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Posts posted by flutterscotch

  1. She's done now. It looks like she couldn't really reveal spoilers, so the questions were mostly shoutouts.

    I crowdsourced a comment from some of our fellow ponies, and we got a totally vague response. :)

    Us: @HubTVNetwork @tarastrong Will we ever see Cree Summer guest star on MLP?

    21m The Hub ‏@HubTVNetwork

    Tara: @tarastrong Could happen!! I hope so!

  2. So, Hasbro looks like they are trying to market on the success of Friendship is Magic, and also try to capitalize on the success of Monster High with Littlest Petshop. it looks like they are trying to meet this middle ground and capture another "adult peripheral demographic", since all signs point to "things that already have a steady adult fanbase".

    Ashleigh Ball is the voice actor for the main human character, Blythe.

    Littlest Pet Shop has been a nice quiet success story for Hasbro since the days of g3. It's pretty much continuously been available in stores, and has a decent following of child and adult collectors.

    Now, for those of you who do not know what Blythe is, first look at my avatar. That is the head of a Blythe doll, a fashion doll that came out in the 70s by Kenner, was axed within a year, and about 10 years ago began to be manufactured again by Hasbro (who bought Kenner in the 80s or 90s). They are &(^@#&*^@# expensive.

    I am so confused about my feelings about this.


  3. It was purposely done because some folks were giving Artax flak one day about it being an American forum, when he's British. And he might not seem like it, but he's KIND of a smartaleck, so if you antagonize him, well, this happens. He was pretty gleeful about changing the filters for aubergine the day he did it, and other ways to get around the name change while people tried to game the system were met with pretty huge e-grins as he changed those too.

  4. Aww. Fluttershy as Wonder Woman. Cute. ^^

    Ah? It's a digital release too? I guess I'll have to consider that if the comics don't turn up on my doorstep!

    I also think a lot of the comic books out these days, the popular ones, give you a code for the digital download inside the physical comic as well, for those of you who are contemplating which one they want to go with. Here's hoping they do that for this series.

  5. And these are just super rumors..Probably not true...But it would be cool if they were..

    From what I've heard..The Wonderbolts episode will be a Scoots/RD episode. Rainbow will try to join the Wonderbolts...And they'll be like..You're a great flyer..But are you a responsible enough of an adult to join? RD will show how responsible she is by taking Scootaloo under her wing and teaching her how to fly.

    Man, I hope so. It just needs to happen.

  6. I am not picturing Vinyl playing with an Optigan as a filly, and that's how she learned. THANKS ROBI. I think I might not ever be able to unthink this now.

    (and yes, this is the guy who did the "Walk and Chew Gum" song from the Powerpuff Girls soundtrack if anyone actually watches this video and it sounds familiar)

  7. I think she really, honestly produces the kind of music we've heard her playing on the show. She's a cute little unicorn, very perky and enthusiastic and that type of music kind of seems to go along with that. She really could just be completely unironically into kind of a twee electropop and easily digestible dance, and not dropping beats in an experimental or musically aggressive way. And that's OK. Equestria doesn't seem the land to me where pony folk are doing a job to pay the bills unless it's something they love.

    She would also probably like Depeche Mode, but that's as dark as she'd go.

  8. PLEASE, oh god PLEASE name one of the ponies "Cornpone" "Katty-Wonker" is a good one too (it means all crooked). "Doodley/Diddly Squat" might make a great name for the kind of town fool of a poor and too lazy to even try to do anything about it kind of comic relief character. And of course the time-honored Mater and Tater.

    Hmmm. I am going to have to come up with a list of "prairie-related things" or hillbilly-esque things for you.

  9. I'm just excited to see the crystal ponies, I think that they're going to be G4s version of Twinkle eye ponies and those were always my favorite as a kid.

    I feel an IDEA coming on! *readies exacto knife*

    But I agree. Galaxy, Masquerade and Bright Eyes are three of my favorite ponies EVER.

  10. The camera kind of sucks, but you can do 3D photos which is kind of fun (and actually is useful when I am trying to do stereoscopic stuff on regular cameras. Quick shot to set up the scene...). But I LOVE my 3DS otherwise.

    I enjoy the novelty of the 3D features (and even better that you can turn it off) and that Face Raiders game they include on it is the best way to look like a fool in Public. I enjoy that I can watch Netflix on it, albeit in a not as clear manner as my phone. And I enjoy that if you turn on the wifi features you get little surprises in the way of streetpasses and new Pokedex entries (even though I don't care for Pokemon, but it entertains me that it's there)

    I would not by any means call it a hardcore piece of gaming hardware, and downloading games and updates is slow as molasses, but I still love it.

    • Like 1
  11. Did someone say moondancer? I just LOVE Moondancer.


    *insert big cheeky grin here*

    I am still guessing the magic duel is with Trixie. I HONESTLY do not think they would release several toys of her recently if she wasn't going to come back, and I am still holding out hope that she is "the villain that makes a comeback in a big way". I hope she moves to Ponyville permanently post-a lesson learned and making friends. Maybe she went back to school!

  12. Theory: Discord trapped the Crystal Kingdom in time and managed to taint Luna before he was turned to stone by the two sister's wielding the Elements of Harmony. However, now that he was turned to stone, there was no way to reverse what had happened to the Crystal Kingdom without his power. Similarly, there was no current known cure to Discordation, thus Luna was stuck in Nightmare Moon form no matter how much she tried not to succumb to the dark powers.

    But, once the Elements released Luna from Discords power, the power she lost went back to him. The Cutie Mark Crusaders created the spark that freed him, but it wouldn't have been possible without Luna first being released from the dark power. Once Discord was free, his spell on the Crystal Empire also began to break, but it was only with the massive magical surge that went out in a massive wave from Princess Cadance that finally freed the city.

    I am still betting on the city hiding/being hid because Luna went crazy, and poor Cadence got left behind. Hmmm. Here's a nice epileptic trees theory for you. King Sombra is part and parcel of the shadow that infected Luna.

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