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Posts posted by BaconofChaos

  1. Hey all, so it turns out that I can still draw after not doing it for... months? Years? I don't remember. I keep coming back to it every now and then. Not having a computer in my room to distract me with youtube and games helps


    So.... here's Sailor Luna:


    I don't know why this hasn't been done yet. I mean, Moon Princess? Hello!

    Critique is welcome, but as I said, I'm rusty, so go easy on me ^^

  2. Have you ever considered doing speeches or something? That was amazing. And yes, you are right.

    Lollerskates! Speeches? With my stage fright? Not a chance! But thank you.

    It will never been mentioned in the show because of the target audience and general themes of the program. Any speculation about her sexuality will remain that, fandom speculation.

    Perhaps. But it's not like the characters in MLP are without interest in love. Rarity was smitten with Blueblood (for a while), we have Mr. & Mrs. Cake, Equestria's ONLY married couple to date, and of course, the big secret:

    Shhh! Don't tell anyone but... Spike has a crush on Rarity!

    So there's no reason Dash couldn't fall in love, or at least get a small crush on somepony. That said, Dash is probably least likely to get such a development because of the fans who would go ape**** when their beloved Dash isn't what they thought she was. And imagine the sheer smugness from the fans if it turns out she really is a lesbian. It would be tangible.


  3. I enjoyed Diamond Tiara's introduction into the world of RP in the latest school thread, so I think you are doing a fine job. I am sure once Shimmer Star gets back, the two of your will be great together, but I think you'll do a fine job with Diamond solo before that. Just play off what the others in the thread are doing and have her act accordingly. Like I said, I thought your first post was pretty good. :)

    Thanks Brian, I appreciate that ^^ I guess was just being a bit moody when I posted that before :oops:

    BTW, Mane what happened to this:

    Be sure to look out for contests such as the best dressed pony, and other fun items that will pop up during the course of the RP!

    Did the contests happen and I missed them? I don't remember seeing them.

  4. Oh! So THIS is Homestuck? I keep seeing people reference it and had no idea what it was XD (yes, I could've Googled it. I decided not to. Thus is the life of Diego Havoc, breaker of convention)

    I don't think I'll bother. As Brawler said, I already have ponies to occupy my entire life right now. Don't need more fandoms! :D

  5. *sigh* I did nothing with this. Admittedly I was waiting for Silver Spoon to be approved so I could play Diamond with her. And now Shimmer Star is on vacation. And all my RP notes are on a broken PC. *sigh*

    Obviously I need to app more characters and get more options, but all of my OC ideas (about 7-8 last time I checked) are gimmicky or half-baked...

    Ugh, I'm whining aren't I? :scream: I admit that I followed a few threads and saw some interesting RPs, and I know that everyone had a good time with it, so I'm glad. :)

    As a little surprise and thank-you to everypony, I have decided to have a little round-table with my staff, and we will be picking three of our favorite, most memorable Gala moments from the RP, and will be doing something special with them. Everypony will just have to wait and see what that will be when the Gala comes to an end!

    Looking forward to seeing what happens with this ^^

  6. @Diego Havoc

    Oh my. Pony maids, in an RPG. That's certainly interesting. I'll look into that, friend, but I can't guarentee how interested I'll be in it.

    No worries. If it's not for you it's not for you.

    (obvious statement is obvious)

  7. Welcome to Canterlot!

    You like tabletop games huh? Time for a blatant plug, methinks! :twisted: See that big red link in my sig? Yeah, you should click that. There will be dice.


    Good luck on becoming a GP! Will be hard, but I'm sure it will be worth it!

  8. Maybe it's the battery source.

    Remove the battery and then try to charge it. (I hope we be talkin' about a laptop here)

    Alas, this is a desktop PC I'm using.

    After doing some testing, I think the problem may be the motherboard. There was some kinda power surge this morning, so it could be that something has shorted out. I'm taking it to the shop tomorrow (assuming that they are open on Sunday) so hopefully they can fix it.

    Oh Gods, I hope my hard drive is okay. THe frustrating thing is that today was the day I was going to do a backup of everything. If I've lost my project... No! I won't think like that! Everything will be fine!

    Everything will be fine... :/

  9. Hey all. My PC has decided it no longer wants to power on. Even changing the power supply has not worked. I can use my parents' computer, but it means I'll only be on occasionally and for short bursts only, until I can figure out what went wrong and fix it.

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