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Everything posted by Volt

  1. Well then, if what you're saying is true, then I must admit you have quite original way of "picturing" joy rides, if we're back to "will question". And, to be honest, I suspect it would rather fare "through" mad denizens.
  2. *Sighs, steps aside* Go ahead, I won't interrupt. Some topics simply aren't destined for my ears.
  3. But... I thought you said it was for en~ ... Never mind. Isn't technology a different name for magic in the end?
  4. Well, I guess I'll write myself a permission to take a break from this topic until something starts happening. *Pulls out ink & feather* *Starts writing*
  5. Might be fickle, but so predictable. Except Frosty's one. He should have never allowed it to develop personality. Ah, sipping tea with orange syrup during cold day. Nearly priceless.
  6. ? A pillow? Did your cloud betray you already?
  7. I'm afraid those are only Blues Brothers. Opinions concerning them tend to be quite subjective. So you're allowed to be sure about everything towards them.
  8. *Sigh* I'm failing today. *Backs off to reconsider his thoughts* ...must have miscalculated something...
  9. .-. Tales took revenge on me... But I meant introducing him/herself! Dx It's only limited by your imagination after all. Still, yes, thank you for this subtle reminder concerning rules Well Fox, don't mind our little chatter here Just introduce yourself the way everyone here did
  10. I think that words you could use to describe this time line could be Present and Prologue. Moreover, I meant only OC's, as anything connected with cast characters is quite intuitive and logical after all. Yes, it is up to me to decide the order. But this is a one-side view. After all, I'd be influencing other ponies the same way they'd influence mine. Meaning, that they could also make references towards my pony in different topics. Of course, it's possible for me to explain things. Example: I take part in two RP's, one in Canterlot, second in Ponyville at same time. Of course I can say in Ponyville one that I was in Canterlot and met this pony. And I could say in Canterlot that I'm heading towards Ponyville (which is true so far in RP I've started ;P). Yet, one problem remains. Until I'm finished with Canterlot role play, according to the time line stamp, I'm not allowed to make references to the story that was upheld there in Ponyville RP. Because it's past, but this past is not yet solved, moreover, I don't know how will my interactions with ponies progress. Meaning I can finish having different attitude towards them.
  11. No thank you. But I'd gladly grab a bit of this illusion you mentioned.
  12. Calm down everypony... After all it's possible some ponies change in time. Even Tale~... wait? It was Tales? Run for your LIVES! And, Foxlove, welcome to the forums. As I-Don't-Know-Who-You-Are-But-You-Cannot-Be-Tales mentioned, you can always follow the guidelines.
  13. Wait, we now have 2 RainbowDashies in 2 days? Nothing I couldn't handle at all! I mean it! Welcome to Canterlot, enjoy your stay!
  14. Oh, but I didn't accuse you of this deed at all. Just pointed out a simple fact. And that's a perfect way to sum up nearly everything I've read up until now. Nearly, because the LPW sig marking wouldn't be so bad, kinda funny idea. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but ropes, on which is my puppet body is hanging, are still intact. Moreover, I'm afraid I never had the pleasure of having this... "Touch". So you may be disappointed with others.
  15. Today's question is sponsored by letter: W. Why is Rainbow... Never mind. I guess we all have our own reasons for various behaviors. Probably my favorite introduction topic so far. ...mostly because of Fluttershy's squee, but that doesn't matter, does it?...
  16. You certainly did earn my gratitude for an entertaining evening today. Your simple answers which tend to have second, if not third depth usually are at least addictive, I say. Wish I had this talent too. Apparently, you've disappeared in moment I've decided to compliment on you finally. That's quite disappointing, but I guess I'll just leave this message be. Volt is out of action, as moon has risen already. Good night, everypony.
  17. Haha, Aria oh Aria. I can see what you're aiming at here, but I'd like you to know, that sometimes all I really expect is a simple answer Of course, this response ain't complic~ ah, why I'm explaining this if you know what I mean
  18. I'll gladly use this thread in order not to start a new one, since I have 2 questions hovering over my head, that I couldn't somehow clarify on my own. 1st: I understand the part that there can be NO connections with any characters in your application. But, after everything is accepted, you're allowed to make reference to facts that you've met mentioned ponies in previous RP's? Example: You finished one RP with pony A, and got into another with different ponies. In second RP, are you allowed to mention that in late/early past you've met pony A and comment on him/her if situation would profit from this? 2nd: The second matter is deeply connected with the first one. As I want to have one main character, which will take part only in one RP at once. Why? Because I want him to create a chain of memories which he'd use in future RP's, just like mentioned above by, for example, bringing up to conversation ponies he had met in past already. Moreover, I wouldn't like him to appear in two different places at once, for the sake of this tiny bit of realism.
  19. Quote: "Oh". Any reasonable explanations for why are we alone? Not like it disturbed me, of course.
  20. What kind of "will" is so important that you'd need a Gundam to enforce it, I inquire?
  21. I'd say that "segregate" is a nice substitution of "discrimination", but I'm aware it would be a lie. Perhaps... Let me see... Recognize? Set priorities? Establish harmony? I'm not sure... Anyway, sorry if I'm being a bit slow, but I'm trying to place poor Unity in second and perhaps third RP at once.
  22. Yes, I know. But I don't mind being the master of the obvious from time to time. No, I don't. But I like to exaggerate things from time to time, so don't mind me this one time. PS: Dav, you're doing it on purpose, are you not .-.?
  23. And present here Miss Aria transfers second part of my thoughts onto this post. *Bows down* Now, with all due respect, get out of my head both of you :l Thank you, and no harm done. ;>
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