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Posts posted by BaconofChaos

  1. So has anyone seen the official pony trading cards yet? I did a search but didn't see any mention of them.









    They're being released at Bronycon this weekend. I think I may pick some up. Normally I wouldn't touch a pack of cards you couldn't play games with, but these look kinda fun. Apparantly they're gonna be chock full of brony shout outs (the Sea Serpent is described as having a "magnetic personality":D).

    What do you think of them?

  2. Just saw this, thought it was a fun quote:

    Got to admire the TF2 fandom. They wait forever to “meet the Pyro” and are given a video of less than three minutes giving them barely anything more than they already knew about the Pyro. No reveal, no unmasking, no talking, no idea of their origin, no clue as to their nationality, nothing.

    And they love it.

    I wish every fandom could be that way.

  3. (ooc: Sorry to Knight (and anyone else waiting on me), I've been trying to post for a while but I kinda hit a writer's block and a lack of inspiration)


    "Come on Sugarcube, get up. You shouldn't wear such a heavy disguise on a day like today. Here, drink this juice and hurry home. You should have plenty for re-hydration. You can come pick your apples up later when everypony is gone."

    "See ya later Lyra." The mint unicorn blushed as Applejack winked at her. She'd been a fool to think she would go unnoticed.

    Lyra sipped on her juice, feeling rather embarrassed. She'd passed out in front of all those ponies! And if Applejack had seen through her disguise, surely some of the other ponies had too. But at least it was all over and done with. She could go home and-


    Oh no. No no no no no!

    *SPLASH!* A bucket of water came down over her head. She peered out from her soaking wet mane at the furious expression of her girlfriend, Bon Bon.

    "I saw that...are my kisses not enough for you?!"

    "B-Bonnie! It's not like that! I-" Lyra winced as Bon Bon brought her hoof down on the ground again.

    "Well, fine then! I'll get my own kiss from Applejack! And... Well, Maybe I don't need your kisses anymore!!"

    Lyra looked on in horror and despair as her beloved Bon Bon turned tail and ran from her. Still dizzy from her fainting spell, she struggled to her hooves and ditched the stuff coat and hat. They'd brought her nothing but trouble, after all.

    No they hadn't. That was a lie. Lyra herself was the one to blame for this. What was she thinking!? She'd wanted a little bit of fun getting an innocent kiss, but she should have been happy with what she had. Now Bon Bon might never speak to her again after this.

    She had to make things right. Even though she was wobbly and light-headed, she began looking through the crowd. "Bonnie? Bonnie, I'm sorry!" she called out, weakly. "Please, has anyone seen an earth pony with a cream coat and with pink and indigo hair?"

  4. also, there seems to be a viewer 15 hanging out. I'm not sure if it's my sister's friend or if you're just having troubles getting things to work. hopefully they'll be able to figure that out o)3) I'll help if needed.

    Heh, that was me, sorry. I clicked the link, then something distracted me :P

    another one done! for diego havoc

    Yay! Thanks again!

    You have a very different way of drawing to me. I have to draw out the full structure underneath before I can even start sketching. It's interesting to watch how other people put their pictures together.

    10/10 would watch again.

    • Like 1
  5. Voting AJ. I actually prefer Twilight and Pinkie, but I imagine that staying with either of them would be a chore. Pinkie would be fun but would probably talk your ears off well into the night and you'd never get any sleep. Twilight is cool, but I can't help but feel that her OCD would make things awkward ( :)"Okay, we just need to make a checklist of all the things we need to sort out for your stay. Item one: decide on what colour of blanket you'll need..."). AJ on the other hoof, would go out of her way to be a most hospitable host. Sure, you'd likely have to wake up early (it is a farm after all) but imagine the delicious apple-based breakfast she'd cook for you. :smug:

    I am curious, when did you guys figure out that Philomeena was a phoenix? For me, it wasn't until she burst into flames. I think that is because I intentionally shut down the part of my brain that tries to predict what will happen next. I find I enjoy TV and movies more that way. However, it might have taken me that long anyways. I'll never know. My sister got it about 30 seconds after seeing her.

    I seriously did not even get it until the last moment when Celestia started talking to the pile of ash. Until that point my thoughts were along the line of "They can't actually do that in a kids show, can they?" HERP A DERPA DOO. :?:

    I'm still not actually watching these episodes again. I almost feel bad participating in these. When we get to season 2 I'll probably start.

    Over a Barrel is one of my favourites. So many good moments. Pinkie's song, Fluttertree, "Mild west dances". Yes the final fight was silly, but I got a laugh from it. Also, this episode gave us Braeburn. How can you not like it?

    A Bird in the Hoof was good too, despite my complete inability to guess the twist. The whole sequence of Fluttershy trying to take care of Philomeena was brilliantly funny (this bit where she soaks up the water especially). This ep also gave us canon Trollestia, which was a welcome piece of characterisation.

    The Cutie Mark Chronicles... was overrated. There, I said it. That's not to say it wasn't good, I just felt that it wasn't the fantastic episode that most people seem to think it was. I can't quite decide why either. Maybe it was the cheesiness of Dash's rainboom being the cause of the friends' "special connection", but I remember not being thrilled about the entire episode. Also, I didn't really like Fluttershy's song.

  6. Buy one, get one Free: now, normally i think of this as a coupon, where when you purchase one, the price of the other is waived, which makes sense, but usually during sales, what stores do it cut the price of the BOGO items in half... So why not just say "These items are half off" Rather than making me believe i need to buy an even number amount of the item? Just tell me it's half off! It won't make me want to buy it any less.

    With this one, I suspect it's because they have stock they want to shift. They don't want you to buy one for half price, because that leaves them with one more that they have to sell to someone else. If you buy two, they get rid of more of this stock. The reasons for this are either that they have too much and it's taking up space, or that the item simply isn't selling well and they don't want to throw it out until they've exhausted every other option (or at least until they break even).

    That's my theory, anyway.

  7. DiamondTiaraBanner.png

    As zecora turned her back on the Everfree forest, a loud roar came from the tree line. Bounding forth came a most unusual creature... or was it three creatures? The monster seemed to be a lion, but coming from somewhere behind its head, looking over its shoulder was the head of an angry looking goat. Stranger still was the creature's tail, which was a large hissing snake.

    The strange fusion of animals stalked its way forward, advancing towards Zecora, and the precious tiara.

    Diamond Tiara walked towards the forest, looking every which way for the tiara. It wasn't until she saw Zecora with the tiara that she started to run, but when the huge mismatched monster appeared behind the zebra she cried out "Look out!" fearful for the safety of the headgear. Oh, and Zecora too, she supposed.

    (ooc: There, a Chimera for you all. Let's see how this goes)

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