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Posts posted by Chonico

  1. Applause, that's what he had been waiting for the whole time he had made his way to the lighthouse. Small and short as it was, it was applause none the less and enough for him to feel content for the time being. He did have to admit though the mare seemed too rigid when he did his small short act, but he was content writing that off as sheer shock from his magic tricks.

    'Maybe I'll do more for her later.' He thought to himself as he observed Rivet walking up to a stick of sorts sticking out of the ground. However, when she pushed it and the door swung open, he simply looked on with amazement, even if his face didn't really show it. The little voice in his head however was really surprised and awestruck.

    'Heh, I'd like to see me do that… Actually, that would make for a good magic trick or part of one at least.' Spades kept pondering to himself how to implement such a trick as he observed Rivet make her way out the door and signaled somepony to come in. A Pegasus filly by the looks of it, one that had left a rather remarkable imprint of her muzzle on the window, had enjoyed his small show as well. Had he known he had more of an audience; Spades would have done some tricks for her too.

    Finally making his way to the table where Rivet had begun to brew tea, he took the chair next to the typewriter and observed her as she typed. Before answering however, he looked up at the rafters as if expecting more contraptions to come out.

    'You seem to have some tricks of your own. Very impressive for somepony who is so quiet…' Spades commented as he finally took his gaze off the rafters and set it now on Rivet. 'But, your innovations seem to do the talking for you with much flare. You wouldn't happen to be an Earth pony in disguise, would you?' He let out a small chuckle as he joked with Rivet.

    'Oh, sorry for the sidetrack though. I think your home is amazing. Don't suppose you'd be willing to work for a theater company, would you?' A slight yellow hue began to quickly fill his eyes but disappeared just a quickly to be replaced by their regular gray hue. 'Well, figured I'd ask, but I didn't come here for that. I actually came here looking to put on a show for a lot of tourist. I was told this was a hot tourist spot.' He stopped for a second as he put on a silly smile that was quickly replaced by his hoof rising up to his muzzle as he went into deep thought.

    'Guess mom was right, never trust a mime pony… Speaking of which, where is your other guest? The small pink Pegasus filly.' He turned his head towards the open door completely unaware that what he just said probably made little to no sense.

  2. Name: Chonico

    Amount of time since conversion to Bronyism: Since late March 2011

    How can you contribute?: Enforcer, muscle, mini-boss, take your pick, let them try to stop us. I make some mean chocolate chip hotcakes which I put on plates on the floor, kind of like bear traps.

    Do you have any connections in NASA?: I have connections to MASA, does that count?

    Have you ever been arrested/have a criminal record?: Yes, my "arrs" are pretty well rested and my jokes are pretty criminal.

    If so, what for?: I have a record for bad puns, off-topic humor, knock-knock jokes, and assault in the 3rd degree with a parrot... He really wanted a cracker.

    What languages are you fluent in?: English, Spanish, Spanglish, Japanese, and Engrish.

    What do you think of this font?: I think it's FONT-tastic =D

    Social Security Number: lll-lile-eee-lile

    Credit Card Number/Verification Code: 7820-1105-1739-9905

    Name on Credit Card/PIN: 80085

  3. Klondike stared at the open saddlebags on the floor analyzing the two pieces that lay inside, unaware that his head was slowly inching down towards the saddlebags as if staring at the pieces closer would suddenly force them to magically become one again. His right ear had finally settled and together with his other ear now focused as intently as his own eyes did on the item in front of them, as if expecting it to speak and not wanting to miss a single word.

    'What the hay is this thing? Looks like a cooking pot of sorts… Or perhaps some kind of serving dish? I guess it's supposed to be one whole piece and not two. Looks pretty old, but that would make sense seeing as she said she collected antiques. She did say that, right? But, how do I make an antique look like new but old again? Does she want it to look like new? I need to get the cart to the back first before I tackle this though.'

    So many thoughts raced through Klondike's head, he almost missed the most vital one. He had just unpacked and put away two whole crates full of reference books. Finally snapping out of it, he quickly took notice that his whole muzzle was inside one of the open saddle bags, as he had stared intently at one of the pieces of the puzzle. Quickly jerking his head up, careful not to take the saddlebag with him, he smiled at Wind Mist as if he had just won the pony lottery.

    'Please step into my shop, Miss Wind Mist! I'll be with you in a minute as soon as I take the cart to the back workspace.' He raised one hoof towards the shops door and propped it open as he continued smiling and the four bells hanging from the door rang furiously. No sooner had he done this, he then strapped himself to the cart effortlessly and now looked at Zacora.

    'The repair fee will be only 50 bits, but hopefully it won't take me long to make a new felloe and have it attached to the wheel with new metal bands.' He began to pull the cart and stopped short of turning the corner as he looked back at the zebra. 'Please follow me to the back Miss umm…' He stopped suddenly, a slight tinge of panic crossing his smile as he began to wonder whether he had not heard her introduce herself or simply hadn't yet.

    [OOC - I am basing the repair fees off of "The Best Night Ever" scene where Applejack charges 4 bits for 2 apple fritters. Assuming an apple fritter costs $2, under the principle that a hot dogs costs you $3 as part of standard "carnival fare" at a carnival. UNLESS, its one of those overly charged carnivals where everything is nearly twice as expensive... Not sure where I was going with this but I'm basically charging a rate of 1 bit = 1 dollar and a new tire costs around 50 bucks.]

  4. Klondike waited for Freddie Freewings to finish ordering and when the waiter pony looked over at him he decided to make it simply for him. 'I'll have what he's having, except, could I get some of the steamed carrots instead of the smashed potatoes? Also, no pot of hot water for me.'

    After the waiter pony excused himself and walked away, Klondike looked over to his dinner guest with a slight bit of curiosity as he raised an eyebrow. Debating whether he should wait and see what Freddie did with the hot water or simply ask, he soon realized that his curiosity wasn't going to really let him have a choice. 'What is the pot of hot water for, Mr. Freewings?' Klondike asked as bluntly as a brick, a curious expression forming across his face.

  5. hi hi

    Apple Pie is losing? This can't be happening! It must be a bad dream...

    It cant be! Apple Pie is loosing :(

    Even within the realm of pies they are inferior to their Lemon bretheren, their only redeeming point is being represented by Applejack :twisted::shifty:

    *starts energy shield*

    Hmm, I can't help but feel this is how the events leading up to Fallout: Equestria unfolded. And yet...

    To hooves my fellow Bronies! Shun the none-apple pie loving Bronies who have obviously never had a rich warm tasting apple pie with a golden flaky crust! Oh, and you can't forget the ice-cream! A scoop every now and then makes it oh so much more sweeter... Mmmm :AJ:

    Actually, forget the whole thing. I want apple pie now. Let's all go get us some apple pie! :)

  6. Klondike, assuming of course like he always did, came to the conclusion that he had missed quite a bit of the conversation and as such, he sat on his haunches watching the exchange between the ponies, content on listening to see if he could catch up more on what had been said. He heard Rose Madder refer to them, him and the two other ponies, as coming from Ponyville. This of course answered his question as to where they were from, but he figured he'd keep this realization to himself for sake of not interrupting. When Rose asked about a pony named Inkwell, he simple shook his head.

    He was feeling more relaxed now that he had at least momentarily had the distraction of fixing something, even if it was minor, but just that small fact made the Gala feel less overwhelming than it had a few moments ago. Plus, at least he had some resemblance of a conversation with some ponies at the Gala, so that made the evening seem all that brighter. Oh, and the food of course had been worth it, he had never eaten that much good food before, even if he had over stuffed himself more than what was recommendable.

    Contemplating this with a content smile, he let out a sigh as he looked up at the night sky and a small realization settled on him. If he wanted to make it back to Ponyville with enough time to rest for the next morning of organizing and planning a trip out to the Saddleveil Plains within the following week or two, he would have to get going now or postpone his plans a day longer than he liked. It was a customer's request that had him going to the Saddleveil Plains, so he'd rather do it on time.

    'Miss Tempest Rime… Miss Aquadrop… Miss Rose Madder…' He addressed the ponies in front of him with a slight bow. 'I apologize for the earlier confusion, and hope that your evening improves from here on out. I need to start making my way back to Ponyville, so I thank you for your company.' He finished with another bow as he excused himself and began to make his wait towards the exit of the palace. After a few steps though, he stopped and turned around with a smile on his face.

    'Since you ponies are from Ponyville, if you ever need anything repaired, look me up! I'm more effective with my tools than my conversational skills! You too Miss Rose Madder, if you find yourself in Ponyville!' And with that, he was off.

    [Klondike's part is done. Thanks all for the RP!]

  7. As Klondike followed Zacora towards the door, he could not help but admonish himself for such an awkward first impression on his first customer. True he was used to having to play catch up to conversations, but he could not help feel that now was not the time for such things. And, as his excited inner voice reminded him, 'Now was the time to act professional, give off a good impression so she'll tell her friends about your incredible repair shop. Come on Klondike, you can do this, just focus and pay att… What's wrong with that wheel? NO, focus Klondike, listen to what she's tel… The wooden rim looks like it starting to splinter…' Well, he was trying at least.

    As soon as Zacora was done explaining her concerns Klondike immediately walked past her, as if on cue, and began to examine the wheel. How much of the actual conversation he heard though was still to be seen as his right ear constantly twitched the entire time, apparently now more aware of what was being said than him.

    'Hmm, the metal band is pitted something fierce…' Klondike began to think out-loud as he lowered himself onto the floor, put one foreleg under him and began using the other to prod the wheel. 'The splintering is minor but this crack on the felloe seems to have already gone through the rim of the wheel. Metal band is probably the only thing holding it together. I wouldn't suggest going home like this even if it was only a small crack, won't get far.' Well, at least it looked like he had heard most of the conversation. "I should let her know that before she tries to go home." Well, probably.

    'Going to have to replace the metal band and the cracked felloe on this wheel, spokes look good though.' He suddenly rolled onto his side and began to push himself under the cart with his hind legs, only leaving part of his hind quarters and tail visible. 'The axel seems good too so the wheel hasn't been broken long enough to offset it but…' Klondike once more began to push himself with his hind legs and disappeared completely as he went under the cart only to come out the other side, dirt and grass clinging to his side.

    As soon as he was standing again, with a quick shake to get rid of some of the grass, he walked over to the opposite wheel and placed a foreleg on top as he tried to jiggle it. 'This one is fine, but, just need to make sure the metal band is good…' He lowered his head to get a closer look as his right ear once again began to twitch, trying to signal him to pay attention once more.

    Raising his head from the wheel, his eyes darted towards the zebra, completely missing the second pony with the veil. 'Well, your wheel's metal band is pitted and the rim is cracked which will need replacing.' He said in matter of fact tone with a smile on his face, as if it was something Zacora wasn't aware of.

    'Aside from that, everything else is okay but the metal band on the opposite wheel is not far behind this one. I should be able to replace both of the bands rather quickly since I have extras in the back, but I'll only charge for one.' He said with a wink, unable to let his business sense cloud his sense for pretty mares, much to the pain of his bit purse over the years. 'The cracked section of the rim, however, is going to take me a bit since I'll have to make you a new one. Lucky for us, I have plenty of cold coffee!' A silly toothy smile formed across his muzzle as he said this, his right ear now furiously twitching trying to get his attention elsewhere. Slowly he looked to the side, finally noticing the second customer of the day.

    'OH! HI! Welcome to the Jingling Satchel Repair Shop! Is this your cart too? Would you like some cold coffee as well while you and your friend wait?'

  8. Clay listened intently to what Melody was saying. He was surprised to find out she originated from Manehatten, but as he thought about it, it made sense since Manehatten had a reputation for the high class and culture. A pony specializing in voice coaching would fit right in among all the aspiring singers and such. He was however more surprised to find out she enjoyed running as well, seeing as he too shared a love for feeling the wind in his mane when he flew.

    'You came from Manehatten? I have to admit that city was quite a distraction as I flew here from the Saddleveil Plains. The lights flickering from the buildings and streets, almost as if it was trying to imitate the night sky' He let out a slight chuckle as he said this, remembering that he had met Princess Luna herself a while ago in the gardens. 'But, I am rather surprised to find out you enjoy the wind in your mane. I don't mean to brag, but flying is perhaps the most intent feeling there is when wanting to feel the wind in your mane, what with all the barrel rolls and dives and loops. It's especially invigorating when you are traveling somewhere.' This time his smile grew and grew as he talked about flying, unfurling his wings and flapping them slightly and gently only causing a slight breeze.

    After a short pause, Clay brought up a hoof to his chin as if considering something. 'Actually, on the subject of traveling, I have been considering expanding my business to further towns. Maybe if I find myself in Manehatten we could meet up again and chat some more. Or, if you ever find yourself going to Fillydelphia, you could send a mailmare ahead of you and I'd be more than glad to meet you for another round of chatting. Perhaps even hear you sign?' A cheerful and hopeful smile adorned his face as he said this.

    'Actually, again, now that I think about it, if not too bold to ask, how did you get to the Gala?' He looked out a nearby window, realizing the evening had grown later than he expected.

  9. Spades had to admit to himself that the now rightfully identified non-ghost mare had an odd air about her. It was not only that she couldn't talk, as he surmised from the notes she kept typing out, but it was also that she seemed somewhat… 'Distant? No, that's not right. Strange maybe? Perhaps a bit.' Spades thought to himself as he raised a thoughtful hoof to his chin while still eyeing the grease covered mare in front of him. '… Messy?'

    'You touched me, same principles apply, guess not a ghost. Not many ponies at all come here. My house, light-house, work and live here. Why White Spade. Spade is black.'

    Spades was snapped out of his thoughts as the new piece of paper floated up to him. 'Ah, okay, 'confused,' that's the word I was looking for. Confused as to why I am here… And my name it would seem.'

    'Magician, stage magician? Sounds fun. Come inside, tea, snacks.'

    Spades read the next piece of paper, surprised at the speed they were being churned out by the typewriter. 'Well, she is quite chatty. Err, umm, well I know what I mean. Plus, she's friendly by the looks of it.' His mind continued to churn out its inaudible dialog as he followed Rivet into her home. Needless to say however, once inside all thoughts seized as he looked around the inside of the house which betrayed the exterior like a politician betrayed his supporters.

    While still surveying his surroundings and noticing the humidity and warmth that seemed to emanate from every inch of the lighthouse keeper's home, he once again slowly approached Rivet, this time intent on answering one of her questions, as he closed his eyes and cleared his throat. Once he was inches from her, he began.

    'My humble host…' He said as he suddenly bowed, eyes still closed, stopping just short of hitting his horn against the floor. Still keeping his head low, he opened his eyes as he felt an all too similar joyous sensation fill him in anticipation of what was about to happen. Finally lifting his head, his now sudden bright purple eyes set upon Rivet as he began to smile brightly.

    'Allow me to demonstrate!' He immediately stood next to the mare as he draped his left foreleg around her shoulder and held his head low so that it was in front of her and visible. 'Now, if you'll notice my horn, not a shimmer or hum to it! And yet, watch my empty hoof.' He held his right foreleg in front of himself and Rivet as he twirled it around. 'Nothing! And yet, when I do… this!' A bit seemed to appear out of nowhere as he quickly twirled his hoof again and his horn remained quiet and bright-less. 'Ta-DA! Instant money! But, sadly, money doesn't just appear out of thin air.' He twirled his hoof again and the bit was gone.

    After a short second pause for effect, he immediately moved in front of Rivet and sat on his haunches as he put his hooves gently on Rivet's cheeks and began to look at her intently with his bright purple eyes. Slowly and gently he began to move her head to the sides, up and down, and tilting a bit. 'BUT! Oddly enough…' He reached towards her hair with his right hoof. 'Flowers do appear in your mane!' He pulled away his hoof to reveal a slightly greasy blue tulip in his hoof which, unbeknown to Rivet, he had picked while on his walk thinking it might make a nice snack later. He took her hoof and placed the blue tulip on it. 'You might want to clean that first.'

    He took a step back and looked at rivet as his purple eyes began to return to their gray hue. 'I do not use hocus-pocus in my act, my non-ghost host Rivet.' He spoke as a small content smile formed across his face and his once again gray eyes set on the mare in front of him. 'As for my name…' His horn began to glow as the flap on his satchel lifted and a deck of cards with green backing and purple symbols floated out and landed on his outstretched hoof. Horn now silent and dim, he cut the deck in half and lifted that half up to show the first card being an ace of spades.

    'I have a diamond, a clover, and a heart coming out of my hat.' He began as he moved his flank into view. 'The spade just so happened to get stuck in the deck when I did a tricky… umm, trick. So it's still there, it just not there.' He placed the deck back into his satchel and did a quick bow again, stopping once more short of planting his horn into the floor. 'Like I said, White Spade, Magician extraordinaire.' He remained like that, perhaps expecting applause.

  10. Common theme, you say? Ponies. :blah:

    And I bet you will write a fanfic about ponies.

    Congratulations! I would have also accepted "comedy" as your response. Feel free to imagine yourself some cookies and brownies at your own leisure. Also, make sure to imagine enough for everypony.

    You gotta share, you gotta care :smirk:

    Also, has somepony read any of the Dr. Whooves ones? I am curious to read them but my love of Dr. Who and my love of MLP makes me skeptical. Odd I know, but I look at them and think "Hmm, can two incredibly awesome things create something super epic, or will they repel like two magnets with their equal polarities being forced against each other?"

  11. I recently started reading some of the fan-fics, these so far are my favorites and the ones I keep coming back to in hopes of updates.

    How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bon Bon

    In Her Majesty's Royal Service

    Luna's Goodwill Tour

    Mort Takes a Holiday


    Trouble Comes in Threes

    Vengeance and Fashion

    Some are better written than others, but I find them enjoyable none the less. I figure that unless I write a fan-fic, then I have no right to criticize their work... Well, not criticize TOO harshly that is.

    If you can find the common theme in these fan-fics, then you deserve a cookie. If you can figure out what kind of fan-fic I'll probably end up writing, so that I can then properly criticize them, you get a brownie.

    *Promise of cookies and brownies are none redeemable at the discretion of, well, me. So just picture them in your noggins and be content.*

  12. The day had been slow for Klondike, no pony had yet come into his store with anything for him to fix. Admittedly though, that gave him enough time to finish putting his books and notes away undisturbed, but for the rest of the time, he had simply stood at the counter staring into space letting his mind drift with an ever increasing glazed over look on his eyes. His right ear however had suddenly began to twitch furiously, trying to snap him out of his daze, which just so happened to involve him going over one of the notes about a previous job that had caught his eye while he was putting it away in his bookshelf.

    'Hmm, I'll have to keep that in mind next time I fix something like that, luckily no pony was hurt and my ear recovered. Who knew pudding pressure could build up so fast and…' Klondike kept thinking to himself as his right ear refused to give up and continued to twitch, causing his gaze to lower from the ceiling and finally set on the pony with an expectant expression in front of him.

    '… exploding pudding.' He finally said as he snapped out of his daydreaming and looked at his first customer of the day. Without so much as a flinch however, he cocked his head to the side and looked past the zebra towards the door. 'Whoa… Hmm, guess I'm going to have to put another bell or two on that door… HI! Welcome to The Jingling Satchel Repair shop! How may I be of service miss?' He looked at his expectant customer one more time, but this time he arched an eyebrow.

    'Or did you already tell me and I wasn't pay attention? Sorry, I get easily engrossed in my thoughts and work. But don't let that stop you, how may I be of service? Would you like some hot coffee?' He looked at his coffee cup next to him and picked it up to take one quick sip of it, hoping it would get rid of the awkward tone in his voice from the excitement of finally having a customer. '*sip* Eww, I must have been away for a while… Would you like some ice cold coffee?' He set the cup back down on the counter with cringe on his face.

    'Actually, wait, you'll probably want coffee while you wait for me to fix your cart. Wait! Why did I say cart? Did you have a cart for me to fix?' Well, at least some part of him heard what she had said about her cart, even if it was subconsciously.

  13. Spades looked from Tobias over to Sealight and back again. Floating the white card back towards himself, he took it in his hooves and tore it half and looked at both Tobias and Sealight with a grin on his face as the hue in his eyes began to lightly change from a gray to a purple color. Holding each half of the card in a separate hoof, he immediately clapped them together once and pulled them apart to show two exact white cards with a black spade in the middle, instead of torn halves. His horn began to glow again and the two cards floated each towards Tobias and Sealight, inches from their faces.

    Not wasting a minute, he immediately made his way between the two ponies and draped one arm over each of their shoulders, in a friendly embrace, and smiled as his now bright purple eyes set on Sealight. Removing the arm he had draped over Tobias, he reached around towards Sealight's opposite ear. 'Beautiful proprietor!...' He pulled his arm away from her ear to reveal a beautiful yellow flower, which he hoped she wouldn't notice he plucked from in front the Inn's sign. 'A beautiful flower to match! Well, a rose would be better but those are harder to pull from an ear… It's the thorns.' He set the flower in her hair.

    Then, just as quickly as he had done this, he turned around to Tobias as he draped his arm over his shoulder again. 'Fellow guest!...' He reached around towards his opposite ear, just like he had done with Sealight and pulled it away with a chocolate bar. 'A Mareshey's chocolate bar! You look like you could use something sweet! You like chocolate right?' He set the chocolate bar on his head. "Hmm, yes, looks good on you! New fashion, very brash!"

    Spades then quickly trotted back towards the spot on the porch where he had been standing earlier and looked at both Sealight and Tobias with a smile on his face as his purple eyes admired his work. 'Proprietor and guest! Allow me to re-introduce myself! I am White Spade, Magician extraordinaire!' He did a sudden bow, his horn stopping just short of hitting the floor.

    After a second, he raised his head again and looked at the both of them, his eyes having returned to their neutral gray hue from before, and he let out a small smile as his gaze shifted towards Sealight. 'A very tired magician at that, but glad none the less to join you two for a stroll near the lakeside. But, if I may get checked in first and leave my satchel in my room, that would just be dandy.'

  14. Clay could do little more than chuckle as the onslaught of questions from Melody took him slightly by surprise. He was admittedly glad to have a slight breather after that improvised dance number of his, so now that he was off the dance floor and it was relatively a bit quieter, he could focus on also finding out more about Melody. As such, hoping it would not be too rude, Clay went ahead and sat on his haunches as he gave his attention to Melody and put a smile on his face.

    'Hmm… Me?' Clay raised a hoof to his chin and began to lightly tap it. 'I'm originally from Cloudsdale, no surprise there, and I'm actually a very apt flyer, agile and fast. Although I assume many Pegasus ponies brag about it all the same, so um…' A sheepish grin took hold of his face as he said this but he was quick to shake it off. 'I kind of had to be mainly because my family planned for my brother and I to take over the family business. We are *cough* well off because of it.' This time he was unable to hide a conspicuous grin from taking hold of his face as he cleared his throat. '*ahem* We run the fastest rain cloud renting and delivery business… But yes, I found my love for wet clay when I was barely a colt and when I got older I traveled around Equestria with my teacher. Eventually we took our own separate ways after many a joyful year and I found myself in the Saddleveil Plains following a rumor about some clay deposits. And that actually leads to my hobbies come to think of it.' Clay tapped his two hooves together to try and give effect to the connection between the two.

    'For starters, we can assume dancing isn't one of my hobbies. Although I'm starting to think it should be. I guess though, my work is my hobby but I do enjoy baking and flying a lot, especially flying…' He unfurled his wings for effect as he mentioned his joy of flying. 'OH! I style clouds into shapes when I can find some and nudge them close to my home, kind of like the styled hedges here at the Gala, except, you know, with clouds.' Clay paused as if lost for a second in thought and then perked up again as he remembered the next question on the list.

    'I have a thing for wheel thrown pottery although hoof-built pottery has more freedom as far as the shapes in could take. Classical style pottery is beautiful, although more contemporary works are not without their own charms, but yes, definitely classical is more my style… Though, oddly enough, I like to listen to more upbeat music, kind of more modern sounds when I do my work.'

    Clay looked at Melody with a warm content smile, happy that he was able to answer those two last questions in one go and that he was able to tie them together as he did.

    'What about you Melody? I'd like to know more about the beautiful unicorn that has so far been a pleasure to accompany this evening.' Clay kept on smiling as he said this. 'I do not believe I know where you are from. What do you like to do with your free time?

  15. Klondike was all but too happy to have the weight of the satchel off of his back. He loved his tools and the orchestra of jingles they provided him with. He would even go as far as to say he felt naked without them, but, seeing as ponies were always naked, that was a mute point. Yet, for this occasion, he was content with agreeing that they both needed a break after such a long trip. And his break just happened to involve supper as opposed to lying atop a bed in a satchel.

    Approaching the entrance to the tavern, he quickly spotted Mr. Freewings sitting in a booth and immediately made his way towards it. He took a seat across from the elderly pony and without any hesitation took the glass of water in his mouth and finished it off in one go only to set the glass back down with a slight thud on the table.

    'Hmm, I guess I was also very thirsty…' Klondike said as he stared at the empty glass on top of the table, a slight sheepish grin taking hold of his face. His stomach however was quick to interrupt his train of thought, reminding him of his purpose for being there and Klondike immediately set off to look for the menu which he spotted at the end of the table.

    'Feel free to have anything you'd like Mr. Freewings, I know I plan to.' Klondike said with a slight chuckle as he picked up the menu and began to scan it. 'I have to say though I don't think I've eaten many dinners at a tavern before. Do you see anything here you'd recommend?'

  16. Spades could do no more than stare at the mare quizzically as she approached the fence and squinted at him through her glasses. Expecting her to introduce herself, he was a little surprised when she raise her hoof and walked back into the house. 'Hmm, okay… I guess I'm supposed to wait here then.' He commented to himself as he looked at the ground he stood on as if expecting to see some kind of 'wait here' sign drawn on the ground. However, as the mare returned with an odd contraption around her neck, his quizzical expression returned as he raised an eyebrow and observed her smile.

    Suddenly, as the typewriter churned out the piece of paper which then levitated towards him, his expression changed to one of amusement as he squinted his gray eyes to try and read the small writing.

    'Sorry, forgot typewriter. Not sure what mean by ghost. Can not say if I am or not, I do not know. Are you a ghost?'

    He raised his head from the paper to look at the mare as he cocked his head to the side as if studying her. As he did though, a second piece of paper levitated towards him.

    'Sorry again. I am Rivet.'

    As he read this second piece of paper, his quizzical expression remained on his face as he looked up from it and set his eyes on the mare. After a few seconds, he gingerly approached Rivet, his eyes still glued on her, until he was exactly on the opposite side of the fence directly in front of her. Without any hint or warning, he raised one hoof and held it in front of himself, a serious expression overtaking his face.

    Spades then extended his hoof and gently poked Rivet on the chest right above where the typewriter hung.

    'Hmm, well Rivet, you are solid. I don't think ghosts are solid. If not, they wouldn't be able to walk through walls and such. Yes, I am happy to say you are not a ghost.'

    His horn suddenly began to glow as the flap on his satchel lifted and a small white piece of paper with a black spade in the middle floated out and towards Rivet, hovering only inches from her.

    'I am White Spade, magician extraordinaire! And, I am not a ghost. Feel free to have a poke.'

    Spades smiled brightly at Rivet as he said this and slightly puffed out his chest.

    'Is this your home? Do you get a lot of tourist here?'

  17. 'Problem? No, no problem at all! If anything, it is a pleasant surprise!... Umm, very pleasant, yes.'

    Clay immediately answered with a slight hint of surprise mixed with nervousness in his voice as he subconsciously took a few steps back, blinking furiously to prevent the sweat from his forehead from getting into his eyes. 'It's just I've never seen a fully grown dragon before and only heard rumors of how they're mindless aggressive beasts that eat ponies in one bite. But…' He paused for a second as his expression became less and less 'shock' and more mild 'curiosity' as he became slightly lost in his train of thought. Bringing one hoof up to his chin, he looked at the pot he placed on the floor and then up to the dragon, as if connecting dots that suddenly became clear.

    'Actually, now that I think about it, I never heard of dragons being able to talk so I suppose my earlier question might have gone unanswered if that was true and I would have already destroyed a perfectly good pot trying to distract you and then running away. Hmm, guess those ponies never met a dragon either. And…'

    He suddenly stopped and looked down at the pot that still lay on the ground. Staring at it, he let out a slight snort through his nostrils and picked up the pot and gingerly put it back in the cart as he looked at it pitifully.

    'I doubt you would have fallen for it, you strike me as being brighter than that... Good thing though, I'd hate to waste a pot on something that wouldn't have worked… Or being eaten for that matter.'

    His demeanor was suddenly more calmed down and relaxed, perhaps content with the justifications and realizations his thought process gave him.

    'HEY! If you talk, then you must have a name! I'm Nimbus Claypot!' He extended a hoof out for a hoofshake out of habit. 'What's your name? If you have one I mean.'

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