely to remember exactly. No wait, it's good.
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