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Status Updates posted by YourLittleBrony

  1. Finally got all the pictures from my convention trip. Now to sort through them.

  2. I think there's still a small Applejack figurine still orbiting around the earth.

  3. There are no words to describe the amount of hype I have for Pokemon OR/AS. I should have exploded into a million pieces ages ago.

  4. Had quite a bit of strong "cider tonight. =//w//=

  5. Kenpachi Ramasama, how can you be so flippant and so desireable? *-*

  6. Sitting in an airplace seat should not equal squatting in a shoebox!

  7. What's worse. Receiving extremely offensive comment and threats, or being told you're "too overly-sensitive" when concered about said threats and offensive comments. Because I honestly dont know.

  8. So I drew Luna and Celestia rapping. c:

  9. There's not enough swag!Celestia and Luna. There needs to be moar. :D

  10. Phew! Been in NY all day today. I need a shower. xP

  11. R.I.P Robin Williams... :(

  12. Time to break out the Darwin awards! The Fire Challenge is a thing.

  13. Anybody ever read the book "The Giver?" Apparently a movie version of it is coming out next month. Kinda want to see...

  14. I really need to make more friends that are girls. xD

  15. Got my Diancie! Its so PRETTY! :D

  16. So what's the internet laughing at now? Well whaddya know? Its Dashcon!

  17. My convention adventure is over!!!! OMG SO MUCH HAPPENED

  18. 3 days left on my convention countdown! YEAH BABY WOOT WOOT!!

  19. 6 days left on my convention countdown WOOT WOOT!

  20. 6 days left on my convention countdown WOOT WOOT!

  21. *Listening to classical music* <3

  22. It has come to my attention from persons apart from yourself that you enjoy the water pokemon Mudkip in some manner or form.

  23. Im spiking a wig today! Got myself this supposedly amazing freezing spray and Im eager to try it out! Wish me luck! <3

  24. Sheesh. Im still piled up with art. After these last commissions, I aint drawing until after my con.

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