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Posts posted by flutterscotch


    We like comics a LOT in my house. This is one portion of an entire 4 and a half foot wide, chest high bookshelf filled with nothing but graphic novels and comics. And that is not the only place they're at.


    Well, besides MLP (which does have a bit of a different and very effective sense of humor), I subscribe to a variety of X-men comics (I follow characters, not books, really I am following Kitty Pryde and Beast, sometimes Polaris when she's not being portrayed as totally insane, and Patsy Walker), and I have read X-men since the late 80s. My core love of Marvel characters, though, comes from about 1972-about 1985. But only Marvel. I enjoy the soap-opera aspect of it, and my favorite comics are where noting happens. Hand me an issue of the Avengers circa 1978 where all they are doing is choosing the team, or one from a little later where it's nothing but Wonderman and Beast Bromance time, and I am amused.

    I STILL hold it against Rob Liefeld for ruining X-Force (although felt truly vindicated when Peter Milligan and Mike Allred ran it into the ground in an epic and hilarious way). I childishly snark on Liefeld on twitter for this reason. I am way too old to be picking on a middle aged man.

    I also have a deep fondness for vintage strips like li'l Abner and Pogo. Some more (relatively) recent stuff REALLY early Doonesbury before the Reagan administration and Tove Jansson's Moomin comics.

    Also fashion comics from the 60s:


    My true loves, though, are the independent and alternative publishers like Drawn and Quarterly, Fantagraphics Top Shelf and Archaia, writers and artists, like Dan Clowes, Kevin Huizenga, Paul Hornschemeier and Chris Ware, Marc Bell, Anders Neilsen, Seth, the Paper Rad collective, etc. etc etc. and we have a lot of straight up Brian Chippendale and David Shrigley floating around our place because of my husband. And for Webcomics, Dieselsweeties is the only one I follow closely, but I also love Kimono's Townhouse.

    But by far, these two are my favorites:



    Jeffrey Brown (to the point that I have prints and super special editions of things)


  2. Hiya everyone!

    The devastation of Hurricane Sandy left a huge impact on me. I grew up on the Jersey shore, and pretty much anything you know as being a unique quirk of the ol' Scotchie came from my time living in Keansburg (as a matter of fact if there were no trees in the way you could see my childhood home one block beyond the water tower in this photo.) During the holiday season I was supposed to help with cleanup efforts, but due to a communication breakdown with my brother I was unable, and couldn't bring myself to even GO to the town because there was nothing I could do to help besides donate (and, well, cry).

    But it reminded me that I have characters I have never RPed, and having a fitting RP while I am still emotionally healing from the damage to one of the places I have the most sentimental nostalgic attachment to might help until I can get back down there and shovel some sand myself.

    One of my characters, Saffron, Inherited a small boardwalk amusement park in Hoofington (now keep in mind this lore is not fully approved forum lore, but since the boardwalk is small, maybe 2 acres including the strip of bathing beach, and my character's place of residence and business, this portion still stands). The first store to open was Calliope's.

    Things to know:

    • Everything is in disrepair except the carousel house, and the attached building that used to house a primitive, giant steam powered calliope that now houses Calliope's boutique since
    • When I say "arcade" I mean a building with a large open hallway supported by arches and shops and games crammed into either side of it, not a place full of video games.
    • All rides are powered by horsepower. There is a little ferris wheel, the carousel, pedal powered bumper cars, and a giant slide.. Even the carousel is horse powered! The carousel is a little different than an ordinary one though, ponies dress up and stand on little platforms that move up and down, instead of riding on horses. They ARE the horses, with the exception of four stationary ones that are evenly spaced apart that are seats for very young foals.

    You can be:

    • a volunteer who is just helping fix the rides, stalls and other buildings. Just lemme know who you are in this thread. You don't have to be
    • a character who is helping out because they have a business on the other side of "The Loop" or otherwise locally. Ditto for just letting me know who you are.
    • A character who wants to own a business in the boardwalk proper and wants to help out. If you want to do this, please let me know and I can work with you after you submit your app since essentially Saffron would be your boss by default. There are various game stands, hokey fortune tellers and other amusements that can be filled here. I would LOVE for someone to build a spooky "in the dark" ride or "haunted house" type attraction! You are welcome to also make a business of this type nearby, off the boardwalk grounds themselves but I would play Saffron, in character, always kind of stand-offish to your character. I am also OK with this because it would be a good character dynamic.

    Play will be slice of life, of new ponies coming together to help a neighbor rebuild something good for the community. There may be periods of tension, where something collapses, but ideally this is meant to be socializing Please keep in mind that this RP will mean a lot to me, emotionally, so I would really welcome anyone's best RP effort.

  3. (OOC- Pink = me, cream = Magi)

    Glory glanced lovingly from her youngest filly, clinging to her legs and bouncing and excited to see her mum and dad, to her eldest, who had a look of terror on her face that Glory could only attribute to the handsome stallion in the room. Never, of course, Rarity's embarrassment of her earthy sire and dam. Finally, she winked bemusedly at Prince Blueblood before addressing Sweetiebelle.[colour=#800080]"You betcha, Sweatpea! Why, all we did on vacation was think about how much we missed our gals! ".[/colour] She floated a small yellow package with a garish green polkadot bow to her daughter. "Here ya go! Now you, Rarity." She beamed as she floated an equally garish pink box over to the horrified unicorn. She fumbled for a moment with the boxes around her hooves. [colour=#800080]"Why I even got somethin' for your new colt-friend over here!"[/colour] Glory smiled as she covertly wrapped a tacky scarf around a giant bottle of Las Pegasus' classic tourist drink, TuttiFruittyGranGalooty and sailed it on over to the stallion.

    The look on his eldest daughter's face only told him that they may have interrupted a... sensitive moment. [colour=#800000]"Oh, sorry Rare-Bear, didn' mean t'barge in on yer 'alone time'"[/colour] he gave a false knowing smile. But then SweetieBelle! Oh she was far too young to be worrying herself with coltfriends and the like. Nope! But she sure was happy to see them! That outfit did look nice! And she helped customers? And she met a Prince? [colour=#800000]"Wow-Wee, Kiddo! Sounds like you've been workin' hard while we were gone, eh?"[/colour] He gave a playful nudge to his darling wife, smiling proudly. [colour=#800000]"I'll bet you she'll have 'er cutie mark in no time!"[/colour]

    [colour=#800080]"She sure will, oh macho mustachioed stallion o' mine, she sure will."[/colour] Glory ruffled her baby's curly mane. [colour=#800080]"and then when she is old enough to be worryin' about dashin' coltfriends like Rarity's new squeeze over there....[/colour] " she trailed off and winked at Prince Blueblood again. [colour=#800080]"But, hey, we haven't even been introduced properly. I'm Rarity's momma, Glory, an' this handsome bugger's my one and only Magnum, Rar an' Sweetiebelle's pop, and we sure are glad to meetcha!"[/colour]

    Seemed quite enthusiastic about meeting, who he believed could be, Rarity's own special somepony! This sure was a step up from that boulder she fell in love with not long ago. Come to think of it... The rock he saw sitting outside looked verrry familiar...

    [colour=#800000]"Pleasure to make yer acquaintance! Like my lil' rosebud told ya, I'm Magnum! Now, when can we expect us some grandfoals, eh?" [/colour]

    • Like 3
  4. I like what I see so far. It's a cute name and the character looks very sweet. I'll be watching this one develop! :smirk:

    Someone is a little pastries-focused. And by that I mean Rosewind and not Brownie. :razz:

    We definitely need more bakers though. Can I recommend Hoofington for her place of residence?

  5. I am definitely going to disagree about illusion magic for Rarity because she's a primadonna and would use it all the time if she could, but for Pierrot...are we talking just lit up slightly glowing shapes and sparkles and stuff like that? Like that part of Fantasia where the music is suggesting shapes?

  6. Animation-wise, I think they did spectacularly at the time. Given their practice for the movie.


    There is a whole lot of late 30s values dissonance going on with the movie that is hard for us to wrap our heads around.

    #1 is Snow White's sweetness. In a time of Kewpie Dolls (which for some reason were STILL in vogue at the time) , Shirley Temple and all kind of other ridiculously saccharine things, Snow White is actually LESS sweet and perfect than she could have been given the time, especially given the down spirits provided by the Great Depression. Sure it's annoying to us now because female empowerment happened and our modern society needs to be a little edgier. But she could be much much worse. Maybe not more shrill, but definitely worse. Even just a few years later, MGM's Dorothy was somewhat identifiable, and considered a strong heroine for the people of the time. And she's a little too much of a goody-goody for us these days too.

    It took me a long time to warm up to Snow White as a child. My grandmother loved it. It was her favorite movie EVER. But for me she was just too sweet and perky and annoying, not to mention the whole creepy true love at 14 with a full grown prince angle always squicked me out. (for the record, I felt completely the same way about Sleeping Beauty as well)

    But then I learned to love it for what it was. A very specific product of its time that was beautifully done and changed the face of animation forever.

    • Like 1
  7. Ok, listen up folks. There's a lot of misleading information being passed around in this thread, even though it's a joke thread. And just for the sake of putting this up here because I find it interesting:

    The Maya (not Mayans) still exist.

    The Mayan Long Count Calendar is where the dates stop counting tomorrow-ish.

    That's all. That is the end of their involvement. It is only one of several calendars they used, quite a few centuries ago (and was even considered obsolete several centuries before Columbus even set foot in the Americas), and they were used in conjunction. It is kind of like one of those calendars that had clickwheels, but the year date only went so high. See below. The circles represent day, a longer hard to explain time period (that is shorter than a year), and finally, the long count, which identifies an even longer and hard to explain time period (that is comprised of several years).


    Why is it so weird to us? They liked math and astronomy. a LOT. There are MANY different ways to do math, and most of what we learn today is just a standardized form based on the way the Greeks figured out things. The Maya did it a little differently because if you don't know how to do a thing you make up your own rules based on what works for you. Apparently this worked for them, and was fairly accurate. I think it's mostly base 20 is the main difference instead of base 10 or base 12 or 60 (time) like most of us are used to.

    Yes, they did account for the 1/4 day that the earth's revolution is actually off of the 365 days.

    Why do the dates stop? Because it's a physical object and you can only put so much detail on it. If the Maya were still around in the same way culturally today as they were way back before even Columbus showed up, they probably would have just made a new one. Alas, they were assimilated into everyday Mexican and Central American life, and retain some but not all of their cultural identity. A lot of them are also laughing at how funny it is that people are freaking out about something their ancestors made. Some of them are pretty annoyed that people keep saying they're an extinct race, though.

    it should also be noted that this below is not the Mayan calendar. It is the Aztec. The Aztecs are the civilization that are ACTUALLY extinct. Not the Maya. They lived around what is now Mexico City. They were similar in many ways, but distinct, as they were much more brutal than the Maya.


    The world ENDING Prophecies were started by a bunch of New-agers in the 70s and 80s.

    Picked up steam because barely anyone on the internet bothers to fact check. I swear, Google Mayan Calendar and most of the photos will be of the Aztec.

    But prophecies are what you make of them. You can use 12/21/12 as an opportunity TO re-invent the world as a period of enlightenment like the books have said if you want. Just make it a better place.

    Or you can do what I am going to do and use it as an excuse to blast Rush's 2112 12 times.

    • Like 4
  8. hehehe granted,

    mmmm hope so

    Waiting is getting realy boring... Might just leave at this point

    You can, while you are waiting your turn to get reviewed, RP with this character in Free-For-All. We are trying to get to the applications as quickly as we can, but there are a limited number of us handling apps in general, and an even smaller number of us who do not have IRL things that are keeping them from the board at the moment.

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