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Posts posted by Chonico

  1. On the tangent topic of cartoons, I was more of a Spongebob Squarepants kind of guy growing up :blah:

    Actually, had a lady come in to work yesterday. Her daughter wanted a Spongebob DS game and the mother told her no, that Spongebob was evil and sent her to look for something else. I just stared at her confused and she leaned over the counter and told me in a low voice.

    "That disgusting show promotes gays and disrespect to parents."

    I continued staring at her trying my best not to say anything, mainly because I probably would had been fired if I told her what I thought at that exact point in time. Instead I just walked away and ignored her.

    Some people I tells ya...

    OH... RIGHT! Winning now :smug:

  2. Klondike was relieved to see that in was in fact Big Mac that currently lay on his hind leg and not a giant red sofa with a harness. As Big Mac tried to get up for the first time, Klondike tried to get his bearings and figure out just how far down they had fallen.

    “Good, your okay, don’t think I could have lifted you of me. Umm, don’t remember this part of the barn when we came in… is this a celOH SWEET CELESTIA *OOF*…”

    Klondike had turned around just in time to see Big Mac’s attempt to stand up for the first time fail and cause him to fall down on him, knocking the wind out of him. Now he was really pinned down by a heavy object.

    "Ah CAN'T...*grunt* have let mahself git injured!"

    “That’s… okay…*huff* could have happened to anypo-*OOF* Klondike’s had the wind knocked out of him again as Big Mac fell on him again. Big Mac’s continued attempts to get back up ended with him having the giant red coated stallion fall back down on him over and over again, each time eliciting a less audible *oof* from Klondike.

    "Gadangit...HORSEAPPLES! Ah had fields t'plough today, consarn it! An;..there's Applejack too....!"

    “Don’t worry… *wince*… I don’t think *huff*…either of us will be plowing anything for… a while…Vacation… yay…Sweet Luna, mercy… stop trying to get up.” Klondike’s hooves twitched slightly as he strained to speak up under the weight, and continued assault with said weight, of the giant red coated pony on top of him.

    "Ah...*groan* Ah'm gonna holler for AJ...if ya'all could lend a hoof... I figure if we both holler up at 'em, they'll probably hear us better..."

    “Great…*huff*… idea…What was… her nam-oh… right, I remember…” Klondike agreed with Big Mac as he took a giant, but strained, deep breath. He couldn’t help think that an actual sofa landing on him would have been more merciful in the long run.



    He was tired and had been Big Mac slammed repeatedly. He was lucky he could remember his own name.

  3. The fire inside was putting up a fight against the two ponies that were trying to subdue it. It was a losing fight though in favor of the two ponies. As far as Klondike could judge, while he continued spraying the contents of his fire extinguisher at the dying flames, the fire had consumed most of what had once been a kitchen and had left a huge hole in the wall and roof. But, thanks to the efforts of both Klondike and Big Mac, the spreading had been contained to a bare minimum, effectively starving it from new fuel. A lot of the fire had been pushed back to only mere specks of flames here and there. Klondike had underestimated his makeshift fire extinguisher and still had a little over half left, more than enough to subdue the few flames that still lingered in the kitchen.

    “HA! I’m no inventor but these worked out great! I give myself too little credit and actually, hmm… maybe I could start selling these at my store or give’em out as a bonus for when I fix-“ Klondike’s train of thought was cut short as his right ear twitched once and caused him to turn around and look out the hole in the wall.


    The initial rogue torrent of water from Twilight’s hose shot clear through the hole on the side of the building and threw Klondike off his hooves and into the next room. He came to skidding stop on his back, soaked to the bone once again and his hooves dangling over him as he still held the fire extinguisher in his muzzle and a shocked wide eyed expression across his face. He was laying in a puddle of water on the floor right in front of Big Mac.

    Mr. Harnerss!” Klondike managed to mumble through the extinguisher he held in his mouth before letting go of it and allowing it to roll off to the side a few inches. “I’m sorry to tell you this, but your barn is definitely on fire…”

    Klondike paused for a second as he took in the sight of the room he currently lay in. Parts of it were still ablaze. He lifted his neck up to look over his belly and managed to see into the kitchen. The rogue burst of water that had knocked him flat had put out the remainder of the kitchen fire. Also, through the hole in the wall, he could see that it was raining outside now.

    “Fire in the kitchen is out though. Also… is seems to be raining outside now.”

    Klondike quickly rolled onto his side and stood back up again and gave himself a little shake to get rid of the water and throw his mane out of his eyes. Quickly spotting a piece of soaked cloth on the floor, probably a drape or such, he picked it up and began to smack it against the burning surfaces.

    “Mr. Harness, take the last fire extinguisher and let’s end this.” He said with an encouraging smile as he continued to slap his wet cloth at the burning surfaces.

    "Get down from up there, we need to plug this fire up!"

    Klondike’s right ear suddenly twitched furiously as the voice from bellow reached it. He paused and shot a questioning glance at Big Mac before realization of what was about to happen sank in. He made a motion towards the stairs just as the creaking and snapping sound of the support being taken out reached him.

    “…Ah Ponyfeath-“ For a fraction of a second, Klondike could have sworn he was flying as the floor disappeared underneath him.

    A pillowing cloud of smoke, ash and dust later, Klondike once more found himself laying on his back with three of his hooves dangling over him. Something was pinning one of his hind legs. That aside though, his coat was soaked, dirtied, and synched from the flames, but most importantly, he was uninjured.

    “Maybe I should have just kept trying to clean that smudge on my window…” Klondike tiredly commented to himself.

    "Is everypony OK? Hay! Where's Big Macintosh!?"

    “Klondike checking in… I’m fine.” He managed to raise a hoof into view. If he had thumbs, he’d be giving a thumb up.

    Klondike suddenly realized something was pinning one of his hind legs and his tail. Taking a look at it, he noticed it had a red coat and a harness.

    “I found him, I think... He's heavy. Might be a giant sofa minus the quills though...” Klondike called out as he continued to lay on his back, feeling his hind leg go to sleep under the weight of what he assumed was Big Mac. It had been a long day, so he couldn't help but daydream about going back to his shop, closing early, and taking a nice warm bath.

  4. I remember seeing a trailer for this long ago. Didn't think they actually made it. Its pretty well done and they are making it into a web-series. They seem to be posting a new episode every other Monday. Rated M for Mature due to naughty language and people getting turned to ash.

    If your a fan of Fallout though, take a gander at this :kissy:

    Fan Movie

    Episode 1

    Episode 2

    Episode 3

    Episode 4

    • Like 1
  5. For many centuries, the city of Canterlot, capital of Equestria, has been the center for the gathered knowledge, expanding commerce, and politics that govern the land. Under the ever watchful eye of Princess Celestia, now joined at her side by her sister Luna, the city has thrived and welcomed any creature, pony or otherwise that has sought audience with the nobles of the land for important matters, or simply sought a day of distractions.

    While peace is kept through the efforts of the Royal Guard Ponies, honorable and diligent in their oath to protect the princesses, the land, and the ponies that reside in it. The appeal and glamour of Canterlot itself is constantly fed and replenished by the scholars, artists, entertainers and merchants that make it their home, or a valued stop in their travels.

    If a pony seeks knowledge, he or she simply needs but to search the books found in one of its many libraries or bookstores that adorn every city block. If a pony seeks entertainment or art, the countless venues found throughout the city are more than enough to sate from the most mundane to the most critical of pallets. And, if a pony seeks anything from the latest clothing fashion to the smallest of souvenir trinkets, they simply only have to make their way towards the enormous market district filled with all sorts of ponies with their carts, stalls, shops, or boutiques trying to attract wondering ponies so that they take a look at their wares and products.

    It is indeed a glamorous, vibrant city filled with the pastel colors of the ponies and creatures that walk its streets. Perhaps, because of that, it is no surprise that a clay covered Pegasus pony pulling a cart would go unnoticed as he made his way through the market district, seeking a suitable spot to peddle his wares.

    “Just as I expected, Canterlot is still as glamorous as I remember it from when I was a foal… Hmm, I do not believe that the market was this crowded back then. But then again, I was always flying and hardly ever walking.”

    Nymbus Claypot, or Clay for short, left his home in the Saddleveil Plains in an effort to travel around Equestria and expand the customer base for his business. The cart which he pulled was covered with an orange tarp, and hid its contents from view. Anypony walking by though would have had to wonder just what was inside it since he was walking instead of flying through the air like most Pegasus pony did. The simple answer was that it was simply too heavy to fly with.

    “Well, this seems as good as a spot as any to open up shop. A bit far from the hustle and bustle of the main market road but quality and beauty is always were you least expect it.” Clay told himself with a chuckle and a grin as he undid his harness and walked towards the back of his cart.

    Grabbing a hold of the tarp with his teeth and lifting it off the cart, he began to straighten it out as he set it on the floor in front of his cart. The contents of the cart were made bare to all on looking ponies. It was filled with delicate ceramic pieces ranging from exquisite porcelain tea cups, to rough earthen urns and pots.

    Once the tarp was nicely laid out, he began to carefully take the pieces out one by one and set them on the tarp. Every piece in the cart was hoofmade by him, and each was a testament to the care, effort, and attention he devoted to making them. They had survived the trip out to Canterlot, so he did not want to break any simply because he wasn’t being careful. After a few minutes though, having only emptied about a third of his cart, he was done and ready to start.

    “There, those should get some eyes looking this way.” Clay thought to himself as he walked around the tarp with a critical eye and stopped next to his cart. “Hmm, guess I should spruce myself up a bit too though.”

    Stretching out his wings, Clay shook and patted himself a few times in an effort to get rid of some of the dried clay that hung to his coat. It was not very effective.

    “Hmm, well, I tried at least.”

    With that, Clay reached over the side of his carts towards the back of it and pulled open a satchel and dug through it a bit. He reemerged holding a bag of tail mix and a book in his mouth. He quickly set the bag on the floor and the book in front of himself as he folded his legs underneath him and laid down. With a quick flick of his muzzle, he opened the book to where he last left off and then stuck his muzzle into his trail mix bag to take a few bites of its content before he began to read.


    Not a minute had passed by and Clay was now passed out with his face buried in the open book. Pulling the cart had been harder and more tiring that he would have liked to admit.

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