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Posts posted by sleeps

  1. Fluttershy:

    Fluttershy took another step back from the blue stallion keeping her wings up as he began asking questions in an odd accent that wasn't from any town Fluttershy knew of and with words like "people" and "everyone" that Fluttershy didn't understand.

    [colour=#fff798]"I-I don't know what your saying."[/colour]

    She replied again in a small nearly inaudible whisper not wanting to be rude. As the Canary yellow pegasus continued to shy away from the stallion she moved her pastel pink mane in front of her face to add to her "shield" as her nerves continued to get the best of her.

  2. Fluttershy:

    As Fluttershy made her way back towards town she looked up into the skies hopping to maybe see if Rainbow Dash was up and about doing her normal early morning practices for the wonder bolt tryouts like she usually was doing.

    [colour=#fff798]"If I get Rainbow Dash and Applejack I'm sure we can move that box....but what if it is not enough? Maybe Applejack can ask Big Macintosh too and Rainbow Dash can get Thunderlane to help? B-But what if they don't want to help? O-Or there to busy I don't want to bother them. But those poor mice; I-[/colour]

    Was what Fluttershy was thinking until she felt herself hit something hard making her stumble back a few feet. As she shook her head again to recover from the third impact to her today she noticed the blue stallion from earlier this morning staring at her with his mouth gaping opening muttering something about something being impossible. Immediately Fluttershy felt her nerves getting the better of her as she wrapped her wings up in front of her face to try to hide herself from the stallion like a shield.


    She squeaked out in a small shaky voice taking a step back. She wasn't sure what this stallion was going to do or why he was even out this far from Ponyville but Fluttershy's nerves wouldn't let her ask.

  3. Fluttershy:

    As the Canary yellow Pegasus slept in her house a beam from the rising sun splashed through the window onto the Fluttershy's face. The heat from the sun made the Pegasus lightly groan as she moved the comforter above her head and turned to move out of the sunlight to get a few more minutes of sleep. Suddenly, she heard a squeaking from outside followed by the small sound of claws scratching at her window. Her turquoises eyes slowly opened as she turned back around and squinted through the sun to see that a group of field mice from the Whitetail Woods were at her window trying to get her attention. The Pegasus let out a small yawn as she got out her bed and went over to the window and opened to greet the field mice.

    [colour=#FFF798]"*Good morning my little friends what brings you by so early?"[/colour]

    She asked in sweet but tired tone. The mice began to squeak frantically while running back and forth on the windowsill in a distressed form. It took Fluttershy a minute to figure out what they meant but as she woke up she began to put the pieces together.

    [colour=#fff798]"A what? a Big blue stone? No? A *yawn* A-a box? a big blue box landed on your homes and now you can't get in?[/colour]

    Fluttershy asked as she finally woke up. When she mentioned the big blue box the mice nodded and continue to squeak frantically.

    [colour=#FFF798]"Oh Dear. I'll come over right away."[/colour]

    The Pegasus said as she closed the window and headed for the door.

    [colour=#fff798]"I'd better leave a note for Angel to let him know an emergency came up."[/colour]

    Fluttershy thought to herself as she quickly grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled down what was going on before putting it next to the snow white rabbits bed so that the rabbit would see the note when he got up. Once she was finished she quietly left her cottage and began to head towards the Whitetail Woods. As she entered town she noticed a blue stallion with a brown mane that she had never seen before wondering through town at the early hour, however she didn't have time to talk nor did she really want to since her animals friends home was in danger.

    Once she got to the edge of the Whitetail Woods, Fluttershy came across the blue box that was sitting at the edge of the woods. Around it were many small field mice trying to push on it to get to their home that it was sitting on.

    [colour=#FFF798]"Oh my. It's bigger then I thought."[/colour]

    The Canary yellow pegasus said as she looked it over. It had the word Public Police Box on it with some kind of odd light at the top. As much as Fluttershy didn't want to touch some pony's things without permission her mice friends were in desperate need. As she flew around the back of it she stretched out her forehooves and back so that she wouldn't pull anything. She then braced her self and dug into the earth as she pushed against the box. However, the box wouldn't bug and felt more like a boulder then wood. Still the Pegasus tried again until she felt her hooves give way and she fell to the earth hitting her nose against the box as she fell.

    [colour=#FFF798]" Owch Owch Owch. That didn't work at all."[/colour]

    She softly said to herself as her animal friends came up to see if she was alright. Still the Pegasus got up and flapped her wings to make her hover as she looked down at her friends with a smile to show she wasn't giving up.

    [colour=#FFF798]"Looks like this is gonna have to call for more muscle as Rainbow Dash would put it."[/colour]

    Fluttershy said as she flew back a bit into the woods. She then pumped her wings as hard as she could and started towards the box hopping to ram it off the field mouse home. As she got closer she braced her hooves and continued to fly forward until she made contact with the box. However, Instead of the box being moved the Canary yellow Pegasus splattered against the side like a bird who had just hit a closed window and slowly slide down the side of the box. She sat there for a minute letting the ringing stop in her ears before she got up. As she shakily got up she stared at the box with a bit of disappointment that her plain didn't work.

    [colour=#FFF798]"Oooohh I'm just not strong enough on my own. If only Rainbow Dash or Applejack were here they could help me no problem.[/colour]

    Fluttershy thought as she looked at her sad woodland friends back to the box. Suddenly she realized what she just thought and a smile grew on her face.

    [colour=#FFF798]"Why Applejack or Rainbow dash of course! Don't worry little field mice I think I know just the ponies who can help."[/colour]

    Fluttershy said with warmness as she started back towards Ponyville to see if she could find either Applejack or Rainbow Dash.

  4. You mean like character development? Your logs should be a guide for that. Otherwise, you can just reply to your app and list the changes and the relevant RPs that the changes occurred in.

    Character development, to me, is a natural part of RPing, and a new character sheet or an updated one shouldn't be necessary.

    In otherwords, just make a record, making a new app or revamping your old one shouldn't be necessary.

    However, I'm not entirely sure, so I'd wait for a RPHS to comment. This is just what makes sense to me. :)

    Well yes and no. I can understand using the log to update stuff like favorite foods, hobbies, and new friends but other stuff is kind of big. For instance one of the big updates I would like to do is change his cutie mark to a golden spike because when I was applying as him I didn't think to do any background research on the name until after I started rping him and people mentioned that his name actually had a historical meaning which I would like to show in his cutie mark. Also I would like to change him from having a home town to a wanderer because the more I have played the more he is pulling the trains and doesn't have time to go home which makes it seem kind of like he doesn't have much of need for a hometown since his job requires him to always travel so much. Also I would like to give him a bit more of back story of who his friends are since in the show he is always seen with three other ponies. Finally I would like to change one of his dislikes to the technical term because saying he doesn't like mares doesn't make since while him being a s[colour=#0000]exist[/colour] does make a little bit more sense he doesn't like working with girls. (Also I would like to mention he is a colt cuddler but that might be pushing it)

    Edit: Also I would like to include that he is an Aqua phobic

  5. So currently I have a character that I like but as time as gone on I have started to change him from RP to RP. I still want to keep this character but I think I want to redo his character sheet to bring in the updates and changes I have made for him over time. So my question is should I make a brand new Character sheet for this character or let it run out until the mods take him and then reapply with the updates?

  6. Big Macintosh:

    When the Doctor asked if maybe the event had been moved ahead of schedule Big Macintosh shook his head.

    [colour=#ff0000]"nnnnoooppee. Seein' dat da apple family's 'n charge of gettin' da food delivered, we'd been da first ta know if'n they moved da festival up. "sides id 'sppose ta come through these 'er parts so seein dat no pony 's 'raund 's tellin' mah gut da somethin ain right."[/colour]

    Big Macintosh replied as he took a second look into the Cake's empty house then back to the Doctor.

    [colour=#ff0000]"Ah don' suppose ya'll have a back up plan?"[/colour]

    Big Macintosh continued as he tried to think of what might be going on that would make all the ponies in ponyville disappear.

  7. Promontory:

    When Consonance mentioned that he was ready to go Promontory simple nodded his head and began to take a step when suddenly a small Griffin dropped down in front of them asking if they were also going on the Gem trip as well. As Consonance mentioned that they were Promontory just nodded indicating that what the Unicorn had mentioned was true.

    [colour=#A1745E]" Welp....ah suppose dis 'er griffin migh be sum help fer bandids."[/colour]

    Promontory thought until he felt somepony grab his hoof and shake it violently up and down making the large Erth stallion eyes rattle a bit in his head. As Promontory recovered from the hoof shake he saw a sky blue mare hugging Consonance and mentioning how much fun this trip was going to be.

    [colour=#A1745E]"Fun? Dis 'er trip ain' fun liddle missy. W'er goin 'n ta pinto desert where who knows whud w'er gonna find. Id ain' no place fer a mare like ya'll self ta be."[/colour]

    He snorted out as he took a step onto the main road that would lead them out to the desert.

    [colour=#A1745E]"Wah don' ya'll head back ta yer ice cream stand while ya still god da chance."[/colour]

    He continued towards Cherry as he waited for the others to follow in suite

  8. Big Macintosh:

    Big Macintosh simple nodded his head when the Doctor seemed to be ready for Big Macintosh's idea. He slowly turned the cart behind him and started to make his way towards the Gingerbread like house.

    [colour=#ff0000]"Guess Ah can kill two berd wid wan stone dis way."[/colour]

    Big Macintosh thought while the group walked down the surprisingly empty streets of ponyville. It didn't take long for Big Macintosh to reach the house. However as he got closer something was off making the red stallion stop for a second. Usually the smell of freshly baked goods came from the house but instead it seem the air was fairly plane and dull making Big Macintosh raise his eyebrow again in suspicion. Big Macintosh unhooked the cart of apples from and opened the door to the house. To add to the further suspicion the house was completely dark.

    [colour=#ff0000]"Misda Cake?.....Missa Cake?[/colour][colour=#ff0000] Anypony home? Ids me Big Mac Ah brought ya'll dem apples fer da caramel."[/colour]

    He said into the house. However no response came from within making Big Macintosh actually feel a bit of nervousness in the pit of his gut.

  9. Promontory:

    As Dawn got onto the caboose Promontory noticed that he had a bag with him. Promontory raised a bit of a curious eye brow to it not knowing what was inside, but was side tracked when Dawn asked if he was excited to see Ponyville.

    [colour=#A1745E]"Eh, Ain' mah first tahme goin' ta Ponyville nor mah las'."[/colour]

    Promontory replied with a shrug. Suddenly the train gave lurch forward signaling that the breaks had been taken off and that it would only be a minute or so until the train would begin its trip to the small town. Promontory quickly checked out the window and saw a fellow train pony tossing Dawns luggage onto the train making Promontory give a small sigh of relief. However the relief didn't last long when the pain from his hooves reminded him why he was on the train to begin with. He looked down at his bloody hooves and remembered his plan of hopping to remove the metal shards. As the train let out a loud whistle and began to move, Promontory walked over to the wall of tools and started to careful look at each tool. On the wall there was all sorts of tools ranging from mallets, to wrenches, and even saws. Within a few minutes though Promontory found what he was looking for and grabbed it off the wall. As he walked over to a wooden seat he put down a grimy long nose plier and lifted up his fore hoof where the the nail and metal had dug into. As he examined his hoof Promontory released that he wasn't sure at what angle the nail and chunks of metal had gone in making it so he would have to guess.

    [colour=#A1745E]"Heck 'f ah can pUl a spike ferm John Bulls leg ah can dew dis 'er."[/colour]

    Promontory thought as he found a large piece of metal in his frog and tightened the grip on the pliers and started to pull. Unfortunately all this did was making it so that Promontory felt a stinging burning sensation as the piece of metal refused to budge and instead went a bit deeper into the skin. After a minute Promontory stopped only letting out a frustrated puff of air.

    [colour=#A1745E]"Crab Apples."[/colour]

    Promontory muttered under his breath as he made the pliers let go of the chunk. He rubbed his hoof for a second only to remember that Darkest Dawn was probably watching him making his pride quickly take over and again make him try to pull on the shard again with pliers. As he tightened the tool around the metal again Promontory let out a bit of a shaky breath trying to not look hesitant in front of midnight black pegasus. Again he pulled on it and the felling returned but this time Promontory didn't let go.

    [colour=#A1745E]" Com'mon ya'll.....Ged....auwd...'er."[/colour]

    Promontory grumbled at his hoof as he started wiggling the pliers hopping it would loosen the wedged metal. Still it didn't budge making Promontory get frustrated as his stubborn pride made him continue to try.

  10. Big Macintosh:

    It seemed that the Doctor had a change of plans and wanted to know if he could see the princess. Big Macintosh thought about for a minutes closing his eyes as he thought.


    Big Macintosh finally responded with a shake of his head.

    [colour=#ff0000]"Da guards ain' 'xactly keen on lettin' common ponies ged to near her."[/colour]

    Big Macintosh continued as he looked down the road to the other buildings. As he did, his eyes settled onto a particular house that looked almost like a gingerbread house from the stories that Big Macintosh had heard when he was a young colt.

    [colour=#ff0000]"Well, Ah could think of wan way 'n if'n ya willin' ta carry some sweets 'raund fer a bid."[/colour]

    Big Macintosh added as an idea started to form in his head as he continued to twirl his sprig of wheat as an idea came together.

  11. Promontory:

    When Consonance came over to Promontory that he was ready to go Promontory took one last mental check to make sure he had not forgot to buy anything.

    [colour=#A1745E]"less see.....got da wood...wader...poncho...food...ladern....madches. Dang nabit hauw could ah fer'ged dem?!"[/colour]

    Promontory thought as he went back over to the counter and put down his three remaining bits.


    He stated bluntly to the cashier pony who tossed him a pack while taking the remaining bits and putting them into the register. Promontory then turned right around and headed for the door where Consonance was waiting for him.

    [colour=#A1745E]"'er aye was hoppin' ta ged ah drink when dis 'ear job was done."[/colour]

    Promontory thought as he made his way out onto the main streets again. As he looked at the town clock it hands pointed to about 9:55.

    [colour=#A1745E]"Welp, w'er god a bit mo'er time den ah figur'ed. Ya'll need ta go anywhere fiddle pony?"[[/colour]

    Promontory said as he looked back to Consonance.

    Register pony:

    When the mare began asking the registration pony about him and shaking his hoof wildly he had to take minute to adjust.

    "ma'am I'm jus' the registration pony. I ain' goin on the trip. An all ya need ta do sign however ya sign your name and skedaddle. the oth'er two ponies who are 'n dis trip already left 'bout half 'n hour go an ya'll need ta catch up ta them an let'em know ya joinin'."

    He replied as he put Razors papers away and gave a small bag of bits to the mare to buy some supplies with while he waited for her to make the last few marks on the registration forum.

  12. Big Macintosh:

    As the group walked into Ponyville Big Macintosh noticed that it was oddly quiet for a day of a festival. Usually there were groups of pony running around making sure that things were in just the right order, that food and drink were set up, and that musicians were ready to go for when the festival was under way. Still as they arrived at the local library The Doctor called out to Twilight who didn't respond. When he was asked if this was the right place Big Macintosh simply nodded his head.


    Big Macintosh slowly nodding his head as he looked at the doctor then towards the large tree that the library was located in.

    [colour=#ff0000]"She probably ain' home ad da momen. t'er all she is da princesses assistant 'er somethin."[/colour]

    Big Mac said as he looked around at the quiet town.

  13. Urgh, mind numbing indeed.

    Guess we subject ourselves to torture if we like our mistresses enough.

    CIS major here, Most CS which is the programming part. And a little database management. If you've seen programming code, you're aware of the blender that I willingly send my brain through. But you are in a special kind of tartarus (from my perspective). I could barely pass western civ, me and history don't click.

    That's because historians pretty much make stuff up as they go along. Seriously my thesis is about how Antarctic exploration and policies have been inspired by western expansion. My history teacher thinks it is fantastic idea which is kind of proving we are just making stuff up as we go along.

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